My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1146 A Dog That Doesn't Bark Is a Dog That Bites

C1146 A Dog That Doesn't Bark Is a Dog That Bites

3Tianjing, a certain villa. Wang Zhiruo's face turned pale.    


"Master, you must avenge your disciple and take revenge for Senior Sister Yanyan!" Wang Zhiruo's eyes moistened slightly and her voice turned hoarse, "According to Yanyan's temperament, it's impossible for her to fall out with Ye Lingtian in the Yuanshen medicine industry. This bastard still won't forgive Senior Sister Yanyan, he doesn't even put Emei in his eyes!"    


"This isn't a question of whether or not we put Emei in our eyes. This is a deliberate provocation to start a war!" Wang Zhiruo trembled as she said coldly, "What a great Ye Lingtian, relying on his Yuxiao Palace to support him, does he really think that he can do as he pleases in the Martial Sect world? they have even bullied my Emei! "    


Xie Wenting wiped the corner of her eyes and said hatefully, "Master, if we attack first then we will suffer first. If Ye Lingtian did this intentionally, we must first attack the Yuanshen and medicine industry and catch them off guard!"    


"I will immediately report this question to the Sect Leader. I think the sect will definitely give Yanyan an explanation." Wang Zhiruo patted Xie Wenting's shoulder, her eyes filled with comfort, "You handled this matter well, and did not use your spirit of loyalty, or else the consequences would be unthinkable. If we disturb the upper echelons' plans, it would be very difficult for you to take another step up in your Emei in the future."    


"Master, it doesn't matter how far I can go in Emei. The important thing is whether or not I can use my own strength to protect our sect's dignity!" Xie Wenting's face paled when she thought about Yanyan's death. "This is the biggest humiliation in the history of Emei! If we do not get justice back, Emei will become the joke of the Martial Sect Realm. "    


"I know. When I heard this news, I was even more infuriated than you!" Wang Zhiruo thought for a moment, then said to Xie Wenting, "If Sect Leader is truly indifferent towards this, I won't let go of the Yuanshen medicine industry. Go and rest for a while, I will first arrange a meeting between Ouyang Haoran of Iron Sword Sect and Lv Jinjun of Qianyuan Sect, and then we can discuss what to do after the order has not been officially given."    


Xie Wenting's eyes lit up as she nodded vigorously.    


In fact, the feedback from his Emei was much faster than expected. They quickly established contact with the Iron Sword Sect and the Qianyuan Sect. No matter if it was Ouyang Haoran or Lv Jinjun, they very quickly received the message from the mountain peak, and so the three people convened a meeting in the stronghold's secret room.    


The atmosphere of the meeting was very heavy. Even if Lili was only an unknown elite disciple with Emei, walking out still represented Emei. Based on Su Lili's personality analysis, this incomparably intelligent elite disciple was definitely not a brainless person. Since he chose to go to the Yuanshen Pharmacy alone to talk to Xie Wenhao about matters, he definitely would not go over emotionally. Who would have thought that Ye Lingtian would not hand the girl over and would even very cruelly take Lili's life. What did this act mean? This was a simple slap across Emei's face!    


He had gone too far, he had gone too far! The Yuanshen Medicine Industry did not even put Emei in their eyes, and there was even a hidden wolfish ambition to use this opportunity to devour Emei.    


Too arrogant, even with the support of Yuxiao Palace behind him, he was still way too arrogant!    


Wang Zhiruo's face darkened, she shot a glance at Ouyang Haoran, and said snappily: "Brother Ouyang, our sect's attitude is for the three families to concentrate our forces and open fire at the Yuanshen medicine industry, we will use lightning-fast methods to destroy the Yuanshen medicine industry, and kill this chicken for the Yuxiao Palace monkey to see! Emei was not a soft persimmon., Flying Feather and Iron Sword Sect combined together was definitely not a power that Yuxiao Palace could underestimate! Just now Sect Leader told me that Emei is ready for war, what about you guys?     


Ouyang Haoran lowered his head, and said in a deep voice: "What happened to Su Lili truly makes one angry, but we do not think that this is the best time to attack the Yuanshen medicine industry, or to be more accurate, a small Yuanshen medicine industry is not worth it for us to take action!"    


Not worth it? Wang Zhiruo snappily replied, "Brother Ouyang, please tell me, what is considered worth it? Was it only worth it when Ye Lingtian and Tian Xue went to the Martial Sect Alliance and cut off our heads? "    


"Elder Wang, I understand your feelings. Don't be agitated. Wait for me to finish speaking." Ouyang Haoran tapped on the table and said softly, "Why is Ye Lingtian so daring, and why doesn't he have Yuxiao Palace supporting him from behind? Just four hours ago, my door received a call from the head of the Special Ability Fighting Team of the United States.    


American Special Ability Fighting Team? Wang Zhiruo was startled. She looked at Ouyang Haoran and said coldly: "They were having fun fighting Blood Clan in Europe. Since they are actively contacting Iron Sword Sect now, they shouldn't be asking China's Martial Sect to join the battle and lend them a hand, right? If this is really the case, then the influence of Iron Sword Sect is truly extraordinary. "    


Ouyang Haoran coughed lightly and said in a good voice, "Elder Wang, don't speak with such emotions. How can the Special Ability Fighting Team of the United States allow us to participate in their dispute? They accused us, saying that Ye Lingtian had colluded with Alps Special Ability Alliance and Zocura Family and launched an attack on them, destroying both of their teams. With their respect for the Eastern and Western Alliance, they informed us in advance, and gathered all of their elite troops to head to Huaxia, delivering a heavy blow to the Yuanshen and medicine industry. "    


Wang Zhiruo and Lv Jinjun's eyes immediately bulged out of their sockets.    


"Brother Ouyang, are you serious?" Lv Jinjun shouted, "Ye Lingtian was involved in the Liverpool incident?"    


"How dare you!" Wang Zhiruo sucked in a breath of cold air, "From ancient times till now, other than Nalan Duoduo, no Chinese Martial Cultivator has ever come to the west to mess around. This Ye Lingtian can be considered the first to ever do anything."    


"Ye Lingtian is more daring than we thought. Of course he could run to Europe to stir up trouble. It seems like Tian Xue had a reason to protect the Yuanshen and medicine industry during the previous stage." Ouyang Haoran frowned, he looked at the extremely angry Wang Zhiruo, then looked at Liu Tie and slowly said, "We suspect that Yuxiao Palace could collude with West Special Ability, if that's really the case, then Yuxiao Palace's ultimate goal would be very thought-provoking."    


"Yuxiao Palace has always been a big ambition. After unifying China's Martial Sect, the target will naturally be the entire Secret World." Lv Jinjun raised his teacup and took a sip of fragrant tea, "Ye Lingtian's strength isn't as weak as he looks on the surface."    


"So this is an opportunity." Ouyang Haoran thought for a moment, then continued, "Since the American Special Ability Fighting Team is able to actively contact the Iron Sword Sect, it means that they have heard of the relationship between Tian Xue and Ye Lingtian. The higher-ups analyzed it, they believe that the strength of the American Special Ability Fighting Team is not bad this time, since there are people willing to make a move on the Yuanshen, wouldn't it be better for us to sit back and watch? Of course, we can also see the true relationship between Yuxiao Palace and Yuanshen medicine industry through this incident. If Yuxiao Palace protects the Yuanshen medicine industry at all costs, showing that Yuanshen medicine industry is extremely important in the strategic layout of the Yuxiao Palace, our next goal would be to pull out the nail on the ground! "    


Lv Jinjun thought for a while, then followed up: "If Yuxiao Palace really does that, we can even consider if the three families join hands and sneak attack Yuxiao Palace!"    


The reason Sect Leader gave me was enough to give up on that idea. The top ranked forces of the Martial Sect World are not only limited to Yuxiao Palace s, there are also Shu Mountain s, Heaven Cloud Mountain s, and Carefree Valley s. Recently, there have been many changes in the Martial Sect world, so it is very abnormal for them to not have made any movements at all.    


Lv Jinjun frowned as he thought about it, "What big brother Ouyang means is that these three Top Sects are also eyeing the Martial Sect world?"    


"Even Yuxiao Palace are coveting it, can Shu Mountain, Heaven Cloud Mountain and Carefree Valley endure loneliness? Do not forget, a while ago, Bi Family made a move against Wanji Hall. After recent intelligence analyses, I have concluded that it is not that the top powers do not wish to make a move, but rather, they will definitely make a move. Ouyang Haoran thought about the current situation of the Martial Sect Alliance and asked worriedly, "Why is the Martial Sect Alliance established? It was all to face off against the top powers, I never would have thought that it would become like this. "    


Lv Jinjun and Wang Zhiruo looked at each other with worry. If Iron Sword Sect, Qianyuan Sect, and Emei were to all go out and engage in a fierce battle with Yuxiao Palace, then it might give the Top Sects an opportunity to finish it off in one go.    


Wang Zhiruo slapped the table and said, "Regardless of the outcome of the Special Ability Fighting Team war, we must avenge Yanyan! Ye Lingtian, Wang Sanguan and the rest must die in our hands! "    


"Of course we have to take revenge for Yanyan!" Ouyang Haoran looked at Lili quietly and said coldly, "Besides, Yanyan suffered because of Wenting, it wouldn't be right if my disciple didn't do anything. Thus, Lan Yushu and his trusted men would leave the base, and after reuniting with Xie Wenting, they would immediately go into hiding at Jinghai …"    


Speaking till here, Ouyang Haoran's words suddenly became cold: "The American Special Ability Fighting Team is one thing, killing Ye Lingtian or not is our problem! No matter how the situation developed, they had to tear Ye Lingtian and Wang Sanguan into pieces! It was only because of Yanyan, who had suffered an unfortunate loss earlier, that I was able to face Elder Wang's friendship! "    


Wang Zhiruo was very touched by Ouyang Haoran's attitude. "Brother Ouyang, I, Wang Zhiruocheng, have shown you my kindness. Xie Wenting's eyes are bright. She has found a fiance who can take on the responsibility."    


"The family doesn't talk about two things, but Wenting has been involved in such a big incident. As Lan Yushu's master, if I don't express my feelings, it would be unreasonable." Ouyang Haoran thought about how the higher-ups decided to sit back and watch the fight, and said helplessly, "But no matter how big the help is, I really can't help it. After all, the higher-ups have their own considerations, and we have to think about the overall situation of Martial Sect."    


"The Yuanshen Medicine Industry will eventually be destroyed, but sooner or later, for the greater good, I will endure it. However, Ye Lingtian definitely will not let it go." Wang Zhiruo caressed the Longsword with her small hands and looked at Lv Jinjun quietly, "Elder Lu, what do you think?"    


Lv Jinjun was a bit troubled. "I just got onto the stage, there aren't many Martial Cultivator in the sect that are willing to follow me …"    


Ouyang Haoran saw that Wang Zhiruo's face looked a little upset, so he hurriedly persuaded her: "Don't make things difficult for Old Lu, in his current situation, he can't do anything to help. We sent someone to take part in the operation, it actually violates the decisions of the higher-ups, and the higher ups are blaming us for it, but Brother Lu's foundation is not stable, so don't make things difficult for him."    


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