My Cold CEO Fiancee

C691 Too Extravagant

C691 Too Extravagant

1"This is not petty. This is called thriving." Ye Lingtian reiterated his views.    0


Yuv Xue smiled without answering, waved her hand at Ye Lingtian, smiled and said, "You sure know how to live, go enjoy it. The dishes at the Stannina Hotel are quite good, I just got here on the first day of Tianjing and ate it. It's absolutely delicious."    


The heck! He is about to go bankrupt, yet he dares to be so extravagant. Ye Lingtian looked at the BMW and shook his head helplessly.    


In the words of Mike, it was purely a act of posturing. In fact, Ye Lingtian was definitely wronged on this point, this guy was not indifferent to fame and fortune, he was really unparticular. When you stay on the battlefield for a while, you will find that coarse tea light rice is the most delicious dish in the world.    


Under the attentive guidance of the waiter, Ye Lingtian arrived at room 999. Before he even entered the door, he could already hear the incomparably excited voices of his teammates.    


Pushing the door open, Ye Lingtian was immediately shocked by the few bottles of wine on the round table. F * ck, he had seen Old Bastard drink this wine before, it seemed to be one hundred and fifty thousand bottles, so Ye Lingtian scolded Old Bastard. All of this money was earned by me throwing a bead of blood on the ground, you can't be so defeated! And now, there were a total of six bottles on the table. This was too extravagant!    


Pointing at the wine on the table, Ye Lingtian said to Leng Shuanghuayi who was walking over with a smile, "Comrade Leng Shuanghua, I want to criticize you harshly. You can't have this kind of luxurious style, it goes against the hardworking and simple style of our Judgement Team Member!"    


Leng Shuanghua took Ye Lingtian's arm and pulled him to the main seat. She glanced at the smiling member of the team and said, "Ling Brother Tian, this big guy has been through so many years. Moreover, last time Northwest Border, our entire team showed their face, and now that the brothers and sisters in Group B have seen us, their gazes towards us became different, this is the first time, for the celebration, it is reasonable, how about it, isn't it kind of you? "    


Speaking up to here, Leng Shuanghua winked at Zhu Zhengyong and said, "Captain Zhu, don't you think so?"    


Zhu Zhengyong had already been captured by Leng Shuanghua. What else could he say? He nodded his head loudly: "That's right, we've never been so bright before. It wouldn't make sense if we don't celebrate properly. Captain Ye, just satisfy this big guy's wish."    


Ye Lingtian coughed lightly and pretended to say, "This is the only time. There won't be a next time."    


"Of course, of course!" Zhu Zhengyong swallowed his saliva and glanced at Leng Shuanghua, implying, "Is it appropriate for us to do this?"    


Leng Shuanghua immediately gave Zhu Zhengyong a big supercilious look. "Trust me, but don't be fooling around."    


Ye Lingtian lit up a Hongta. Before he smoked, he saw Leng Shuanghua take off her bag and stuffed it into his mouth. She even helped him light it up. She served him very well.    


"Today, all of you smoke this. Take your cigarettes back, the waiter will see you later. How ugly is it?" "Since it's already extravagant, let's go all the way to the end."    


Ye Lingtian was surprised for a moment. He turned around and saw that there were no luggage. He immediately shivered and said, "Good heavens, you won't all be living here, right?"    


"Ling Wu Tie, you should know the current situation of the adjudication. As long as our brothers carry out missions normally, we will make do with it, and tonight is a good day for us to open our Judgement Treasury. We will stay here for the night, and tomorrow, we will climb the Great Wall together.    


Ye Lingtian nodded and said helplessly, "That's right. I have already drunk all the fifty years of pure raw milk, so I don't need the money to stay."    


With a snap of her fingers, Leng Shuanghua called in the sweetly smiling waiter and said with energy in her voice, "Serve the dishes."    


After a while, the delicacies of the mountain and sea were served to the table. Ye Lingtian was frightened watching this. F * ck, did his teammates' brains get sucked into the water? Which was which, which was which? He definitely wouldn't save money! This table could probably cost tens of thousands of dollars.    


While Ye Lingtian strongly criticized the team members' extravagance, his mouth was definitely not idle. The Maotai wine was poured into his stomach, especially when he said he came late and punished himself with six glasses, which made the big guy's facial muscles tremble. All in all, he ate the most out of all the dishes on the table, and drank the most out of all the wines. Zhu Zhengyong had wanted to communicate with him mentally and mentally several times, but he had failed to find an opportunity.    


After he had eaten his fill, Ye Lingtian lit up a 90% purity Zhizun, pointed at the leftovers on the table and burped: "Captain Zhu, take a look, this meal will cost at least hundreds of thousands of yuan, it's only an hour and it's already gone, it's such a waste! "And it doesn't taste that good either!"    


Then, Ye Lingtian pointed to the empty bottle again and continued to use his status as the vice-captain to fiercely attack everyone's extravagant ways, "And there's also the fifty years old pure liquid. If I'm not wrong, it should be one hundred and fifty thousand bottles, right?"    


"Two hundred and fifty thousand!" "These are the last six bottles of the Steiner Hotel, and are for the price through internal relations. If it's an outsider, they won't be able to take them down unless it's four hundred thousand yuan. It's a limitless edition!" Leng Shuanghua whispered into Ye Lingtian's ear.    


Ye Lingtian was shocked. He knocked on the table and said with sorrow: "What a waste! If it was just a waste, then what was the difference between this wine and Erguotou? Ah, no difference! With that, two hundred and fifty thousand yuan was gone! A total of one million and five hundred thousand gold coins, enough to buy three houses in Jinghai! "    


Zhu Zhengyong and his team members looked at each other in dismay. They were truly intimidated by Ye Lingtian's shameless face. Was he no different from Erguotou? God, how can you say that? You've already finished two of the six bottles, how can you drink so much like Erguotou?    


Leng Shuanghua was already used to seeing Ye Lingtian's face, so she took his arm and smiled, "Ling Brother Tian, aren't we all happy today? "It's no big deal to indulge occasionally, no?"    


"Anyway, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen the next time. Otherwise, my heart will not be at ease!" Is there a need to put on such a show for a celebratory feast? " Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes and said earnestly to Zhu Zhengyong, "Captain Chu, as the vice captain, there are some things I shouldn't say. But I'm not worried, we can't afford to play with big guys."    


Zhu Zhengyong squeezed out a smile from his face and said, "Indeed, I can't afford it. After a table of food and lodging, it's already worth two million."    


F * ck, I know I can't play, but I won't stop you. How did you become a captain? Ye Lingtian gave Zhu Zhengyong a disdainful look. They couldn't be like this, as they would be struck by lightning.    


"Two million! That's not a small number!" Ye Lingtian frowned and said to Leng Shuanghua, "When Tianhai was here, you were even thinking about making a trip to the Gui Hua House. How come your brain suddenly spasmed when you saw Tianjing? "No matter what, you are still the vice-captain and deputy, so you must stand up for your teammates and do well in their ideological and educational work at critical moments. See, the role that you are guiding now is completely useless."    


You sure can posture! Leng Shuanghua's smile became sweeter as she leaned close to Ye Lingtian's ear and whispered, "Ling Brother Tian, I'm not having a cramp in my head. Since the Stannina Hotel is expensive, even if our team members gather all the money in the bank, it's still not enough to pay for it."    


When he said this, Ye Lingtian's heart suddenly turned cold and his eyes almost popped out. He turned around and looked at Leng Shuanghua seriously: "I say, sis, what do you mean?"    


"What else could it mean?" Leng Shuanghua folded her arms across her chest and leaned back in her seat, pouting towards the dining table. "As the richest member of the team, do you still expect us to pay if you don't?"    


F * ck! You want me to pay the bill? Ye Lingtian suddenly stood up and looked around at the messy table. The team members seemed to be rehearsing beforehand, so they quickly chatted with the people beside them. No one exchanged a glance with Ye Lingtian.    


Leng Shuanghua kicked Ye Lingtian's shin, forcefully pulling him to his seat. She clenched her teeth and whispered, "Ling Wu Tie, don't break the chain at this critical moment! Is it easy for a big guy to come over and celebrate? "With this mindset, this account is worth it. Besides, you've just joined Team One and haven't established your authority yet. Once today's incident is over, will the team members still not give up and follow you?"    


Ye Lingtian's head was full of black lines and his heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. He looked at Lili expressionlessly and said in a trembling voice, "I say, Shuanghua, why did you have to mess with me?" You give me two million and I'll celebrate one by one, okay? Authority? Is authority based on this? Do you take me for an idiot? Do you think that your brother's money came out of a large amount of water? This is called chopping first before playing! This is lawless! "Elbow out!"    


Do you want me to finish it first? With your stinginess, if you knew that asking you to come here was just to pay, you wouldn't even be able to find a single strand of hair, let alone find one! Leng Shuanghua frowned as she saw Ye Lingtian nagging for a long time without any intention of paying the bill, so she said with a cold face, "Brother, people can't have no conscience. Mom told me already, the industry we are ruling on is yours, think about how much profit we have to make, and treat our brothers to a meal?"    


Ye Lingtian's mouth was wide open, and he almost vomited blood. Lili had the nerve to mention this to you? Do you know how deep the hole you dug for me is? The financial statements are all fake. If I didn't train here, ah, when I had enough funds, I probably would have been buried. What if I still asked the Rothschild family for help? Speaking of which, I've been on the streets for so long. Since when have I asked for help on the issue of money?    


Seeing the muscles on Ye Lingtian's face twitch, Leng Shuanghua felt that she had to throw out her trump card, and said snappily: "Look at your stinginess, brother, don't you know that we brothers entered Judgement Treasury for sister-in-law? Those magical herbs and elixirs would be of great benefit to your sister-in-law even if they don't help her. In essence, everyone is here to help you, everyone is so busy. That is a day without day or night, is it easy to travel all the way here? Eating a meal of yours in the Tianjing is as good as digging out your meat, is it too much? "    


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