Super Weapon Swap System

C106 Call Officer Guo

C106 Call Officer Guo

3"Officer Guo, I want to call the police. Hurry up and catch the bad guys!"    


Officer Guo? When he heard this voice, Fourth was instantly stunned.    


As a gangster organization that grew up in Grassland City, they would constantly compete with the police in terms of strength. There were a few who would be bribed by them to help them spread the news. They would avoid being severely beaten.    


However, there were also many honest policemen who hated evil. As long as they saw them, they would want to bring them to justice immediately.    


Among them, Officer Guo was definitely one of them.    


In this area, there was only one person called Officer Guo. It was the female police officer, Guo Cong. Don't look at her as a girl. When they fought, it was clean and neat. She was one of Fourth's followers. She was tall and strong, but she was subdued by Guo Cong a few times.    


From that moment on, they had to avoid clashing with Guo Cong face to face.    


Now, this Qin Guan was actually calling Officer Guo?    


At this moment, Fourth was only three steps away from the table. His eyes were still staring at the sweet and sour pork ribs on the plate. This sound passed through his eardrums. It stimulated his brain and made his eyes leave the plate. He looked at the door behind him.    


Where was the police?    


How could there be such a coincidence?    


There was still a brother outside who was letting out the wind. If the police were patrolling nearby, they would definitely send out a signal. Now, Qin Guan was calling Officer Guo loudly. This was definitely deliberately mystifying!    


When he thought of this, Fourth immediately became furious. He had been on the road for a few years, yet he was actually intimidated by this young man. Especially when he brought a few new people with him. In front of the new people, he absolutely couldn't lose face!    


Thinking of this, Fourth strode over and sat down on a chair beside him.    


Without any extra chopsticks, he directly used his hand to reach into the sweet and sour spine. It was a very civilized thing to do. At the beginning, he definitely brought the entire plate over and then ate it like a dog. He ate it all in a few bites.    


"Officer Guo, come quickly. There are some free food." Qin Guan continued to shout.    


This shout immediately made Fourth very dissatisfied. He was just about to glare at Qin Guan a few times. If he did not know what was good for him, he would be asking for a beating!    


However, at that moment, he saw a seemingly experienced girl in the kitchen. She had short hair that reached her ears and wheat colored skin. She wore a chef's apron and held a big spoon in her right hand.    


She walked over with vigorous steps.    


In an instant, Fourth was stunned. It was indeed Guo Cong, that woman!    


This woman did not wear police uniform and did not patrol. Now she was the Lady Boss?    


Qin Guan continued to sit on the chair and watched the show unfold. He also got into the play himself. "Officer Guo, come quickly. These people suddenly sat on my side. I'm so scared. You have to protect us."    


"Fourth, what's going on?" Although Officer Guo did not have a police uniform or a gun, her words were still very strict. If she did not get angry, she would have an imposing manner.    


She knew Fourth. This guy had wanted to capture him a long time ago. If he was locked up and educated for a few days, it would also be to get rid of evil for the people.    


Also, these few people beside looked very familiar. Weren't they the few workers who were fired in the nearby Factory 4447? She really didn't expect that they would fall so quickly and actually mix with such people.    


Guo Cong's eyes were filled with disdain and disgust.    


"That, it's fine. We are just tired. Come in and have a seat. Let's go now. " Fourth said to Guo Cong with a flattering smile on his face.    


Although he hated her to the core, he still had to smile on his face.    


"Your hand just now was about to grab my sweet and sour spine." Qin Guan said, "We don't know each other. You're not an old man. Why do you want to steal my things? No, this is not stealing. This is stealing! Officer Guo, you must make the decision for me!"    


"Your eye saw me take it?" Fourth stood up and said," Kid, let me tell you, don't slander me. Let's wait and see! "    


After saying that, Fourth stood up. Today, he had lost face in front of a few new people. What bad luck!    


If he couldn't eat it, then he would leave!    


Now, at most, it was considered an attempted crime. He hadn't even eaten a mouthful. Would Officer Guo still dare to arrest him?    


Fourth was very unwilling in his heart, but he had no other choice. He could only bring a few people and leave dejectedly.    


Officer Guo only chased these few people away. There was no reason to arrest them.    


After these few people left, Officer Guo then cast a strange gaze at Qin Guan. "Qin Guan, how did you know I was in the kitchen?"    


This was what Officer Guo was most curious about.    


How did Qin Guan know?    


It was the result of the Spirit Focus's scan! It was not the first time he had come into contact with Officer Guo. Almost everyone's Spirit Focus in good condition was fixed. Therefore, Qin Guan guessed that Officer Guo was inside.    


And now, Qin Guan naturally could not say that. Facing Officer Guo's doubtful gaze, Qin Guan only lightly said, "Isn't your 72-style police uniform hanging over there? Among the female police officers I know, you are the only one. That's why I tried to shout. "    


Officer Guo followed Qin Guan's gaze and saw her white shirt hanging on the rack at the kitchen door. How could the other party's reasoning be so precise?    


Qin Guan knew Officer Guo. Not to mention that they had brushed shoulders with Chen Yutong that night, just say that it was Officer Guo who had sent Qin Guan to the infirmary for an examination that morning.    


"I really did not expect that other than being a police officer and catching bad people, sister also knows how to cook. She is the master here." Chen Yutong said from the side.    


A police officer came here to be a cook without doing proper work. Even Qin Guan felt it was strange. Luckily, he knew she was here and successfully helped her out.    


"Officer Guo, let's sit down and eat together." Qin Guan said, "Thanks for your help last time. I haven't expressed my gratitude yet. Let's eat together today."    


Guo Cong originally did not have this plan, but thinking about Qin Guan, this person was too strange. She might as well take this opportunity to chat with him and see if she could get something useful out of him.    


"Okay, then I won't be polite." Guo Cong sat down.    


"My father is very picky when it comes to eating. My mother doesn't really know how to cook. So, I volunteered to come here to help with the kitchen. I came over when I got off work. I learned how to cook with Master Liu. " Guo Cong said, "After learning for a few months, I only learned the basics. Yes, I stir-fried this Kung Pao Chicken. "    


Guo Cong decided to start from eating.    


You stir-fried it? No wonder it didn't taste good. This chicken could actually be stir-fried until it was old, and the peanut beans were also put in early. It was not crisp and became soft.    


Qin Guan muttered in his heart, but he said, "Not bad, not bad. Officer Guo, who married you? You are really lucky."    


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