My Cold CEO Fiancee

C723 Chinese Is the Strongest(part Ii)

C723 Chinese Is the Strongest(part Ii)

0After Yuv Xue had carefully sorted out their relationship, the matter was more or less the same! Ye Lingtian definitely didn't know Huang Xiaoyi for long. Otherwise, no matter how stupid Ye Lingtian was, he would know Huang Xiaoyi's identity! Judging from Ye Lingtian's performance, his limited contact with Huang Xiaoyi had naturally helped her. In addition, he had helped Huang Huang and cured Li Shuo that day. For such a huge favor like this, it would be unjustifiable for Huang Xiaoyi not to show it.     1


When she thought of the actor's question, Yuv Xue looked at Ye Lingtian with eyes filled with not only gratitude, but also envy.    


It was said that this guy was an unrivalled lucky star, as expected, originally it was more difficult than ascending to heaven, but now that he was easily dealt with by Chu Xiaoxiao, then thinking back to Chu Xiaoxiao's evaluation of him, he couldn't help but admit that every word he said was worth it. This guy had definitely opened a plugin, and the things that happened to him were much more exaggerated than those movies.    


Of course, what was even more exaggerated was Ye Lingtian's ability to defy common sense. Thinking of Ye Lingtian's series of 'attacks' on Huang Xiaoyi, Yuv Xue shuddered.    


"Miss Huang, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. As long as you don't say anything, I'll definitely keep my mouth shut!" Yuv Xue promised solemnly.    


"I'm very confident in Miss Yuv. You're someone who's worth befriending." Huang Xiaoyi did not hide her love for Yuv Xue.    


"With Miss Huang's words, I'm flattered! Since you are Huang Huang's aunt, you should know that Ye Lingtian is very capable and doesn't have much interest in the secular world, so don't mind his nonsense. I think Huang Huang also told you that Ye Lingtian is good at everything, but doesn't know how to speak. " Yuv Xue found a way out for Ye Lingtian at the right time.    


"How could that be? It was just a joke just now. " Huang Xiaoyi intimately patted Yuv Xue's shoulders, turned around, and seriously said to Lu Haichuan and Mei Shenao, "Let's talk business. I'm not interested in the female lead this time, so I won't hide anything from the two of you. I know the screenwriter, Lee Xiaoyu. So this time, I'll play her mother, Gan Dang green leaves, and see if I can hold the red flower. "    


Lu Haichuan and Mei Shenao were stunned.    


"Miss Huang, I'm afraid that's not appropriate. If you play the role of the female lead, your acting skills will definitely be more than adequate. In addition to your box office appeal, the profits from this movie will double!" Mei Shenao frowned, thinking about Lee Xiaoyu's crazy appearance and her low face value, he scratched his head and said, "Even if Lee Xiaoyu is a screenwriter, her story is also related to her own experience, but she never received any acting training. If there's any mistake, the audience will not buy it, which will be a big problem."    


Lu Haichuan also agreed with Mei Shenao's point of view. After all, there was no other way for Lee Xiaoyu to take the lead role in the movie, and with Huang Xiaoyi's help, Lee Xiaoyu wouldn't be able to take action until 250 years ago. Lee Xiaoyu hurriedly walked over and said in a serious tone, "Miss Huang, don't joke around.    


Huang Xiaoyi looked at Ye Lingtian, smiled and said, "Mr Ye, your eyes are more unique, what do you think?"    


"I think what you said earlier made sense." Seeing the slight change in Huang Xiaoyi's expression, Ye Lingtian followed, "Uh, Sister Huang, please believe me. I have complete confidence in your acting skills, so I'll think about it. Since the movies are on stage with famous celebrities, if the famous stars lead a new person who plays his own role, the audience's eyes might light up."    


What the hell are you thinking! Do you understand movies? Do you know how it works? You can treat the most powerful female celebrity in Chinese as a second-rate actor, but with this level, if you want to believe your words, you will definitely pounce on the street! Lu Haichuan indignantly thought that if Ye Lingtian was not considered the boss behind the scenes, Lu Haichuan could have sent him flying with a kick.    


"I agree with Ye Lingtian's point of view. In this era, we pursue the entertainment of the common people." Losing Love, Postmodern Life "is originally a rather grounded work. The closer we are to life, the better it might be! "As for the box office issue that CEO Mei is considering …" Huang Xiaoyi said seriously, "My supporting role in the movie itself is a howl. It shouldn't be too bad. More importantly …"    


Huang Xiaoyi pointed to the outside, looking at Ye Lingtian, and said word by word: "According to Mr Ye's request, I found some unpopular actors for Rakai Culture, and I think that with such a cast, it's enough for the movie's box office to be guaranteed. Of course, in order to have a breakthrough, I even called some popular movie stars, and they also agreed to be friends in this movie."    


An unconventional actor? Ye Lingtian swallowed his saliva, went close to Huang Xiaoyi and whispered, "Sister Huang, stop slapping your face, alright?"    


"Why is it face-smacking? I think you're right. Compared to those heavyweight actors in Hollywood, we Chinese language actors are really out of the question. " Huang Xiaoyi smiled lightly and said to Mei Shenao, "CEO Mei, prepare the contract. These actors are all waiting for us to make a huge leap forward in our career and rush out of Asia into the world."    


Huang Xiaoyi's influence in the movie world was very strong. Since she had come to sign the contract, there was no doubt that Rakai Culture's future was limitless as she could send more than ten actors to join them. As for the abilities of these actors... Mei Shenao and Lu Haichuan knew it just by thinking about it. The quality was definitely not bad.    


Huang Xiaoyi's standards were high, and those who could catch her eyes were definitely not ordinary people. Perhaps these actors weren't particularly popular at the moment, but they were all people who could perform well. Everyone knew that Huang Xiaoyi had always been dismissive of those movie stars who relied on their looks to make a mess.    


Sure enough, when Lu Haichuan and Mei Shenao arrived at the door to take a look, they were stunned by the scene before them.    


The office staff of Rakai Culture were currently dragging the actors Huang Xiaoyi brought along with her either taking a photo or signing their names. The atmosphere was similar to that of a press conference.    


Ye Lingtian obviously didn't know these men and women. However, from the attitude of the staff, he could tell that these goods were at least well-known in the film industry. They were definitely not second-rate or third-rate like he had predicted.    


Yuv Xue may not have been able to call all seventeen actors by name, but two or three of them knew about it and were very fond of their previous works.    


These were all practical actors, two or three of whom were movie emperors and empress at the Cannes Film Festival.    


Lu Haichuan was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He nudged Mei Shenao, "Lao Mei, if this movie isn't popular, then I will jump down from the 36th floor."    


Mei Shenao swallowed his saliva and looked meaningfully at the old fellow, "Now that the script is good and the actors are good, even a director like you has to be good too."    


Lu Haichuan gritted his teeth and said harshly, "Do you really need to say that, Lao Mei? Do you think we've wasted our efforts before?" "Damn it, just now, I smoked a whole pack and a half. Isn't that annoying?"    


Mei Shenao looked towards Ye Lingtian and slowly said, "If I told you before that there would be such a powerful cast, would you believe me?"    


Lu Haichuan shook his head like a rattle drum, "Don't mention me, no one would believe me. Who doesn't know that Rakai Culture is the actor's Waterloo.    


"It used to be, but now it isn't!" Mei Shenao patted Lu Haichuan's shoulder and said confidently, "Once this movie is completed, it will be the start of a profitable movie. In addition, with so many actors helping out with terrifying funding, even Rakai Culture will have a hard time flying! Old Lu, do you understand me now? Rakai Culture has a future, we are no longer young people, if we do not grasp the chance now, I'm afraid we will never have the chance to make a comeback.     


"Isn't it? "Those are the most important steps in a person's voice!" Lu Haichuan was so excited that his old face turned red and his voice trembled, "I feel that once this movie ends, I will step into the ranks of super directors! There is no doubt about this! "    


Yuv Xue was so excited that she didn't know what to say. She looked at Ye Lingtian with a smile and sighed emotionally, "You are too amazing. I don't even know what to say anymore!" I can guarantee, if I tell this matter to the elders, even a fool would be able to see that the outcome of this battle will be decided, and my Rakai Culture will rise strongly and not be stopped! We can even completely prepare Cannavaro to take over the Yuv Family Industry as a whole. "    


Isn't that a bit too absolute? Ye Lingtian blinked. He knew Huang Xiaoyi's appeal was strong, but it shouldn't be strong enough to determine the success or failure of a movie, so he asked, "Are these actors that awesome?"    


I'm dizzy. Where are your eyes? Yuv Xue hadn't even opened her mouth when she heard Huang Xiaoyi speak blandly, "What's there to be proud of? It's not anything special at all. How can the influence of The Tea Charm compare to that!"    


Hearing this, Ye Lingtian turned his head and smiled, "Sister Huang, don't be sarcastic, alright? Otherwise, we won't be able to talk happily. "    


Huang Xiaoyi's big eyes glanced at Ye Lingtian, she covered her mouth and smiled mischievously, "Alright, in order to talk happily with the great Mr Ye, let me tell you, the director Lu Haichuan of this movie is one of the few directors that can tell a good story in China. Huang Xiaoyi's big eyes glanced at Ye Lingtian, and covered her small mouth and laughed mischievously," Alright, in order to talk happily with the great Mr Ye, let me tell you, the director Lu Haichuan of this movie is one of the few directors that can tell a good story in China.    


Ye Lingtian Hu trembled: "Really?    


"Absolute Chinese is the strongest!" Yuv Xue crossed her arms in front of her chest and said in an ambitious manner, "If the conditions permit, I'm going to adjust the release date of the movie and let it adjust to the strongest summer slot in the market to make a killing! Otherwise, I will be sorry for such a formidable cast... Ye Lingtian, you... Don't scare me. What's the matter with you? "    


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