Star River Holy King

C113 Two Hunters

C113 Two Hunters

1In a forest in the north of Star Sculpting City, a wild beast's howl suddenly sounded. A figure could be seen walking out from the forest. It was Ye Mingyang, who had just escaped from Star Sculpting City that day. He carried the dead Nu on his back, and Ye Mingyang held a wild boar that weighed more than two hundred kilograms in his hand. The howl just now was also the sound of the dead wild boar in Ye Mingyang's hand.     1


"Looks like dinner is ready for today." Ye Mingyang looked a little tired. It had been three days since he left Star Sculpting City. Ye Mingyang did not choose to rest in the town next to Star Sculpting City because it was already Star Sculpting Country. Those towns were now under Gu Tang's control. If he went to those towns... He might be discovered by Gu Tang. Ye Mingyang didn't have the strength to defeat Gu Tang, so he was worried about his safety. After all, there weren't many people here. Besides, there were many wild beasts on this mountain, so he didn't have to worry about eating them.    


Ye Mingyang looked at Nu who was on his back. Nu had been dead for almost three days. Luckily, Ye Mingyang knew how to refine pill. He refined a Corpse Preserving Pill. Corpse Preserving Pill was the most basic kind of pill. The medicinal ingredients were also very easy to find. After all, it was only a beginner level pill. If she did not use the pill, Nu's body would probably have already started to emit a rotten smell. Ye Mingyang would never allow such a thing to happen.    


"Nu, wait for a few more days. I will bury you in the most beautiful corner of this matter." Ye Mingyang touched Nu's bloodless face. Nu's body had become very stiff. Ye Mingyang felt sad. Why did she have to be reborn in this life? Why would she let these things happen again?    


A wave of killing intent rose in Ye Mingyang's heart. All of this was because of Gu Tang and Eagle Eye. If it wasn't for them, Nu would still be jumping around.    


Ye Mingyang clenched his fists tightly. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible. At that time, he must kill Eagle Eye and that Gu Tang. Otherwise, Nu's soul in heaven would not be stable. Ye Mingyang would always wake up from his dream these few days. He dreamt that Nu was crying and crying in a sea of fire. He asked Ye Mingyang to save her, but Ye Mingyang could not move his feet no matter how hard he tried. He could only stand by the side and see Nu being swallowed by the sea of fire, but he did not have any ability to save Nu. It was like what happened in Ye Mansion that day. He could only watch helplessly as Nu was killed by Eagle Eye's palm. He didn't have any strength to save Nu. Ye Mingyang really hated this feeling of powerlessness.    


There was actually another reason why Ye Mingyang was staying in the forest next to Star Sculpting City, and that was Ye Shan. Ye Mingyang knew that Gu Tang definitely wouldn't kill his father, because he still needed Ye Shan to lure him out.    


"Gu Tang, just you wait. I will definitely make you die without a complete corpse!" Ye Mingyang coldly snorted. One day, he would definitely make Gu Tang pay with blood. He would settle the score with Gu Tang for Nu and the Ye family. And Eagle Eye.    


Ye Mingyang thought of Eagle Eye again. That eagle-nosed old man's strength was truly terrifying. If it wasn't for Ye Mingyang and Ye Shan severely injuring Eagle Eye last time, Ye Mingyang would never have been able to escape from the Star Sculpting City. At that time, Ye Mingyang vaguely heard that Eagle Eye seemed to be an elder of the Lin family in the Dark Cloud Empire. Why did Ye Mingyang suddenly think of Wang Qingyao of the Black Cliff Tribe? She seemed to be a member of the Lin family as well.    


Ye Mingyang's expression was incomparably cold. He would find those who owed him these debts and settle them one by one.    


Just as Ye Mingyang was thinking about how to take revenge on his enemies, the sound of branches breaking sounded out from the bushes in front of him. Was it a beast? Ye Mingyang listened carefully again and realized that it was two people wearing beast skins. Ye Mingyang frowned. These two people didn't seem to be hunting their own people. They looked like two ordinary hunters.    


However, Ye Mingyang didn't let his guard down. Any careless action at this time would cost him his life. This was something Ye Mingyang knew very well in his heart. After a short while, Ye Mingyang put down the wild boar in his hand. After which, he hid in the dense forest. He stared at the two of them.    


"Big brother, why have you been walking around for half a day and still haven't found any wild beasts?" Two figures appeared in the dense forest. These two people were walking towards Ye Mingyang. One was strong and the other was short.    


"Don't be anxious. As a hunter, you have to be patient. Hunting is not like chopping wood." The tall man looked like the short elder brother. There was a hint of comfort in his tone. He continued: "Now that Star Sculpting City is in such chaos, there is no work to be done. You're not hunting with me in the Star Sculpting City, you have to be patient."    


The short and skinny man nodded after hearing the strong man's words and said: "Right now my family and my family have to eat, so I am in a hurry. After all, there are so many mouths waiting for me to feed them. " After he said that, he sighed again and revealed a helpless expression.    


Ye Mingyang looked at the two of them again. There was no fluctuation of star power on their bodies, which meant that they were not sent by Gu Tang to hunt him down. Thinking of this, Ye Mingyang felt slightly relieved in his heart.    


"Huh?" The muscular man asked.    


"What's wrong?" The short man heard the strong man call out. He was a bit confused. Did he find the prey? Thinking of this, he smiled. As long as there was prey... This meant that he had spirit stones, so there was no need to worry about food. As he thought of this, a trace of joy appeared in his heart.    


"Look, there's blood on the ground, it looks like it was left behind just now" The robust man pointed to the ground. There was a pool of blood on the ground.    


The strong man looked at the blood stains on the ground and his eyebrows sank. He said: "It should be something that was bitten. Looks like it just escaped from here. But why are there no footprints on the ground? " The robust man was a bit confused. Why was there not a single footprint on the ground? Then, he saw a person's footprint. At that moment, he felt a chill in his heart. Could it be that someone had been injured, which was why this blood stain was left behind?    


The short and thin man also saw the footprint on the ground at this moment. His heart felt a little cold. Could it be that there was a man-eating beast in this mountain?    


"What should we do!?" He was somewhat afraid. What if it really was a man-eating beast? What should he do? He was originally an ordinary person, and he was also quite thin and small. If that beast came, the first one to die would probably be him. Right now, he was unable to make up his mind and could only look at that robust man. He was a professional hunter, so he could only make up his mind.    


The strong man was also hesitating. What if there really was some fierce beast? It would be dangerous, but he was afraid that it would be someone else's hands. There were many people who were bitten by fierce beasts in this mountain. He had to go and save them. Thinking of this, he took out the machete at his waist. He faced the short and skinny man and said, "What are you afraid of? Let's go and take a look. The machete in my hand has killed countless lions and tigers." The machete was polished until it was shiny, reflecting a sharp, cold light under the sunlight.    


The short, skinny man felt slightly more at ease when he saw the machete in the man's hand, but he was still a little afraid.    


The strong man also saw the anxiety on his face and comforted him, "Let's go and take a look. If there's any danger, we'll escape. Don't worry, I'm here " After saying that, he patted the short, skinny man's shoulder again.    


At this time, Ye Mingyang, who had been looking at the two of them from the depths of the shrubs, had some doubts. He had been here the whole time. Why didn't he see any bloodstains? Suddenly, Ye Mingyang seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly remembered the wild boar he had just shot. The blood they were talking about should have come from the wild boar.    


Ye Mingyang's eyes were somewhat cold at this moment. He was thinking... Should I join the two hunters and see if I should kill them or not? If he killed them, he would be killing the innocent. If he didn't kill them... If he let them go, they would definitely tell him where they were. When Gu Tang received the news, he would definitely hunt them down.    


Just as Ye Mingyang was thinking about this problem, the two of them were getting closer and closer. In a short while, they quickly walked to the side of the shrubbery where Ye Mingyang was. At this time, Ye Mingyang still made up his mind. He still didn't choose to kill these two people, but if they saw him, they would definitely recognize him. After all, Martial Marquis's son was famous in Star Sculpting City, so who wouldn't recognize him?    


Ye Mingyang chose to avoid these two men, but it was a pity for the wild boar. It was the result of his own hard work! Ye Mingyang was a little disappointed when he thought of this. He was not willing to give up a wild boar to someone else. However, he still chose to hide his figure and disappeared into the depths of the shrubs.    


"Big brother, look!" The short, skinny man suddenly let out a joyful cry. In front of him was a dead wild boar. It seemed like he had just been killed and there was no one nearby. Then this wild boar was ownerless and belonged to the two of them. Thinking of this, his face revealed a hint of joy.    


The strong man also saw the wild boar that had just been killed, and a look of joy appeared on his face. He originally thought that it was an injured pedestrian, but he didn't expect it to be a big wild boar that weighed more than two hundred kilograms. This wild boar seemed to be able to sell for quite a lot of crystals, and it seemed that this trip wasn't in vain.    


The strong man put away the knife in his hand and patted the short and thin man's shoulder again. He said, "Look, following me is not wrong, right? Now, as long as we carry this wild boar back, when the time comes, we'll definitely be able to sell it at a good price in the market. Looks like you don't have to worry about it now. " When the robust man saw this scene, he was also somewhat delighted. He originally thought that there might not be any gains from above today. Unexpectedly, a wild boar came. Looks like this trip was really not in vain.    


However, the two of them were also somewhat puzzled as they looked at the wounds on the wild boar's body. It must have been killed by a single blow, but the skin of this wild boar was incomparably hard. Ordinary blades seemed to be very taxing. What kind of blade would be needed to kill him in an instant? This made the two of them somewhat confused. Moreover, they didn't know who the owner of this wild boar was. Who would be so bored as to kill the wild boar and run away!    


However, the two of them were unwilling to consider these questions. Now, as long as they had this wild boar, they would have crystals. As long as they had crystals, they would have food to eat.    


The robust man waved at the short and thin man and said, "Who cares who it is. If we see it, it will be ours. We should carry this wild boar back to Star Sculpting City first, or else it would take a long time. The meat will change. I'm afraid it won't be able to sell for a good price. " After saying that, the robust man carried the wild boar on his shoulder. When the short and thin man saw this, he hurriedly went up to help.    


Ye Mingyang, on the other hand, felt a little depressed when he saw this. The thing that he had painstakingly obtained... Now, it was actually taken away by these two people in a righteous manner. This made him somewhat unwilling. However, after thinking for a while, he no longer felt indignant. After all, it was just a wild boar. It was not an important treasure. If they wanted it, then let them take it. In any case, his strength was so formidable that he could even fight back and eat Demonic Beast.    


However, Ye Mingyang suddenly recalled the taste of the Demonic Beast. This made him feel a little disgusted. The meat of the Demonic Beast was really not worthy of praise. Ye Mingyang didn't want to eat it a second time in his life.    


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