Star River Holy King

C186 The Golden Bead

C186 The Golden Bead

0At this moment, Ye Mingyang also saw that the golden pearl didn't attack him anymore. This made him secretly delighted. It seemed like the golden pearl had used up all of its power. It couldn't stop him from moving towards his heart anymore. Ye Mingyang let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this. Now, he had finally gotten rid of this problem. At this moment, Ye Mingyang had also gathered all of his essence, energy, and spirit. He slowly moved towards the girl's heart. This time, the star power was unimpeded. There was nothing that could stop Ye Mingyang's advancement anymore.     1


Ye Mingyang also had a trace of confusion when he saw this. He didn't know why this girl had such a golden bead in her body. Ye Mingyang couldn't figure it out, but he knew that there must be some kind of reason behind it. As for the reason, Ye Mingyang had no idea about it. It was because of this that Ye Mingyang's star power had already passed through the girl's heart. Ye Mingyang felt somewhat happy, because there was nothing that could stop his star power anymore.    


He could see that Ye Mingyang had gathered his star power at this moment. He had now passed through the girl's heart. What he needed to do next was to continue moving forward. At this moment, Ye Mingyang had a trace of confidence in himself. As long as he warmed the girl's remaining meridians, she would definitely wake up immediately. Just like that, Ye Mingyang continued to transmit his power into the girl's meridians. Along the way, Ye Mingyang's star power was almost unimpeded. There was nothing that could stop Ye Mingyang's footsteps. This made Ye Mingyang feel at ease. As for what the golden pearl was, Ye Mingyang planned to ask the girl personally when she woke up. He was sure that there would be an answer later.    


Seeing that Ye Mingyang had completed the task in just a short while, Ye Mingyang took a deep breath. Then he slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, Ye Mingyang felt a little dizzy. It would consume too much of his energy if he focused his star power on this task. Even though he had cultivated the Primitive Bone Star Imperial Arts, he still couldn't bear it. However, the thing that puzzled him the most was the golden bead in the girl's body.    


Wang Xiong and Faang Bai had already opened their eyes. It seemed like nothing major had happened. Apart from the fact that they looked a little weak and surprised, everything else was normal. Wang Xiong and Faang Bai also felt relieved at this moment. Initially, they were worried that Ye Mingyang might be in some kind of accident. However, seeing that Ye Mingyang had already woken up, it seemed like nothing had happened. However, a trace of doubt had emerged in Wang Xiong and Faang Bai's hearts. What exactly had happened to Ye Mingyang just now? Why did it take Ye Mingyang more than an hour to complete the task? Wang Xiong was puzzled at this moment. However, he knew that something must have happened to Ye Mingyang. Otherwise, why would he spend so much time? Faang Bai had the same thought as Wang Xiong, but he didn't intend to ask Ye Mingyang. Because Wang Xiong would definitely do it, Faang Bai didn't say anything.    


Wang Xiong turned to Ye Mingyang and asked, "What exactly happened to Young Master Ye? Why did he spend so much time this time?" At this moment, Wang Xiong asked Ye Mingyang about the doubts in his heart. He really wanted to know what had happened to Ye Mingyang just now.    


After listening to what Wang Xiong said, he wasn't surprised, because he knew that Wang Xiong must be looking at him from the side. If there was anything unusual about him, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to escape Wang Xiong's eyes. Furthermore, given Wang Xiong's intelligence, it would be difficult for him to hide it from Wang Xiong. Therefore, Ye Mingyang turned to Wang Xiong and said, "When I entered that girl's heart just now, there was actually a golden pearl in her heart. It took me some cultivation techniques to get rid of this golden pearl after blocking the advancement of my star power. What a joke. After saying that, Ye Mingyang wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve. He could only see that Ye Mingyang's head was now covered with large beads of sweat. Because Ye Mingyang had been in a nervous state just now, this phenomenon was very normal. However, just like what Ye Mingyang had said, he told Wang Xiong the truth.    


After Wang Xiong heard Ye Mingyang's words, he frowned slightly. He did not expect that Ye Mingyang would actually say that there was a golden pearl in the girl's heart. This was unbelievable, but when he saw that Ye Mingyang seemed fine... At this moment, Wang Xiong nodded slightly at Yiye Mingyue and said, "En, I have already understood what Young Master Ye said. However, Young Master Ye seemed to have consumed a large amount of star power. It was better for him to take a rest now. Wang Xiong could also see that Ye Mingyang was also a little weak. He decided to let Ye Mingyang rest for a while before making any plans. Wang Xiong also knew that Ye Mingyang did not know what the golden bead looked like, but after Wang Xiong thought for a while, he could not think of an answer. Why did the girl have a golden bead in her body? This situation was a little unusual. At this moment, Wang Xiong turned to look at Faang Bai. He hoped that Fang Bai would have some understanding about this matter.    


When Wang Xiong saw that Ye Mingyang had already closed his eyes and was meditating to recover his star power, he whispered to Faang Bai, "Young Master Faang, do you know what the golden pearl that Ye Mingyang mentioned looks like?" At this moment, Wang Xiong asked Faang Bai. He still hoped that Wang Xiong could solve the confusion in his heart.    


After hearing Wang Xiong's words, the paper card Faang Bai frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something. Faang Bai had just heard what Ye Mingyang had said to Wang Xiong. However, this Faang Bai was somewhat puzzled. If this girl really spoke the same words as what Ye Mingyang had said, then this girl's identity was a little strange. It seemed like Faang Bai had started to recall the things in his mind. However, even after thinking about it many times, he still couldn't figure out what the answer was. At this moment, Faang Bai shook his head at Wang Xiong. It seemed like he didn't know what was going on here.    


At this moment, Wang Xiong also saw Faang Bai shaking his head. At this moment, Wang Xiong also knew that Faang Bai seemed to have no idea what was going on. This was what Wang Xiong was thinking in his heart. At this moment, Wang Xiong was looking at the girl on the ground. The girl's facial expression was much better than before. Now, there was a trace of redness on her face. She seemed to be better. When Wang Xiong saw this scene, he nodded his head. Ye Mingyang's efforts were not in vain. It seemed like this girl was going to wake up soon. Wang Xiong's face showed a trace of relief. He would definitely get rid of the current situation. It seemed like all of these questions were about this girl. Perhaps, he would be able to get some clues from her. Wang Xiong had already made up his mind at this moment. He would definitely wait for this Ye Mingyang to wake up before saying anything else. After all, it was Ye Mingyang who had risked his life to wake this girl up. In that case, this girl's matter could only be handled by Ye Mingyang.    


It didn't take long for Ye Mingyang to finish meditating. He felt that his body was once again filled with energy. The feeling of exhaustion just now was gone. This made Ye Mingyang feel a trace of joy in his heart. He saw that Ye Mingyang had just opened his eyes when he looked at the girl. He only saw that the girl's mental state was much better now. Ye Mingyang also felt a trace of relief when he saw this scene. His actions had finally not been in vain. As long as this girl woke up, he would get what he wanted. Just like that, Ye Mingyang couldn't wait to see this girl wake up.    


Faang Bai's eyes were also watching this scene, just like what Ye Mingyang and Wang Xiong were thinking. As long as this girl woke up now, perhaps his doubts would be solved. When Faang Bai thought of this, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He had too many doubts in his heart these past two days. If this girl could really tell him that it was true, he was afraid that he would be so happy that he would jump up and down.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang took a deep breath and looked at the girl. Just like that, time passed by in this world. It had been about the time for a cup of tea, but the girl still didn't open her eyes. This made Ye Mingyang frown. He thought about how he had clearly warmed the veins on this girl's body just now. If that was the case, then this girl should be waking up by now.    


A trace of doubt flashed across Wang Xiong's eyes at this moment. He didn't quite understand what was going on. Although Ye Mingyang had already warmed the girl's meridians once, she still hadn't woken up. However, Wang Xiong looked at the girl's face once again. He couldn't tell how much better her face was compared to before. But why couldn't she wake up? Wang Xiong also felt a trace of anxiety in his heart.    


Just like that, Ye Mingyang and the other two kept staring at the girl in front of them. After a while... When Ye Mingyang started to feel disappointed, the girl moved her finger again. This slight movement naturally couldn't escape Wang Xiong's eyes. He could only see that Wang Xiong was frowning at this moment. He said to Ye Mingyang, "I just saw this girl's finger move a little, but this girl still can't wake up right now?" Wang Xiong sighed in his heart. He knew that if this girl really couldn't wake up, then there was nothing he could do. In this situation, he could only pray silently.    


Ye Mingyang also heard what Wang Xiong said to him. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him. At this moment, Ye Mingyang once again placed his head on the woman's chest. At this moment, Ye Mingyang wanted to hear the woman's breathing. If this lady's breathing was normal, it would not make sense if she did not wake up. After listening to the woman's heartbeat, Ye Mingyang immediately heard her heart beating steadily. There did not seem to be any abnormalities. Ye Mingyang was a little puzzled when he saw this situation. Since he had done what he needed to do, why hadn't this girl woken up yet? Then, Ye Mingyang seemed to have thought of something. At this moment, he suddenly thought of the golden pearl in the girl's heart. Could it be that the reason why this girl couldn't wake up was related to the golden pearl in her heart? Such a bold idea appeared in Ye Mingyang's mind, but he wasn't sure. Because he still didn't know what the golden bead was or what it meant to the girl. Therefore, to be on the safe side, Ye Mingyang was going to ask Wang Xiong about it, because this skill was given to him by Wang Xiong. In that case, if there were any problems, he should naturally ask this Wang Xiong. Perhaps, this Wang Xiong would know something.    


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