My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1324 Must Go

C1324 Must Go

1Flee? Ge Xinning slammed the table and shouted, "I worked so hard to get to where I am today, you want me to run away?"    


Facing the darkness of the night, Ge Siyu said softly, "Dad, I told you before that if you couldn't kill Ye Yuntian with a meticulously planned plan, you have to run! And now, you have seen the situation. The authority to speak of Mountain Lao is not in the hands of the current Sect Leader Zhuo Bu Qun, but rather in the hands of Tian Xue who has just entered the Mountain Lao? "What does this mean? It means that Tian Xue is very, very powerful."    


"Tian Xue's performance really surprised me." Ge Xinning snorted coldly, "But it's not to the point where there's no boundaries. Sabre Sect and Sky Spear Sect are already linked as one, I don't believe that the strength of the current Mountain Lao has already reached the level of a large sect."    


"Dad, why are you still so stubborn!" Ge Siyu knocked on the table and said earnestly, "Tian Xue is not stupid, choosing Ye Yuntian to work together instead of us, what does that mean? This proves that Ye Yuntian has a trick up his sleeve. This shows that Ye Yuntian's ability to hide in the dark is much stronger than what we imagined. "    


Offer? Ge Xinning laughed coldly: "I just entered the Sabre Sect, what strength do you have to play hindsight? Wu Haozhao's one faction is Ye Yuntian's biggest reliance in the sect! "    


Ge Siyu stood up and shouted into the phone, "Dad, you're so smart. Why can't you turn around at this moment? I don't want to be without a father, so you have to listen to me this time! The bystanders are all too aware of the situation. "    


When the time comes, I will use a thunderous method and completely clear out the entire Sabre Sect. The Sky Spear Sect and the Sabre Sect will become one, and I can even challenge the Mountain Lao, what reason do I have to give up? " Ge Xinning stood up and said with a gloomy face, "I will make Tian Xue regret. I will let her know that choosing Ye Yuntian was her biggest mistake in this life."    


Ge Siyu held onto the table and said without much strength, "Dad, if we really do that, we won't have a chance to escape anymore. I listened to you before, so listen to me this time, alright? Let's go!"    


"Don't say anymore, I've already decided." "Not only is our partner Mountain Lao, Wang Huateng of Heaven Axe Sect also threw us an olive branch. At worst, he would just form an alliance with Heaven Axe Sect."    


Ge Siyu held onto the Satellite Phone and said quietly, "Father, it looks like you won't listen to anything I say. How about this, you come here to find me first and come back when things are done. What do you say?"    


"I am the commander. What will my brothers think when I leave?" Ge Xinning rejected Ge Siyu's suggestion without any hesitation, "Stay tight. Obtaining control of Sabre Sect is not difficult for me. I don't believe that there's only that many moths."    


Ge Siyu sighed, "I won't say anything. I only have one request now, Dad, listen carefully, no matter what the end result is, live on, live on, no matter how much humiliation you have to endure, live on!" Ye Yuntian is ruthless, but Ye Yinliang and Wu Haozhao are not so decisive! "    


"With just that little bit of skill, you can forget about fighting me, Ge Xinning! They should be dead by now! "    


Ge Xinning hung up the Satellite Phone and called Zhang Feihe and Wu Changlong over to his office. With a gloomy face, he said arrogantly: "Get our brothers to move. Sky Spear Sect Great Elder Lu Dongfeng has arrived and immediately cleansed Ye Yinliang's side.    


"Yes sir!" Zhang Feihe and Wu Changlong said in unison.    


Xuzhou City, Dragon Convergence Hotel.    


Sky Spear Sect Great Elder Lu Dongfeng was slightly anxious.    


"There's no news from Sect Leader?" Lu Dongfeng turned to ask his disciple, "There seems to be something wrong."    


"The three forces of Yiling are not only being led by the Sect Leader, but also the strongest chess piece that Elder Ge had planted. In addition, there is also Mountain Lao Qian Zibai's assistance. "This disciple was filled with confidence in the movements of the Yiling," I believe that the reason why no information was sent over might be because of the need to keep it a secret.    


"No matter how secretive it is, it can't be kept secret from us. If we can't get the information over, my heart won't be at ease no matter what."    


Just as Lu Dongfeng was getting worried, the Satellite Phone rang. As he looked at the number, Lu Dongfeng immediately asked, "Great Elder, how is the Yiling?"    


"Tian Xue and Ye Yuntian are already dead. Ma Wuchuan is currently rushing towards the Xuzhou." Ge Xinning's excited voice sounded from the other end of the phone.    


Lu Dongfeng's tensed nerves finally relaxed, "That's good. Just now, I was just muttering about this. Regardless of success or failure, at least let me know."    


This is simply the funniest joke in the world. But for the sake of strategy and necessity, he will keep some information to himself, since the Sabre Sect's intelligence elder, Ye Yinliang, is not one of our people. It would be difficult to hide from him.    


Lu Dongfeng thought about it and agreed, then said: "Then should I go to Sabre Sect to meet up with you?"    


"There's no rush to that. There are some tasks that you need to do first, and once you give out the order, it would be filled with blood. Once everything is settled, you have to rush to the Sabre Sect encampment with the fastest speed possible." Ge Xinning said in a deep voice, "Tell our brothers to be ready to leave at any time!"    


"Yes sir!" Lu Dongfeng hung up the phone and smiled at his disciple, "Looks like I was overthinking it."    


"Master has always been cautious. This is the advantage, and also the place where I need to learn." The disciple smiled and said, "Since Elder Ge doesn't want us to move for the time being, I will tell my brothers to not make this big guy so nervous."    


"Mm. Go." Lu Dongfeng lit up a cigarette, and said quietly to the night, "Once the Sabre Sect is cleared up, the Sky Spear Sect and Sabre Sect will form the Sky Blade Sect, which will change the history of the sect. The days to watch others' faces are finally gone."    


In a certain district, in a tall building that was about 500 meters away from the Dragon Convergence Hotel.    


A woman in a denim shirt with an infrared telescope was looking around the hotel. According to Tian Xue's orders, as long as Xuzhou and the Dragon Convergence Hotel made any rash moves, they would immediately follow and strangle them. Strangely, six hours after the order, she received a new order – Pay close attention to every move of Xuzhou and whether or not to make a move, would eventually be decided by Lili.    


What she did not know was that while she was paying close attention to the movements of the Dragon Gathering Hotel, there were Special Ability Soldier observing her every move in the distant district.    


Wen Wen was constantly massaging her temples at the Xuzhou stronghold. The current situation was not easy to deal with.    


It was true that Tian Xue was able to control the other party's communication in her palm, but it was also very difficult for her to come up with a choice. The situation at the Sabre Sect encampment was extremely grim. If the people at the Heaven Method did not lend a helping hand, the consumption of Sabre Sect would be severe, and the purpose of seizing control of Sabre Sect was not very important. If the Heaven Method made its move, the target would be revealed, and at that time, the people at the Mountain Lao would become the first target of the people at the encampment.    


To move or not to move? Just as Wen Wen was hesitating, her assistant hurriedly came in and whispered into Wen Wen's ears, "Minister Wen, our communication interception system just intercepted the Mountain Lao's secret order. Tian Xue ordered the Mountain Lao members to evacuate from the Xuzhou and head there."    


To go to the Cangzhou? I don't want to bother with Xuzhou anymore, this is too strange. Wen Wen unscrewed the cola and took a big gulp.    


Minutes and seconds passed. Suddenly, Wen Wen stood up and said to her assistant, "As long as Ge Xinning makes a move, he will immediately join the battle to eliminate the hidden danger of Sabre Sect. Then, he will turn around and eat Lu Dongfeng!"    


The assistant was stunned. "If that's the case, our target might be exposed!"    


"Our target may have been exposed! Communicate with the people in the combat division, continue to focus on China and use any means necessary! " Wen Wen sighed helplessly, "After all, that Nalan Duoduo has lived for a thousand years. Ye Lingtian has been playing around with her for a long time, and the difficulty is indeed very high. Look at what's going on, it doesn't follow the plan at all."    


"In the end, it was you who met Nalan Duoduo too early." The deputy closed the door.    


The people from Mountain Lao had already arrived at Xuzhou Airport and boarded the flight to Cangzhou. After about an hour, they arrived at Cangzhou.    


Mountain Lao's stronghold was a few unremarkable villas. When the people from Mountain Lao arrived at the foothold, the people from the Mountain Lao with Longsword in their hands quickly got into the sedan.    


Ye Lingtian walked out of the mansion with the Han Knife. Just as he was about to close the door and get on the car, he saw Tian Xue walking towards him with a smile. She wore a ponytail, a pink sweatshirt, light-colored jeans, and sneakers.    


Were they going to war? There seems to be something wrong with the equipment. Ye Lingtian pursed his lips towards the rapidly advancing convoy, and said with a bit of powerlessness: "Didn't you start your attack? "You're not going?"    


Even with the miraculous effect of the Healing Pill, even though he had calculated the target of Ma Wuchuan's shot, no matter what, a hole had been pierced through his body. It would not be easy to recover from it in a short period of time. However, this also brought about another benefit, and that was during a battle with Sky Spear Sect, one could use the excuse of being injured as an excuse to not use his full strength.    


Tian Xue smiled sweetly at Ye Lingtian, turned her head and looked at the Mountain Lao disciples who were rushing out, then laughed: "We are only rushing to the Sky Spear Sect's encampment, if you really want to fight, you have to wait until you recover from your injuries first."    


Ye Lingtian looked at the car that was getting further and further away. He turned around and was about to go back when he heard Tian Xue say, "Come out with me for a walk."    


Ye Lingtian was surprised for a moment and quickly replied: "If you have the time, why not take a rest? Didn't you say that? Recuperate well and bring out my strength. I can help you reduce some of your losses. "    


"Just now was just now. Now is the time." Tian Xue walked in front of Ye Lingtian, and indicated towards the mansion with her mouth. "Put down the knife. The street with Cangzhou and snacks is very famous. Let's go have a taste."    


Ye Lingtian scratched his head, "It's already this much, who's left in the street?"    


"Cangzhou's snack bar is open twenty-four hours a day, furthermore, it's not too late right now." Tian Xue laughed.    


"Must we go?"    


"We have to go."    


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