Star River Holy King

C72 He's a Mute

C72 He's a Mute

1Ye Mingyang had been observing the Star Sculpting City from morning till noon. In these eight hours, three Star Fusion Stage warriors and dozens of 8 Gates warriors had joined the Gu family. There were even more low level warriors from the 3 Gates that couldn't be counted.    


A trace of worry appeared in Ye Mingyang's eyes. There were too many warriors. After these few days, Gu Tang's strength would definitely increase greatly. If he waited until the day of his title of Emperor, he was afraid that he would be the first one to launch an attack on the Ye family.    


"How long are you going to stand here for?" White Night was getting impatient. This guy had already been standing here all morning, but he didn't do anything. He just stood there and watched. He was simply an idiot.    


"It's about time." Ye Mingyang had no interest in watching anymore. What he needed to do now was to return to Ye Mansion and discuss with his father and Second Elder Brother.    


There was no time to lose. Ye Mingyang turned around and left the crowd, walking towards the inner part of Star Sculpting City. Just as he reached the city gate, he met a person. This person was none other than Ye Mingyang's arch-enemy, Lau Tianming.    


"I heard that Young Master Ye went out to train. I wonder how his harvest is?" Lau Tianming said to Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang did not want to talk to this person, so he pretended not to hear him and walked forward.    


Lau Tianming saw that Ye Mingyang treated him as if he didn't exist, and he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart. This Ye Mingyang was too arrogant.    


Therefore, he said, "That City Lord Gu is going to be conferred the title of Emperor soon. I'm afraid that your Ye family won't have many good days left." After saying this, Lau Tianming revealed a proud smile on his face.    


"That Gu Tang isn't your father. Why are you so happy about him being conferred the title of Emperor? Besides, your Lau family is just a mild thing in Star Sculpting City. What's there to be proud of? ...... Ye Mingyang rolled his eyes at Lau Tianming.    


When Lau Tianming heard Ye Mingyang's words, his originally fair face... He said, "Humph! Let's see how many more days you can stay proud in Star Sculpting City." After saying that, she turned around and wanted to ignore him. She didn't want to say another word to Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang coldly snorted and said, "Humph, a dog that uses his power."    


"You... Who do you think is enough?" Lau Tianming pointed at Ye Mingyang and said.    


Ye Mingyang looked at the sky and said slowly, "I will say who is the dog."    


"You..." Lau Tianming pointed at Ye Mingyang. He could not say anything now. This Ye Mingyang was so eloquent that he had no idea how many times he had been humiliated by him.    


"Hmph! I'm going home. I don't want to talk to the dog anymore." After saying that, Ye Mingyang didn't even look at Lau Tianming. He walked towards the Ye Mansion with big strides.    


When White Night heard this, he was somewhat shocked. He had seen this Lau Tianming once in the Star Sculpting City. He was the son of the patriarch of Lau family, Lau Canghai. He didn't expect that Ye Ye Mingyang would dare to insult him like this. Presumably, Ye Mingyang's status in Star Sculpting City wasn't low. Just now, Lau Tianming mentioned that he was a member of Ye family. She immediately understood that this Ye Mingyang was probably the son of Martial Marquis, Ye Shan. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant.    


"You are the son of Martial Marquis?" White Night asked Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang nodded his head after hearing White Night's words. He had a matter-of-fact expression on his face. He said, "That's right, I'm Martial Marquis's son. What's wrong? Could it be that you have heard that I am the son of Martial Marquis? Now, you have developed a crush on a young man like me." Ye Mingyang felt his throat dry up a little. He continued, "Even if you like me, you won't have a chance. The girls who are chasing me are already lined up in three streets. I can't even count the number of books I have. You should give up on this idea. "    


White Night ignored Ye Mingyang. He rolled his eyes at him and said, "A shameless person like you, I'm afraid those who like you are already blind."    


"Mm-hmm! If you say that, then aren't all the women in this world blind? Hahaha... "Ye Mingyang had a shameless smile on his face.    


White Night had wanted to insult that shameless bastard Ye Mingyang again, but this Ye Mingyang had no intention of bickering with her anymore. She walked with White Night in Star Sculpting City for about an hour. In a short while, they had arrived at the Ye Mansion.    


When the servant of the Ye Mansion saw Ye Mingyang, he couldn't help but be shocked. He heard that the young master went out to train, so he didn't think that he would be back so soon.    


This Ding family's cultivation was at the peak of the second sect. After consuming Ye Mingyang's miracle medicine, they took the Ding family's Ding family's Ding family. ... He was now a martial artist of the fourth sect. If it was in the past, he wouldn't even dare to think about it. Now, it was all thanks to these young masters. Otherwise, how could he have such an opportunity? Thinking of this, Ye Mingyang's status in their hearts had probably surpassed the patriarch of Ye family, Ye Shan.    


A group of servants immediately went forward to welcome Ye Mingyang. They surrounded Ye Mingyang and talked about how Gu Tang was about to be conferred the title of Emperor. When they heard that the Lau family had already pledged allegiance to Gu Tang, their voices became noisy.    


When Ye Mingyang heard these words, he only slightly nodded his head, indicating that he already knew about these things.    


"You guys move aside for a while. Let me in first." Ye Mingyang looked at the group of servants who were talking at the same time, and felt pain in his heart.    


Those servants had also realized what was going on. They hurriedly moved their bodies and made way for Ye Mingyang.    


That White Night also followed behind Ye Mingyang. These servants had long noticed White Night. It was just that she wore a bamboo hat on her head and could not see her face at all. Initially, they wanted to ask who Ye Mingyang was, but after thinking about it, they decided not to. The Ye Mansion itself was the young master's home, and she was just a servant. How could he have the right to ask?    


Just like that, Ye Mingyang finally walked into the Ye Mansion. He took a deep breath. These hypotheses were too enthusiastic, and he couldn't take it anymore.    


"I didn't expect you to be Martial Marquis's son." White Night originally had some doubts, but now they were all cleared up. This Ye Mingyang was indeed the son of Martial Marquis. He was afraid that he wouldn't be the same as him when he went to the White Spirit Village. Was it because of that Lau Xuyan? Could it be that he really went out to train? White Night thought in his heart.    


Not long later, an old man walked over from the corner. He looked at Ye Mingyang. He rubbed his eyes again, and after confirming it, he hurried to Ye Mingyang and said, "It turns out that the young master is back. Why didn't you inform him? I can go and greet him at the door." The person who spoke was the steward of Ye Mansion, his name was Uncle Lee. He had been in Ye Mansion for more than 40 years, starting from Ye Mingyang's grandfather. He had been in Ye Mansion for a long time, and his strength was quite formidable. It was this Star Fusion Stage Starlight expert. As long as Ye Shan wasn't in this prefecture. He would take care of all the big and small matters. Even Ye Mingyang and Ye Shaochun had to listen to him sometimes. He had gained Ye Shan's trust.    


"Uncle Lee, is my father still in seclusion?" Ye Mingyang looked at Uncle Lee and asked. When he left home a few days ago, his father had said that he would go into seclusion for a few days. He wondered if he had already come out of seclusion.    


Uncle Lee looked at Ye Mingyang and nodded. He said, "Master is indeed in seclusion now. However, there are really undercurrents in Star Sculpting City these two days. He told me a few days ago that I can go out tomorrow."    


That night, Mingyang nodded, indicating that he agreed with what Uncle Lee just said. In Star Sculpting City, there were indeed undercurrents. Every family had their own plans. When Gu Tang becomes a Sovereign, the Ye family would be the most dangerous place. Because the Ye family's fame was just too great on the platform last time. No other family would be willing to form an alliance with the Ye family. Everyone wanted to see the day of Ye family's defeat. After all, everyone loved to beat a dog that had fallen into the water. Not to mention those people who hated the Ye family.    


"Father, do you have anything else to do besides telling me about the matter? "The current situation was too urgent. He needed Yao to discuss with her father and come up with a plan as soon as possible.    


Uncle Lee shook his head and said, "Master didn't say anything else besides this matter."    


After Ye Mingyang heard this, he nodded slightly.    


At this time, Uncle Lee had already noticed White Night behind Ye Mingyang. He asked Ye Mingyang, "Young Master, who is this lady?"    


Ye Mingyang looked at White Night behind him and said to Uncle Lee, "This is a servant I just recruited."    


Uncle Lee was a little surprised, but he soon returned to his original expression. He nodded at Ye Mingyang and did not say anything else.    


At this moment, another little girl walked in from the door next to them. When he saw Ye Mingyang, he immediately smiled like a little sparrow. She ran over to Ye Mingyang and held his hand. "Hehe, young master is finally back. You have been away for a while. Nu missed you very much."    


This little girl was really Ye Mingyang's maidservant. Her name was Nu.    


Ye Mingyang looked at Nu in front of him and was also shocked. This Nu had not seen her for a few days and she was really becoming more and more beautiful.    


He used his palm to scratch Nu's nose and said, "I also miss Nu very much."    


When Nu heard this, her face became even more cheerful. "What Young Master said is true?"    


Ye Mingyang used his hand to poke Nu's small face again and said, "I, Ye Mingyang, am a man of men. Would I lie to a little girl like you?"    


"Hehe, Nu is really happy to hear what the young master said." He looked at Ye Mingyang angrily and sighed in his heart. He was once the young master who could not cultivate. Now, he had become the famous young master of Star Sculpting City.    


At this moment, Nu also saw White Night beside Ye Mingyang. She said to Ye Mingyang, "Young master, who is she?"    


The person Nu was referring to must be White Night. Although White Night wore a bamboo hat on his head, her face could not be seen clearly. But her curvaceous figure was enough to prove that she was a pretty girl.    


"This is a servant that I just took in." Ye Mingyang said these words again. For now, he could only say that this White Night was his servant. He couldn't say that this person was an assassin, right?    


Nu heard Ye Mingyang's words and felt a little shocked in her heart. Her face revealed a touch of anxiety. She said to Ye Mingyang, "Could it be that Nu has something that makes Young Master unhappy? Otherwise, why would Young Master bring people along again?"    


After Ye Mingyang heard what Ye Mingyang said, it turned out that this little girl was jealous. She could not help but feel that Nu was really cute. She used her hand to touch Nu's small face again. She said, "I saw that she was pitiful on the way back, so I brought her back. You usually really do very well. I am very satisfied with you."    


Nu immediately smiled and said, "Hee hee, is what Young Master said true? Nu was praised by Young Master like this. I am really happy. " After she finished speaking, she walked forward and held onto White Night's pair of slender jade hands. She said to White Night, "Elder sister, we'll be good friends from now on. We'll work hard together. Serve the Young Master well."    


Bai Ye looked at Nu and frowned. He thought to himself, Is this little girl also an idiot? This Ye Mingyang would believe whatever he said. He simply could not investigate much with those idiots from the Black Cliff Tribe. 'Moreover, I'm not Ye Mingyang's servant, so why did Yao work hard with you to serve him? '    


Nu spoke a few words with that White Night. When she realized that this person didn't respond to her, she turned to Ye Mingyang and said, "Young Master, why isn't this elder sister saying anything? Could it be that this elder sister doesn't like Nu?"    


Ye Mingyang lightly smiled and said to Nu, "Nu is so cute, how can there be anyone who does not like her." After saying that, Ye Mingyang looked at White Night and said faintly, "He is a mute."    


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