Reborn Medicine King

C2230 New League Pact

C2230 New League Pact

0Ye Shaocheng felt a little uncomfortable looking at so many people.    


"When did our Heaven Pavilion have so many people?"    


"Perhaps every single force in the Nine Desolates is very happy to be able to chase outsiders out."    


Ye Shaocheng smiled and said, "I've heard that some forces have secretly escaped to the Great Thousand World. I heard that there are even lands there ..."    


Jiang Fann shrugged his shoulders and said, "You're from over there. It's not like you don't know what the Human Clan is like over there. Whether they can live until now is a problem. Even if they are, they might not even be able to be considered as the Fourth Grade. The imperial family suppresses the royal family and the royal family suppresses the ten thousand races. They are suppressed by the ten thousand races! When the Ancient God Clan wakes up, they won't be much stronger than trash, and they want to return to the Nine Desolates? There's no way!"    


When the disciples who were guarding the Heaven Pavilion's entrance saw Jiang Fann, they were all very excited.    


"Welcome back, Pavilion Master!"    


Their voices were not soft, and many of the experts from all over the sect looked over. When they saw Jiang Fann, they quickly went up to greet him.    


Although there were a lot of people talking, Jiang Fann could roughly understand what they meant. Most of them were here to celebrate. They originally wanted to go to the front line with Qinggong, but the people from the Heaven Pavilion had already left. That day, in order to save Gu Xie, Jiang Fann had also left early. Many forces felt that the main character was not around, so they came to the Myriad Clouds Mountain to celebrate. Moreover, many of them had long wanted to come to the Myriad Clouds Mountain to take a look. This time, they also had this opportunity.    


After a few simple words of greeting, Jiang Fann walked through the crowd and left Young Master Ye to deal with them.    


He had already locked onto a few auras in the Back Mountain. Those were the people he wanted to meet.    


When they arrived at the Back Mountain, they could see Chu Zhan drinking with Zhou Tong from afar. The two of them were bare-chested and had a lot of scars on their bodies.    


When he saw Jiang Fann, Chu Zhan waved at him and gestured for him to go over.    


Jiang Fann walked to the two of them and said directly, "Your bodies are almost as big as a map. Do you want me to help you get rid of these scars?"    


Zhou Tong laughed, "No need, half of the scars here are from outsiders. This is the symbol of this young master, my man. You gigolo won't understand."    


Those who could speak to Jiang Fann like this were definitely Jiang Fann's friends when he was young. Zhou Tong no longer had the name of the Demon King, but his current combat strength was far beyond what it used to be.    


Chu Zhan continued, "You're extremely handsome, aren't you? It's not without reason that you haven't found someone to accompany you for so many years."    


"Fuck you, all the pretty girls have already been taken away by this gigolo. There's no good one. This young master will be single for the rest of my life..."    


Jiang Fann said with a smile, "If you are not convinced, then we can have a fight. I'll give you a weapon!"    


Speaking of this, Zhou Tong decisively refused.    


"Hey hey, I'm not so stupid. Besides, you are my brother-in-law. As your older brother, I don't want to bully you. When you marry Ling'er, you will have to call me respectfully..."    


At this time, Wang Xian walked over from the side.    


"Who did you say he was going to marry?"    


Seeing Wang Xian, Zhou Tong immediately shut his mouth. He knew very well that Wang Xian was not someone to be trifled with.    


Chu Zhan looked at everything with a smile, and drank a cup of wine.    


Wang Xian looked at Jiang Fann and chuckled, completely different from the way she looked at others.    


"The old ancestor wants to see you."    


Jiang Fann nodded. After that, he did not go to see the others first. He followed Wang Xian and flew away in the air, heading straight for the divine tree's vicinity.    


It was only then that Jiang Fann noticed that there were a lot of people gathered here, and each of them was an expert. The experts from the Heavenly Palace had also arrived.    


"Seniors, you can't be waiting for me, right?"    


Meng Tianxiong laughed and said, "Who are you waiting for? You are the greatest contributor to the defense of the foreign races this time. I heard that you have been helping to treat the injured at the Human Emperor Sect for the past few days, so it is not good for us to go there and disturb you."    


Jiang Fann said helplessly, "Senior, don't tell me you're here to look for me to treat your injuries? Even if I have so much energy, there are so many seriously injured heroes who can't wait for me to treat them one by one ..."    


"What are you thinking, kid? Our sects have our own pharmacists, and our methods aren't bad either. Some of the more serious ones are trying to find a way to cure them. You are just one person. Do you really think we need to let you do all the work in Jiuhuang? Wouldn't that tire you out?"    


Jiang Fan said: "A capable person should work hard. If there are those that cannot be treated in the various sects, they can be sent to the Heaven Pavilion. As long as they participate in fighting against the heroes of other races, I am willing to do what I can to save them."    


Meng Tianxiong said: "Those are all for later. We are here to celebrate, and we also want to make a statement. We hope that our Nine Desolates can unite and fight against the enemy together."    


The prefecture master replied, "Old Meng is right. Although the outsiders have suffered heavy losses this time, it doesn't mean that they won't have a chance to invade again. After all, they still have two experts from the other races who are still alive. It shouldn't be too difficult for them to reorganize themselves. Even if it's a small scale invasion, with experts participating, it will probably be very dangerous for the Nine Desolates. So, this time, we have invited representatives from all over the place, hoping to build a teleportation array. At that time, all sides will be able to send out experts at once to destroy all chances for the outsiders to invade."    


At this moment, the elder surnamed Bai from the Heavenly Palace spoke.    


"This matter should have been led by my master, but unfortunately, there is no one in the Heavenly Palace who can fight against those two masters, so this matter should be led by you, Pavilion Master Jiang. What do you think?"    


From beginning to end, Wang Xi and Wang Yan did not say a word. Before Jiang Fann returned, they had already known about this matter. They had to listen to Jiang Fann's decision, because they knew the origins of the old beast king and Wan Chengfeng. They could not help Jiang Fann make the decision.    


Jiang Fann looked at the old man with the surname Bai.    


"Since the experts of the Heaven Palace have already said so, I don't think I have any reason to refuse. However, I want to emphasize one thing: the Heaven's Brilliance Desolate is something that all the forces need to protect, and it can't be done by just relying on a few experts of my Heaven Pavilion. I hope that one day, everyone will show up and help."    


Meng Tianxiong said directly: "Don't worry, I, Meng Tianxiong, will definitely arrive."    


"I, Guo Zhanwu, will definitely participate as well."    


"Of course our Jiang Clan will join ..."    


In an instant, all the experts present spoke up.    


Meanwhile, Jiang Fann called for the old beast king duo who was resting in the back mountain to come over. Wan Chengfeng had yet to return to the forbidden area.    


The two of them came to Jiang Fann's side and bowed respectfully.    




"Young Master!"    


The way the two of them acted shocked all the experts present, and even though they had heard the two of them call Jiang Fann that more than once, they couldn't help but be shocked when they saw what the two of them were doing with their own eyes. It could even be said that it was difficult to understand.    


Jiang Fan said, "Seniors, you should have heard their suggestion just now, right? Also, I've already said that since the two seniors are outside, you don't have to call me junior like that. Just call me Fann."    


"I will follow Master's instructions!"    


Jiang Fann was a little speechless, but he still said, "Then it's decided."    


After saying that, he looked at Wang Xi: "Old Ancestor, back then, you invited all parties to establish an alliance in the Heaven Pavilion. However, because of some matters, it became ineffective, so today, you will reestablish the alliance. In the future, all parties will still have to work together to defend against the outsiders, not giving them the chance to invade again. We will also welcome those who are not present."    


Wang Xi nodded.    


"Just leave this matter to me."    


Jiang Fann then sent a voice transmission to the old Beast King and Wang Xi.    


"The situation right now is not bad. The two seniors can temporarily return to the restricted area. Normally, I will not let anyone disturb the two of you. After that, I will set up a teleportation array connecting the Heaven Pavilion outside the restricted area. At that time, the two of you can come here at any time. If an outsider invades, even if I am not here, with your strength, it will be enough to deal with it."    


Wan Chengfeng did not forget to remind Jiang Fann: "Although that's the case, shouldn't we still pay attention to the three experts from the Dragon World? Since they can cooperate with the Great Thousand World once, there is a high chance that they can cooperate with us a second time. That would be troublesome."    


Jiang Fann laughed. "You don't have to worry about the experts of the Dragon World. It's already been settled. As for the situation of the Greater Thousand World, it's hard to say in the future, so it won't be a problem for them to be vigilant. After that, I will also go back. It's better to destroy some things."    


The old beast king heard his words and said directly: "Why don't you bring us two there and cooperate with that girl? The four of us will kill those two in the Great Thousand World. This way, we can avoid any future troubles."    


However, Jiang Fann did not think that way: "The situation in the world is very special, and the territory is so large. There is no chance of finding them. Instead, it may affect other things. You guys must be tired during this period of time. Take a rest. Perhaps a new era will soon arrive and the Heavenly Dao will be improved. You two are the cultivators with the greatest chance of breaking through in one go. Before that, it's better to keep a low profile."    


The old Beast King smiled bitterly. "Master is flattering us. If there was a chance to break through, we would have done so in the forbidden area..."    


Jiang Fann shook his head: "It's not that simple. Although the power of Heavenly Dao in the forbidden zone is stronger than the outside world, it is still attached to the Nine Desolations. When the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Nine Desolations increases, the illusion in the forbidden zone will also be greatly different, and the moment the great world improves will definitely be a good time for a breakthrough. Not just you, but even experts at the peak of the Dust Leaving Realm like them might be able to step into the Rebirth Realm, but their chances are not as great as the two of you."    


Wang Xi then used the Spiritual Strength to gather the alliance, and the experts present all injected their own Spiritual Strength into it. After the alliance was signed, a gentle wave of Spiritual Strength flew out from it, directly rushing into the clouds and disappearing.    


However, the golden contract of alliance had always been floating in the back mountain of the Heaven Pavilion. People from other forces could also join it.    


The old Beast King and Wan Chengfeng didn't have much contact with the crowd, so they continued to go back and rest.    


Elder Bai didn't stay behind to celebrate either. He said his goodbyes and left. It was obvious that he was here for the alliance.    


The rest of the experts were very familiar with Jiang Fann. The Jiang Clan's old ancestor, Jiang Huan, immediately came to Jiang Fann's side with a face full of love.    


"You're really too strong, kid. I don't know where you got so many helpers, but I can't believe you've killed so many experts from outside the clan in the Nine Desolates."    


At this moment, Guo Zhanwu from the Underworld suddenly asked.    


"If I didn't hear wrong, you said 'Skylight Desolates' just now?"    


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