Star River Holy King

C45 A Lifetime of Fame

C45 A Lifetime of Fame

3Night passed quietly. The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the land.    3


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A rhythmic knocking sound came from outside Ye Mingyang's door.    


"Who is it?" Ye Mingyang rubbed his sleepy eyes. The battle last night. Although it looked easy, it had consumed a lot of his starlight power. After returning to his room, he fell asleep. He still looked tired.    


"Young Master Ye, I am Wu San. Patriarch Zhou asked me to invite you to the dining hall for breakfast." A voice came from outside the door. It was a respectful tone.    


It turned out to be the third brother from yesterday. The third brother from yesterday. The Wu San from today, as expected, in this world, only the strong were respected.    


Ye Mingyang sneered and replied." Alright, you go first. I'll be right there."    


After a while, he reluctantly left the comfortable bed. It wasn't that he was sleepy, but because the battle yesterday had consumed too much of his starlight energy, he was still sleepy.    


He got off the bed and stretched his body. He looked much more energetic.    


Ten minutes later, Ye Mingyang had finished washing up.    


He stood in front of the bronze mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. That originally young and tender face had now begun to have a trace of maturity and determination.    


"Is this growth?" Ye Mingyang shook his head and smiled bitterly. Then, he pushed open the door and strode out.    


The Black Cliff Tribe was not big. Ye Mingyang's guest room was located in the core area of the tribe and was not far from the dining hall.    


He arrived shortly. However, the entrance of the dining hall was packed with people. There were both men and women, young and old.    


"This..." Ye Mingyang was a little speechless when he saw this scene. He thought to himself, This entrance is full of people. How can I enter?    


After a while, someone saw him and shouted, "Look, that's the Young Master Ye who defeated the Green Mountain Tribe yesterday and saved our young master."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the dense crowd rushed towards Ye Mingyang and surrounded him tightly.    


Everyone surrounded him and looked up and down. The countless pairs of eyes seemed to be able to see through him.    


"Big brother! Big brother!" They saw a little girl who looked like she was about four or five years old grabbing onto his clothes. She opened her big watery eyes and said in a childish voice, "Big brother, can you teach me? I want to be like you too. Become a hero."    


"Me too! I want it too!" After hearing the little girl's words, a little boy next to her also said, not willing to be outdone. After saying that, he woke up with a handful of snot and wiped it on the corner of Ye Mingyang's clothes.    


"Brother's clothes!" Ye Mingyang wanted to cry but had no tears. He was a person who was not used to being noticed by others. He did not expect that such a scene would happen today. This gave him a headache.    




Suddenly, Ye Mingyang felt his head being scratched by someone. It turned out that the ribbon was taken away. No one knew who started it first. Everyone was like a group of fierce beasts. Someone took away his belt, someone pulled out his hair. Someone even pressed him to the ground and took off his shoes and socks. The scene was extremely chaotic.    


In the blink of an eye, the young man who could easily kill a Star Fusion Realm Demonic Beast was ripped apart by everyone, leaving only a pair of white shorts. It made people laugh when they saw him.    


This Ye Mingyang also had some bitterness that he couldn't speak of. After all, these were just ordinary people with mortal bodies. What if he accidentally injured them with his cultivation? Furthermore, this was someone else's territory. At the same time, Ye Mingyang also knew that these people didn't have any ill intentions towards him, so he endured it.    


He had been a wise man for a long time, but he had never thought that he would end up in such a situation today.    


With his current state, how could he still have the face to meet the ancestors of Ye family? Ye Mingyang wanted to cry but had no tears.    


In the dining hall, Patriarch Zhou and the others had been waiting for Ye Mingyang for a long time, but they did not see him arrive.    


Patriarch Zhou looked a little irritated and said to Wu San beside him, "Mo, why hasn't Young Master Ye come yet? Are you sure you woke him up?"    


"Yes, patriarch. Young Master Ye did wake up at that time and said he would come later." After Wu San said that, his expression changed again. He frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that Young Master Ye is a sleep-avaricious person?"    


"Third brother, don't speak nonsense. That Young Master Ye is so strong at such a young age. If that Young Master Ye is a lazy, sleep-avaricious person, then the two of us are nothing! Third brother, don't speak nonsense. That Young Master Ye is so strong at such a young age. If that Young Master Ye is a lazy, sleep-avaricious person, then the two of us are nothing!" Patriarch Zhou shouted in a stern voice.    


"Go and see if Young Master Ye has come or not. Is he delayed on the way here?" Patriarch Zhou waved his hand at Wu San, signaling him to go and take a look again.    


Wu San nodded and said, "Okay, I will go again."    


Wu San got up and was about to leave, but he heard Patriarch Zhou say, "Forget it. I will go with you this time. After all, you are an important guest of our tribe. I will go personally."    


"This... I think the patriarch doesn't need to go. I will go for this kind of thing." Wu San's expression was somewhat displeased, and he said, "He's only a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old. Why would I need you to go personally?"    


"Look at what he did yesterday. Did he look like a sixteen or seventeen year old young man?" Patriarch Zhou narrowed his eyes, and his gaze was slightly cold.    


Wu San remembered the day before, and he still felt some lingering fear in his heart. With a casual strike, Ye Mingyang killed a cultivator from the seven sects. His strength was truly terrifying. If this matter was told to the public, no one would have thought that this was something a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old could do.    


Wu San nodded solemnly and said, "Alright, I'll listen to the patriarch's arrangements."    


"In this world, the strong are respected!" Patriarch Zhou smiled bitterly and shook his head. He stood up and looked at Wu San and said, "Let's go."    


The two of them had just walked to the entrance of the dining hall when they saw the black crowd at the entrance.    


"What's going on? Why are there so many people?" A trace of anger appeared on Wu San's face as he asked the guard at the entrance of the dining hall, "This dining hall is the place where our sect treats our esteemed guests. How can you allow these people to gather here and make noise?"    


The guard's face showed a trace of bitterness and said, "This... This little one doesn't know either. I heard that they said that Young Master Ye, who saved our tribe yesterday, wanted to come to this dining hall early, so they have been guarding this place since morning."    


"Trash, you can't even watch this, what use do I have for you?" Wu San was even more furious. From the morning until now, nothing had gone smoothly for him. The dining hall was under his jurisdiction to begin with, and now that this had happened... Although it wasn't a big deal, Patriarch Zhou was right next to him. If he were to blame him... This made him extremely angry.    


When the guard saw Wu San's angry look, he was a little afraid. He stammered, "But... but there are too many of them."    


"Trash, you still dare to quibble! See how I will deal with you today!" Wu San was just about to teach this guard a lesson when he was stopped by Patriarch Zhou.    


Patriarch Zhou waved his hand, signaling Wu San to stop and said, "Never mind. It's just a small matter. You don't have to do this."    


Then he glanced at the guard and said, "Did you see Young Master Ye coming?"    


Hearing Patriarch Zhou's words, the guard felt relieved and heaved a long sigh of relief. He said, "There seems to be a person, but I didn't look carefully. I don't know if it was that Young Master Ye."    


"Where is that person?"    


The guard pointed in the direction of the crowd and said, "He is in the crowd, but he was surrounded in the middle. I couldn't see him."    


When Patriarch Zhou heard this, his brows slightly sank. He said to Wu San, "Mo, you go and tell these people to spread out and see if that is Young Master Ye."    


"Okay." After Wu San finished speaking, he walked towards the crowd.    


He only heard a loud shout! "Today is the day for our tribe to receive our distinguished guests. How dare you gather at the entrance of the dining hall and make a racket!" The shout from the peak of the six gates immediately caused the crowd to scatter.    


In a short while, the entrance of the dining hall became quiet. Only Ye Mingyang, who was lying on the ground with only a pair of white shorts left, was left.    


"Young Master Ye? You..." Wu San was a little speechless when he saw this scene. If he did not know Ye Mingyang, he would definitely think that Ye Mingyang was a homeless person by the road.    


Even Patriarch Zhou almost laughed when he saw this, but he held it in. After all, something like this had happened in his tribe. If he were to laugh now... This was too embarrassing for Ye Mingyang. Furthermore, Ye Mingyang's strength was so powerful that he could only pretend to be shocked. He strode forward and helped Ye Mingyang up.    


"Young Master Ye, it's my fault that such a thing happened today. Those people are just ordinary people, please don't mind them." Patriarch Zhou said apologetically, then he glared at Wu San. He pointed at ___ and shouted, "What are you looking at? Why don't you get some clothes for Young Master Ye to change into?"    


Wu San was also a smart person. He quickly said, "Okay, I will go now!" Then he hurriedly ran to find clothes.    


Ye Mingyang still did not come back to his senses. When he woke up, he found that the crowd had dispersed. Only Patriarch Zhou was by his side.    


Seeing that he had said those words, Ye Mingyang still did not say anything. Patriarch Zhou patted Ye Mingyang's face again and said, "Young Master Ye! Young Master Ye!"    


"What happened?"    


Ye Mingyang recalled what had just happened. He said with a bitter face, "I have been famous for a long time!" Ye Mingyang was like an injured wife at this moment.    


Not long after, Wu San, who had been ordered to look for clothes, had rushed back.    


Patriarch Zhou looked at Ye Mingyang and sighed, then said to Wu San, "Mo, take Young Master Ye to change his clothes first."    


"Yes, sir." Wu San stepped forward and supported Ye Mingyang, who was lost in thought. He turned around and walked to the guest room next to the dining hall.    


"What is going on?" Patriarch Zhou looked at the two of them who were thinking about going to the room. What happened this morning really made him not know whether to laugh or cry.    


But this matter made him understand Ye Mingyang a little more. This Ye Mingyang originally had the cultivation base of the seven sects. If he had been angry at that time, he was afraid that the surrounding people would have died.    


However, he endured it. It seemed like this was a kind person. Although he was powerful, he wasn't an evil person who killed innocents.    


Patriarch Zhou frowned and made up his mind not long later. He could make friends with this person.    


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