My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1103 Keep Your Mind in Check

C1103 Keep Your Mind in Check

3Ye Lingtian smiled bitterly at Wen Xingchen, "The reason you have this argument is because you don't understand her. Actually, she wasn't interested in quarreling at all before. She was forced to this day."     0


Wen Xingchen shrugged her shoulders and apologized for her words. "I'm sorry, I took it for granted."    


When I first met Ai, she was holding a cup of coffee. She was wearing a pink kimono with a bow tie and a bright and innocent smile on her face. Compared to her, I already felt that I was very dirty at the time, and she was a spotless angel who didn't even know how to kill crabs.    


"Then what caused her to become like this?" Wen Xingchen frowned. "As far as I know, the two of you haven't been separated for long."    


"Fate." Ye Lingtian lit up his cigarette with a pale face, "Those damn bastards built the current Ai. They tore all the beauty into pieces, I know you will think that she is a vicious woman, but if she doesn't, she won't be able to live on."    


"I don't understand, but I know you don't want to talk about her past." Wen Xingchen lay down on the boat, facing the blue sky silently, and said softly, "In your eyes, she is very pitiful. In my eyes, she is hateful, and if you end up opposing each other, you have to think carefully about the moment of life and death. If you allow a crazy Yoshino Ai to do as she pleases, what will the world become?"    


"I will stop her." Ye Lingtian said confidently, "We will definitely be able to stop her."    


"The best way to stop her is to kill her." Wen Xingchen looked at Ye Lingtian and said coldly, "You can't do that."    


Ye Lingtian trembled and took a long drag on his cigarette. He was as silent as a statue.    


"Thankfully, this drama is very big. Other than you, Yoshino Ai, and Tian Xue, you can't kill Yoshino Ai. It doesn't mean that Tian Xue doesn't know how to kill her." Wen Xingchen paused for a moment and then closed her eyes, "In the future when you fight with Yoshino Ai, you must be more cautious. Yoshino Ai is more like a king, and under certain circumstances, she will kill you without any hesitation, and once a woman is ruthless, she will be scarier than a demon, and once you are dead, the world's disaster will come to an end, because the people you have under your control are very crazy. Yanchuan can throw missiles, and if they retaliate, nuclear warheads could fly everywhere."    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles tensed up: "My subordinates aren't as crazy as you think. In fact, they are very rational."    


Their reasoning is based on the fact that you are still alive. I can see that their previous lives were different, and it was because of your existence that they had a qualitative change. Ye Lingtian, you are their belief. Wen Xingchen sat up and stared at Ye Lingtian, "A nation without faith will fall, but a person with a broken faith? What can't I do?! "    


Ye Lingtian's body chilled. After pausing for a long time, he said, "Your words are very reasonable. I think I should do something. At least be prepared for possible situations."    


"Your life is the best defense you can take. Other people's lives are more important, but your own life is more important!" Wen Xingchen stood up and lowered her head to look at the serious man. She said gently, "Don't ignore your life. If you die, you're dead."    


At this point, she looked into the distance. "She's here. You've already noticed her, right?"    


Ye Lingtian nodded: "Yes, she didn't come to declare war on me this time right?"    


"A woman's sixth sense tells me that you don't need to guard against Charming Shadow anymore. Since Yoshino Ai is able to come here, it proves that she shouldn't be attacking you from behind during the Liverpool competition. Of course, the precondition is that the people from Special Ability Fighting Team of the United States are able to easily eliminate her, otherwise, the Yoshino Ai who is as gentle as water will quickly turn into a bloodthirsty wolf and tear you into pieces!" Wen Xingchen thought of Yoshino Ai with a slightly impatient expression on her face. "Japanese women, their elegant and pure appearance is like cherry blossoms, but their roots will always be stuck on their corpses!"    


"Gu Tao should be here by now, right?" Ye Lingtian suddenly looked at Wen Xingchen.    


"They should be here. I'll go to the cabin to check on the situation. The people Victor brought are really unreliable." Wen Xingchen thought about Victor's performance and felt speechless towards him, "If he didn't have the name of Great Elder on him, it would be hard for me to believe that he is the Great Elder of Alps Special Ability Alliance. Heavens, I don't see any trace of blood on him, what happened to his Alps Special Ability Alliance all these years?"    


Ye Lingtian could not help Wen Xingchen's question, "If I knew what was going on, I would have definitely taken decisive measures. But fortunately, this group of unreliable people still have some fighting strength. Under Lampard's tutelage, even a docile sheep would open their mouths and eat grass in front of a hungry wolf."    


"I hope so." When Wen Xingchen reached the cabin, she stopped and turned around to give Ye Lingtian a bright and beautiful smile, "I should not doubt this. Since you have the ambition to sweep, you can definitely do it. I seem to be worrying about nothing."    


"You really trust me." Ye Lingtian was speechless.    


"The fact that you're right in front of me makes me feel more at ease. You're even calmer than I imagined, but of course you're more treacherous!" With that, Wen Xingchen disappeared.    


I'm treacherous? The treacherous one is you and that guy over there! Ye Lingtian was furious. He really didn't understand how the woman he met could be so easy to deal with.    


In the distance, a white yacht slowly approached.    


Yoshino Ai stood at the bow of the boat and looked at Ye Lingtian from a distance of more than ten meters. Both of them were expressionless.    


Yoshino Ai sighed and said to Ye Lingtian, "Come here."    


Ye Lingtian put the fishing rod aside and with a tap of his feet, he arrived behind Yoshino Ai.    


Yoshino Ai's delicate body trembled. She turned her head to look at Ye Lingtian in disbelief. "Your Cultivation Level …"    


"I did." Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Actually, I don't want to, but this thing just happened randomly."    


Yoshino Ai couldn't help but laugh. "You still have that temper of yours. It's so hard to get serious with your words out of your mouth."    


Ye Lingtian held onto a cigarette and followed Yoshino Ai into the cabin, "We met each other at Liverpool, let's not talk about proper business. It's already very cold, if we continue talking about it it's colder, we'll only cause ourselves to feel uncomfortable."    


Yoshino Ai kneeled on the ground and waved Heinrich off with her hands. She poured a cup of white tea for Ye Lingtian and passed it to him with both hands, "Coffee doesn't like to drink, tea should be fine. This white tea was harvested from the last remaining wild tea tree, and it tastes very authentic.    


Ye Lingtian took the cup with one hand and sniffed it. Then, he put the cup down and said helplessly, "Others might not know about it, but I'm not that close to Ya Qi. Giving this thing to me to drink is a waste."    


"As long as it enters your stomach, it won't be a waste. But you can also act as if you understand elegance." Yoshino Ai smiled sweetly, her cheeks flushed red. She pouted at Ye Lingtian's yacht, "You don't know how to fish, right? From the looks of it, I will still need to stay here for another two to three days. To be able to force you to such a state, the situation with your Liverpool should be very grim. "    


Ye Lingtian sighed. "Can we talk properly?"    


"Sure." Yoshino Ai opened a bag and took out a few sushi. She put it on a plate and pushed it in front of Ye Lingtian, "I've been acting for a long time. I'm tired. Eat some extra energy and continue acting in the afternoon."    


Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes, picked up a sushi and stuffed it into his mouth. While he was eating, he mumbled, "I haven't finished what you left behind, your cooking skills are just as unacceptable as your hobbies. Well, I don't know what's good about coffee."    


Yoshino Ai glared at Ye Lingtian reproachfully, put down her coffee cup and said in a tender voice, "Men with good taste always drink coffee. You said that the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is not tasty, which proves that you have no taste."    


Ye Lingtian spread out his hands in a broken manner: "I also didn't say I have good taste. I haven't come here for so many years."    


Yoshino Ai helplessly shook her head and pushed the hair by her ear behind her ear. "I'm not participating in the Liverpool battle, even though I'm very interested in Kohl Diso."    


"It's good that we don't participate, the situation is so complicated, who knows what the final outcome will be, rather than our Liverpool, why don't we just focus on it …" Ye Lingtian indicated towards the west with his mouth, "The American Special Ability Fighting Team is a piece of fat meat. After a few days, the war will completely start, and maybe the situation in the west will also change."    


Yoshino Ai smiled meaningfully. "I can't hide it from you."    


"The obvious." Ye Lingtian twitched his mouth. He didn't know what to say next.    


Yoshino Ai lowered her head, picked up the sushi, and took a small bite. She stared into the distance and fell silent.    


After a long while, Yoshino Ai suddenly said: "The American Special Ability Fighting Team is mine, if you have any ideas, I think this is the last time we will sit together and talk happily."    


Ye Lingtian swiped his hand across the table. "Europe is mine. I hope you don't cross the border."    


Yoshino Ai rolled her eyes at Ye Lingtian and said: "Where's Hua Xia? "Don't you dare tell me that Huaxia belongs to Tian Xue. Even I can't touch it."    


Ye Lingtian smiled bitterly and looked at Yoshino Ai quietly. "Actually, there's no point in us sitting here and turning the river into a boundary. If there's a crack, we'll both go into it like needles."    


Yoshino Ai bit her lips. She held the teacup with both hands and moved it to Ye Lingtian's lips. "Drink some tea. We'll talk about it later."    


"Alright!" Ye Lingtian drank up all the tea in one gulp and heavily placed it on the small square table. He stared at his watery eyes, "Can't you just keep your heart in your mouth? You should understand how dangerous it is to go on. "    


Yoshino Ai glanced at Ye Lingtian and said gently, "When you asked me to be concerned about you, did you do so? If you don't, why should I? Is it because I love you that I want to be your slave? Aren't you being too macho? "    


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