I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C448 The Pearl Displayed Its Might!

C448 The Pearl Displayed Its Might!

3Seeing their big brother Luo King's mighty back, the faces of Star Sea, Sky Mist, and Sky Mountain could not help but reveal excitement.    




Finally, they could leave this damned place!    


Finally, they wouldn't have to stay in the threat of death!    


When Big Brother Luo King obtained the power of the True Immortal, and with the enhancement of the treasure pearl, he might even be able to kill Shen Jun and Heifeng on the spot!    


These two people were simply two living devils!    


Especially Shen Jun.    


He was simply terrifying beyond belief.    


If this brat was allowed to grow up, it was likely that in less than a thousand years, this huge Upper Realm would become his.    


At that time, how could there be a place for my Nine Palace Immortal Land to stand?    


Kill him as soon as possible!    


In case he caused trouble in the future.    


However, just as the few Immortal Lords were jumping with excitement...    


An unexpected change occurred!    


Without any sign, a terrifying suction force suddenly came from afar.    


The suction force was so powerful that it was secondary.    


The main thing was that it was strange!    


At this moment, not only were the three Immortal Lords unable to move, even the Qi and blood energy in their bodies, the power of False Immortal, and even their souls were pulled out!    


With all his divine abilities, he was unable to resist at all.    


All he could do was watch as his own strength was being gradually extracted.    


Just when they thought that this was Shen Jun and Heifeng's strange method to ask for help from Big Brother Luo King...    


They raised their heads and looked up.    


They were dumbfounded.    


Not only did Shen Jun and Heifeng not use any tricks, they didn't even move at all.    


And the source of this strange suction force was actually... Big Brother Luo King!    


All the energy in their bodies, even their vitality, was being extracted by the other party!    


"Big Brother Luo King! You... What are you doing?!"    


"If this goes on, we will become cripples! We will die! Stop it!"    


"Fuck you, Luo King! You tricked me!"    


The three Immortal Lords were not fools. They wouldn't be so stupid as to treat him as their big brother even when he had already revealed his fangs.    


At this moment, the three of them wished they could eat this damned traitor alive!    


But they were helpless.    


They were powerless!    


In just a few sentences, more than half of the strength they had cultivated for a hundred thousand years was extracted.    


The three Immortal Lords had tried countless methods, struggling to break free from the predicament.    


But they all failed.    


Under the confinement of this terrifying suction force, they couldn't even self-detonate their souls.    


They could only watch as this true devil stole everything from them.    


"Brothers, don't blame me for being heartless."    


"If you want to escape, this is the only way. If you are still so heartless, the four of us, none of us can live."    


"After I get out of this place today, I will definitely bury you all properly. I will erect a stone tablet for you all, and let the generations of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces remember your meritorious deeds."    


"Oh right, speaking of this, in the future, the Nine Great Immortal Palaces can leave it to me! Hahahaha."    


At the end, the Luo King Immortal Lord couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


At this moment, how could there be any brotherly feelings in his eyes?    


There was only burning greed and desire.    


And the desire to reach the level of a True Immortal!    


As the power of the three Immortal Lords continued to surge into his body, the aura on his body also continued to grow crazily.    


The Orb in his hand also became brighter and brighter.    


"Lord Luo! You will die a horrible death!"    


"Damn you, bastard! Even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go!"    


"You betrayed your brothers who have known each other for tens of thousands of years. God! Open your eyes and kill this bastard!"    


The three Immortal Lords, who had lost all hope, roared hysterically.    


Before they had ascended to the position of Immortal Lord, they knew that Nine Palace Immortal Land was no longer as united as it was hundreds of thousands of years ago.    


However, after so many years, although there were occasional conflicts between the nine great immortal palaces, they were still relatively harmonious.    


At the very least, in the face of major issues, they were all united in the same enemy.    


Who would have thought?    


In this life and death situation, Immortal Lord Luo, who they had always called their big brother, would actually betray them so decisively.    


He wanted to trample on their lives and climb up!    


This kind of despair and desolation was something that most people wouldn't even dare to think about.    


"Hahahaha, scold as much as you want. Just let a few people who are about to die have some fun."    


"In your next life! Remember to learn how to be smart!" Immortal Lord Luo Wang did not feel ashamed at all. Instead, he laughed out loud.    


The output of the False Immortal in his hand suddenly increased, and the rainbow-colored divine light in the Pearl of the Plane became even brighter.    




After a series of miserable screams, the three Immortal Lords' heads tilted, and their skin quickly withered, completely losing their life force.    


Three mummies fell from the sky like kites with their strings cut.    


Immortal Lord Luo Wang felt the surging power in his body and could not help but be overjoyed.    


The power of the three peak False Immortals had all entered his body.    


With the help of the Pearl of the Plane and the True Immortal Talisman, the bottleneck of the False Immortal that had trapped him for countless years was actually so weak at this moment.    


As long as he wanted to, he could activate the True Immortal Heavenly Tribulation at any time!    


After the Thunder Tribulation, he would be able to be like Heifeng! He would look down on the world!    


The feeling of being an expert and having the initiative was always so fascinating.    


My brothers.    


Thank you all so much.    


If it wasn't for you guys, I, Luo Wang, might not have been able to have today's glory in my entire life!    


You can go now.    


I will take over the Nine Palace Immortal Land for you.    


Under the lead of my True Immortal, Luo King, the Nine Palace Immortal Land will definitely break the word "Yi" and become the strongest force in the Upper Realm!    


He had experienced tens of thousands of years in the Upper Realm from the time he was born in the Tianxuan Plane to the time he was in the Upper Realm.    


Today, he finally broke the shackles of the Void Immortal Stage and the True Immortal Stage.    


My eight brothers!    


Thank you.    


I, the Everlasting Immortal Lord, will definitely help you turn the Nine Immortal Lands into the strongest and most invincible force in the Upper Realm.    


Since the four Immortal Lords had been communicating with each other using secret techniques from the beginning to the end, Shen Jun and Heifeng did not know what had happened on the other side.    


Before Heifeng could even make a move, Immortal Lord Luo King had already snatched a seven-colored pearl from the hands of Immortal Lord Tianxuan.    


Then, the scene that made Heifeng's eyelids twitch violently happened.    


The three Immortal Lords' expressions changed drastically, and they instantly turned into three dried corpses.    


After the Immortal Lord Luo King died, he suddenly seemed to have become a different person.    


Not only did his aura increase explosively, the seven-colored pearl in his hand even made Heifeng feel threatened.    


Even Shen Jun's face darkened.    


"Heifeng, with your strength, can you tell what Immortal Lord Luo King is up to?" Shen Jun secretly sent a voice transmission to Heifeng while opening the teleportation portal of the Wasteland Small World.    


If anything went wrong later, he would immediately escape.    


If the disciples died, Heifeng died, it would be fine.    


As long as the Wasteland Small World was here, he could revive them at any time.    


But if he died, then everything would be over.    


Shen Jun was a cautious person. He would not take such a big risk.    


"Young Master, please forgive me. I don't know what that seven-colored bead is... but there's one thing I can be sure of. Immortal Lord Luo King must have used some kind of evil secret technique to absorb the power of the other three Immortal Lords, and then he reached the threshold of the True Immortal Stage."    


"Don't worry, Young Master. As long as he hasn't passed the True Immortal Stage, I can still beat him up until his mother doesn't recognize him!"    


Heifeng patted Shen Jun's chest and promised, and then he prepared to attack.    


The True Immortal power in his body started to circulate and rushed towards Immortal Lord Luo Wang.    


Shen Jun did not stop him.    


If Heifeng could really kill Immortal Lord Luo Wang, then it would naturally be a good thing.    



If Heifeng was not a match for him, it would also be a good opportunity for him to buy some time for himself. I will turn around and run into the Wasteland Small World.    


In any case, Heifeng already had the mark of the Wasteland Small World on him. Even if he died, he could still revive him.    


In the air, Immortal Lord Luo Wang saw Heifeng pouncing towards him. He could not help but not panic at all. Instead, he revealed an eager smile.    


Indeed, before he truly transcended the Heavenly Tribulation of the True Immortal, he might not be a match for this Heifeng.    


But he could only fight if he was not a match for him.    


Do you think that this pearl in my hand is just for show?    


"Shen Jun, I have to admit that I have lived for more than a hundred thousand years. You are the most talented and most promising young man I've ever seen!"    


"If you were allowed to grow, I'm afraid that the entire Upper Realm would become yours."    


"Unfortunately, it's a pity."    


"If you provoke me, Gu Hengtian, you are destined to have no chance to grow!"    


Immortal Lord Luo King stared at Shen Jun in the distance, completely ignoring Heifeng.    


"Planar Orb! Let me see how capable you are!"    


With a loud shout, the Planar Orb immediately shot out an incomparably dazzling rainbow-colored divine light.    


In an instant, the entire Brahma Immortal Palace was covered in a layer of color!    


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