My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1173 Wumen Alliance(2)

C1173 Wumen Alliance(2)

3It had to be said that Lan Yushu and Xie Ting's performance showed off their exceptional acting skills. They used their fiery words and their own limbs to make every action film lose the strength they should have. If the two of them could not survive in the Martial Sect world, to the point where they ran to the Japan, there would be countless dedicated actors and actresses who would lose their jobs. At this moment, they were like legends in action movies.    


The Conference Room Elders might have some rumors about him, but they looked serious on the surface. So, they all looked at Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo in unison. Inwardly, he thought, there is depth and creativity. Indeed, the future waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves, and each generation waves more than the previous one!    


Even Lv Jinjun, who had been silent all this time, widened his eyes in fear. A few duck eggs could have been stuffed into his mouth. This is Lan Yushu and Xie Ting, f * ck, this is absolutely trash. Ouyang Haoran, Wang Zhiruo, you are also famous in this Martial Sect world.    


The drop of a needle in the Conference Room could be heard, this was a must.    


Tian Xue's head was about to explode. The sudden appearance of such a scenario caused her mind to be temporarily stuck in a state of stagnation. After being stunned for a long while, Tian Xue slammed the table, "Stop!"    


However, the scene had changed and the action film had become a war film. As the sky darkened, Lan Yushu and Xie Ting were no longer in the hotel, but were hiding in a corner with a dark, vicious expression. Behind them were the elite disciples of Emei and Iron Sword Sect, but the content below had no permission from Tian Xue, so how could this elder dare to play it?    


He turned his head to look at the temporarily paused video screen, and then looked at Tian Xue's expression. First, he praised the Yuanshen medicine industry's monitoring standards, after all, being able to get a self-recording video of the top ten sects' elite disciples, was no ordinary feat, and then expressed his sincere admiration towards the Yuanshen medicine industry's editing standards. It just so happened that the timing was right, and it just so happened that Tian Xue was about to go berserk.    


Tian Xue blushed and said coldly to Ye Lingtian, "What are you doing?"    


Ye Lingtian's performance was not inferior to those elders. It was not as if he had never seen action films before, such as the soul-stirring scene at the base of the Rain Curtain Corporation's matriarchs, where Ye Lingtian was very calm despite his surprise, but now he could not calm down. Lan Yushu and Xie Ting's performance was too outstanding, even to the point of him, a spectator, blushing.    


"I don't know. This is a video given to me by one of my subordinates. I don't have the time to watch it!" Ye Lingtian is very innocent, heart began to greet Wang Houhu: The fuck your grandmother! I already told you to pick a highlight record, but you're going to set it up as a f * cking video? Wasn't this a slap in the face? Xie Ting and Lan Yushu were shameless.    


Tian Xue's small foot stepped on Ye Lingtian's foot viciously, and you still want to act like it? You don't know who knows, but aren't those men listening to you? This thing can get the Martial Sect Alliance to play it? I am now the alliance master of the Martial Sect Alliance, isn't that a joke?    


In contrast to Tian Xue's performance, Ouyang Haoran and Lili both broke down. When word of today's matter spread, a thousand years later, Master Ouyang Haoran and Master Lili would still be a topic of interest, becoming an indispensable topic of conversation.    


Finally, Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo came out from their intense shame and anger. At this moment, the thought that popped out in their minds was no longer about avenging their disciple, but how to delete this damn video and delete it completely. They even had the thought that Lan Yushu and Xie Ting are not our disciples, they are definitely not our disciples.    


But how was he going to delete this video? Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo were thinking about this important issue. Who didn't know that Wu Tie was in such a bad situation? Anyhow, everyone was falling out with him. Wasn't this guy spreading this video around the world? Heavens, I can't keep it up late, I can't keep it up late!    


Seeing that the video had returned to normal, Tian Xue gave a signal to the elder in charge of broadcasting, and the video continued playing.    


Compared to the information just now, the following plot was less passionate, but more explosive. The videos were filled with Xie Ting's and Lan Yushu's bold words about taking advantage of the United States Special Ability Fighting Team to attack the Yuanshen medicine industry. As for why they did that, the videos did not give any explanation.    


Of course, what was even more outrageous was that Lan Yushu, who did not need to reveal the top secret information like the greeting of Iron Sword Sect before the attack of the United States Special Ability Fighting Team, was naturally also included in that information. Naturally, there were also all sorts of ruthless thoughts about how Xie Ting would deal with the Yuyao Palace's disciples after they were torn apart by the three combined Yuyao Palace.    


The elders of the Conference Room became silent. The situation was very delicate, to be exact, it was very, very delicate. Ouyang Haoran and Xie Ting's disciple was so f * cking impressive. Not only did he perform a classic action movie, he even leaked out the secret information. Uh, even if this so-called top secret information was public top secret information, private speaking in one's heart was completely different from openly and openly shouting out at the top of one's lungs.    


Tian Xue could not take it anymore, and her face was pale. She was truly angry, not because of the heroic words used by her Three Sects Alliance to destroy Yuyao Palace, but because of Xie Ting's words that said "Red Fruit".    




With a whoosh, Tian Xue pulled out her Blue Sea Azure Sky Sword and pointed at Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo, "Yuyao Palace has never given birth to the idea of becoming enemies with Iron Sword Sect, Emei, and Flying Feather Sect. Who would have thought that you two have the ambition to destroy my Yuyao Palace! What was even more hard to accept was that you two were actually having an affair with the West Special Ability. Even if everyone has this kind of conflict and even if the West Special Ability were to run to China and do whatever it takes, do you think you can face the hot blood flowing through your bodies? The disciples under the clan are even more filthy, in all these years, how many have ever spoken of my Yuyao Palace in such a manner? If my sect were to hear this, it will definitely not end until one of you dies! "    


Tian Xue turned her head to Ye Lingtian with reddened eyes, "Do you really not know about these situations, or are you pretending not to know?"    


What he meant was that if Ye Lingtian had released the video earlier, he would have given up on the public explanation and fought directly.    


Ye Lingtian sighed, "I really didn't watch the video, and you should know that I've been busy lately. If not for my subordinates telling me that Iron Sword Sect and a group of people died, and if I had to depend on Yuanshen and the medicine industry, I wouldn't have rushed back here."    


Tian Xue carefully tidied up Ye Lingtian's movements and immediately pointed the spearhead at Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo. Then, she said between her teeth, "Give me an explanation!"    


There was tension within the Conference Room.    


The elders who stood by the side of the Yuyao Palace had made preparations to wage war with the Three Sects Alliance, and even if the elders who stood by the Three Sects Alliance were not willing to do so at this moment, they had no choice but to forcefully gather their spirits and put on an act. Lan Yushu was the future successor of the Iron Sword Sect, and with this quality, everyone present could become a Iron Sword Sect Sect Leader.    


They did not have the strength to be a mantis stalking a cicada, but instead had the strength to catch a oriole at the back. What they needed to do was to make the right choice in the shortest amount of time possible and do their best to protect their vested interests in the changing world of Martial Sect. Looking at the current situation, they personally felt that it would be more reliable to stand at Yuyao Palace's side. Of course, in the end, they decided to hold a meeting with the Martial Sect elders.    


Facing Tian Xue's accusation, Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo had a stomach full of reasons that they couldn't say. If they had to blame something, they would blame their own disciple for being too disappointing. Not only were we destroyed, we even left behind such a huge tail. This caused us to be too ashamed to face others.    


Now that he had turned hostile with Yuyao Palace, no matter if Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo really couldn't make up their minds, Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo wouldn't be able to survive even if the video spread.    


At this critical moment, Lv Jinjun stood up, slammed the table and said, "Elder Ouyang, Elder Wang, look at the disciples you have taught!" How embarrassing! "What a disaster!"    


Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo looked at each other and immediately chose to remain silent. Obviously, this wasn't the best time to speak up. Since Lv Jinjun stood up now, he was here to act as a lubricant.    


Lv Jinjun turned around and cupped his hands towards Tian Xue, "Master Alliance Lord, Lan Yushu and Xie Ting's nonsense just now did not represent Iron Sword Sect, Emei and Flying Feather Sect's attitude. Everyone has seen it. I believe that Elder Ouyang and Elder Wang are also unaware of the actions that they have taken without authorization. Otherwise, how could they tolerate these two vile disciples acting recklessly? To be honest, even if my Flying Feather Sect did something to collude with West Special Ability, Iron Sword Sect is still absolutely impossible! "    


You two did indeed have the action of hooking up on West Special Ability, but regretfully, I didn't pay attention to you. Ye Lingtian glanced at Lv Jinjun meaningfully, and said to Tian Xue: "Master Alliance Lord, what if we just use a few words to wipe out this relationship, and sacrifice so many of our brothers in the Yuanshen and medicine industry? What if the Yuanshen and medicine industries suffer such a huge loss? But even more importantly, there will be a second time. Who knows when the three major sects will be unhappy and aggressively take out the Yuanshen medicine industry to attack us. Compared to them, we are like grasshoppers, there's only death waiting for us! "    


Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo's eyes burned with anger as they looked at Ye Lingtian. This brat is really shameless, if so many people died in the Yuanshen Medicine Industry, then this video shouldn't appear. As for the Yuanshen Medicine Industry's heavy losses, if there really was such a thing, would we not know?    


Ouyang Haoran and Wang Zhiruo completely understood what it meant to lose a man and then lose a soldier, and what it meant to be shameless.    


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