Star River Holy King

C54 Blood and Tears

C54 Blood and Tears

2When Lau Xuyan heard the young man say he was the third young master of the Star Sculpting City, Ye Mingyang, he rubbed his ears and thought he had misheard him.     3


"Sir, you said you are Ye Mingyang?" Lau Xuyan was afraid that he had misheard him, so he asked again.    


"That's right, I am that Ye Mingyang." The young man spoke again. His tone was straightforward, and there was no doubt about it.    


It was only after Lau Xuyan heard it twice that he confirmed that it wasn't his ears that were broken. This person was really the third young master of the Ye family's Duke's Palace. However, he still clearly remembered that Ye Mingyang wasn't able to attract the stars. It was a piece of trash. And the young man in front of him was a martial artist from the seven sects. How could these two be the same person?    


Although Lau Xuyan was shocked for a while, he still gradually calmed down. In this world, there are all kinds of strange things. Even if there is such a thing, I can't take it as being too strange.    


However, he still asked, "I wonder why Young Master Ye came here?" Lau Xuyan couldn't understand why Ye Mingyang came here. This was the southern part of Devil Sect Forest. It was thousands of miles away from Star Sculpting City, and there was an endless range of mountains and a thousand feet wide river in the middle.    


Ye Mingyang didn't answer Lau Xuyan. Instead, he frowned and recalled the strange scene in Devil Sect Forest. However, he did not tell Lau Xuyan about it in the end. After all, he was just a warrior of the five sects. This was not something he should know.    


After that, he answered, "I came here to travel, but I didn't want to be lost in the Devil Sect Forest. I came here in a daze along the way." Ye Mingyang casually said a lame excuse. To be honest, he wouldn't believe it even if he told the truth. Not to mention Lau Xuyan.    


Obviously, Lau Xuyan wouldn't believe what Ye Mingyang said. Traveling? Who would have the guts to travel in Devil Sect Forest? Unless that person had nine lives, or his parents gave him eight legs.    


Although Lau Xuyan didn't believe what Ye Mingyang said, Ye Mingyang was stronger than him. In this world, the strong were respected. Besides, it didn't have much to do with him, so he didn't ask any more questions.    


"Why hasn't Old Seven Milk come yet?" Ye Mingyang didn't want to dwell on the last question, so he changed the topic.    


When Lau Xuyan heard Ye Mingyang's words, he was also a little puzzled. Old Seven had probably been gone for a pot of tea's time, so why hadn't he returned yet? It wasn't like he was giving birth, he was just going to get some water.    


He turned to Ye Mingyang and said, "Wait a little longer, Old Seven should be back soon."    


At this moment, a "Pa" sound suddenly came from outside. It was like the sound of porcelain falling to the ground and shattering.    


Not long later, with a creaking sound, the door was suddenly opened.    


When Lau Xuyan heard the sound of the door opening, he thought that Old Seven had returned. He turned to the door and said, "Old Seven, I only asked you to get some water. Why did you go there..." Before he could finish speaking, he had already stopped.    


Outside the door, it was not Old Seven, but two unfamiliar faces.    


It was a man and a woman. The man was extremely tall. His face was full of strength, and his muscles were full of explosive strength. The woman was wearing a pale yellow dress, and she had a charming face. Her curvaceous figure pushed the dress up to the front and back. She had a breathtaking aura.    


The brawny man smiled at Lau Xuyan, revealing two rows of white teeth.    


"Are you looking for him?" After saying that, the brawny man took out something from his back.    


"Seventh Brother..." Lau Xuyan's pupils suddenly enlarged. He opened his eyes and looked at the thing in the brawny man's hand.    


The brawny man held a person's head in his hand. It was the seventh brother who had gone to look for water.    


Drops of dark red blood seeped out of Old Seven's head and dripped onto the granite floor, producing a series of "Da Da Da."    


The floor was very clean, without a trace of dust on it. This was because Old Seven usually wiped the floor. Of course, this place was also built by him. He had once said that he would live in White Spirit Village for the rest of his life. He would wipe this place for the rest of his life, but he was already dead. He could never wipe away the blood on the floor.    


The bright moon hanging in the sky shone with a cold radiance. The radiance passed through the crack in the door and directly imprinted itself on the thin and sharp face of the seventh brother. However, that face no longer had a trace of blood on it. His eyes were closed, and his entire person looked very serene. He did not open his eyes wide like the Fifth Brother.    


Was he lucky?    


Perhaps he was very lucky. At least he lost his life silently. Before he died, he did not suffer as much pain as the fifth brother, so he was very lucky.    


However, on the one hand, he was not lucky either, because he had died. To all living things in this world, death was the greatest misfortune.    


"Don't worry, he left very peacefully. Hehe..." After saying that, the big man stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.    


Lau Xuyan looked at the burly man with a cold expression and said in a deep voice, "Who... are you? Why did you kill that seventh brother?"    


The burly man rolled his eyes at Lau Xuyan and said, "Killing him is killing him. How can there be so many reasons? But look at how kind I am. I know how deep your brotherhood is. Even if he dies, I will bring him here to let you see him for the last time. " After saying that, the burly man chuckled and threw the head in his hand towards Lau Xuyan.    


However, the force was too strong, and Lau Xuyan couldn't catch it in time.    


"Pa!" The head of the seventh brother hit the porcelain bottle on the table behind Lau Xuyan. The porcelain bottle was smashed into pieces on the spot. The seventh brother's head also fell down. Two finger-wide cuts were cut on his face, but there was not a trace of blood flowing out. That blood should have already dried up just now.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't notice just now. I used a bit too much force." That big guy actually pretended to be apologetic and looked very sincere.    


"Aiya, why are you like this? That's my brother. You really used a lot of force." At this time, the woman in the light yellow dress suddenly opened her mouth and scolded that big guy.    


After scolding him, she turned to Lau Xuyan and said, "I'm sorry, I used too much force just now. This time, you must pay attention."    


"This time, I must pay attention?" Lau Xuyan seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly widened his eyes and stared blankly at the yellow-clothed girl.    


The yellow-clothed girl couldn't help but reveal a shy expression when she saw Lau Xuyan staring at her. She said to Lau Xuyan in a tender voice, "Young Master Liu, although I know that I'm pretty, you can't look at me like that!"    


"I have brought you a gift this time." After the yellow-clothed lady finished speaking, she took out the hand that she had been hiding behind her back.    


She saw that he was holding a black object in his hand.    


"Bai Xing..." Lau Xuyan couldn't bear it any longer when he saw this scene. He fell to the ground and sat down.    


"Master, how do you read this word?" This sentence suddenly rang in Lau Xuyan's mind.    


This Bai Xing was also a poor child who had no parents since he was young. He had a younger sister. However, when he was three years old, he had a tetanus disease. She didn't have the money to treat him, so she died in a few days. Therefore, when Bai Xing was ten years old, he entered the White Spirit Village. This Bai Xing didn't have a name. In the beginning, everyone had seen him as a kid, but this Bai Xing's character was not convincing to the masses. One day, he ran in front of Lau Xuyan while crying, wanting him to give him a name. In the end, Lau Xuyan was at his wit's end and agreed.    


When Lau Xuyan asked Bai Xing what his father's name was, Bai Xing shook his head. He said he didn't know. After that, Bai Xing said that he wanted to follow Lau Xuyan's surname, Liu. Lau Xuyan shook his head. He indicated that he didn't agree with this idea. In the end, he thought of White Spirit Village and decided to use Bai as the surname. When Bai Xing heard this, he immediately nodded his head.    


This surname had been taken care of, and only his name was left. Lau Xuyan asked Bai Xing what his name was like. Bai Xing shook his head, indicating that he couldn't read and didn't know what name it was. Lau Xuyan was a little speechless. It seemed like he could only start with his hobbies. He thought he should ask Bai Xing what he liked. Bai Xing scratched his head and said a few things that everyone liked, such as eating and spirit crystal. Lau Xuyan felt a headache coming on, so he asked Bai Xing if there was anything else. Bai Xing thought about it and suddenly remembered his sister who had died a long time ago. Lau Xuyan couldn't help but laugh when he heard that there was "immortality."    


He furrowed his brows slightly. What should he call her?    


It was called freeloading? Of course not, Bai Changsheng? This probably won't do either. Lau Xuyan thought about it for about the time it takes to brew a cup of tea and suddenly came up with an idea. He directly took the day of the "crystal" and "took the word 'life'. When he put it together, it would become a star. Bai Xing, Lau Xuyan repeated it in his heart a few times. He felt that it was quite convenient. He told Bai Xing the name, and Bai Xing heard it. A smile immediately appeared on his face.    


And so, there was one less kid in White Spirit Village, and another Bai Xing.    


However, although there was a word 'life' in Bai Xing's name, he was still dead now.    


His eyes were wide open, and there was a trace of blood in his eyes. It was as if he had just cried. He looked like he had died some time ago, and the blood in his head had already run out. The blood had already started to form clots, which looked very sticky.    


Although the blood had already coagulated, it would never form a scar the size of a bowl. Because he was already dead, his head could only be eaten by the swarm of insects, leaving behind only white bones. Or perhaps it was dug out and eaten by that wild dog, and the bones were also crushed and eaten by that wild dog into its stomach. In the end, the bones were also digested by that wild dog, turning into a pile of yellow earth.    


However, all of this didn't matter anymore. In any case, he was already dead. Could it be that it wasn't?    


"Young Master Liu, this child seems to believe you very much! Until the moment he died, he was still saying that the big boss will come and deal with me." After the yellow-clothed woman finished speaking, she once again let out a bell-like laughter. Although it was pleasant to hear, but it was a little grating.    


After Lau Xuyan heard what the yellow-clothed girl said, his face turned incomparably pale. There was no longer a trace of blood on his face. He wanted to shout, but he found that his throat and eyes seemed to have been blocked. He couldn't make any sound, no matter how hard he tried. It was still the same.    


"Young Master Liu, you have to take care of it this time. This child is young. His head is also young, so it is naturally easy to hold him tightly. You better not fail to catch him again! " After saying this, the yellow-haired girl threw the head in her hand towards Lau Xuyan.    


"Pa!" Again, Bai Xing's head hit the porcelain bottle on the table. When the yellow-haired girl saw this scene, she complained to Lau Xuyan who was sitting on the ground, "Ah, Young Master Liu, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you catch it? You must catch it next time!"    


" Next time? "Lau Xuyan sat there paralyzed, his eyes lifeless. He muttered to himself as he listened to the yellow-clothed girl's words.    


Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something. "Next time!" There was still a next time! Who was it this time?    


He finally couldn't take it anymore. He covered his face with his hands and buried his head on the ground. His throat, which was originally silent, suddenly felt like it had been stabbed by a sharp sword.    


"Why!? Why did you torture me like this!?" He held his head and cried out involuntarily. His tears were like the blood that flowed out from Old Seven's head, dripping down onto the limestone bit by bit.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang! He fiercely struck the limestone with his head, and it seemed as if he was telling himself that this was a nightmare as he quickly woke up.    


Unfortunately, even if the limestone was shattered, it couldn't be fake, because the blood that flowed out from his head... And those moist tears were telling him that all of this was real... It wasn't that he didn't want to believe it.    


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