Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C1439 A Poisonous Snake Feasting on Blood

C1439 A Poisonous Snake Feasting on Blood

0"The destination is Africa. The exact location depends on the leader of the caravan."     1


Lin Yi nodded. "That's good. We'll stay here for now. First mate, please get us a room!"    


As he spoke, Blood One took out his card. "You can use your card, right?"    


"Yes, this way please!"    


Lin Yi and the rest followed the first mate through the entire cabin and into the passenger cabin.    


"Is one room enough for so many of you?" the first mate said as he opened the door.    


"Yes, yes. We just need to squeeze a little." Lin Yi looked inside the room. It was quite spacious, but there was an indescribable smell. Was it damp or something else?    


"Okay, you guys rest first. I will call you guys when we eat!" The first mate said as he closed the door.    


Lin Yi nodded and everyone surrounded him.    


"Zero, what do you think about this first mate?" Blood One had an indescribable feeling. Something was not right with this first mate.    


"Something is wrong with this ship. I haven't seen the merchants yet. Do you smell the house?"    


That very thick and strange smell. Although it was said to be the smell of blood, it did not seem like it. Instead, it had a kind of withered smell.    


"Let's rest for a while. Everyone, go to sleep!" Lin Yi sat on the ground and placed a piece of paper under the cabin door.    


After a night, Lin Yi and the others woke up. "Why did you sleep so well?" Lin Yi touched his head. It was noon.    


"Someone knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" Blood One asked impatiently.    


"Do you want to eat? The food is ready!" It was the first mate's voice.    


"Alright, we'll be there in a bit!" Lin Yi replied.    


"Wait for me to look at my eyes when we are eating!" Lin Yi told everyone in advance. It was not that he did not believe in the first mate, but it was better to be careful when going out.    


After passing through the passenger cabin, they arrived at the merchant ship's restaurant. Although the scale was not large, the food was indeed quite fragrant. For them who had not eaten for a few days, it was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.    


"Little brother, you guys make do with eating. I will open big meat for you tomorrow!" The one who spoke was a person who looked like a chef. It seemed like he really thought of himself as a rich person.    


"Thank you first!" Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "Everyone, eat!"    


The first bite was not poisonous, so they could eat without worry.    


"Cough, cough!" Blood One coughed, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at the door.    


Lin Yi saw a group of people wearing strange clothes. They did not look like they knew each other. Instead, they looked like impoverished households in Southeast Asia.    


However, Lin Yi did not think that these people were from the Fallen Soul Clan. The big golden bracelet on their hands was probably a few kilograms heavy. People like these who exposed their wealth either had their own strengths or were used to pretending to be weak. The former was mostly made up of the former.    


"Where's the food for my pet?" One of them spoke to the chef in a very unfluent Mandarin.    


The chef agreed readily and went to the kitchen to carry a bucket of unknown food out.    


"Blood?" Lin Yi said. There was a strong smell of blood.    


He looked at the man again. A small snake came out of his sleeve. The snake slipped into the bucket. After a while, all the blood in the bucket was sucked clean. Only then did Lin Yi notice that the originally silver ringed snake had now turned into a dark red snake. The snake still stuck out its tongue.    


"Zero, something is wrong with these people!" Blood One said in a low voice.    


He did not need to say anything. He could see that none of these blood-thirsty things were good. They probably did not come with good intentions.    


Lin Yi and the others quickly finished their meal and walked across the hall to the deck. When they passed by the strange people, they glanced at them, whether intentionally or not. The way they dressed was similar to how they dressed in Southeast Asia. They looked at the snake spitting its tongue. Lin Yi shook his head and only cared about walking out.    


"Zero, what do you think of these people?" Blood One laid on the railing and looked at the endless sea in the distance.    


"Ignore them. We should be able to reach the shore in a few days!" Lin Yi saw the mark on Blood One's neck.    


"Have you been stung by mosquitoes?" Lin Yi pointed at the mark on Blood One's neck. It was about the same color as his skin, and it was slightly red. If one did not look closely, one would not be able to notice it.    


Blood One touched his neck. "No. How can there be mosquitoes in this kind of sky?"    


As he spoke, he muttered in a low voice, "I remember I was fine before I came!"    


Only then did Lin Yi notice that not only Blood One, but also his Blood Word Flag brothers had more or less a mark on their necks. Without any exception, their positions were all at the roots of their necks. If one did not look carefully, they would not be able to see it.    


Lin Yi touched his neck and really felt two small holes. When they were connected, it was hard to find them. He knew his own body the best. The sudden appearance of such a thing was definitely not caused by water and soil incompatibility. He really didn't know the exact reason.    


"Could it be that bowl of rice?" Lin Yi muttered to himself, "It shouldn't be!"    


"Zero, what's wrong with you?" Blood One realized that something was not right with Lin Yi. He looked like he had a lot on his mind.    


"It's nothing. Let's go back!" Lin Yi patted Blood One's shoulder as he spoke.    


Blood One yawned. "You don't have to say it. I'm really tired!"    


Who knew that his brothers would say that they were tired? It wasn't just them. Lin Yi himself also felt tired, so he directly went back to sleep.    


The group of people returned to their rooms and directly laid down to sleep. This time, Lin Yi was careful. Before going to sleep, he held his breath in advance. This way, if there were any signs of trouble, he could wake up immediately.    


Sure enough, when everyone started snoring, a snake crawled in from under the crack of the door. If Lin Yi could see it, it would be the blood-sucking snake in the day, just like during the day, with silver rings and flower bodies.    


"Hiss! Hiss!" The snake naturally climbed onto Blood One's body and took a deep breath at his neck. It did not inhale much. After sucking for about a minute, it turned around and sucked on the next brother.    


Just like that, it repeated. When it came to Lin Yi, it was dark in front of him. His pupils enlarged, and he felt a pool of blood flowing in his chest. Then, he woke up. The snake was still biting his neck, and Lin Yi was in pain. He used the golden finger to hit the snake, but who knew that the snake had turned into a shadow and disappeared.    


"Wake up!" Lin Yi patted Blood One. He noticed that the mark on Blood One's neck was purple and black. It was the sign of being poisoned. It slowly turned into a red color that was one level deeper than normal skin color.    


"It looks deeper than yesterday. This snake is very poisonous. Although it did not show, the poison in the body has already started to spread." Lin Yi thought as he took out the Shadowless God Needle and stabbed it into his neck and head. He activated the Wood Spirit Bead and began to expel the poison.    


Slowly, his body began to heat up, and then it suddenly became cold. After half a minute, the poison slowly left the mark on his neck.    


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