My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1615 Natural Vulgarity

C1615 Natural Vulgarity

1Ye Lingtian lowered his head and looked at Lili with bloodshot eyes. With a trembling voice, he said, "Ai, thank you."    0


"Thank me for what? I understand that you support me?" Yoshino Ai let go of Ye Lingtian's face, her eyes filled with doubt, "My man, the world is really not good for you, why do you still treat the world with the attitude you have today? I don't want to think that you are that great, but if I don't think that way, I can't explain what you are doing now."    


"I just think we should do that. To be more precise, we should find some work for the brothers." Ye Lingtian held onto Yoshino Ai's smooth and small hand and said gently, "Promise me one thing."    


"What is it?" Yoshino Ai asked softly.    


"Marry me. In the end, you must marry me." Ye Lingtian held Yoshino Ai's hand tightly, thinking of the past and said with a trembling voice, "Previously, I really didn't understand my heart. Now I understand, I will never forget that island. I feel like I'm together with you …"    


Yoshino Ai pulled back her small hand and dragged Ye Lingtian forward, laughing mischievously. "You once said that we were not acting out a romance, why are we moving towards a romance now? Even if we have deep love affairs, we have to wait for the Mianyang battle to end."    


Ye Lingtian's face reddened as he stuttered, "Sorry, I seemed to have lost my composure."    


Yoshino Ai leaned on Ye Lingtian's shoulder and smiled strangely. "A woman like me is enough to satisfy you guys who are a little abnormal. Can you not lose your composure?"    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles twitched. The originally good plot changed completely after you said those words.    


Mike had been waiting in the parking lot for a long time. When he saw Ye Lingtian and Yoshino Ai, he ran over excitedly and hugged Ye Lingtian passionately. "Dear Ye, you finally came out of the cave."    


Ye Lingtian felt goosebumps all over his body due to Mike's enthusiasm. "Damn Mike, only you would crawl out of the cave. I usually walk in and out of the main entrance."    


Mike embraced Ye Lingtian's shoulders and ignored Ye Lingtian's words: "My dear Ye, don't talk about such nonsense, let's talk about something more realistic. I feel like your Immortal Jade Pill has a serious quality problem."    


Hearing Mike's words, Yoshino Ai tactfully chose to remain silent. She opened the back door of the car and sat inside.    


With a problem with the quality of Immortal Jade Pill, f * ck, such shameless words could only pop out of your mouth. Ye Lingtian had a dark expression on his face as he said in a bad mood, "Really? Why haven't you heard others say it?"    


"Oh, God, they will only blame you." Mike said passionately with a straight face, "With the Heaven Sect Pill left there, whoever doesn't treat you as a treasure will make you unhappy. In the future, only a caring brother like me will be able to correct your flaws and give you encouragement and advice can you make greater progress."    


Ye Lingtian was too lazy to bother with Mike and directly sat in the front passenger seat. He glanced at Mike and lazily said: "Shameless Liu Tie, stop bullshitting and just say it directly. After taking down the Immortal Jade Pill, how far away will Wu Tie be from you in the area of Cultivation Level."    


Mike was about to start the car when he heard Ye Lingtian's words, and immediately got annoyed. "How far away is he from me? Oh god, in terms of martial arts Cultivation Level, I should be the one leaving him. Who am I to be Killer Realm's Netherworld King? The famous and famous Ada Wang Kess in the art world …"    


Yoshino Ai, who was sitting in the back row, closed her eyes. Mike was too good at it. The Cultivation Level of martial arts was the Cultivation Level of martial arts, while the talent of art was the talent.    


"If you f * cking continue bullshitting, don't go to Mianyang!" Ye Lingtian scolded without any trace of politeness.    


Mike's old face trembled, and he spoke while driving: "Originally, my Cultivation Level was indeed slightly higher than his. After consuming the Immortal Jade Pill, my improvement was actually slower than his. This is illogical."    


"I don't understand what's so illogical about this. In my opinion, if your Cultivation Level is stronger than Liu Tie's, that would be abnormal." Ye Lingtian glanced at Mike and pointed directly at Mike's painful leg, "Look at your performance, you're already a f * cking marriage certificate holder, and you're even looking for inspiration with a woman all day long. Ye Lingtian glanced at Mike, and pointed directly at Mike's painful foot," Look at your performance, you're a f * cking marriage certificate holder, and you're even looking for inspiration with a woman all day.    


Mike immediately stopped the car and said righteously, "Damn you Ye, you can't slander my profession. I'm not tapping on the keyboard, I'm typing on the keyboard, and I'm not playing the melody. You're too ignorant."    


"From the words just now, I can infer that when Zhang Liang is diligently training, you are either looking for inspiration or trying to create art. Is it really okay to have such a high level of Cultivation Level compared to Zhang Liang?" Ye Lingtian glared at Mike fiercely and said harshly, "One person can only concentrate on one thing and you will end up in a hodgepodge. If this goes on, you will get further away from others."    


Mike's face was downcast, "Damn you Ye, I am not tossing and turning, I am trying, trying to link the music with the Cultivation Level, to find a new path."    


Ye Lingtian's eyeballs almost popped out, and he mockingly said: "Mike, music is music, the Cultivation Level of the martial path is the Cultivation Level, if these two could go together, it would be like Buddha getting married."    


"Ignorant Ye, I feel that apart from your luck, you have no other good points in the field of Cultivation Level." Mike gritted his teeth in anger.    


"The research on the Cultivation Level of the martial path is obviously not my focus. My focus is on the Pill." Ye Lingtian twitched his mouth and replied plainly. "If it wasn't for my Immortal Jade Pill, you would still be lying low."    


Yoshino Ai frowned, she was actually quite interested in Mike's words, and smiled: "Mike, connecting the music to the Cultivation Level, have you gained anything?"    


"Of course there are gains, but I just don't understand why the progress of the Cultivation Level is slower than before." Mike glanced at Ye Lingtian and said confidently, "I think there's nothing wrong with my research, so the level of the Immortal Jade Pill is not high enough, and I can't fully activate my Cultivation Level's talent. As long as I master the Heavenly Jade Pill, I have the confidence to ensure that I can advance much further than Zhang Liang and the others in the martial arts."    


"Damned Mike, Heavenly Jade Pill are not cheap candy. Just the materials needed to make them are not enough, aren't we adding fuel to the fire? No matter how strong I am, I can't use air to make these Heavenly Jade Pill, right?" Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes and muttered, "I knew it, you brat! You want to avoid this hole, but in the end you still fell into it."    


"Now that I don't have the materials to refine Heavenly Jade Pill, I'll be done with Mianyang." Mike thought of Heavenly Jade Pill and his eyes began to emit a green light, "There are a lot of good things in Mianyang Forest."    


"There are indeed many good things in the Mianyang Forest, and there are also quite a few traps. Kid, you should understand that some information was deliberately spread around by others." Ye Lingtian muttered.    


"I can't bear to part with a child and spread the news. There must be something stronger than what I can do." Mike glanced at Ye Lingtian and smiled confidently, "Tang Yuanyuan wants to dig a pit to bury you. Tang Yuanyuan wants to dig a hole to bury you, I'm afraid you can't jump in it, she can't even find herself.    


"Mike, are you f * cking praising me or scolding me? I'm not in a good mood. Even if the Heavenly Jade Pill is refined, you don't have the share." Ye Lingtian gritted his teeth and said.    


"Oh, is that so?" Mike smiled strangely at Ye Lingtian, "You can try. Damn Ye, I guarantee that you will regret your decision endlessly."    


"I think the one who should be regretting it is you, the shameless Mike." Ye Lingtian went head to head with him, and from the looks of it, the war of words between the two was about to break out.    


Yoshino Ai was completely defeated by these two treasures, so she got straight to the point. As soon as she finished asking, the two of them started to argue again and again, and then smiled at Ye Lingtian: "My man, you have some real skills with Mike, so it's better to think about how the battle in Mianyang Forest will proceed, no matter what happens in the dark."    


"Ai, I really don't want to bullshit with this kid. He can't control his own mouth." Ye Lingtian glanced at Mike in disdain.    


Normally, when Ye Lingtian said this, Mike would definitely fight back. However, Yoshino Ai didn't give him the chance to talk nonsense with Ye Lingtian and asked, "Mike, I really want to know what your harvest is."    


Mike was quite respectful towards Yoshino Ai. He honestly replied, "At the beginning, my Cultivation Level's growth speed was very fast. It was just that after I comprehended it, my speed slowed down, and it was even slower than before."    


"Slow is normal, but not slow is really like seeing a ghost. The martial dao Cultivation Level and music can actually be linked together as pure bullshit." Ye Lingtian muttered.    


Mike's face was filled with black lines. To put it simply, if Mike's gaze could kill, the current Ye Lingtian was riddled with holes and had no chance of surviving.    


Yoshino Ai sighed and said with a smile, "Mike, don't lower yourself to Ye Lingtian's level. Go on."    


"Fine." Mike thought over what had happened to him and said softly, "This change is very strange, but it can't be said to be that bad. Although my speed of advancement has slowed down, but it's like I ate a small blue pill.    


Yoshino Ai smiled charmingly. "Really?"    


Mike immediately realized that he said the wrong thing, so he quickly stopped the car and admitted his wrongs sincerely: "Sir, I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to speak properly, but as I'm talking, my brain won't be under control. Please don't mind me."    


"I don't mind, because vulgarity is your nature, and shamelessness is your signature." Yoshino Ai couldn't be bothered to look at Mike and said to Ye Lingtian, "My man, as the successor to the Immortal Arts, do you have nothing to say about the changes that happened to Mike?"    




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