My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1320 Wrong Queue

C1320 Wrong Queue

1As long as you know the classical literature, you will know the origin of tears. Copy Web Access     0


Shen Huanhuan was no fool. If Nalan Duoduo had treated her like this only because of her former sisterhood, even pigs would have laughed. How could a ruthless person, who could even imprison his teacher, value his sister's feelings so highly? Recently, Shen Huanhuan, as a disciple of the Mountain Lao, had won the intelligence reports of the several major sects with her identity as a Information System. This proved that as long as the information mechanism of the Yuanshen medicine industry worked, the Mountain Lao intelligence network would be ahead of all the other sects without any effort.    


A sect was different from a Martial Sect, the Information System even operated according to an ancient mechanism, the new technology used was minimal, and the reason for this phenomenon was probably because the sect's Martial Cultivator s were too strong. The stronger a person was, the more they would drift away from the ground. It was very likely that they would even forget who they were.    


Seeing Shen Huanhuan's body tremble, Tian Xue was amused. "As long as you have me in your heart, I also have you in my heart. We are still sisters from before. I will treat you better than Elder Wang."    


Shen Huanhuan raised her head, looked at Tian Xue, and said quietly: "I don't want to live a life below tens of thousands of people, I just want this free-for-all to end and live a peaceful life. Actually, our life in Yuxiao Palace at that time was very good, and when I think about it now, I can still smile."    


"Did you say when you were a child, or the last year?" Tian Xue asked meaningfully.    


"All of them." Shen Huanhuan replied honestly, "Even if my memories are good when I'm young, it's still a long time since the past. Now that I've grown up, you still have to listen to me quietly. This kind of friendship is even more precious. You and Ye Lingtian have come this far …"    


Seeing Tian Xue's expression change, Shen Huanhuan bit her red lips and continued, "I know you're unhappy about mentioning this, but if you really take me as your sister, I hope you can continue listening."    


Tian Xuedai's brows were scrunched into a frown, and her tone was slightly impatient. "Speak, only you can say it."    


"If Ye Lingtian doesn't stand on the opposite side one day, will you marry her?" Shen Huanhuan turned her head to look at Tian Xue as she asked in a low voice.    


"You should understand that the world has no ifs." Tian Xue smiled indifferently, "That's why there's no meaning to this question. However, if Ye Lingtian has always been on my side and doesn't touch my power to marry him, then it's not a big deal. I sometimes wonder, why would he marry me before I recover my memories?" It must be because there's a place in my heart that needs some warmth, right? "    


A thousand years of waiting, a thousand years of loneliness, how many could bear it? Subconsciously, Nalan Duoduo didn't seem to want to be alone.    


Shen Huanhuan looked deeply at Tian Xue, "If you really think that way, then I feel at ease. If Ye Lingtian doesn't block the way, then we'll give him a chance. If he really does block the way, don't blame us."    


"Since you can say that, I feel at ease." Tian Xue patted Shen Huanhuan's shoulders and said gently, "Hurry up and pay attention to your words. Wu Haozhao might be stupid, but he's not bad. I'll let him listen to your commands."    


"If I can't do this little thing well, I can't be the future Fifth Elder of the Mountain Lao either." Shen Huanhuan smiled sweetly. The nervousness and restraint from before was no longer present in her smile.    


When Shen Huanhuan left, it was already dawn.    


The hotel was located on the side of the cliff, not far from the famous waterfall. It was now spring. On the side of the sea of flowers, there was a waterfall over thirty meters long. The light of the dawn formed a curved rainbow above it. From afar, it looked like a paradise, so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble. At this time, there were always many tourists who came to visit, but today, there were only so many birds at the entrance of Fruit Tree Falls.    


A stone table was placed in a small pavilion near the waterfall, and on the table was a fruit plate. Twenty odd sect Martial Cultivator with short spears stood on the west side of the small pavilion, anxiously watching the surrounding movements.    


Ma Wuchuan picked up a grape and stuffed it into his mouth. He looked at the fruit tree waterfall with interest and muttered to himself, "To arrange for the three parties to meet at a hotel on the water side, this Tian Xue is really elegant."    


Very quickly, Tian Xue led Shen Huanhuan and the other Mountain Lao people out of the hotel.    


Tian Xue walked over with a smile and placed a square box on the stone table. She smiled apologetically at Ma Wuchuan: "Sorry for making Sect Leader Ma wait so long."    


"I didn't wait too long. It's just that you have arrived, and the heaven warping genius of Sabre Sect, Ye Yuntian, hasn't arrived yet." Wu Tie raised his teacup, took a sip, and glanced at the Mountain Lao disciples at the east side of the pavilion, "From what I know, the who came with me this time is the leader of the nine great Hall Lord s, Qian Zibai. Where is she?"    


Tian Xue gave Ma Wuchuan a slight smile, "It's here."    


When the square box was opened, Ma Wuchuan saw the head inside the box. The teacup in his hand dropped onto the ground with a "pa da" sound, and tea water splashed all over the floor.    


"Look carefully, Sect Leader Ma. Is that Qian Zibai?" Tian Xue placed the Blue Sea Azure Sky Sword on the stone table, and while peeling an orange, she said indifferently, "If it's definitely me, then please throw my head at Hei Jiang. If it's not, then I will find her even if I have to dig three feet into the ground …"    


Tian Xue stuffed a piece of orange into her cherry lips. "Citrus is much sweeter than blood."    


Ma Wuchuan's expression was uncertain. After pausing for a moment, he smiled awkwardly: "It's Qian Zibai."    


With that, he waved his hand, and the square box with the head floated off into the distance. It slowly fell down the waterfall of the fruit tree onto the Black River, creating a splash.    


Tian Xue was eating an orange very peacefully. In the end, she picked up a wet towel from the side and wiped her hands: "Sect Leader Ma seems to have brought a little less people this time, relying on these people to touch me seems to be a little difficult."    


Ma Wuchuan sighed. "Since Elder Tian Xue has made it this far, she must know the rules. Even though everyone is in a high position, they can't help themselves."    


Tian Xue nodded her head: "I understand that Sect Leader Ma has made such a choice. No one knows how strong their idea will be before the trump card is raised."    


Ma Wuchuan cupped his hands towards Tian Xue and laughed heartily, "Elder Tian Xue is magnanimous, let's not talk about formalities anymore. Sky Spear Sect is an alliance with Mountain Lao, not with Zhuo Bu Qun. As long as Mountain Lao is steadily in Elder Tian Xue's hands, we will naturally be partners."    


Tian Xue held up the cup of tea and lightly smiled to Ma Wuchuan. She then looked at the Mountain Lao disciples and faintly said: "For Sect Leader Ma to be able to say such words, Tian Xue is deeply gratified. It seems that tonight's work was not in vain, and the chess pieces inside the sect were not settled for nothing."    


"Elder Tian Xue is indeed worthy of her reputation as one of the top geniuses in the world of Martial Sect. Back then, you stirred up countless ripples in the world of Martial Sect, and you did not expect that you would be a hero who did not hold anything back in Sects World. With this method, you will never see anyone else before you even entered the sect, and you will choose to cooperate with Sky Spear Sect." Ma Wuchuan's eyes sparkled with Tian Xue as he said in a sincere tone: "Elder Tian Xue is indeed worthy of being one of the top geniuses in the entire world.    


Tian Xue smiled sweetly: "Sect Leader Ma is indeed worthy of being a Sect Leader of the Sky Spear Sect. From a distance, the cooperation of Mountain Lao and Sky Spear Sect is no longer obstructed.    


Ma Wuchuan was stunned, "Elder Tian Xue, when we killed Qian Zibai, you didn't ask her about some things?"    


Tian Xue looked at Ma Wuchuan meaningfully: "Other than joining hands with Sect Leader Ma to get rid of me, she didn't say anything."    


Ma Wuchuan's face turned red and he was ashamed. "There are some things that I have to explain to Elder Tian Xue. Otherwise, Elder Tian Xue will not be able to tell which one is one of us and which is an outsider."    


Tian Xue acknowledged him and was about to open her mouth to say something when she saw Ye Lingtian leading Wang Zhigang and the rest over.    


Seeing Ma Wuchuan and Tian Xue, Ye Lingtian cupped his hands and said, "Sorry, I'm late."    


Tian Xue raised her wrist to look at her watch, shook her head and smiled, "Assistant Ye didn't arrive late. It's just that we arrived a bit early."    


Ye Lingtian sat on the stone bench and looked at Tian Xue, then looked at Ma Wuchuan and asked tentatively, "Have the two of you started talking already?"    


"The Sect Leader has already reached an agreement to cooperate with the Mountain Lao. What about Assistant Ye's Sabre Sect?" Tian Xue turned around and smiled meaningfully at Ye Lingtian.    


Before Ye Lingtian could open his mouth, Ma Wuchuan burst into laughter, "Elder Tian Xue, I think you should not ask Ye Yuntian about this question. You should ask Elder Ge Xinning."    


Ye Lingtian frowned and asked bluntly: "Sect Leader Ma, are you blind? The one who represents Sabre Sect in the three parties is me, Ye Yuntian, not Great Elder Ge Xinning. "    


He glanced at Ye Lingtian and said to Tian Xue with a dark expression: "Not only does Great Elder Ge Xinning say something in Sabre Sect, his words have more weight in Sky Spear Sect. Elder Tian Xue shouldn't have let someone who's about to die participate in the three party meetings."    


Ye Lingtian glanced at Ma Wuchuan, curled his lips and said: "In that case, Sect Leader Ma wants to kill me here?"    


"That's right." Ma Wuchuan raised his head proudly and smiled sinisterly at Ye Lingtian, "Are you going to do it yourself, or am I going to help you?"    


Ye Lingtian shifted his gaze to Tian Xue, who had a carefree expression, and asked, "What do you think?"    


Tian Xue picked up her teacup, looked at Ye Lingtian, and then looked at Ma Wuchuan. From her cherry lips came two words that made people smile bitterly: "Guess?"    


Ye Lingtian's mouth twitched, he turned his head to look at the waterfall in the distance, and said without much strength: "I can't guess. From the current comparison of strength, it seems that working with Ma Wuchuan is beneficial to one's Mountain Lao."    


Ma Wuchuan laughed coldly, and looked at Ye Lingtian with a trace of pity in his eyes: "At least you know your place, if you think about it carefully, it's really a pity. With such a strong talent in Cultivation Level, your intelligence is no worse than Great Elder Ge Xinning's, but because you stood in the wrong group and died in a foreign land, your fate is truly tragic."    


Ye Lingtian turned around and looked at Ma Wuchuan. "You're too stupid. If Elder Tian Xue really wants to make a move on me, do you think I can leisurely walk in from the main entrance?"    


Ma Wuchuan looked at Tian Xue's expression and stood up slowly. He sneered, "Elder Tian Xue, what Ye Yuntian said is not true, right?"    


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