Most Conceited War God



1In the world of sects, Qing-Yun Sect.    


High up in the sky, on the body of the black dragon, everyone was staring at the youth who had suddenly appeared in the middle with incredulous expressions on their faces.    


"Less …" Young Sect Master … "    


The five female disciples, who originally believed that they were certain of their own deaths, were completely unable to believe everything that was happening before them. Soon after, their beautiful eyes gradually widened as they stared at the young man who had suddenly turned around and smiled gently at them.    


"You may leave."    


Ling Jian waved his hand, and an illusory sword Qi grew in volume with the wind. Then, under the shocked gaze of the monk, it turned into several meters long and flew to the ground with the female disciples of the Qing-Yun Sect.    


"Are you the young master of the Qing-Yun Sect?"    


On the opposite side, the monk's hoarse voice slowly came out, his expression somewhat amazed.    


"What, don't I look like one?"    


Only then did Ling Jian turn around and look calmly at Monk Shi Shi Shi Shi. However, the killing intent in the depths of his eyes was slowly gathering. It was obvious that Ling Jian's soul had been thoroughly angered by this uninvited intruder.    


"Rumor has it that you're a piece of trash."    


The monk laughed coldly, his tone was extremely cold.    


"Whether it is a rumor or not, you will know once you give it a try …"    


Ling Jian, on the other hand, did not mind Monk's words at all, and said with an indifferent smile.    


"You truly do not know your limits. You, a brat who has yet to dry your milk, actually dare to boast so shamelessly?"    


The monk laughed arrogantly, his gaze sweeping across Ling Jian. When Ling Jian could only detect the Spiritual Qi fluctuations of the seventh level, he was also impressed.    


No matter what, although this kid's cultivation level was low, he had quite the courage to stand in this place.    




Right at this moment, the sword Qi that Ling Jian had thrown down earlier began to buzz. Then, it tore through the air and appeared behind him.    


Ling Jian stomped on the Black Dragon's body, jumping onto the sword Qi and said coldly, "Baldy, you don't need the good opportunity just now. If you want to kill me now, you won't have the chance."    




Just as his voice faded away, the sword energy beneath his feet violently trembled. It directly transformed into a ray of light that shot out explosively and instantly fled.    


"Want to run?" How could it be so easy? "    


"If you disrupt my plans, you damned brat, you won't be able to escape."    


The monk had a savage look on his face as his roar seemed to penetrate out from the depths of his soul. In an instant, his astonishing aura suddenly rose as he chased after Ling Jian.    


Ling Jian quickly appeared within the range of the three thousand sword formation as waves of sword pressure swept out. However, after the sword pressure swept out, it created resistance for a short while. After a while, the pressure was finally lifted and slowly calmed down.    


Ling Jian's body did not move as he slowly stood on top of the sword qi. Looking at the sword formation in front of him, he coldly laughed in his heart as the corners of his mouth drew a cruel arc.    


"Flee, why aren't you continuing to flee?"    


Behind him, the sound of wind breaking swept forth like a tidal wave. From within the churning black clouds, a sinister voice filled with killing intent was emitted.    


"I'm not running anymore. I'm waiting for you."    


Above the sword qi, the youth's body was perfectly straight as he slowly turned around, his eyes cold.    


His eyes stared blankly at the sword Qi beneath Ling Jian's feet, as he revealed a cruel smile. Looking at Ling Jian wistfully, he sneered, "What you are standing on, is the Divine Punisher Blade …"    


"Whatever you think it is, it's what you think it is."    


Ling Jian said coldly.    


"Looks like it. Hand it over. If it's like this, I can spare your life …"    


The monk had a ferocious face, full of killing intent.    


A chilling pressure suddenly swept over and enveloped Ling Jian.    


Ling Jian did not move an inch, the murderous intent from the Ten Thousand Killing Abyss had not yet completely stopped him. Although the killing intent from the monk was exceptional, for Ling Jian who controlled the blade and was familiar with the murderous intent, the other party's killing intent was like an axe that was ready to strike at any moment.    


However, the domineering aura of an expert at the peak of the Tenth Heaven, Monk Jue's, presence was very real.    


Ling Jian's body swayed, and just as he was unable to take it anymore, he waved his sleeves, and the ghastly white ghost mask was immediately pulled over his face. The ghost mask covered his handsome face, causing him to look even more sinister, and at the same time, an extremely sinister force spread out.    




In that instant, his aura suddenly rose and rushed to the peak of the eighth level. An astonishing storm swept out from his body and even the air seemed to tremble a little.    




The sudden appearance of this aura also caused the ferocious expression on the monk's face to change slightly. Immediately, he looked in surprise at the youth, who had already been covered by a hideous mask.    


"Unexpectedly, you really have enough treasures …"    


As the monk looked at the aura of the youth that was at the peak of the eighth level, he could not help but sigh. His eyes drooled as he looked at the other party's mask.    


"Swish, swish."    


Just as the monk finished his words, the sound of a sword tearing through the air came from the surrounding space. The sharp swords seemed to connect with each other as they rapidly pierced through, forming a strong current of sword light that penetrated through the air and completely surrounded Ling Jian and the monk.    


A dangerous atmosphere filled with swords drawn and swords drawn filled the air.    


"Rumor has it that the Qing-Yun Sect has a supreme treasure, the Divine Punisher Blade, as well as a very powerful formation. It should be called the Three Thousand Swords Formation, right?"    


He suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the flowing sword flows around him. With a casual glance, he said with a cold smile, "Unfortunately, there seems to be one less sword in this place, so without being able to construct the three thousand sword formation, what's there to fear about this incomplete three thousand sword formation?"    


"You know quite a lot."    


Ling Jian's expression turned cold as he said.    


"Not too much. Just a moment ago, he had already collided with the sword formation. Boy, do you think a broken sword formation can make me lose?"    


The monk raised his eyes and looked at the slow sword flows around him as he spoke in a low voice.    


"Really? Do you think that I would play this type of uncertain game with you?"    


Ling Jian smirked as the corners of his mouth revealed a sinister smile.    


"This time, I will let you know that you will have to pay the price for making things difficult for our Qing-Yun Sect. You will have to pay it with your life."    




Ling Jian raised his palm and a streak of sword gleam shot out from within the mustard seed crystal like a bolt of lightning. After which, it carried an extremely chaotic aura as it spread out in all directions.    


"You will be the one to take on the final strike!"    




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