Star River Holy King

C656 Young Man Is That You

C656 Young Man Is That You

3After listening to Scarface's words, Zi Yun heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He could naturally tell that the Scarface in front of him was many times stronger than him, but this Scarface seemed to be afraid of Ye Mingyang. This made Zi Yun secretly surprised.     2


Shiyu was also looking at Ye Mingyang. She now felt that Ye Mingyang was becoming more and more charming. Even these arrogant air thieves could only admit their bad luck when they met Ye Mingyang. This made Shiyu think that it was fun. He wanted to tell the whole world that he was Ye Mingyang's woman.    


Ye Mingyang nodded and said, "In that case, thank you very much!" Ye Mingyang's eyes showed a trace of gratitude.    


Scarface smiled and said, "I am really unlucky this time. I did not expect to meet you. Do you know that I've always remembered what you said to me last time? You said that you wanted to become the strongest martial artist in the world. Become the man who can stand in the galaxy. I want to ask if you are serious about what you said. "    


After Ye Mingyang heard this, a trace of surprise appeared on his face. He nodded with a determined look in his eyes. He said, "What I said is naturally serious. I will naturally reach the level of the Galaxy Saint King! "Ye Mingyang's face revealed a serious expression. What he said was serious. This was because this star realm was something that Ye Mingyang had been chasing. He had to obtain that unprecedented power. This was the first thing that Ye Mingyang said to him when he was reborn!    


Scarface also smiled at this moment and said, "Young man, since you have such great ambition, I wish you success!" After Scarface finished speaking, he jumped onto the large ship. After laughing loudly, he slowly left.    


Zi Yun and Shiyu looked at Ye Mingyang's body. They now felt that Ye Mingyang was so tall and mighty. It was as if they were somewhat fascinated by him.    


"Young Master Ye, I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life!" Shiyu immediately hugged Ye Mingyang's body.    


Ye Mingyang frowned and felt a little helpless in his heart. He thought that although his current goal was to become the strongest man in the galaxy, he still had a lot of ways to go!    


He could only see the solemn expression on Ye Mingyang's face. Although he knew that Scarface had already left... However, the reason Scarface had left was because his opponent wasn't his match. If he was weaker than Scarface... * Hong Long...... *    


"Let's go now," Ye Mingyang said casually. The flying ship started to move again. This time, the destination was naturally the Star Sculpting City.    


After about half a day, Ye Mingyang and the other two arrived at the Star Sculpting City. When the residents of the Star Sculpting City saw this scene, they were all shocked. They were wondering who had come.    


At this moment, Ye Shan also walked out. He naturally knew who this ship was because Ye Shan was a Flower Picking Stage expert. How could he not know this person?    


"Could it be that the people from Divine Sun Mansion have come again?" Ye Shan was thinking in his heart. If it really was someone from the Divine Sun Mansion, then wouldn't it mean that Ye Mingyang had come back as well?    


When Ye Shan thought of this, a happy smile appeared on his face. At this moment, he had walked out of the gate of the Ye family and was waiting for the people on the flying ship to come down.    


Not long after, the flying ship slowly landed on the ground. It was the gate of the Ye family.    


Ye Mingyang walked down from the sky and saw Ye Shan. Ye Mingyang smiled happily and said, "Father, I'm back!"    


Shiyu and Zi Yun were following behind Ye Mingyang. They immediately walked towards Ye Shan. They naturally knew that this was Ye Mingyang's father. Both of them had respectful expressions on their faces. One should know that this was their future father-in-law. How could they dare to treat him with disrespect? At least in their hearts, Ye Shan was their father-in-law. They had no idea what Ye Mingyang was thinking.    


Naturally, Ye Shan had seen Ye Mingyang at this moment. Just by looking at his emotions, he had stirred Ali. He walked towards Ye Mingyang. Tears of excitement flowed down his face. He said to Ye Mingyang, "Mingyang, you are finally back. I am so worried about you."    


Ye Mingyang also felt that his nose was sour. At this moment, he also hugged Ye Shan's body. He said, "Father, I am back. You don't have to worry about me!" Ye Mingyang was even more excited. He was worried about his father's safety. But seeing Ye Shan safe and sound, how could Ye Mingyang not be happy?    


"Young Master Ye, you have finally returned. This servant missed you so much!" At this moment, a white and fat fatty walked out. With a respectful expression on his face, he knelt in front of Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang frowned. He naturally recognized this person as Marquis Bai.    


"Get up now!" Ye Mingyang said to Marquis Bai.    


After Marquis Bai heard him, he set up a forest. He immediately stood up and showed a respectful expression to Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang looked around and found that everything was normal. He said, "It seems like the people from the Lin family didn't come!" Initially, Ye Mingyang was a little worried, but when he saw that the people from the Lin family didn't come to the Star Sculpting City to seek revenge, he was worried. This made Ye Mingyang feel slightly relieved in his heart.    


After that, Ye Mingyang nodded and said, "Let me take a look. You have done quite well during this period of time. Of course, I will reward you handsomely." Ye Mingyang's words carried a trace of praise.    


After Marquis Bai heard this, he only saw a trace of a smile on his face. After that, he knelt down towards Ye Mingyang and said, "This is my duty. I will definitely do my best for Young Master Ye."    


Ye Mingyang sighed lightly. He had no other way to deal with Marquis Bai now. He was originally trying to ease the tension between Marquis Bai and him. Marquis Bai had said that there was no need for him to kneel down. However, this instability was simply not listening to Ye Mingyang's words. Besides, it was natural for a servant to kneel down. Therefore, Ye Mingyang couldn't be bothered to talk about it anymore.    


"Mingyang, may I know who these two ladies are? Could they be the strong men in Divine Sun Mansion?" Ye Shan showed a puzzled look, thinking about who the girl behind Ye Mingyang was.    


Ye Mingyang coughed dryly when he heard this. He was thinking about whether he should tell his father that these two girls were his women.    


"Uncle Ye, my name is Zi Yun. I am a Flower Picking Stage warrior from the Purple Cloud Sect. I am now Young Master Ye's woman. Can I call you daddy now? " Zi Yun's face was flushed red as he spoke to Ye Shan.    


Ye Mingyang was stunned for a moment. After that, he felt that Zi Yun had gone crazy. Now, she was calling him daddy. Ye Mingyang felt that this girl was really unreasonable.    


When Shiyu saw this, a trace of anger flashed across her eyes. She felt that this girl was really shameless. She actually called Ye Mingyang father father!    


At this moment, Shiyu also walked forward and said, "Daddy, my name is Shiyu. If you like me, you can call me Xiao Yu because I already have Young Master Ye's child in my womb!"    


"Ah!" Ye Shan was even more shocked at this moment. It was unbelievable that Zi Yun said that he was his daddy. Now, this girl even said that she had the flesh and blood of Ye Mingyang. Although he was surprised, a trace of joy flashed across Ye Shan's eyes. He thought that both of them were so beautiful. Both of them must be extraordinary. If these two were Ye Mingyang's women... * Hong Long...... *    


"Don't talk nonsense like this anymore!" At this moment, Ye Mingyang let out an angry shout. He had never thought that these two would say such words. It was somewhat difficult for Ye Mingyang to accept Zi Yun calling Ye Shan father. However, Shiyu could not help but call him father. Furthermore, who had spoiled Ye Mingyang's child?    


Zi Yun didn't notice what Ye Mingyang was saying at this moment. He only looked at Shiyu with disgust. He said, "How can a woman like you be so shameless? Do you think that there are two circles of fat on your waist? You dare to say that you have Young Master Ye's child? I think you are really shameless! You should know that you and Young Master Ye have just met. Even if you have a child now, it is impossible for you to be Young Master Ye's child. You are really a bit crazy!" At this moment, Zi Yun cursed at Shiyu.    


After Shiyu heard this, she only saw that his emotions had also started to get agitated. However, after Shiyu took a glance at Ye Shan, she only took a glance at him before revealing a pitiful and pitiful appearance. She said, "Father, you have to help me uphold justice. Look at how ferocious this woman is. He can't help but slander me like this. If this woman were to become Young Master Ye's woman... Young Master Ye will definitely feel very uncomfortable. "    


"You..." At this time, Zi Yun was already angered to the point of being speechless by Shiyu. He did not think that Shiyu would actually pretend to be pitiful at this moment. Then, she slandered him in front of Ye Shan. This made Zi Yun feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He was thinking that if he had the chance, he would definitely kill this Shiyu. Otherwise, how could he relieve the hatred in his heart?    


Ye Mingyang's body had become a little interesting at this moment. How could he be so stupid as to end up like this? He clearly knew that as long as these two were together, they would become a bomb. It was foolish of him to bring these two men into Star Sculpting City!    


However, something even more interesting happened next. At this moment, a young girl rushed into the Ye family's main gate. This person was naturally Lau Yun'er. He hugged Ye Mingyang's body. She said, "Young Master Ye, I miss you so much. I thought you didn't want me anymore. You said you would marry me in a few years. We agreed. You can't go back on your word! " Lau Yun'er was very happy to see Ye Mingyang return.    


Zi Yun and Shiyu were stunned. They widened their eyes and looked at the young girl who ran in and hugged Ye Mingyang.    


"Young Master Ye, could this be your fiancee?" Zi Yun asked Ye Mingyang at this moment. He had heard Ye Mingyang mention this fiancee before. However, when Zi Yun saw this so-called fiancee, he still couldn't accept it.    


"Fiancée?" Shiyu's eyes also flashed with shock at this moment. He originally thought that with this Zi Yun, a woman would be enough for him to be busy. She did not expect Ye Mingyang to have a Fiancé by his side. Shiyu could not accept it!    


At this moment, Lau Yun'er also saw Shiyu and Zi Yun. She suddenly realized that these two were experts who had come with Ye Mingyang.    


"Sisters, you are so beautiful. Could it be that you came to Star Sculpting City with Young Master Ye to play? "Lau Yun'er hugged the two of them at this moment. She clearly did not know that he had underestimated them.    


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