Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C218 I'm Sorry Thank You

C218 I'm Sorry Thank You

1The Thousand Stars County had completely calmed down. Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia, the two warriors who did not belong to the Thousand Stars County, hired a Horned Horse carriage in the county. After that, they quietly left the county and slowly headed towards the Great Sun County.     3


Originally, Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia went to bid Lu Zhengfeng goodbye. Unfortunately, Lu Zhengfeng went out. They could only ask Xiao Taibao to convey their intentions. Next time they met Lu Zhengfeng, they estimated that it would be the time to suppress the devils in Devil Suppression Cave In Hidden Dragon Pond.    


Qi Zhuohao had already successfully connected with Nan Yudia, but his heart was in a panic. Shen Ji was waiting for them in Yunji Town. Nan Yudia would eventually face Shen Ji. At that time, what should he do?    


"Zhuohao, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy that you are leaving Thousand Stars County? Why are you frowning? "    


Nan Yudia's series of questions interrupted Qi Zhuohao's contemplation. He grinned and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine!"    


Qi Zhuohao really did not know how to explain to Nan Yudia, but he had to tell Nan Yudia about his relationship with Shen Ji. Shen Ji would eventually appear in front of Nan Yudia and say at this time. It was also to let Nan Yudia be mentally prepared. She did not want to anger Nan Yudia to the point of leaving. If that was the case, Qi Zhuohao would have nowhere to cry.    


"Zhuohao, you still want to lie to me? Tell me, are you thinking about a certain beauty?" Seeing Qi Zhuohao's distressed expression, Nan Yudia asked again. She was only joking with Qi Zhuohao and wanted to make him happy.    


Qi Zhuohao smiled bitterly and replied, "Yudia, what are you thinking about? Who can I think of?"    


Qi Zhuohao's heart moved. He changed the topic and asked, "Yudia, I want to ask you a question. Is that okay?"    


"Of course, you can ask!" Seeing Qi Zhuohao's serious face, Nan Yudia thought about it and agreed. From Qi Zhuohao's eyes, she seemed to see a cunning light flashing. She was very surprised. Could it be that Qi Zhuohao wanted to ask about her background?    


Nan Yudia had never mentioned her family background to Qi Zhuohao. She knew that during these days, Qi Zhuohao seemed to have discovered that her background was extraordinary. She actually wanted to wait until the Great Desolate told Qi Zhuohao about this matter. She wasn't deliberately hiding it from Qi Zhuohao. There were some things that Qi Zhuohao didn't have the strength to do. It was better not to know about it.    


However, if Qi Zhuohao asked now, Nan Yudia would no longer hide it and would tell Qi Zhuohao the truth. Obviously, in Nan Yudia's heart, Qi Zhuohao already had the strength to know everything about her.    


"Yudia, you just joked that I was thinking about other women. I want to ask, if I really have another woman in my heart. Furthermore, she is as important as you in my heart. Will you accept her? "    


Qi Zhuohao struck while the iron was hot and continued, "Furthermore, she is a woman who loves me as deeply as you. She is also willing to accompany me and be your best sister!"    


" Of course, I am just assuming! "Qi Zhuohao did not forget to forcefully explain at the end.    


Nan Yudia was very surprised. She fell into deep thought. She never thought that... ___ was very surprised. She fell into deep thought. She did not expect that Qi Zhuohao would actually ask her this question. Obviously, she did not think that Qi Zhuohao was' assuming 'that Qi Zhuohao really liked someone else.    


Sighing, Nan Yudia decisively replied, "As a woman, of course I am not willing to accept her. Which woman would be willing to share a man with others? So, give up that thought! "    


Nan Yudia's reply made Qi Zhuohao's heart tremble. Nan Yudia refused so straightforwardly. It seemed that it would undoubtedly be very difficult for him to make Nan Yudia accept Shen Ji!    


In fact, Qi Zhuohao was filled with guilt towards Nan Yudia. He and Nan Yudia had already established the foundation of love. The matter between him and Shen Ji afterwards was completely betraying Nan Yudia. Under such circumstances, he still wanted Nan Yudia to accept Shen Ji. Was it even more excessive?    


Seeing Qi Zhuohao shaking his head and sighing non-stop, Nan Yudia's heart ached. She said, "Alright, I was just joking with you. Tell me, is the person you like Shen Ji? Also, is she going to the Great Desolate with us? "    


When Nan Yudia's words came out, Qi Zhuohao was stunned. He thought that he had misheard. How did Nan Yudia know all of this? "Uh, Yudia, you have seen through all of this. A woman's insight is really strong!"    


Qi Zhuohao laughed and touched his nose. He said, "Yudia, let me tell you the truth. The relationship between Shen Ji and me. Just like the relationship between you and me, she is waiting for us in Yunji Town. I really hope that you can be good sisters with her and accept her. "    


Qi Zhuohao said it very sincerely and almost knelt down to beg Nan Yudia. Nan Yudia and Shen Ji were both the women he loved and he did not want to lose any one of them. "Yudia, I'm sorry! I, I..."    


"Hmph! It really is her. I knew long ago that you would like Shen Ji. In your bones, you are a heart full of playfulness. " Nan Yudia was very angry. She guessed that it was a feeling, but after knowing the truth, it was another feeling. Her heart was very painful. When she saw Qi Zhuohao care about Shen Ji so much, actually, she had already expected that this day would come. She did not expect that... This day really came.    


Qi Zhuohao nodded repeatedly in response to Nan Yudia's criticism. "Yudia, do you mean that you have accepted Shen Ji?"    


"Do I have a choice?" Nan Yudia looked at Qi Zhuohao and continued, "Zhuohao, let me ask you, if I don't agree to you and Shen Ji being together even if I die, will you not want me?"    


"Of course not, Yudia. Our love has already been decided. We will be together for the rest of our lives. I also believe that you will not do that. My Yudia is the best to me!" Speaking up to this point, Qi Zhuohao's tone became solemn. "Yudia, I'm sorry, thank you!"    


"Sigh!" Nan Yudia sighed. The six words that Qi Zhuohao said... Her heart. She felt helpless. She reached out and pinched Qi Zhuohao's arm. She said, "Why would I fall in love with you, the seed of love?"    


A sharp pain came, but Qi Zhuohao smiled. Nan Yudia was willing to accept Shen Ji. His tensed heart finally relaxed. And Nan Yudia's tolerance for him, the guilt in his heart became even deeper!    


To be honest, Nan Yudia naturally wanted to have Qi Zhuohao alone. But she knew very well that with Qi Zhuohao's brilliance, wherever he went, he would attract beautiful women. In addition, Qi Zhuohao's nature of being fickle was destined to be impossible for her to enjoy Qi Zhuohao's love all by herself.    


And Qi Zhuohao was not ordinary. He was destined to have more than one woman by his side. Nan Yudia had no way to change all of this. Instead of being troubled over this matter, she might as well open her heart and accept it. Most importantly... As long as she could be with Qi Zhuohao for the rest of her life, that would be enough.    


Nan Yudia was also a cautious person. Qi Zhuohao and Shen Ji had already walked together. She could not change it. She also did not want to hurt Qi Zhuohao because of her refusal. She knew that her tolerance for Qi Zhuohao would only make Qi Zhuohao feel even more guilty towards her. In this way, her position in Qi Zhuohao's heart would be unsurpassable and irreplaceable.    


"My Yudia is still the best to me..." Qi Zhuohao was all smiles. He could only express his gratitude towards Nan Yudia by giving Nan Yudia a massage. The guilt in his heart was buried in his heart. He swore that he would treat Nan Yudia well in the future and not let her suffer any grievances.    


"Don't try to please her. I don't object to you being with Shen Ji. However, you must remember not to use 'hypotheses' to test me in the future. I love you, and I can tolerate everything about you, including the fact that you have other women. But I don't want you to lie to me."    


Nan Yudia's words were very serious. Shen Ji could let go of everything and follow Qi Zhuohao. She could too. Her love for Qi Zhuohao would not lose to Shen Ji. Of course, Nan Yudia was not a jealous woman. Since she had decided to accept Shen Ji, she would do it with all her heart!    


"Yudia, I was wrong. I promise that I will never lie to you again! "Qi Zhuohao's apology was very sincere. He had already let Nan Yudia down. He should not have used such a method to test Nan Yudia's words and faced her calmly. Isn't it better?    


Nan Yudia snorted lightly and turned her head away to ignore Qi Zhuohao. On the surface, she accepted Shen Ji calmly, but in her heart, she could not let go. It was said that love was selfish, but she was still unable to completely accept Shen Ji. This needed time to get used to it.    


At this time, what Qi Zhuohao needed to do was shamelessly curry favor with Nan Yudia. He wanted to make Nan Yudia happy, so Qi Zhuohao did his best. He had used all kinds of techniques, such as ghost faces, dog barks, and so on. He did not have the demeanor of an expert at all!    


"Puchi!" Finally, Nan Yudia could not stand Qi Zhuohao and laughed out loud. "You! I really can't do anything to you!"    


Immediately after, there was some kind of disharmonious sound coming from the carriage. Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia crazily kissed. They did not care about the driver of the carriage at all. A muffled thunder sounded in the sky, as if it was dissatisfied with Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia's actions.    


Yunji Town was a small town at the border of Thousand Stars County and Great Sun Prefecture. It was located in a remote location, but it was unusually bustling!    


The carriage slowly drove on the streets of the town. Not long after, the coachman shouted, "Young master, young lady, we have arrived at Yunji Town."    


The coachman's shout woke Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia, who were sleeping soundly. The two of them did not cultivate these days. Instead, they lived happily in the carriage. If the coachman was not there, Qi Zhuohao was afraid that he would have really pushed Nan Yudia to the ground.    


"We're here!" Qi Zhuohao reluctantly let go of Nan Yudia. A trace of helplessness flashed in Nan Yudia's eyes. When they reached Yunji Town, she could not stick to Qi Zhuohao anymore. There was no other reason. Shen Ji was waiting for them here!    


Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia got off the carriage and paid the coachman a sum of money. Only then did they slowly walk out of the station. Qi Zhuohao thought. When they left Yunji Town, they needed to buy a Horned Horse carriage. The Horned Horse carriages of the various stations in Thousand Stars County could not go to Great Sun County. Because going to the Great Sun County would pass through the incomparably cold ice plains. Furthermore, bandits ran amok along the way, so ordinary drivers did not dare to take risks.    


"Yudia, let's go! Let's go directly to Chunmao Tavern. Shen Ji is there!"    


Qi Zhuohao had told Shen Ji in detail back then. He had been to the Yunji Town and coincidentally knew about the Chunmao Inn because the Chunmao Inn was right beside the restaurant where he met Poison Lady and the other two.    


Nan Yudia lightly nodded but did not reply. Very quickly, the two of them arrived at the Chunmao Inn.    


"Two distinguished guests, you have come to the right place in Chunmao Tavern. My Chunmao Tavern..."    


Just as Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia entered the Chunmao Tavern, the innkeeper of the inn began to boast. Qi Zhuohao impatiently waved his hand and said, "Boss, don't talk nonsense. We are not staying at the inn!"    


"Not staying in the inn?" The smile on the owner's face disappeared. It was obvious that these two people were rich. He had wasted his energy.    


"Boss, we are here to look for someone. Do you have a person called Shen Ji living here? She is very beautiful and cold..."    


Before Qi Zhuohao finished speaking, the inn owner immediately said, "You, you are with that Evil God Shen Ji?"    


The inn owner's expression was clearly one of fear and panic. Qi Zhuohao had a surprised expression. Shen Ji was such a beauty living here, so the inn owner should have a very proud expression. What exactly happened?    


"That's right. Shen Ji is our friend. Which room is she staying in?"    


Qi Zhuohao nodded and replied. The inn owner quickly bowed and said, "Masters, this inn is a small business. Your friend stayed here for two days. I can waive all fees. Please take her away! "    


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