My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1124 Know My Good

C1124 Know My Good

1The super strong killing power of Super Weapon was a huge restriction on the advantage of Secret Force, and to a certain extent, it would break the hegemonic position of Secret World.     3


Ye Lingtian drank the wine in his cup in one gulp and said indifferently, "Even if you do come out, someone must still use it. It's like how someone has to use a faster knife than someone else. No matter how fast the knife is, it's just scrap metal."    


"Don't underestimate the technological prowess of the officials. I'll tell you this very responsibly, once the Super Weapon appears, no one will be able to play and the field of play will be greatly restricted. Do you really not understand this simple logic of yours?" Tian Xue shuddered when she thought of the dire consequences that would befall her.    


"Isn't that good?" Ye Lingtian suddenly said.    


Tian Xue stared into Ye Lingtian's eyes and squeezed out a word from between her teeth, "Not good."    


"If you don't know, then I don't know." Ye Lingtian was about to pour Tian Xue a glass of wine when Tian Xue suddenly grabbed the bottle with her small hand. "Are you really going to let the Super Weapon appear in the world?"    


Ye Lingtian paused for a moment and then grinned: "According to your logic, if the Super Weapon appeared in the world and put a Tightening Headband on me, do you think I would be that stupid?"    


Tian Xue let go of her small hands: "If you really are prepared to do this, the Martial Sect world will not let you go. In fact, once the news of a Super Weapon rising from the Special Ability Fighting Team of the United States is known to China, without needing to be mobilized, Chinese Martial Cultivator will let the United States Special Ability Fighting Team know that, in comparison to the strength of their Secret World, they have just graduated from primary school."    


Tian Xue gave Ye Lingtian a piece of Red Braised Meat and said in a deliberative tone, "I'll help you hide the news about Lee Porter in Yuanshen and Pharmacy. Don't make things difficult for me, I won't make things difficult for you, okay?"    


"Alright!" Ye Lingtian raised his glass and put it by his mouth. When he saw Tian Xue looking straight at him, he smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that. When you look at me this way, you'll feel scared."    


"You must be scared, or maybe you are." Tian Xue clinked her cup with Ye Lingtian and sipped a little bit before stuffing the dish into Ye Lingtian's plate.    


Ye Lingtian scratched his head and said to Tian Xue, "There's something wrong with you today."    


"Something wrong?" Tian Xue paused for a moment and glanced at Ye Lingtian, "In these days at Liverpool, I believe you have not eaten any decent Chinese dishes. When you were in Tianjing, I was still thinking that if you weren't careful, you might not be able to eat any of these delicacies in your entire life, so I prepared to wash your face."    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles tensed up: "It's the new year, can't we say something nice?"    


Tian Xue acknowledged and put down her chopsticks. She leaned back on the chair and looked at Ye Lingtian. "What do you want to hear?"    


Ye Lingtian stuffed the dishes into his mouth, and muttered: "Of course it's your situation, has there been no change in the Martial Sect Alliance recently?"    


"Of course there are. From the beginning of the seventh day, all of the Martial Sect s have been evacuating the outer sect disciples. Those who have come in are the people from Inner Sect." Tian Xue picked up a piece of yam and chewed it carefully, then said lightly, "That's more like it. Of course, you can't do whatever you want in the future."    


Ye Lingtian closed his eyes and sensed around, then shook his head: "It's still possible, I estimate that even if your Inner Sect is good, your PK strength is less than yours. It's been about ten days since we last met, and your Cultivation Level is even more profound."    


It can even be said that she had a qualitative breakthrough, which is something that I didn't think of. It looks like Master's judgement was correct, I am indeed a rare genius throughout the ages in Yuxiao Palace, if I am unable to unify the Martial Sect of China, then it would be difficult for the generations of Yuxiao Palace to fulfill this dream. "    


Ye Lingtian thought he was pretty amazing, but after a series of Liverpool breakthroughs, based on the difference in strength between Martial Cultivator s, he should be at the middle level of Genuine Earth Level. However, sitting in front of Tian Xue, she gave off a strong sense of Inner Qi, making Ye Lingtian realize that he was still a little weak compared to this old granny who had lived for a thousand years.    


"Tian Xue, I …" Ye Lingtian suddenly said.    


Seeing that Ye Lingtian wanted to say something, Tian Xue said, "What's wrong?"    


"Nothing." Ye Lingtian swallowed his words.    


"Just what do you want to say? He's a man after all, no matter what, he's still a man." Tian Xue's tone sounded impatient.    


Ye Lingtian looked at the clear cup of wine in his cup and hesitated for a moment before saying: "I'm not too sure either, but after thinking for a bit, I should give you a reminder. Their Qianyuan Sect is not as weak as you think, they seem to be related to some superpowers, and they even dare to play around with such difficult movements.    


Tian Xue paused for a moment. "Are you sure?"    


"If the evidence is conclusive, there will be no hesitation. It is all my speculation." Ye Lingtian put down his chopsticks, touched the ring on his left hand and looked at Tian Xue. "Therefore, it's best to be more careful in the future. Don't be fooled by the surface phenomenon. Make sure to analyze the other party thoroughly before you make a move."    


Tian Xue laughed, "Just like your big play at Liverpool?"    


"Actually, I was very nervous when we carried out this plan. After all, I can't afford to look at the cards in my hand, so it was more or less unexpected for me to achieve such a result. It's just as some people said, my luck is heaven-defying."    


It is said that the Wanji Hall that is related to you have been rather bad lately. If I am not wrong, the Wanji Hall will disperse, and this will help you replenish your strength while at the same time digging a large hole in front of you. " Tian Xue placed her hands on the table. After a moment of thought, she said softly, "I will have the Yuxiao Palace experts station near the Yuanshen medicine industry to guard against any accidents."    


Ye Lingtian smiled brilliantly. "You treat me so well, I don't even know how to repay you."    


"Heaven Creation Pill." Tian Xue said crisply, "I want the Heaven Creation Pill to appear as soon as possible!"    


"I will." Ye Lingtian lit up his cigarette and took a long drag, "Bring me some more resources. When my Cultivation Level is consolidated, I'll give it a try."    


Tian Xue replied softly. She picked up a napkin to wipe the corner of her mouth, and suddenly said: "I should be seeing Yoshino Ai at Liverpool."    


"Yes." Ye Lingtian replied honestly, "Every time I see her, I feel very conflicted."    


"This witch is really good to you. If it were anyone else, she would have stabbed you from behind. But once she saw that it was you, she stopped moving." Tian Xuerao glanced at Ye Lingtian meaningfully, and said indifferently, "I can't help but marvel at Mr Ye's charisma. I wonder if Blood Clan will appear in your imperial harem in the future. If it's really like that, I'll be shocked."    


Ye Lingtian's face changed: Why are you talking about that again, Yoshino Ai isn't moving, it's because she can't move, and I have already fully considered the possibility and effect of her joining in the cold night with Liverpool. I can guarantee, as long as Charming Shadow can't endure the loneliness, I'll return it all back without any problems!    


A hint of joy flashed across Tian Xue's eyes. "You can bear to part with it?"    


Ye Lingtian was speechless, "Other people are going to cut open my stomach, am I going to stand there and let them stab me?"    


Yoshino Ai is definitely not someone who's easy to deal with. After all, Liverpool's journey did not bring her much benefit, so the strategy definitely has to shift. I even suspect that she will borrow the power of this incident to target Special Ability Fighting Team of the United States. Tian Xue frowned and then smiled, "So what? Everyone will only know how powerful the other party's trump card is if they were to kill them openly. However, in order to disperse the pressure, Yoshino Ai might bite you. You must prepare accordingly. "    


Ye Lingtian stood up and looked at Tian Xue quietly. "You're ready. What else do I need?"    


Tian Xue stood up and extended her hand towards Ye Lingtian: "Now do you know what I'm doing?"    


"I think that when that time comes, I'm afraid that China's Martial Sect will start a war. Of course, I don't want such a situation to occur either, not because of the situation, but because …" Ye Lingtian said softly.    


"What should come will eventually come. Yoshino Ai has always been unwilling to be left alone, and the two of you will eventually meet on the battlefield. It's just that sooner or later, it's just a matter of time." Tian Xue interrupted Ye Lingtian and followed him out of the room. She said faintly, "I hope this kind of thing won't happen to us."    


"Probably not." Ye Lingtian smiled humbly, "I don't have the ability to fight with you."    


Tian Xue stopped walking and pointed at Ye Lingtian's chest, "I can't see through you, so I can't say. If one day you really want to go against me, I will kill all of your forces, but I will let you live. After all, we are friends, public is public, private is private."    


"Can't you say something nice?" Ye Lingtian was puzzled. Did this old demoness want to go crazy?    


"I would like to as well, but strange ideas keep popping up here." Tian Xue pointed at her head with a fretful expression. "The situation has been getting worse recently. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night."    


"You're too nervous." Ye Lingtian's entire body turned cold, and he forced a smile on his face.    


Tian Xue didn't notice Ye Lingtian's expression because her gaze was fixed on the Heavenly Evil members not far away. Thinking about today's day, she gently said: "Today is the fifteenth day of the first month, the Spring Festival, so let's rest well. After fifteen years, all the forces will want to make a move."    


Ye Lingtian acknowledged and asked Tian Xue, "You don't bring your underlings to see the lanterns tonight?"    


"No, I'm not." Tian Xue put her hands in her pockets and turned around to look at the snow on the trees. "You're bringing Mary and the others to see the lanterns?"    


"No, I don't have time." Ye Lingtian was facing Tian Xue, looking at the peerless beauty in front of him, "If you have too many random thoughts and try your best to calm down, the situation of your Martial Sect will be complicated and changeable. You must keep a clear mind."    


Tian Xue said with a smile, like the most beautiful snow lotus on a snowy mountain: "As long as you don't cause trouble, I think the matter with Martial Sect is very easy to handle."    


Ye Lingtian's facial muscles trembled violently: "I don't think we can talk happily anymore."    


"After unifying Martial Sect, I will invite you to Tianjing to view the lanterns!" Tian Xue threw down these words, turned around, opened the door, started the car, and quickly disappeared into the traffic.    


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