Star River Holy King

C448 Stay in

C448 Stay in

2Faang Dia glanced at Ye Mingyang and said, "Young Master Ye, let's go now. When we reach the top, we will arrange a place for you to stay." Faang Dia said and blushed again.    


Ye Mingyang nodded. He was a hundred-year-old smart person. He could already tell that Faang Dia seemed to like him, but Ye Mingyang did not have any objections. As long as Fang and Faang Dia had a good impression of him, he would have a smooth journey in Divine Sun Mansion. Ye Mingyang was thinking this at this moment.    


At this moment, he also stood up and walked towards Faang Dia's back. He also wanted to see what was happening on the Divine Sun Mansion, which made Ye Mingyang curious. This was because the Divine Sun Mansion had a great reputation on the continent, but there weren't many people who came to the Divine Sun Mansion.    


They had already walked for more than two hours, and by now, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Divine Sun Mansion.    


There were two young men standing in front of the main gate of the Divine Sun Mansion. Both of them were Flower Picking Stage warriors. He said to Fang Yuan, "Senior Brother Fang, you're finally back. We really miss you and Die'er." After saying that, both of them started laughing.    


Fang Fang also nodded and smiled. He said, "That's right. We didn't encounter any danger along the way. Luckily, Young Master Ye was there. Die'er and I were able to escape from danger." After Fang said that, he looked at Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang felt somewhat happy in his heart. He never thought that Fang Fang would actually speak up for him in such a way. Ye Mingyang nodded his head and said, "It was all thanks to the two of you taking care of me along the way. That matter was merely a small effort. "Ye Mingyang looked very humble. He looked like a modest gentleman.    


The two young men guarding the door also smiled and said, "Young Master Ye is really amazing. You should know that our senior brother rarely praises people. It seems that Young Master Ye really has some skills."    


Ye Mingyang also smiled. He still had a good impression of Divine Sun Mansion. He did not expect these people to be so friendly, which surprised Ye Mingyang.    


The two men opened the door and faced Ye Mingyang and his group. "If that's the case, you must have had a hard time on your journey." I'm afraid you are very tired. We will not disturb you. You should quickly go in and rest. "    


Ye Mingyang nodded and said, "Then I'll have to thank the two of you." Ye Mingyang had a good impression of these two people, but he still wanted to go in and see what the Divine Sun Mansion looked like.    


When the two of them opened the door, Ye Mingyang was a little shocked. He initially thought that there was a huge jade building inside, but when he entered, he found that it was completely different from what he had imagined. He could only see the scene of a forest inside, and there were actually many animals inside. Only the outside looked like a palace, but the inside was a completely different scene.    


Fang Fang saw the expression on Ye Mingyang's face and said with a smile, "Young Master Ye, this is the astral world, because the Divine Sun Mansion is very famous in this continent. That's why many people from the devil religion wanted to sneak into the Divine Sun Mansion to find out what was going on, so the few lords transformed the Divine Sun Mansion into an astral world." After Fang said that, he had a proud expression on his face.    


Ye Mingyang nodded and said, "I understand now. Thank you for reminding me." Ye Mingyang had already followed Fang Fang into the room.    


As soon as he entered the Divine Sun Mansion, Ye Mingyang felt that the spiritual energy in the Divine Sun Mansion was thousands of times denser than outside. He was secretly shocked. How could there be such a magical place?    


Although Ye Mingyang was shocked, he still pretended to be calm, as if he was not affected by it.    


Fang Yuan smiled when he saw Ye Mingyang's expression. It seemed like it wasn't what he thought it was. Fang Fang originally thought that Ye Mingyang's mouth would be wide open if he came here, and his face would be filled with shock. However, looking at Ye Mingyang's calm expression, Fang Fang had a higher impression of Ye Mingyang in his heart.    


Faang Dia had already fallen in love with Ye Mingyang. How could Ye Mingyang be so handsome? Could it be that Fang Fang was fascinated by him? She had become Ye Mingyang's little girl. This made Faang Dia feel a little embarrassed in her heart. One should know that he was the girl that everyone pursued among his fellow disciples. Now, he actually fell in love with this 15-16 year old youth. This made Faang Dia a little unable to believe herself.    


At this time, her small face turned red again, like a big red apple. Her heart also began to violently beat. He had never felt this kind of mood before. But now, he suddenly felt this way about Ye Mingyang. He felt like he had fallen in love with Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang naturally noticed Faang Dia's fiery eyes. This made Ye Mingyang feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. Why were these people so infatuated with his brother?    


He only saw Fang walk up and walk directly to the right. Then he said to Ye Mingyang, "Then Young Master Ye, follow behind me. I will take you to the resting place now. I know that Young Master Ye must have been very tired during the journey. As for that matter... Tomorrow, after Young Master Ye has rested, we will go and see Master."    


Ye Mingyang nodded. He had a great battle with Scarface. He felt that his body was indeed a little tired. Since that square had said so, Ye Mingyang would certainly not reject it.    


Ye Mingyang cupped his hands towards Fang Fang and said, "Thank you very much, Young Master Faang." To be honest, Ye Mingyang also had a good impression of Fang Fang, because Fang had never been cold to him. He didn't feel bad for Fang Fang, which made Ye Mingyang feel very comfortable in his heart.    


Ye Mingyang then turned his head to look at Faang Dia. He could feel the fiery gaze of this girl, which made Ye Mingyang feel somewhat unbearable. He saw Ye Mingyang cough dryly.    


Faang Dia immediately realized what had happened, and her face started to turn red, as if she was shy.    


Fang Fang looked at the scene and smiled. He wondered if Little Junior Sister had fallen in love with Ye Mingyang. This made Fang Fang really interested. He didn't think that Little Junior Sister would like someone else. This made him feel a little funny.    


"Young Master Ye, follow me next." After Fang said that, he walked forward.    


Ye Mingyang naturally wouldn't hesitate when he saw this. He hurriedly followed Fang Yuan. There was an unnatural expression on his face. He felt a little uncomfortable when Faang Dia looked at him. Was it a mistake to think that he had charm? Ye Mingyang sighed.    


Not long after, Square brought Ye Mingyang into an astral plane. This astral world had many large and small jade buildings. It looked very luxurious. Ye Mingyang was stunned for a moment, then he sighed. This Great Sun Realm expert was really capable. He was able to build such a star realm. This made Ye Mingyang feel a little emotional.    


"How will my star realm be built in the future? "Ye Mingyang began to think in his heart.    


After a short while, Ye Mingyang and his group had already walked into a courtyard house. This courtyard could be said to be very luxurious. It looked almost the same as the Ye Mansion.    


" Young Master Ye, you can rest here today. I will come and call you when the time comes. " Fang said with a smile.    


Ye Mingyang nodded and said, "Thank you, both of you."    


Faang Dia looked into Ye Mingyang's eyes and said, "Young Master Ye, you really don't need to be so polite. You must know that you saved our lives on the way here. Furthermore, you are an important guest of our Sky Sun Prefecture, so there is no need to be so polite. " Faang Dia's eyes were filled with adoration, as if she wanted Ye Ming to eat him raw.    


Ye Mingyang coughed dryly. He could not stand Faang Dia's gaze anymore. He heard Ye Mingyang say, "Thank you, then. I am a little tired now, and I want to rest for a while. So... "    


Fang originally wanted to say a few more words to Ye Mingyang. But after hearing Ye Mingyang's words, he also understood. He only saw Fang pull Faang Dia's hand. He said, "Junior sister, let's go. Young Master Ye needs to have a good rest now. We will come to see Young Master Ye tomorrow. What do you think? "    


Faang Dia nodded helplessly and said to Ye Mingyang, "Young Master Ye, then we will leave. You have to have a good rest." Faang Dia reminded Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang nodded helplessly and said, "Then I have to thank you two for your concern."    


Fang smiled and only saw him clap his hands. Two girls had already walked out of the house. These two girls looked like first-class beauties.    


"These two are called Cai Xia's Cai Yu. If Young Master Ye needs anything, just tell them."    


Ye Mingyang was stunned for a moment. He thought that Qiong Sun Prefecture was really wealthy. Putting aside the fact that they were living in such a large courtyard, even the maidservants here looked so beautiful. And with the strength of the Star Fusion Stage, it was no wonder that so many people would break their heads and come in. At this moment, Ye Mingyang already understood.    


Faang Dia looked at the two maidservants and was somewhat unhappy. She only heard him say, "The two of you must serve Young Master Ye well. If there is anything that you do not treat him well, I will definitely teach you a good lesson."    


"Alright, we must know." The two maidservants said respectfully at this time.    


Ye Mingyang was also somewhat speechless at this time. Why was this place so considerate? There was even a maidservant here. It really was quite interesting.    


Fang Fang smiled again and said, "Young Master Ye, you should rest here now. We will come here to find you tomorrow."    


Ye Mingyang nodded. Fang Fang had just said that he wanted to leave, so why hadn't he left yet? This made Ye Mingyang speechless.    


At this time, Fang had already pulled Faang Dia's hand and left. However, Faang Dia still looked at Ye Mingyang reluctantly, as if the two of them loved each other and were about to separate.    


Not long after, the two of them had already left the place.    


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