Star River Holy King

C62 Am I Wrong?

C62 Am I Wrong?

1White Night stood there, staring blankly at the fire. For some reason, a strange feeling came out of her body.    


She wanted to tell Ye Mingyang that she didn't do anything wrong. It was just that those people were too weak, that was why she killed them.    


But was this right? White Night asked himself in his heart.    


Ye Mingyang looked at White Night who was silent at this moment, and couldn't help but snort coldly. He said, "I think you have nothing more to say, right? Hmph! In the past, you were the only one who took the life and death of others. But now, you are being controlled by others. How does this feel?"    


"I..." White Night bit his pale lips with his pearly white teeth. Regarding Ye Mingyang's question, she was unable to answer, and she did not want to answer either.    


"This world is like this. The strong prey on the weak. I did not do anything wrong!" White Night roared at Ye Mingyang, but he looked so powerless!    


" Oh? Is that so? "Ye Mingyang looked at White Night. White Night's words were actually within his expectations. This world was indeed as she had said. The law of the jungle was always the truth in this world. Just like how he had just killed the Night Bat King, the Night Bat King would die in his hands. It was also because it was too weak, its strength was inferior to hers. That was why it had been killed.    


"Then, with power, can you treat human life as grass? That night, you didn't need to kill those people. You only needed to kill Liu Xuyan. Those are just ordinary people with mortal bodies, why did you kill them again? " Ye Mingyang looked into White Night's eyes and said word by word. His expression was very serious. He was also very serious.    


"I... I just think it's very interesting, I don't have any other thoughts..." After White Night said this, her lips were actually bitten open by her. A trace of dark red blood slowly slid down from her lips. All the way to her chin, drops of blood dripped onto her pale yellow dress.    


"A person who kills for fun is simply a demon, not even worthy of the words' snake, scorpion, and heart '" Ye Mingyang said in a stern voice.    


White Night closed his eyes tightly after hearing Ye Mingyang's words. She didn't want to continue listening, but every word still entered her ears. Those words were like sharp carving knives. Every word was completely engraved in her heart.    


"Am I a demon?" White Night recalled his past. No one was like Ye Mingyang, telling him that it was wrong to kill someone, not even his only big brother.    


He remembered that every time he completed a mission, he would be praised by others. Everyone told him that they had done a good job, even though those praises were exchanged with other people's lives. However, he had been like this since he was young. How could he be wrong?    


White Night thought of the person he had killed for the first time. It was an old man who was on the brink of death. The employer who entrusted him with this task was none other than the old man's eldest son. He had told White Night that the old man was seriously ill, but he would not die no matter what. In order to treat him, he had spent almost all of his property. He really did not have any money now, but he could not bear to see him die of illness. He hired Bai Ye to kill him, and the reward for that time was a spirit crystal. That spirit stone was also her first reward.    


In a moonless night, she covered herself with a black cloth and snuck into the room.    


The door was not locked, as if it had been prepared for her. She tiptoed in the room, afraid of making a sound.    


Not long after, she arrived in front of the old man's bed. She pulled out a short knife that had been prepared by her waist. The short knife flashed in the darkness with a trace of light. This short knife had already been polished by her countless times. Only then could it be as sharp as it was now.    


She hesitated for a moment. She was afraid that someone would suddenly walk in from that room.    


"Who are you?" Just as she was hesitating if she should stab him, a voice rang out in front of her.    


When White Night heard this, he couldn't help but jump in fright. He hurriedly threw down the short knife in his hand and ran to the side of the cabinet to hide.    


The short knife fell to the ground and made a bang sound.    


In a short while, a faint candle light lit up in the room. White Night hid behind the closet and covered his head with his hand, shivering. Her mind was filled with images of someone grabbing her. She closed her eyes, her heart beating intensely, but it heard the footsteps approaching her. It was getting louder and louder.    


"Child, what are you doing here?" Behind her voice came an aged voice with a hint of gentleness.    


White Night slowly put down his hands that were covering his head and looked behind her. He saw that it was an old face. That stooped figure was like the setting sun, as if it would fall at any time.    


White Night thought of the person he wanted to kill. It looked like it was this person. She touched her waist, but found that the short knife was already gone. Only then did she remember that the short knife had been in a panic just now. It had been thrown to the ground by her.    


"I..." White Night looked at the old man, not knowing what to say.    


The old man still looked kindly at White Night, and said to her, "I know, don't be afraid."    


Just as he finished speaking, the old man took out something from his waist. White Night took a look. Wasn't this the short knife that he had thrown away in his panic earlier?    


The short knife was now in the old man's hand. The sharp blade flashed with a dazzling light under the dim candlelight.    


The old man looked at the short knife in his hand and asked White Night, "Is this yours?"    


After White Night heard the old man's words, he squatted on the ground and nodded stiffly.    


"Then I'll give it to you now." The old man walked towards White Night and handed over the short knife.    


White Night looked at the short knife that was handed over to her. She was a little hesitant, and even more afraid. But she still took it.    


"Do you still remember what you came here for?" The old man's originally pale face turned waxy yellow in the candlelight.    


White Night kept the short knife in his bosom and gradually became bolder. She carefully looked at the face in the candlelight.    


That pair of eyes looked so turbid. There were a few streaks of blood in them, but there was a trace of gentleness between her eyebrows.    


"I... Someone hired me to kill you." White Night stammered. He was somewhat afraid.    


"I know. I knew it when I saw you take the things." After saying that, he looked at the short knife in White Night's arms again.    


"You... aren't you afraid?" White Night was somewhat surprised.    


The old man thought for a while, then said to White Night, "I'm afraid. How can I not be afraid? It's just that everyone will die. Even if I'm afraid, it's useless. " As soon as the old man finished speaking, he began to cough. It was just that every time he coughed, it was so strenuous, as if he was going to use up all the strength in his body.    


"As you can see, I won't live long" The old man helplessly shook his head and sighed.    


White Night was at a loss as to what to do when he saw the old man in front of him.    


"You mean I can kill you?" White Night asked carefully.    


The old man nodded and said, "Of course. As long as you receive payment, you must work. How much did he give you?"    


White Night extended a finger after hearing that and said, "A spirit stone."    


"One spirit stone?" The old man looked at White Night's extended finger and muttered to himself.    


Not long later, he slowly walked behind him. When White Night saw the old man leave, he also stood up and followed.    


He saw that the old man came to the front of the bed and seemed to be rummaging for something.    


Then, he walked in front of White Night and said to White Night, "Little girl, stretch your hand out."    


White Night nodded and stretched out his right hand. The old man's right hand, which was holding his fist, was placed on White Night's palm. Then, he loosened his fist. Immediately, a trace of a cold feeling was transmitted from White Night's palm.    


She opened her eyes wide and looked at her palm. It was a spirit stone, only the size of a red bean, shining with a sparkling luster under the candlelight. White Night was somewhat in disbelief. He looked at it a few more times before confirming that it was indeed a spirit stone.    


White Night was somewhat puzzled. She did not understand why this old man had sent this spirit realm into his hands.    


She asked the old man, "Why did you give this spirit stone to me?"    


The old man looked at White Night and said, "This is the reward I gave you. You only need to kill me and this spirit stone will be yours."    


"Why?" White Night could not believe his ears.    


The old man coughed a few more times and said in a hoarse voice, "I told you just now, I won't live long."    


"Isn't he still alive? Why isn't he alive? My mother said that as long as he can live, it's good."    


The old man looked at White Night's bright eyes, shining under the candlelight.    


"This is different. Although it's good to be alive, for some people, death is more appropriate." The old man continued: "Because after death, one doesn't need to suffer the pain of the world anymore. So to me, death is better than living "    


White Night nodded after hearing that and continued, "What do I have to do?"    


"You just need to take out the short knife at your waist and stab it into this place." The old man lifted his shirt after saying that and pointed at the location of his heart. He continued, "It's here."    


White Night saw that the body covered by the clothes was as thin as firewood. The skin on it was like the bark of a tree, and it was full of wrinkles. Above that, there was a place that was beating slightly.    


Was that his heart? Was it going to be pierced here later?    


After White Night heard the old man's words, he slowly took out the short knife from his bosom.    


"Now?" she asked the old man.    


The old man nodded and said, "Later, you have to use a bit more strength before I die faster." The old man slowly closed his eyes.    


Under the dim light, the sharp blade flashed with a cold light.    


Suddenly, White Night stabbed the blade towards the old man's heart. In the blink of an eye, White Night's hands were dyed red by that fresh blood.    


That dark red blood gushed out from the spot where the knife stabbed like a fountain, slowly dripping down along the knife, flowing into White Night's hands.    


White Night looked at the blood in his hands and was somewhat afraid. She could feel a trace of warmth coming from her palm. She knew that this was the residual heat of the fresh blood.    


He turned around and looked at the old man's face. That face was even paler now, like a piece of white paper. However, there was a trace of peace and tranquility in his expression.    


The old man used his ice-cold palm to touch White Night's face and said, "Thank you..." Before he could finish speaking, his body had already fallen backwards.    


At this moment, a gentle breeze blew in the dark night sky. It rolled down a yellowed leaf from the tree. The leaf did not land on the ground. Instead, it drifted along with the breeze into the night sky. No one knew where it would go.    


White Night looked at the old man who had died and the blood in his hands. She was incredibly afraid. She pushed open the door and ran towards the dark street.    


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