Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C1171 The First Round

C1171 The First Round

1When Lin Yi heard Elder Zhou say start, he raised his eyebrows. He had been preparing for this for so long. It was going to start eventually. Lin Yi knew that this was only a competition within the city, and only the first and second place could participate in a higher competition. Therefore, Lin Yi was determined to win the first place.     2


Elder Zhou looked at everyone present and his heart was filled with pride. It was as if these people had the shadow of his youth. Elder Zhou waved his hand and said, "Then let's begin the first round. Six people will be eliminated in this round." After saying that, he gestured to Bai Mudan and Bai Mudan nodded. Understanding his intention, she turned around and went backstage.    


Not long later, Bai Mudan brought a few staff members out from backstage. Each staff member held a sealed box in their hands. Not more, not less. There were exactly twelve boxes. Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and sized up these boxes. The boxes were sealed tightly. There seemed to be something inside.    


A bold idea suddenly popped up in Lin Yi's mind. If he used his powerful Willpower to probe these boxes, would he be able to see clearly what was inside? He did as he said. Lin Yi hurriedly spread out his Willpower. As he prepared to investigate what was inside the boxes, he comforted himself, "This should not be considered cheating. En, not considered cheating."    


When Lin Yi spread out his Willpower, he realized that something was not quite right. Out of the eleven judges on the judges' panel, two of them had extremely powerful souls. Their Willpower was also powerful enough. One was Lin Cheng and the other was Bai Mudan. Lin Yi did not dare to continue probing. He turned around and prepared to check the contents of the box.    


Lin Yi used his Willpower to get close to the iron boxes, but something unexpected happened. Lin Yi's Willpower was about to get close, but he found that his Willpower was blocked by another Willpower. Before Lin Yi could react, he was bounced away. Lin Yi quickly retracted his Willpower and immediately felt dizzy.    


Lin Yi felt that something was a little strange. He looked up at the judges' seats. He found that Lin Chengzheng was staring at him with a pair of deep eyes. It was as if he was declaring war on Lin Yi. Lin Yi was shocked. He had never seen anyone who could resist his Willpower. Today, he actually met one.    


However, he was the one who had done the wrong thing, so there was nothing he could not accept. Furthermore, he was not as good as the others. Lin Yi was definitely going to suffer this loss.    


In the blink of an eye, the staff members holding the boxes stood in front of the contestant area. Elder Zhou slowly walked down from the judges' seats and stood in front of the staff. He looked at the contestants in front of him and said, "Since everyone is in the TCM team, they should be TCM experts. There are twelve boxes in front of you. Later, you can draw lots to decide which box you want to take. After choosing, you will open the box. Inside are all medicinal herbs. Of course, they have already been ground into powder. What you need to do this round is very simple. It is to distinguish these medicinal herbs. "As he speaks, Elder Zhou waves his hand and two staff members come up from behind. They were holding a box of straws in their hands.    


" Of course, there is more than one herb inside. It might be two or three herbs. If you are unlucky, you might be able to get more than ten herbs. "    


Elder Zhou smiled and continued, "These herbs might be a random herb, or they could be randomly pieced together. Alright, that's the rule. I have finished speaking. Let's begin." After Elder Zhou finished speaking, he pointed at Sun Chang, indicating for him to be the first to draw.    


Sun Chang ran up eagerly and took out a piece of paper from the box. It was Number Seven. He didn't know what to be happy about, but he immediately shouted. "Yeah, yeah. Yay! Number Seven! Number Seven! " He shouted and ran to the front of box seven.    


"Lin Yi. "According to the order, the next one is Lin Yi. Elder Zhou called him.    


Lin Yi nodded and walked down from the contestant area. He took out a piece of paper from the box. Number 12. Lin Yi looked at the paper and smiled. He turned around and walked to box No. 12.    


After a while, all the contestants had finished drawing their lots. Elder Zhou also began to give orders, "Take the boxes and go back to your respective competition areas." Everyone returned to their seats one after another, holding the boxes in their hands. They kept looking left and right, but didn't dare to open them.    


Elder Zhou saw that everyone had already taken their seats and said, "You guys start now. There are five minutes to determine what kind of medicinal herbs these are. First, identify the top six winners. Now, the competition begins." After saying that, Elder Zhou pressed the remote control in his hand. Suddenly... ... The lid of all the iron boxes slowly opened.    


Lin Yi looked at the powder in the boxes and smiled. When Ye Zifeng forced Lin Yi to memorize medical books and practice, he naturally did not let go of the knowledge of medicine. Lin Yi could recognize most of the medicinal herbs at the age of ten. When he was fifteen, basically, Lin Yi only needed to smell the scent of the medicinal herbs to be able to distinguish them.    


Lin Yi lowered his head and smelled the herbs. He smiled and raised his hand.    


Everyone was shocked when they saw Lin Yi raise his hand so quickly. It had only been thirty seconds since the beginning. Many of them hadn't even started, but Lin Yi already knew the composition of the herbs.    


Elder Zhou saw Lin Yi raise his hand so quickly and nodded his head in satisfaction. He said, "Twenty-seven seconds. Very powerful. However, the record was set by Ye Zifeng in the past, fifteen seconds. Lin Yi, come over and find these herbs in front of him. "    


Lin Yi was shocked as well. How could this strange old man, Ye Zifeng, be so powerful? He only used fifteen seconds to find all the medicinal herbs? It seemed like he was still quite a distance away from Ye Zifeng when he was young. Lin Yi nodded his head and walked out of the contestant area. He walked towards the herb area next to him.    


Bai Mudan stuck close to Elder Zhou's ear and secretly stole it. She whispered, "Elder Zhou, Ye Zifeng really is stronger than us in his entire life. He was so good at teaching a disciple. Can you differentiate those herbs so quickly? "Old Zhou smiled and shook his head.    


Compared to before, it was very simple to find the herbs. Lin Yi quickly gathered all the medicinal herbs. There weren't many medicinal herbs, and there were six flavors. There weren't any strange medicinal herbs either. After Lin Yi found the herbs, he stood in front of Elder Zhou.    


Elder Zhou looked at Lin Yi and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


After that, another contestant raised his hand. It was a young man, but Lin Yi had never seen him before. However, Lin Yi didn't think he was a nobody. After all, he was able to come here. It was impossible for him to be a nobody.    


"Chen Zhi. 61 seconds." Elder Zhou nodded his head. The person in front of him was not bad. After all, not everyone was as abnormal as Lin Yi. Chen Zhi also nodded his head, then he gave Lin Yi a deep look.    


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