Star River Holy King

C64 Demon of Fire

C64 Demon of Fire

1"Pervert, you pervert! Put me down!" White Night was still struggling on Ye Mingyang's shoulder, showing no signs of stopping.    


"Hmph, you're not obedient, are you?! "Ye Mingyang put White Night down from his shoulder again.    


White Night heaved a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw that Ye Mingyang had finally put him down. She did not expect Ye Mingyang's following actions to make her want to bite her own tongue and commit suicide.    


With a few popping sounds, Ye Mingyang slapped White Night's butt with his palm.    


He said while hitting White Night, "I told you to be naughty, didn't I?! Do you think I really can't cure you? I'll skin you! I'll skin you!" After Ye Mingyang said that, he slapped White Night's plump butt again.    


"You... You... You actually dare to hit my butt. I... I'm going to kill you, you bastard." White Night was extremely furious at this moment. He used his white teeth to fiercely bite his lower lip, his eyes burning with anger.    


"Just spank me then. What's the big deal? But your butt is quite soft, and it feels pretty good. "Ye Mingyang chuckled a few times. He looked rather wretched.    


"Are you going to leave now? If not, I will spank your butt."    


White Night still shouted," If you're not leaving, then you're not leaving. Even if you beat me to death, I'm not leaving. " At this moment, White Night looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. After suffering such humiliation, how could he lower his head to him?    


"Alright, I'll help you!" Ye Mingyang placed White Night on his shoulder again.    


But this time, White Night learned his lesson and stopped struggling.    


"That's more like it!" Ye Mingyang looked at White Night, who was as quiet as a kitten, with a satisfied expression on his face. After saying that, he continued walking.    


That bright and clear moon was still the same as before. It hung high in the night sky, emitting an ice-like radiance. A gust of wind blew in the forest. The trees rustled in the wind. The night was so quiet, but it was filled with killing intent.    


Ye Mingyang had walked for more than six hours. When he finally saw a stone tablet, he knew he had walked out of the dangerous Devil Sect Forest.    


"We are almost there!" He couldn't help but sigh. Then, he looked at White Night on his shoulder. White Night's eyes were slightly closed, and his long eyelashes were slightly drooping. Her nose emitted a gentle breathing sound. She must have fallen asleep already.    


"No wonder it's so quiet!" Ye Mingyang said and then walked forward, stepping into the dark night.    


After walking for another two hours, Ye Mingyang finally arrived at the Black Cliff Tribe.    


However, before he entered the tribe, he saw a fiery light shoot up into the sky.    


Suddenly, a strong wind blew towards Ye Mingyang. Ye Mingyang stood where he was, looking at the fiery light that shot up into the sky with a frown. In the wind, it smelled a faint scent of blood.    


"Could it be that the Green Mountain Tribe has come back for revenge?" Ye Mingyang thought about the fact that the geniuses of the Black Cliff Tribe had fallen, and there wasn't even a Star Fusion Stage warrior. If the Green Mountain Tribe attacked, with their strength, they could only be eliminated by the Green Mountain Tribe. After all, the root of this disaster was caused by him, so how could he just sit there and watch? Thinking of this, Ye Mingyang immediately sped up and ran towards the Black Cliff Tribe.    


In the Black Cliff Tribe, the raging flames were like a giant beast in the darkness. It opened its huge mouth and devoured everything in its path.    


"Lin Qingshan, if you want us to surrender, we can just surrender. Why are you so aggressive?"    


Under the raging flames, a voice was heard. It was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties or fifties. His eyes were filled with anger. This man was the Patriarch Zhou of the Black Cliff Tribe.    


A few figures were scattered around Patriarch Zhou. Opposite him was the Lin Qingshan who had been forced to flee by Yan Mingyang that night. A young man stood beside Lin Qingshan. He had a handsome face and a handsome appearance. He was quite handsome, and his eyes were filled with killing intent. He gently waved the paper fan in his hand. He looked very dashing. However, the paper fan was tainted with a trace of scarlet blood.    


"Old Man Zhou, don't blame me for being ruthless today. The last time I came, I asked you if you wanted to surrender, but you called that guy over. You killed so many of my people, and you even made me lose face. I'm being polite by burning you, the Black Cliff Tribe, today. " Lin Qingshan paused for a moment before continuing," Just now, I wanted you to tell me who that person was, but you actually told me that you don't know. I think you are just refusing a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit. "    


After Patriarch Zhou heard Lin Qingshan's words, he didn't answer. Lin Qingshan asked him to tell Ye Mingyang who it was. He really did not know who it was. He only knew that the young man was from the Star Sculpting City, and his surname was Ye. He couldn't answer Lin Qingshan's question, but even if he did, he wouldn't say it. After all, that young man had helped the Black Cliff Tribe. He would never do such a thing. Otherwise, it would be an insult to the Black Cliff Tribe.    


Patriarch Zhou turned to Lin Qingshan and said, "I really don't know who this man is. Even if you kill me, it will be useless."    


After Lin Qingshan heard what Patriarch Zhou said, his face was full of ridicule. He snorted coldly and said, "Don't you know? We think you won't shed tears until you see the coffin."    


Lin Qingshan turned his head and said to the green-clothed man beside him. His voice carried a trace of commanding tone, "Wang Qingyao, this old man won't speak no matter what. You go and help me kill him."    


When the man in green who was called Wang Qingyao heard this, he frowned. He thought in his heart, how could Lin Qingshan be so easy to kill.    


Wang Qingyao was originally a disciple of the Lin family, one of the four great families. A few days ago, the patriarch called her over to help Lin Qingshan. It was said that Lin Qingshan was a concubine of the patriarch of Lin family. Because of her pretty face, she was quite favoured. It was likely that after Lin Qingshan was humiliated here, he ran over to his elder sister and complained. His elder sister blew a few more words of wind in front of the patriarch and sent him here.    


Ever since he came here, Lin Qingshan had been ordering him around as if he was the patriarch of the Lin family.    


Although there was a trace of disgust on Bai Qingyao's face, she didn't show it on her face. After all, it was the patriarch who sent her here. She had to give him some face. Right now, he only wanted to finish this lousy job as soon as possible and return to the Lin family as soon as possible. He really didn't like this Lin Qingshan, a dog that relied on his power.    


When she thought of this, Bai Qingyao unleashed a trace of cold killing intent. Since Lin Qingshan asked her to kill this man, she would just kill him.    


Patriarch Zhou looked at Wang Qingyao with an ugly expression. He could tell that this man's cultivation base was far above his. Just now, Wu San had been knocked to the ground by a single strike. Fortunately, this person didn't use all of his strength, otherwise, Wu San would have become a corpse a long time ago.    


Wang Qingyao looked at Patriarch Zhou with a complicated expression. Although this person was her enemy, he still had that kind of loyal spirit that made her admire him.    


However, in his position, he was plotting something. He was sent by the family head to help Lin Qingshan. Although he wasn't willing to help Lin Qingshan, the family head had already spoken. If he couldn't complete the task, it would be difficult for him to report back to the family.    


Wang Qingyao said to Patriarch Zhou, "Don't blame me. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not having a backer."    


Patriarch Zhou couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly when he heard her. That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too weak. The Black Cliff Tribe would become the fish in Lin Qingshan's eyes.    


After that, Wang Qingyao continued, "Patriarch Zhou, I admire you for being a person who values relationships and loyalty, but today, I am following orders. Please don't hate me, I'm sorry."    


After saying that, Wang Qingyao raised her hand again and waved the paper fan in her hand.    


Suddenly, with the sound of breaking wind, a dozen sharp golden needles flew out from the bone of the paper fan and shot towards Patriarch Zhou.    


When Patriarch Zhou and the others saw the golden needles flying towards them, their bodies also flashed. Although they dodged most of the needles, there was still a golden needle that shot into his right leg. After a moment, the wound on Patriarch Zhou's right leg where the golden needle had struck... It had turned greenish-black. Patriarch Zhou looked at his right leg, which had turned black, and immediately realized... There was poison in the golden needle.    


Wang Qingyao originally planned to use this golden needle to kill Patriarch Zhou, but she did not expect that Patriarch Zhou's figure was also agile and was actually dodged by him. Wang Qingyao could not help but have a trace of surprise in her eyes.    


When Lin Qingshan saw that Wang Qingyao's attack didn't kill Patriarch Zhou, he couldn't help but show a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. He shouted at Wang Qingyao, "Why would my sister let someone with your cultivation base help me? You can't even kill this old man. What use do I need you for!?"    


Wang Qingyao's face became even colder when she heard this. If it wasn't for the patriarch's order, she would have killed this Lin Qingshan right now.    


He ignored Lin Qingshan. Instead, he stretched his hand to his waist and held the sword tied to his waist in his hand. He turned around and attacked Patriarch Zhou like a ghost in the night.    


Patriarch Zhou had already been shot in the leg by the poisonous needle. At this time, he had no time to dodge Wang Qingyao's sword. He slowly closed his eyes and accepted the reality. Last time, Ye Mingyang helped Black Cliff Tribe again, and that was how he survived. Now that Ye Mingyang was gone, who else could it be? Patriarch Zhou thought in his heart. Could it be that the heavens really wanted the Black Cliff Tribe to die? But it was also good that he was dead. At least, he wouldn't be in such pain now. It was just that he didn't have the face to face the ancestors of the Black Cliff Tribe. Even the last bit of his foundation had been destroyed by him.    


"Purple Crystal!"    


Just as Wang Qingyao's long sword was about to stab Patriarch Zhou's throat. Suddenly, a green spear flew out from the raging flames. It collided with the long sword. Wang Qingyao only felt the web between her thumb and index finger. She immediately retreated backwards until he felt safe. Only then did she stop. His face turned and his eyes looked in the direction where the spear came from. There was nothing there other than burning flames.    


After a while, a figure walked out of the flames. That person looked like a 15-16 year old young man with a slightly immature face. However, his eyes were filled with determination. His entire person was like a raging fire that shot into the sky. He emitted an unparalleled aura, like a demon god that was born from the raging fire.    


This person was Ye Mingyang!    


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