Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C360 Upgrading

C360 Upgrading

0While Lin Yi was chatting with the little girl, the surrounding people started discussing amongst themselves.    


"What's wrong with this Lin Yi? Why is he chatting with a little kid?"    


"That's right. Everyone else is busy, but what about him?"    


"Eh? No... Did you see that? That little girl has silver needles on her body."    


At this moment, someone finally realized that something was wrong. However, when they looked at the little girl, they were so shocked that they could not speak. It turned out that Lin Yi and the little girl were talking to distract her attention. Lin Yi must be afraid of scaring the little girl.    


If he could pierce the silver needle into the little girl's body while he was talking, how fast and precise would the little girl not notice?    


It was understandable for the first round to be a lab rat. After all, it was not a primate and could not react quickly. However, this time, it was a living person and it could not cause any feeling. It showed how terrifying the needle technique was.    




The surrounding people could not help but suck in a breath of cold air when they saw it.    


While everyone was still in shock, Lin Yi didn't stop. Instead, he continued to chat with the little girl. Then, without anyone noticing, he quickly inserted bright silver needles into the little girl's body.    


"Big brother, why do I feel warm? Could it be that chatting with big brother makes me feel warm? This feeling is very comfortable." The little girl blinked her eyes and looked sweetly at Lin Yi. She didn't know what she meant by comfortable chatting with Lin Yi. Still warm and comfortable.    


Lin Yi knew that this was the effect of the Shadowless Needle Technique. It was to regulate the activity of the cells in her body, and then cause her immune system to reject it, thus expelling the virus from her body at the smallest price.    


"It's fine. Big brother is currently expelling the disease in your body. The warmth in your body means that they are being expelled from your body." Lin Yi patiently explained to the little girl in the simplest way.    


The little girl was stunned. She had never thought that her illness would be cured. She had never thought that this day would come so quickly and so unreal.    


"Okay!" Dean Harley stood up and clapped his hands when he saw it. His face was flushed red.    


Then, everyone in the hall started to applaud, and the sound wave continued to spread.    


In the end, only Lin Yi and the other one won in the second round. The other one was the one who took Lao Shu's pulse in the first round. He was wearing casual clothes, and was about forty years old. His hair was combed back into a large flying hair, and his face was covered with oil. On his feet was a pair of bright leather shoes.    


The patient he was treating in the second round was a young man in his twenties. His treatment method was also very strange. After Lin Yi finished his match early, he felt that this person was not simple, so he stared at him the whole time.    


The way he diagnosed the pulse was also very strange. The other pulses were in his hands, and this person touched the patient's fingertip. It did not take long for him to have his own thoughts.    


His hands kept jumping around the patient's body. After a while, the young man's entire body turned red like burning charcoal.    


When the middle-aged man forcefully slapped the young man's back, the young man immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and flew two to three meters away.    


Of course, because of Lin Yi, very few people noticed the uniqueness of this person. When everyone reacted and looked in the direction of Lin Yi's gaze, the person had already completed the treatment.    


"After a few hours of treatment, the bacteria in some patients' bodies did not decrease at all. This kind of judgment is failure. There are also those who think that they are unable to treat the patient who will also be judged as failure. When the time is up, those who still have no effect will also be judged as a failure. "    


Just as Lin Yi was pondering over the middle-aged man's technique, the host's voice sounded from the platform.    


"Initially, I thought that only one person would be able to pass the test, but I never thought that a dark horse would emerge from the competition. The shock he gave us is no less than Dr. Lin's acupuncture technique."    


"So the winner of our second round is Lin Yi from Profound Wind Hall, and Honda Itiki from Divine Wood Society. Everyone, please give a round of applause."    


Rustle, rustle, rustle...    


Thunderous applause sounded in the hall, because every medical conference would bring a huge shock to the entire medical community. Therefore, there were cameramen following the whole process, and they broadcasted it all over the world. This was also the purpose of Lin Yi's participation in this medical conference. It was to push the ancient medical skills of H Country to the peak of the world.    


"Honda Itiki? Japanese?" Only now did Lin Yi know the name of the middle-aged man.    


Lin Yi sighed. "I thought he was also from H Country when I saw his technique and his clothes. I didn't find him, but he is from Nippon."    


At this moment, Honda Itiki walked towards Lin Yi with a smile on his face.    


"Hello! Nice to meet you. Please take care of me. My name is Honda Itiki. Your treatment method is very special. It's called acupuncture, but it doesn't seem like it. " Honda Itiki walked over and said in broken Mandarin.    


Lin Yi had never had a good impression of the people of Nippon, so he responded very coldly.    


Honda Itiki could tell from Lin Yi's attitude that it was definitely because of the friction between the two countries in history. Therefore, the people of H Country did not like the people of Nippon, and Honda Itiki was not surprised by this.    


Honda Itiki saw that the atmosphere was not so awkward, so he tried his best to find a common word to say.    


Honda Itiki thought that since everyone was a doctor, it should not be difficult to find a common topic to talk about.    


"We are so lucky. Only the two of us are left in the end. When I think about comparing it to your elusive acupuncture technique, I don't have much confidence. However, since I'm already here, it's impossible for me to give up. In that case, Mr. Lin, I will do my best."    


Lin Yi nodded slightly, then said without any emotion, "That's how it should be."    


In the end, Honda Itiki saw that Lin Yi really did not like him. So he could only turn around and leave, but no one noticed the cold look in his eyes.    


In Lin Yi's heart, he felt that this person was not that simple. It gave him a different feeling from the others. Lin Yi thought about it, perhaps it was really because of history. That was why it was like this. Lin Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about these troublesome matters.    


As the second match of the medical conference had ended after seven o'clock in the evening, the competition between Lin Yi and Honda Itiki could continue until the afternoon of the next day. As soon as Honda Itiki walked out of the academic hall, he was stopped by someone.    


"Oda, are you free? Come with me."    


Honda Itiki looked up and found that it was the vice president of the Medical Association, Jess. At the moment, he was looking at him calmly.    


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