Star River Holy King

C51 They Are All Bad Guys

C51 They Are All Bad Guys

2Little Stone Village was located in a mountain range 20 miles south of Devil Sect Forest. There were about 40 to 50 families living here. They were simple and honest people, and they were called Little Stone Village because there were the most tiny stones scattered at the entrance of the village.     1


The villagers lived the life of men and women for generations. Although they weren't rich, they didn't have to worry about food and clothing.    


On this day, an unfamiliar face suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village. That person's clothes were ragged and his body was covered in dirt. However, his eyes were very bright and there was a trace of fiery light in his eyes.    


He stood at the village entrance and suddenly laughed loudly.    


"Haha... laozi has finally arrived!"    


The farmer who was farming at the entrance of the village had never seen this person before. He immediately put down the farm work in his hands and ran into the village without even bothering to pack up the farming tools.    


The person who laughed was Ye Mingyang. Six hours had passed since he left Devil Sect Forest. During these six hours, he had traversed mountains and rivers. A layer of skin had been scraped off his feet, and he had even crossed a thousand feet wide river of rapid breathing. Now that he had finally arrived at the entrance of the village, why didn't he look up at the sky and laugh?    


"Let's go and find something to eat first." Ye Mingyang was so hungry that his chest was almost touching his back. After saying this, he lifted his foot and strode into the village.    


When he arrived in the village, he found that something was not right. Although there were 450 households in the village, he did not see a person on the street other than the farmer he saw at the exit.    


"Strange, why isn't there a single person?" He was a little confused.    


Not long later, he walked straight to the door of a house. He raised his hand and looked at the door.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


After waiting for a while, Ye Mingyang found that no one in the house responded to him. He thought for a moment, then raised his hand and knocked on the door again.    


"Bang, bang, bang! Is there anyone here?"    


"There's no one inside." A young and tender voice came from inside, carrying a bit of panic.    


Ye Mingyang heard it and could not help but feel happy in his heart. It turns out that there's still a little sister inside. Isn't there no silver in this place?    


He said to the room, "If you don't say anything, I'll believe you. But you said that there's no one inside. I don't believe that there's really no one inside. Hehe... "    


Ye Mingyang's words were said for a long time, but the people inside did not reply. Ye Mingyang was about to say something else.    


Another voice came out of the door.    


"I said no one, so no one. My family doesn't have any food left. You guys should go somewhere else."    


After Ye Mingyang heard this, he felt a little depressed. It turned out that this family thought of him as a robber. This young master was so handsome and elegant, how could a gentleman be a robber? If I were really a robber, I wouldn't be so polite to you guys. Humph, humph...    


Ye Mingyang thought in his heart, but he still restrained his temper and continued to speak to the door, "Little sister, I'm not a robber. I'm just too hungry. Quickly open the door and give me some food."    


"Didn't you guys come here this morning? You took all the food away, and now you came here to ask for food. This is too much, wuwu... " As the little girl spoke, she actually began to cry.    


Ye Mingyang was also at his wit's end. With a thought, he decided to take a look in the village. If there were any livestock like chickens, ducks, and geese, he would first catch one and roast it. After he finished eating, he would pay the villagers with the same amount of goods.    


Ye Mingyang thought about walking around the village. There were many chicken houses in the village, but there were no livestock like chickens, ducks, and geese.    


This made him a little depressed. He walked around the village again, but other than the empty chicken cage, there was nothing else. He originally wanted to catch a chicken to eat, but he did not even see the chicken feather.    


He went back to the door and said to the inside of the room, "Little sister, I am really not a bad person. I am just too hungry and want to find something to eat."    


After saying that, Ye Mingyang suddenly remembered that he was the third young master of the Marquis Palace in Star Sculpting City.    


He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He couldn't think of me, the Third Young Master of the Marquis Estate. He actually came here today to beg for money, and the other party didn't even open the door. He was truly inferior to a beggar now. The more Ye Mingyang thought about it, the more he felt unpleasant.    


Seeing that the door was still not open, Ye Mingyang didn't want to persist any longer. He turned around and was about to leave. He wanted to go somewhere else to see if he could find something to eat.    


Just as he turned around and was about to leave, the door behind him made a creaking sound. A small head appeared from the crack of the door.    


A little girl with a ponytail, about seven or eight years old. She looked at Ye Mingyang with her big watery eyes. To her, Ye Mingyang... She had to raise her head to see Ye Mingyang's face clearly.    


When Ye Mingyang heard the sound of the door opening behind him, a naive and bright smile immediately appeared on his face.    


"Are you really not a robber?" The little girl carefully looked at Ye Mingyang with her big eyes and clenched the door with her small hands. If she found out that the man in front of her was a bad person, she would close the door immediately.    


When Ye Mingyang heard the words from behind him, the smile on his face became even brighter.    


"Of course I'm not a bad person. You've seen bad guys who are so good-looking..." Before he could say the word "human," he heard a "bang.," the door behind him had already been closed.    


" I... "Ye Mingyang wanted to curse on the spot, but when the words were about to come out of his mouth, it turned into a sigh in the end.    


She was just a little girl of seven or eight years old, so it was natural for her to be alert to strangers.    


"Little sister, I am not a bad person. I just want to find something to eat." Ye Mingyang said these words again, although he was a little unwilling in his heart. But his stomach was too hungry. Although he had ten martial artists, martial artists were still human. If he didn't eat, he would starve to death.    


"Don't open it. How can a good-looking person not be a bad person? That bandit boss is also very good-looking, but is he also a bad person!" The little girl shouted at him loudly, her words mixed with a trace of anger.    


"This..." After Ye Mingyang heard this, he was somewhat speechless. Thinking about it this way, it seemed like it really was true. Who said that a good-looking person could not be a bad person?    


Ye Mingyang could not help but shake his head and smile bitterly.    


However, under Ye Mingyang's persuasion, of course, it could be considered as begging. The little girl finally opened the door.    


The little girl was not tall and looked like she was seven or eight years old. She had a long ponytail, and her big watery eyes shone with a clear light. Although she was wearing clothes full of patches, it still could not cover her growing body. It was just that her face was a bit pale.    


It was a beautiful girl. Ye Mingyang couldn't help but think after looking at the little girl.    


After Ye Mingyang spoke a lot to the little girl, the little girl finally believed that the man in front of her wasn't a robber.    


After saying this, Ye Mingyang felt his mouth go dry. She asked the little girl for some water to drink. After drinking a large amount of water, Ye Mingyang finally felt better. Even his originally hungry stomach was not as hungry as before.    


After that, through his conversation with the little girl, Ye Mingyang more or less understood some of the situation.    


This village was called Little Stone Village, and the little girl was called Cai. This Cai was also pitiful. She had lost her father since she was young, and it was all because of her mother who raised her up. In these two years, even her mother had fallen ill and could not do heavy work.    


Ye Mingyang asked where Cai's mother was and saw that Cai did not make a sound. Instead, he turned his head and saw a room behind him.    


Ye Mingyang sighed and patted Cai's head to comfort her that everything would be better.    


He then asked why there was no one in the village. Cai replied that Uncle Wang, who was farming outside the village in the morning, ran back to tell them. A strange person came from outside the village, and his behavior was a little unusual. She was afraid that it would be those bandits again, so she immediately told everyone. Shut the door and don't come out.    


When Ye Mingyang heard this, he felt a little embarrassed. Wasn't this strange person talking about him?    


He changed the topic and asked Cai if she had any food. After all, filling his stomach right now was the most important thing.    


Cai's eyes were red as she said, "There was still some wheaten food left in the house, but it was all snatched away by the group of robbers that came in the morning. Even the hen that was used to lay eggs for mother was taken away by them! They also took away the cattle Uncle Wang used to farm, and Big Yellow that Aunt Li used to look after the house! "After Cai finished speaking, she used her small hands to rub her red and swollen eyes.    


When Ye Mingyang heard this, he felt a burst of anger rush into his heart. His pair of large hands suddenly slammed onto the ground and angrily said, "This group of people is simply preposterous! They actually did such an immoral thing!"    


What made Ye Mingyang even more furious was that he had run so far away. There was nothing to eat! All of this had to be blamed on those bandits. If those bandits didn't come, at this moment, he was already drunk and full, lying on the roof and basking in the sun.    


Ye Mingyang then said to Cai, "Do you know where those bandits live?"    


Cai touched her head with her small hands and thought for a while. She pointed to the mountain road outside the door and said, "Those bandits live in a stockade 20 miles away from that mountain."    


After Ye Mingyang heard that, he used his large and powerful hands to touch Cai's head. There was a trace of gentleness in his eyes as he said, "Cai, wait here. Later, brother will bring all the food back. And your Uncle Wang's cow, Aunt Li's Big Yellow, I will bring all your little hens back for you." After Ye Mingyang finished speaking, he looked at the room in the room again. A trace of a smile hung on his face as he continued, "Wait until we're full, then we'll treat your mother."    


After Cai heard Ye Mingyang's words, she was somewhat stupefied. She looked at the man in front of her and suddenly felt that he was like a father. She had never had a father since she was young. She had never felt like she was being protected by someone. However, the man in front of her looked so determined, as if he was her protector.    


"Mmm." Cai looked at Ye Mingyang and nodded slightly.    


Ye Mingyang looked at Cai's cute little face and could not help but scratch her little nose with his index finger. He smiled and said, "I will be back soon. Wait for me."    


After saying that, he strode towards the door.    


He looked at the mountains in the distance, and his eyes showed coldness.    


After a moment, his figure disappeared from this Little Stone Village.    


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