Star River Holy King

C87 Where Are You

C87 Where Are You

0Along the way, the more Ye Mingyang looked at it, the more he found it strange. Although the blood was intermittent, however, it seemed as if someone had intentionally left them behind. It was about the time it took to make another cup of tea. The bloodstains stopped under a tree. Ye Mingyang looked around, but there were no more bloodstains. Just when he felt that something was strange, he suddenly thought of something.    1


"Not good!" Ye Mingyang called out to himself. His expression immediately changed. Someone must have left the blood on purpose. He immediately ran back in the direction he came from.    


Since he knew that someone had left the blood stain on purpose, then the other party must have a motive. Ye Mingyang's face turned pale. He had already guessed the person's purpose. It was probably Nu, who was waiting for him at the same place.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang was feeling a little regretful. Why would he care about this matter that was not related to him? Why would he leave Nu there alone? If something happened to her, he was afraid that he would never forgive himself.    


Just as he had guessed, after he returned to his original position, he could no longer see Nu's figure. Ye Mingyang's face turned even paler. He knew that Nu would definitely not leave this place alone. When he saw the pool of blood on the ground, he thought that he had fallen into her trap. Her target was Nu. That was why she left behind this blood stain to lure him away.    


"Nu!" Ye Mingyang shouted loudly. At that moment, he really hoped that Nu would suddenly jump out from behind a tree. She said to him that she had scared him, but no matter how much Ye Mingyang roared, only the few spots that were blown by the breeze fell weakly on the soil.    


Ye Mingyang thought about it and knelt down on the ground. His hand heavily pounded on the ground. The spots that had just fallen were also smashed by his fist.    


He stood up and ran towards the entrance of the Hundred Garden. Anyone who saw a person would ask if they had seen a little girl. The passers-by all shook their heads, indicating that they had never seen the little girl that Ye Mingyang had mentioned.    


Even if Ye Mingyang had asked everyone in the Hundred Flowers Garden, no one had seen Nu before. Ye Mingyang was extremely anxious at this moment. If something happened to Nu... He simply did not dare to imagine it, but he still forced himself to calm down.    


The other party must have some motive. Otherwise, why would they take Nu away? Could it be that they kidnapped her for money?    


Impossible! Ye Mingyang immediately overturned this conjecture. One should know that although Nu was a servant, she was a person from Ye Mansion. Even if the other party had eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, they would not dare to use Nu to exchange for ransom.    


Furthermore, there were not many people in the Hundred Garden today. The blood just now was very fresh. It was obvious that someone had just left it behind, but he had just passed by at that time. It seemed that the other party must have planned this for a long time, and it was obviously not as simple as a ransom. What was the purpose of using so much effort to capture Nu?    


A cold chill appeared in the depths of Ye Mingyang's eyes. He clenched his fists tightly. No matter what the other party's motive was, he had to find Nu and tear that person into pieces.    


He walked out of the Hundred Flowers Garden. He didn't return to the Ye family, but to the Medicine King Palace.    


When he walked to the entrance of the Medicine King Palace, the staff immediately recognized Ye Mingyang. He immediately went up to Young Master Ye and said, "I didn't expect that Young Master Ye would come here today. What a rare guest." The shop assistant's words carried a trace of respect.    


Ye Mingyang did not want to talk to him and said, "Go and call Manager Qiu over. I have something to discuss with him."    


When the clerk heard this, he hurriedly nodded his head. He turned around and ran into the Medicine King Palace.    


It didn't take long for Manager Qiu to walk out of the ___. With a smile on his face, he said to Ye Mingyang, "I didn't expect that Young Master Ye would come here today. I apologize for not welcoming you from afar. I hope you can forgive me." Manager Qiu looked at Ye Mingyang and a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes. In his eyes, this Martial Marquis's son was originally a high-spirited young man, but today, he actually looked a little depressed.    


Manager Qiu immediately realized something, and made an inviting gesture to Ye Mingyang. He said, "Young Master Ye, come in and talk. It's more convenient inside."    


Ye Mingyang nodded slightly and followed Manager Qiu into the Medicine King Palace.    


At this moment, there were two people sitting in the VIP room on the second floor. They were Manager Qiu and Ye Mingyang just now.    


"I wonder why Young Master Ye came to the Medicine King Palace this time? If it's because of this herb, you can ask." Manager Qiu looked at Ye Mingyang's depressed face and thought to himself, 'Does this Ye Mingyang not have the money to buy herbs?'    


After Ye Mingyang heard Manager Qiu's words, he waved his hand and said, "Today, I am not here because of the herbs. I have other matters to attend to."    


When Manager Qiu heard this, he was a little surprised. It was not about the herbs. What was it? He looked at Ye Mingyang and said, "If Young Master Ye is in any trouble, just tell me. If I can help him... I will definitely help him at the cost of my own life."    


Immediately after that, Ye Mingyang told Manager Qiu about Nu's disappearance today.    


“ Oh? There's actually such a thing?" He naturally knew that there was a female servant by his side. He had even seen that female servant in the Yanhua Building last time. He didn't expect that Ye Mingyang would come to the Medicine King Palace today for the sake of this female servant. This caused Manager Qiu to eat a little. This Ye Mingyang actually came to beg him for an insignificant servant.    


Ye Mingyang nodded his head and said, "I have come for this matter. I heard that the Medicine King Palace is well-informed. I have no choice but to do this. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the Star Sculpting City. If I were to look for them myself, I'm afraid that it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. " Ye Mingyang smiled bitterly. A helpless expression hung on his face. Right now, he could only hope to find Nu as soon as possible. There was no other request.    


Manager Qiu also frowned. He really could not think of anyone who would spend so much effort to capture a servant of Ye Mingyang. But since ___ had a request for him, he couldn't refuse it. Manager Qiu immediately said, "En, alright. I'll arrange for someone to look for him immediately. If there's any news, I'll inform Young Master Ye immediately."    


Ye Mingyang cupped his hands towards Manager Qiu and said, "Then I'll leave this matter to Manager Qiu. I hope Manager Qiu will take it to heart. If I find it, I will definitely reward you handsomely. " Ye Mingyang clearly emphasized the words "I will reward you handsomely."    


Manager Qiu was also a very smart person. He immediately knew why Ye Mingyang emphasized his words. It seemed that this matter was very important to him.    


Qiu Zhang immediately nodded his head and said, "Young Master Ye, don't worry. If we have any news, we will definitely send someone to inform you immediately."    


Just like that, the conversation between the two ended. Manager Qiu sent Ye Mingyang to the door. He seemed to have thought of something again and said to Ye Mingyang, "We have already prepared all the medicinal ingredients that Young Master Ye asked me to prepare at the Fireworks Building that day. If Young Master Ye needs them, just come to my Medicine King Palace to get them."    


"Thank you, Manager Qiu." Ye Mingyang nodded at Manager Qiu.    


He reached out his hand and took out the demon core of the Night Bat King. The worry on his face increased a little. This demon core and those medicinal ingredients were all prepared for Nu. If he could not find Nu, what was the point of everything he did.    


What Ye Mingyang urgently needed to know was that person's objective. Was it for money or something? If it was money, he would definitely have left some information for himself just now. However, he had searched the place many times, but he had not found any useful clues. There was only one footprint. It must have been left behind by the person who took Nu away. What was his purpose?    


In the underground prison of the Gu Mansion, there was a young girl who looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old sleeping. This person was the one who had just disappeared, Nu. There were a few drops of crystal clear tears on her face, as if she had cried just now.    


"Young Master! Young Master! Don't leave Nu behind!" Nu suddenly shouted and woke up.    


But the first person she saw when she woke up was not Ye Mingyang, but another handsome face. She only saw him looking at Nu with a smile outside the prison.    


"Who are you!" Nu was shocked by the person in front of her. She looked around and found that she was in the prison. He immediately became afraid. Wasn't he in the Hundred Flowers Garden just now? Why was he here now?    


"Don't you know me?" That person raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a strange smile.    


Although Nu was afraid, she still carefully looked at the face of the person in front of her. Nu's pupils suddenly enlarged. He looked at the person in front of him and seemed to have thought of something.    


"You... You are Gu Yue!" Nu was a little afraid but also a little shocked. Why was Gu Yue in front of her now? Where did Young Master go?    


Seeing that the person was indeed Gu Yue, he smiled at Nu and said, Gu Yue." Oh? I didn't expect you to know me." Gu Yue looked at Nu with interest.    


"Why are you here? Where did Young Master go?" Nu did not dare to look into Gu Yue's eyes. She moved her body backward until she reached the corner of the wall.    


After Gu Yue heard Nu's words, she smiled and said, "He still cares about that Young Master of your family. Indeed, the relationship between master and servant is deep. If your family's young master sees you here, I wonder how he would feel?"    


"Quickly let me out. I want to go back. Otherwise, young master won't be able to find me. He will definitely be anxious." Nu's words carried a trace of choking sobs. Initially, she had promised Ye Mingyang that she would wait for him at the same place. But now, he was here. If Ye Mingyang could not find him, he would definitely be very anxious. He wanted to get out of here now.    


Gu Yue's gaze turned cold as she said, "I've spent quite a bit of effort on you. Now that you say I'll let you go, I'll let you go? How can there be such a good thing in the world? " Gu Yue licked her lips again and continued," Do you think your Young Master will really look for you? You're just a servant who doesn't need anything. You'd better give up on that idea. "    


"No... he won't. Young Master said he would protect me for the rest of my life. He will definitely come and find me. " Nu actually started to cry at this time.    


She only saw that the smile on Gu Tang's face was getting stronger and stronger as he said, "Haha... Interesting. Actually, just like what you said, your young master will definitely come all over Star Sculpting City to find you. If I don't look for you, I don't need to spend so much effort to catch you today. "    


"What... what are you trying to do?" Nu's body trembled slightly as she asked Gu Yue.    


Gu Yue made a booing gesture and said, "Keep it a secret. I still have to give your young master a surprise." Gu Yue laughed loudly after saying this and did not stay for long. She then walked out of the cell.    


With a bang, the door of the cell was closed. Only Nu was left. He shrank his body and used his hands to hold his knees.    


"Young Master, where are you? Nu was so scared! She cried, but in the darkness, there was not a single person who could answer her question.    


In Gu Tang Prefecture, there were two people sitting. They were Gu Tang and Gu Yue who were on the ground just now.    


Gu Yue turned to Gu Tang and said," Father, the matter has already been settled. As long as we send the news to Ye Mingyang tomorrow, he will definitely fall into our trap. "    


Gu Tang nodded slightly at Gu Yue and said, "You can do it now, but that Ye Mingyang is really as you said. Will he fall into our trap as long as we have this little servant girl?" Gu Tang still had some doubts in his heart. To be honest, he did not believe that Ye Mingyang would barge into this ancient mansion alone for this servant girl.    


Gu Yue smiled and said to Gu Tang, "Father, don't just look at how this person is a servant girl. However, she and Ye Mingyang were childhood sweethearts. They had been serving Ye Mingyang since they were young. The two of them have a very good relationship, just like brother and sister. Last time, I heard from the waiter in the Fireworks Building that Ye Mingyang brought this servant girl to eat on a table the day he returned. It can be said that their relationship is rather deep. As long as Ye Mingyang knows that this servant girl is with us... He will definitely charge towards us alone. At that time, his father will charge him with the crime of treason. Then, the Ye family will be gone from this Star Sculpting City."    


After Gu Tang heard Gu Yue's words, he nodded slightly. He didn't say anything else. After all, this matter had already been handed over to Gu Yue to handle. As long as that Ye Mingyang dared to charge into this prefecture, he would make sure that he wouldn't be able to return alive.    


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