The Treasure Chest System With Its Infinite Mysteries

C205 Hiding in a Mysterious Place

C205 Hiding in a Mysterious Place

0Su Jin stopped in his tracks. The smile on his face grew wider. "Thank you for reminding me."     2


This Spirit Stone was indeed a perfect flower. Su Jin knew that if he didn't give this Spirit Stone to him, then the Xia Mansion guards would tell him how to proceed. They wouldn't tell him that they wanted to learn the Fishing Technique. At that time... Not only would Su Jin waste his money, he would also waste a lot of time. The loss outweighed the gain.    


The angler, of course, did not refer to ordinary fishing enthusiasts. It was a special profession like musicians, Formation Master, and others. It was a profession that specialized in fishing for strange and strange Spiritual Fish.    


The Spiritual Fish had intelligence and was very clever and cunning. Some powerful Spiritual Fish's intelligence was not inferior to the old monsters among humans. It was extremely difficult to catch that kind of fish. It was almost impossible.    


Fishing was specially designed to deal with this kind of cunning Spiritual Fish. Moreover, not everyone could become a Fishing Hunter. Just like other occupations, this profession also depended on talent.    


When Su Jin arrived at the Hundred Spirit Pavilion, he saw a square outside of it. There were many shops and restaurants around the square, and there was an endless stream of people. The surrounding buildings were in groups, and it was very prosperous. It was almost like a small town.    


After sizing it up for a while, Su Jin looked at the Hundred Spirit Pavilion and thought to himself, "Where's the fisherman? Since that Xia Mansion's guard wants me to learn the Fishing Technique, it means that there must be a place nearby to teach the Fishing Technique."    


Suddenly, Su Jin's eyes moved. He saw an elegant pavilion near the Hundred Spirit Pavilion, and the words "Fishing Technique Training Hall" were written at the entrance.    


What a straightforward name. It was easy to understand. Su Jin's face lit up. "That's the place."    


He quickly walked to the Fishing Technique Training Hall. Once he entered, a grey-clothed servant came up to him with a smile. "What business does this guest have?"    


"May I ask if you are teaching the Fishing Technique?"    


Su Jin asked directly.    


"Since you have seen the signboard of our hall, why do you ask? Those who are here are all people who are learning Fishing Technique."    


The grey-clothed servant laughed and said, "The Fishing Technique that we teach here is divided into tiger and spirit. May I ask which one you want to learn?"    


Su Jin asked curiously, What kind of ___ do you want to learn?" Oh? What's the difference between these two?"    


" Of course. "    


The manservant in gray continued, "Tigers are the overlords of the continent. One can easily imagine how powerful they are when it comes to fishing. If you can control the Tiger Fishing Technique, you will be able to roam freely across all rivers and lakes. You'll be able to catch most of the rare fish in the world easily. Of course, to the angler... The angler was more than enough to deal with those cunning ordinary fish, but to catch the Spiritual Fish... It won't be that easy. "    


Su Jin was speechless. It seemed like this Tiger Fishing Technique was the lowest level amongst the Fishing Technique. Even if he had mastered it completely, he would only be able to become a low level musician, but it had such a domineering name.    


"The Spirit Fishing Technique is the most profound skill in the Fishing Technique. Spirit Fishing Man is very rare, and it's as easy as flipping his palm to get the Spiritual Fish. He is the most respected person amongst all the anglers."    


The grey-robed servant said, and his eyes suddenly revealed a longing look. "According to the legends, there is another kind of existence called Spirit Fishing Man. Such an existence, the Fishing Technique can be said to shock the heavens and earth and weep the gods. However, such a figure is rarely seen in the world, and it's not something that mortals like us can see. If the guest can grasp a tiny bit of Spirit Fishing Man's memories, then he'll be able to obtain a great harvest in Hundred Spirit Lake."    


"So that's how it is." Su Jin blinked his eyes, "Then what are the charges for these two Fishing Technique?"    


The grey-clothed servant smiled. "There are many types of Tiger Fishing Technique. The first type is to watch it alone, and the fee is one Spirit Stone or more. The second type is to be taught by the tiger angler, and the fee is ten Spirit Stone or more. As for the spirit..."    


"One Spirit Stone is enough for the fee."    


Su Jin interrupted the grey-robed servant's words and smiled.    


The grey-clothed servant's expression froze, but he quickly recovered his smile. He wasn't surprised that Su Jin would choose the lowest fee, the Fishing Technique. Most of the people chose this option. Not everyone could afford to pay ten Spirit Stone to learn the Fishing Technique. He said, "Customer, please follow me."    


Su Jin nodded, but there was a trace of a smile in his eyes. He had the system. No matter how low level Fishing Technique was, it could still be upgraded to high level. Naturally, he would not waste more Spirit Stone.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a disdainful female voice was heard, "Su Jin, you are really stingy. You won so many treasures that day, but you are reluctant to take out even a few Spirit Stones."    


Su Jin's face froze, and he was speechless. "Damn, why do I have to touch you everywhere?"    


Lu Shiyu and the others had also come to the Fishing Technique Training Hall. When they saw Su Jin, they looked at him with extreme disdain.    


They all knew that the item Su Jin won that day was worth nearly a hundred thousand Spirit Stones. Therefore, Su Jin's current wealth was terrifying just thinking about it. However, such a wealthy man was actually reluctant to part with a single Spirit Stone. And he was only willing to spend a single Spirit Stone to learn the Fishing Technique. He was simply digging out the souls of the dead.    


They had always looked down on Su Jin, but now that they saw this scene, they looked down on him even more.    


"I can't believe I was won by an iron rooster like you. It would be shameful if I told anyone about this."    


Lu Shiyu shook her head, and her pretty face revealed a very displeased expression.    


"Hehe, did I eat your rice or sleep on your bed? So what if I am petty? What do you want me to do?"    


When Su Jin heard this, he retorted. He did not have a good impression of these people either.    


Hearing this, everyone's face darkened. Hong Gui's eyes were fierce. "How dare you be impudent in front of Saintess!"    


"Guests, if you have any conflicts, please come to our hall and settle it. We strictly forbid fighting within our hall."    


When the grey-clothed servant saw that both parties were about to fight, his expression immediately changed and he said with a serious expression.    


"Forget it."    


Lu Shiyu waved her hand and the people behind her became obedient, but they all stared at Su Jin with unfriendly expressions.    


After that, she gave Su Jin a deep look. "Kid, I advise you to restrain that arrogant personality of yours. You have won so many treasures that day, and many people have seen it. I don't want your Star Heavenly Crystal to fall into someone else's hands. "    


When Su Jin heard the first part, he was surprised that this woman would kindly remind him. However, when he heard the second part, he immediately understood. It turned out that she was trying to get the Star Heavenly Crystal. He immediately chuckled and said, "Don't worry, outsiders will definitely not be able to find the whereabouts of the Star Heavenly Crystal. I will hide it in an extremely mysterious place."    


Lu Shiyu's eyes lit up. " Oh? What place?"    


"The latrine."    


Su Jin smiled.    


Lu Shiyu's pretty face froze, and then she glared at Su Jin angrily. "Rubbish, let's go."    


After that, she walked upstairs angrily, as if she had made an appointment. The people behind her were also waiting for Su Jin. If it wasn't for Lu Shiyu's repeated instructions, some of them would have already attacked Su Jin.    


The grey-robed servant was amazed. He saw the bearing and strength of Lu Shiyu's group. He knew that their background must be very powerful, but this Martial Spirit Stage Level One guy in front of him... How dare he offend them like this? He was truly bold.    


At this moment, he realized that he was going to bring some people to learn the Fishing Technique. He pointed his hand towards the corridor and said, "Guests, please come this way."    


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