Star River Holy King

C310 The Crazy Ye Mingyang

C310 The Crazy Ye Mingyang

2At this moment, a few people appeared at the foot of the mountain of Night Peak. Without a doubt, these people were Wang Xiong and the others.     3


"What's wrong with Young Master Ye?" A worried expression emerged on Faang Bai's face. Just now, he was thinking about what had happened to Ye Mingyang just now. Could it be that Ye Mingyang had become a devil?    


Wang Xiong shook his head and said, "I am not too sure about that. I guess I have to wait until Young Master Ye wakes up to ask him what happened." Although there was anxiety on Wang Xiong's face, he knew that no matter how worried he was, it would be useless. The specific situation would have to wait for Ye Mingyang to wake up.    


At this moment, Yeh Qiuliang let out a long sigh of relief. He had finally arrived at this place. He felt a lingering fear when he recalled what had happened in the Night Peak. He had never thought that there would be such a strange place in this world. At this moment, Yeh Qiuliang was considering whether he should withdraw or not. Otherwise, the only outcome awaiting him would be death.    


"So, what should we do now?" Yeh Qiuliang asked Wang Xiong. Now that Ye Mingyang had become like this, he couldn't go to the Night Peak anymore.    


Wang Xiong took a deep breath. There was still worry in his eyes. He said, "Now, let's wait for Young Master Ye to wake up first." Wang Xiong was still thinking about what kind of god Ye Mingyang was talking about. Could it be a terrifying existence in Night Peak?    


The sky had already started to brighten. A sun with new splendor slowly rose from the east, dispelling some of the coldness and terror. The sun shone on Ye Mingyang's face at this moment.    


Ye Mingyang's face was very pale at this moment. Although he was unconscious, he was still muttering something as if he was saying something.    


In his dream, Ye Mingyang dreamt that he was alone in the Night Peak. He was so lonely. Even Ye Mingyang felt a trace of fear in his heart. His eyes looked around him. However, apart from the black miasma, there was nothing else in this place. It was deathly silent.    


Ye Mingyang could always feel that there was something looking at him in the darkness. It was cold and terrifying. At this moment, a pair of huge eyes appeared in Ye Mingyang's sight.    


The eyes looked terrifying and carried a trace of bloodthirsty cold light. Staring at Ye Mingyang coldly, Ye Mingyang could feel that the air around him had become colder. A trace of the most primitive terror rose in his heart.    


"Who is it?!" Ye Mingyang roared. He knew that there must be something behind the black fog that was looking at him.    


However, no sound or response could be heard. At this moment, it was still silent. It was terrifying and quiet, as if he was the only one left in this world.    


After a long time, Ye Mingyang was still staring at the thick black fog around him. His heart began to beat violently, as if it was going to jump out of his chest.    


Threads of fear crawled into Ye Mingyang's mind at this moment. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He had been roaring furiously the entire time. However, what awaited Ye Mingyang was only the emptiness and silence. Other than that, there was nothing else. There was not even an echo.    


"What the hell is going on?" Ye Mingyang was breathing rapidly. He could feel that his heart was still beating intensely at this moment. A huge pressure appeared on his body. That force was so terrifying. Ye Mingyang fell to his knees. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't move at all.    


At this moment, a pair of huge eyes emerged from the black fog and stared at Ye Mingyang's eyes.    


The moment Ye Mingyang looked into those eyes, he saw the fear in his mind. That fear spread like wild grass in his mind.    


"Ah! Don't!" Ye Mingyang couldn't take it anymore and shouted.    


Wang Xiong, Faang Bai and the others also heard Ye Mingyang's shout. They thought that something had happened and immediately surrounded Ye Mingyang.    


Looking at Ye Mingyang who was still unconscious on the ground, a trace of worry and doubt emerged in Wang Xiong's eyes once again. He felt that Ye Mingyang must be having a nightmare, but he didn't know the exact details.    


Ye Mingyang's body was currently twitching. Bean-sized beads of sweat continuously flowed down from his forehead. He looked so nervous and afraid. Without a doubt, Ye Mingyang was still in that dream. His huge eyes were still staring at Ye Mingyang. Ye Mingyang squatted on the ground and held his head with both hands. At this moment, Ye Mingyang also appeared to be this helpless and afraid.    


"Young Master Ye, quickly wake up." At this moment, Wang Xiong used his hand to pat Ye Mingyang's face. He knew that Ye Mingyang must be having some terrifying nightmare right now. Wang Xiong had no other choice. He could feel the star power in Ye Mingyang's palace pulsating wildly. Ye Mingyang's heart was also beating intensely at this moment. If this continued, it would be bad for him.    


Therefore, there was only one way for Wang Xiong to wake Ye Mingyang up. It must be very dangerous to wake ___ up, but Wang Xiong had no other choice. He was worried that if this continued, Ye Mingyang would suffer from Qi deviation in this nightmare. This was the result he didn't want to see the most.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang also heard someone calling him. He suddenly thought of Wang Xiong, Faang Bai, and the others. This immediately made Ye Mingyang realize that he was in a nightmare.    


Ye Mingyang took a deep breath and stood up. Although he was too scared and scared at this moment, he still stood up. He slowly walked towards the front. This time, he wanted to see what was in front of him. What was with the huge eye?    


Just like that, Ye Mingyang was walking forward step by step. Every step seemed to be very difficult. Finally, when he arrived in front of the huge eye... He said, "No matter what you are, don't even think about defeating me... Because I will never admit defeat. Hence, you should stop dreaming. " Ye Mingyang shouted angrily at this moment.    


His huge eyes were glowing with a red light at this moment. He stared coldly at the young man from the Human Clan in front of him. Then, another strange laughter sounded out. Ye Mingyang could feel that this voice came from all directions. He couldn't tell where the laughter came from.    


At this moment, a slender arm appeared in the black fog. It was holding Ye Mingyang's neck tightly. Ye Mingyang took a closer look. This man was the mysterious old man. The old man had once again appeared in front of Ye Mingyang. A strange smile was revealed on his aged face as he stared at Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang wanted to struggle, but he realized that no matter how hard he tried, it was futile. Ye Mingyang had forgotten that this was a dream. His heart turned cold. At this moment, a problem appeared in Ye Mingyang's mind. Am I going to die?    


Fear rose in Ye Mingyang's heart once again, and his heart began to beat faster.    


"No!" Ye Mingyang got up from the ground.    


Wang Xiong and the others felt something was wrong. Ye Mingyang suddenly woke up and shocked them even more. However, Wang Xiong was not an ordinary person. He immediately came to Ye Mingyang. He patted Ye Mingyang's face with his hand and said, "Young Master Ye, you have finally woken up."    


Although Ye Mingyang had woken up, there was no expression in his eyes. It was as if he was already dead. Wang Xiong was stunned when he saw Ye Mingyang's eyes. Could it be that Ye Mingyang was already dead? Wang Xiong immediately placed his hand on Ye Mingyang's heart. He could feel that Ye Mingyang's heart was still beating steadily. Compared to the situation just now, it was much better.    


"It seems like nothing has happened." Wang Xiong could feel that the star power and Qi in Ye Mingyang's body had stabilized. It seemed like this was the case. Ye Mingyang should be fine now.    


"What's going on?" A trace of worry flashed across Faang Bai's eyes. This matter had started to develop in a strange and unpleasant direction. Faang Bai was wondering whether Ye Mingyang would die or not. If Ye Mingyang died... What should he do next?    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang's eyes were still devoid of any light. He could feel that he was descending. He was slowly falling down from a very high altitude, falling into the dark abyss. There were terrifying existences in the abyss, as if they were inhaling and exhaling the black Qi here. Numerous pairs of eyes were staring at Ye Mingyang with greedy eyes, as if Ye Mingyang was some kind of delicious meal.    


"Am I really going to die?" This thought flashed across Ye Mingyang's mind. Although he felt helpless, the only thing waiting for him right now was the dark abyss. Other than this, there was nothing else.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang's Life Palace moved. Numerous golden rays lit up within his Life Palace.    


Wang Xiong noticed the changes in Ye Mingyang's Life Palace. He immediately realized that this golden light was the power of the sun that Ye Mingyang used to defeat Yeh Qiuliang.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang was about to fall into the abyss. The greedy eyes underneath the abyss were glowing red. If Ye Mingyang fell into the abyss... Without a doubt, he would be torn into pieces by these things in a moment.    


A bitter expression appeared on Ye Mingyang's face at this moment. Was he going to die soon? There was an unwillingness in Ye Mingyang's heart, but now... There was no room for him to choose. At this moment... Ye Mingyang thought of the vast galaxy and the familiar faces. A strong sense of unwillingness emerged in his heart.    


"Argh!" Ye Mingyang roared again. His Life Palace began to shine with a golden light. This was the Primitive Bone Star Imperial Arts. Within this golden light... The surrounding darkness was dispersed. Ye Mingyang now looked like a golden sun. It illuminated the surrounding darkness.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang finally woke up. His eyes were filled with emotion once again, unlike before.    


"What's wrong with me?" Ye Mingyang asked weakly. He could feel that his Qi was very weak. Just now, he was clearly in the abyss of peace and darkness. Why did he appear here now?    


Wang Xiong saw Ye Mingyang talking and his expression slowly eased up. He had just felt something unusual. It was as if there was something restless in Ye Mingyang's Life Palace. However, since Ye Mingyang had woken up, it was a very good thing.    


"Bang!" Ye Mingyang's body fell to the ground at this moment.    


Everyone was startled by Ye Mingyang once again.    


"It's fine. It seems like Young Master Ye's words are too weak. If he had a good rest, he should be able to return to normal." Wang Xiong could feel that Ye Mingyang's meridians and star power had stabilized. It was just that he was very weak. It seemed like he had already walked out. Wang Xiong let out a long sigh of relief.    


Then, Wang Xiong took out another pill from his pocket and fed it to Ye Mingyang's mouth.    


After doing these things, Wang Xiong looked at the Night Peak once again. Although the sun had already appeared in the sky, the Night Peak was still so dark. Apart from the miasma, there seemed to be nothing else.    


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