Star River Holy King

C85 Hundred Gardens

C85 Hundred Gardens

2Gu Tang Prefecture...    3


Two people were sitting in the main hall. They were Gu Tang and Gu Yue.    


"Father. This Ye Mingyang actually dared to be so impudent today. He is truly detestable. " When Gu Yue thought of the scene from this morning, she felt as if her heart was burning with rage. Now, the Gu family had become the Imperial Palace of Star Sculpting City. Today, she asked him to kneel down. This Ye Mingyang actually dared to use his identity as the son of Martial Marquis to make an assertive refusal. He simply didn't know how to appreciate favors.    


However, there was no anger in Gu Tang's eyes. Instead, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. After he heard Gu Yue's words, he waved his hand at him. He said, "This Ye Mingyang is indeed too impudent. If we don't get rid of him... Let the tiger return to the mountain." Gu Tang turned around with a sneer on his face and continued, "This Ye family is just an arrow at the end of its flight. It won't be able to stay proud for long. If I don't kneel today, I will let him die in front of me next time. "    


Gu Yue nodded and said, "Father is right. Now you have become the Sovereign King of Star Sculpting City. You can trample the Ye family however you want. Who can care about that? " Gu Yue's face revealed a trace of a smile. It was as if he had already seen Ye Mingyang kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy.    


Gu Tang also nodded his head and said to Gu Yue, "Yue Er, how is the matter that I instructed you to do a few days ago? Whether the Ye family can die or not will depend on you." What Gu Tang meant was that this matter would be handled by Gu Yue and he would not interfere. He wanted to test this son because he would become the successor of the Star Sculpting Country in the future. The Ye family was perfect for him to practice with.    


Gu Yue nodded and said, "Father, I have prepared everything. As long as Father gives the order, we can act." Gu Tang patted his chest, seemingly very confident.    


"En, then all of this is up to you. Order them to act. The seven-day agreement is about to arrive. " Gu Tang felt that there was no need for the Ye family to exist anymore. If Ye Shan knelt down to express his loyalty to the Ye family as soon as possible, perhaps he would consider giving the Ye family a chance to survive. However, Ye Mingyang had contradicted him today, and the Ye family no longer had the chance to do so.    


"Alright, I understand." Gu Yue nodded at Gu Tang. The corner of her mouth curled into a cunning smile. It seemed like she had already seen the destruction of the Ye family. Ye Mingyang and Ye Shan were kneeling and begging for mercy.    


Then, he left the hall. A conspiracy began quietly at this moment.    


In Ye Mansion, Ye Mingyang had gotten up early today. He had to think of a way quickly, or else it would be too late.    


He wanted to go and find the Heaven Seeking Sect, but the Heaven Seeking Sect was five days away from the Star Sculpting City. Come! It was only a matter of time before he returned. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to make it in time. He knew that Gu Tang would definitely be impatient to eradicate the Ye family after what had happened yesterday.    


What should he do? Ye Mingyang thought to himself.    


"Young master, don't worry too much. There will always be a way to solve this problem. " At this moment, Nu, who was standing beside Ye Mingyang, looked at the worried expression on Ye Mingyang's face. She was also secretly anxious, but she was just a servant girl. What could she do to save the Ye family at this moment? Therefore, she could only comfort Ye Mingyang in a soft voice. This was the greatest help she could provide.    


"Nu, do you want to think about what I said that day?" Ye Mingyang looked at Nu's worried face and felt a little heartache. He had clearly said that he wanted to protect her, but now he still made her so worried.    


"No, Nu had said that even if I have to die, I will die in Ye Mansion." A trace of determination flashed across Nu's eyes. She knew that Ye Mingyang must be thinking of letting her leave Star Sculpting City. But she would never agree to it even if she died.    


Ye Mingyang smiled bitterly and patted Nu's head, "You little girl, why do you want to die all day long? It's so good to be alive. Why do you want to die? " When Ye Mingyang heard Nu's words, he was not willing to persuade him anymore. Otherwise, with this girl's stubborn temper, she might really bump into that big rock and die.    


Nu pouted her mouth and said, "Is it Young Master who said that he wanted Nu to leave Star Sculpting City? But Nu decided not to go anywhere. Although it was good to be alive, Nu only wanted to live with Young Master. Otherwise, even if she lived, it would be meaningless, hehe..." A proud smile appeared on Nu's face. She knew that Ye Mingyang would not let her leave this Star Sculpting City anymore.    


"You little girl, I really can't do anything to you." She felt a little helpless.    


"Hehe... That's right. Because the Young Master likes Nu, Nu is also unwilling to leave the Young Master." After Nu said this, she suddenly thought of something and said, "Young master has not eaten breakfast today. Nu will go and prepare food for young master now. Otherwise, how can the young master think of a way when he has no strength?" After Nu said that, she ran to the kitchen and prepared to prepare breakfast for Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang looked at Nu's back as she left and sighed. In these two days, there were already some servants who had escaped from Ye Mansion. Although Ye Mingyang knew about this matter, he did not stop her. In his eyes, those people were just ordinary people. Even if they stayed, it would be useless. As the saying goes, when the tree falls, the monkeys will scatter. Ye Mingyang also understood this principle in his heart. However, only Nu was considered to have never left Ye Mansion. There was also that Uncle Lee. This was still true love when faced with difficulties.    


Ye Mingyang sat there and thought for a while. The result was still the same as before. There was no good idea in his mind. In the end, he decided to go to the Star Sculpting City for a walk. Otherwise, he would really suffer from depression.    


Not long later, Nu came back again. At this moment, she was carrying a basket in her hand. There was a bowl of porridge and a few dishes. Presumably, these things were the breakfast prepared for Ye Mingyang today.    


"Young Master, Nu just made the porridge and a few dishes that you like. Quickly come and have a taste." Nu placed the basket in front of Ye Mingyang.    


Ye Mingyang did not have a good appetite at the moment, but he thought that this was the breakfast that Nu had painstakingly made for him. He still had to eat some, or else he would not live up to Nu's good intentions.    


Ye Mingyang opened the basket and took the bowls and chopsticks to eat. In a short while, the food in the basket was completely eaten by him.    


"I didn't expect Nu's craftsmanship to become better and better. I'll give you a compliment." Ye Mingyang's face revealed a trace of satisfaction and gave Nu a thumbs up.    


Nu saw Ye Mingyang's thumbs up and smiled happily. Ye Mingyang finally ate something and it was made by her personally. How could she not be happy?    


She only saw him smile at Ye Mingyang and said, "If young master likes it, Nu is willing to cook for young master for the rest of her life." Nu's heart was filled with joy.    


Ye Mingyang pretended to be disgusted and teased Nu, "If you eat every day, you will get sick of it."    


Nu pouted her little mouth and stuck out her little tongue at Ye Mingyang again. Humph, Young Master is totally unaware of his happiness. Nu said that you are unhappy when she cooks for you every day. Why would she show a face of disgust? Nu will definitely not cook for Young Master every day in the future." Nu was a little unhappy that this Ye Mingyang would actually say that to her.    


However, the famous saying did not continue to talk about this topic. Instead, it turned to Nu and said, "Nu, do you want to accompany me out today? I feel quite annoyed recently and want to go out to relieve my boredom."    


After Nu heard Ye Mingyang's words, she nodded and said, Yes." If young master wants to go out, Nu naturally has to stay by young master's side. Because Nu had said that she would be with young master forever. At that time, young master had promised Nu. I might not be able to go back on my word now. "    


" A man is a man of his words. How could I go back on my word? Don't worry, I will protect you forever."    


Nu nodded after she heard that. She smiled at Ye Mingyang and said," Where does Young Master want to go today? "    


"Where to? "Ye Mingyang raised his right hand and touched his chin. "Let's go to the Hundred Flowers Garden to take a look today. It just so happens that the peach blossoms there have bloomed recently. Let's go and take a look together."    


Nu nodded and said, "Since Young Master wants to go to the Hundred Flowers Garden, Nu will go with Young Master. Otherwise, how boring would it be if Young Master went there alone to admire the peach blossoms? " Nu had already made up her mind. From now on, he would follow Ye Mingyang. She would not go anywhere else. Otherwise, how would he sell her? She didn't even know.    


Ye Mingyang nodded, "Alright, let's go to the Hundred Flowers Garden today."    


Although Ye Mingyang was a child who grew up in Star Sculpting City, in the Hundred Flowers Garden... He had only been there once, because once he went out... Some people would say that he was a trash who could not attract stars.    


Since then, Ye Mingyang had been sitting in his room all day. Even when he was eating, he would subconsciously lower his head. In this Ye Mansion, his only playmate was Nu in front of him, and the Second Elder Brother who deeply loved him.    


"Let's go." Ye Mingyang waved his hand at Nu, turned around, and walked out of the main door of Ye Mansion.    


Nu saw Ye Mingyang's figure had already left, and she hurriedly followed him.    


The Hundred Garden was one of the biggest gardens in the Star Sculpting City, and it was also relatively close to the Phoenix Platform.    


Not long after, Ye Mingyang and Nu walked to the entrance of the Hundred Flowers Garden. When Nu arrived at the entrance of the Hundred Flowers Garden, she smelled a burst of fragrance. He immediately revealed a trace of a bright smile and faced Ye Mingyang. "Young Master, it smells so good."    


Ye Mingyang nodded his head. This fragrance was refreshing and there was a trace of a smile on Ye Mingyang's face.    


He did not expect Ye Mingyang to meet someone in the Hundred Flowers Garden. It was Lau Yun'er, who he met in Devil Sect Forest that day. He was wearing a white dress and looked very beautiful.    


Lau Yun'er also saw Ye Mingyang. He was a little surprised. He didn't know why Ye Mingyang would come to the Hundred Flowers Garden today, but even though she saw Ye Mingyang... She didn't go forward to greet him, because from the moment Gu Tang became an Emperor, the fate of Ye family had already been decided. Lau Yun'er didn't want to have any relationship with Ye Mingyang. What happened in Devil Sect Forest that day, she would treat it as a dream. He turned around and walked into the Hundred Garden without looking back.    


Ye Mingyang didn't mind. Although the Lau family was his enemy, Lau Yun'er didn't do anything to harm him.    


He withdrew his gaze and turned to Nu who was beside him. "Let's go in. The fragrance outside is overflowing. I'm afraid it will be better if we go inside."    


Nu smiled and nodded, although it wasn't her first time coming to the Hundred Flowers Garden. In the past, he also wanted to let Ye Mingyang come with her to the Hundred Flowers Garden to relieve his boredom. However, Ye Mingyang was like a stubborn donkey and didn't come no matter what.    


After saying that, the two of them walked into the Hundred Flowers Garden.    


After entering the garden, they saw that the peach blossoms were full of branches. There were pink flowers hanging on them, as well as pear blossoms. The cherry blossoms were not complete, and only saw Nu pointing at a cherry blossom tree. She said to Ye Mingyang, "Young master, look, it's really beautiful."    


Although Ye Mingyang wasn't a woman, he couldn't help but feel delighted when he saw such a beautiful scene. Although he had seen countless big scenes, it was the first time that he had seen such a poetic and exquisite scene. He nodded at Nu.    


Ye Mingyang had a smile on his face and said to Nu, "It is indeed very beautiful."    


After Nu heard Ye Mingyang's words, there was a trace of pride on her face. She said, "Isn't it very beautiful? Nu originally wanted to let young master accompany Nu. But young master refused to listen and was only willing to stay in that small room alone. Do you regret it very much now? "    


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