Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C256 Nangong Qian Xing

C256 Nangong Qian Xing

2Breathing in the air outside the Great Desolate Mansion, Qi Zhuohao felt extremely comfortable. He had finally come out of the Great Desolate Mansion and was finally free!    1


Shen Ji and Qi Zhuohao had similar feelings, but Nangong Yudia felt a little melancholy. They had been separated for a few years. She had just reunited with her family, but they had to separate again. She was reluctant to part with them, but there were some things that she had to choose.    


Nangong Yudia really wanted to be with her family, but she could not leave Qi Zhuohao!    


Nangong Yudia's worried look immediately scattered Qi Zhuohao's happy mood. Just as he was about to say something to comfort Nangong Yudia, a Horned Horse flew over from a distant street. That speed was too arrogant.    


"Yudia, Ji, that person is too arrogant. He actually dared to ride a Horned Horse outside the Great Desolate Mansion. I wonder which family's hedonistic young master he is from?" Qi Zhuohao sighed with emotion. One should know that the surroundings of the Great Desolate Mansion did not allow anyone to ride a Horned Horse.    


Nangong Yudia and Shen Ji agreed with Qi Zhuohao's words. From this, they could imagine that someone who could be so arrogant outside of the Great Desolate Mansion must have an extraordinary status!    


When Qi Zhuohao and the other two saw the person on the Horned Horse's back, Qi Zhuohao and Shen Ji didn't show any expression, but Nangong Yudia's expression changed. She was actually excited.    


"Yudia, what happened to you? Could it be that you know that kid?" Qi Zhuohao's tone was clearly somewhat jealous.    


Nangong Yudia rolled her eyes at Qi Zhuohao when she heard him and said speechlessly, "Zhuohao, what kind of expression is that? Of course I know him. He is my brother! "    


"Your brother?" Qi Zhuohao could not believe it. Nangong Yudia obviously would not lie. This person should be Nangong Qianxing, but Qi Zhuohao did not understand. The future heir of Nangong family should not be so arrogant!    


With a hiss of the Horned Horse, Nangong Qianxing jumped off the back of the Horned Horse. He was a handsome young man, but on his face... Qi Zhuohao could feel a sense of aloofness and aloofness that was thousands of miles away from him. He knew... This Nangong Qianxing was very difficult to get along with.    


"Who are you people? Look at how unfamiliar you are, what are you doing outside the Great Desolate Mansion?"    


Seeing Qi Zhuohao and the other two staring at him, Nangong Qianxing immediately shouted out in a cold voice. After that, he fixed his eyes on Nangong Yudia. This figure looked very familiar.    


"You, you are Yudia?" Nangong Qianxing's tone was very excited. Although he couldn't see Nangong Yudia's face, his sister wouldn't make a mistake. All along, Nangong Yudia had been wearing this kind of clothes.    


Nangong Yudia giggled and nodded her head. She said, "Brother, it is fortunate that you did not forget about me. Otherwise... Humph humph... "    


"It really is you, Yudia. When did you come back? Come, let's go in and talk!" Nangong Qianxing jogged over and held Nangong Yudia's hand, preparing to walk into the Great Desolate Mansion.    


Seeing this, Nangong Yudia hurriedly shouted, "Brother, don't worry. I have already gone to see father and the others. Oh right, I heard that you went out for training. You didn't encounter any danger, did you?"    


Hearing Nangong Yudia say this, Nangong Qianxing immediately realized that he was too impatient and let go of Nangong Yudia's hand. He smiled and said, "Yudia, you are still worried about my strength. What danger can I encounter?"    


"Yudia, when you come back this time, you won't leave! Oh right, has your face recovered?" Nangong Qianxing continued.    


Like Nangong Bojie and Mrs. Rong, Nangong Qianxing was very concerned about Nangong Yudia. Especially the poison in Nangong Yudia's body. Back then, Nangong Yudia went to Thousand Stars County. Nangong Qianxing knew about it, and he had been thinking of a way. He tried to find a way to cure Nangong Yudia, but over the past few years, he had never found a way to cure ___.    


"Thank you for your concern, brother. I am fine now." Nangong Yudia replied seriously. Her brother was fierce to others, but he was very protective of her. In fact, the person her brother feared the most was not her father, but her!    


"This is great! It's good that you are alright!" Nangong Qianxing was overjoyed. He did not lift Nangong Yudia's veil because he believed Nangong Yudia's words. This sister often got angry at him and never lied to him.    


"Yudia, these two are your friends, right?" Nangong Qianxing turned his head and looked at Qi Zhuohao and Shen Ji. His eyes and tone were alert. To him, the people he knew with Nangong Yudia definitely had ulterior motives.    


Nangong Yudia was a little speechless. Her brother's personality was still the same. Of course, Nangong Yudia knew that her brother's heart was actually quite good.    


"Big brother, let me introduce you. This is Qi Zhuohao. My boyfriend. The reason why my face can be cured. It was almost all because of him. This was Shen Ji. My good sister, she is also Zhuohao's girlfriend! "    


Nangong Yudia's words were very plain, but in Nangong Qianxing's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue. Nangong Qianxing widened his eyes and said in disbelief, "Yudia, you are not joking, right?"    


In Nangong Qianxing's view, this was completely nonsense. Just this brat who was only at the first layer of Huayuan could become his sister's boyfriend? Also, this brat actually had two girlfriends. Who did he think he was, the princess of Nangong family?    


"Big brother, don't get too excited. Listen to me first!" Nangong Yudia was shocked. It was obvious that her brother was angry from the bottom of his heart.    


However, Nangong Qianxing suddenly raised his hand to stop Nangong Yudia from continuing and said, "Yudia, regardless of whether what you said is true or not, I will not believe it. What qualifications does this kid have to be your boyfriend? Don't be fooled by him! "    


Nangong Qianxing was too lazy to look at Shen Ji. Instead, he fixed his eyes on Qi Zhuohao. He was Nangong Yudia's brother. For the sake of Nangong Yudia's happiness, he had to chase Qi Zhuohao away.    


"Brother, how can you be so unreasonable? Zhuohao is very good, and his strength is not like what you see..."    


Nangong Qianxing once again interrupted Nangong Yudia's words. "Yudia, big brother is doing this for your own good. Anyway, I feel that this brat is not good enough for you. He definitely does not have good intentions when he comes into contact with you!"    


Nangong Qianxing knew almost all of the young masters and brothers who had power and influence in Great Desolate City. He had never heard of Qi Zhuohao, which meant... Qi Zhuohao should be a poor kid who was unknown to the public. Nangong Yudia didn't care about her reputation. What about the Nangong family?    


"My name is Qi Zhuohao. Since you are Yudia's elder brother, I don't want to have any conflicts with you. After all, we are family!"    


Qi Zhuohao's face was full of smiles. To be honest, he really disliked Nangong Qianxing. This Nangong Qianxing was an unreasonable playboy. If it wasn't because of this relationship, he really wanted to teach Nangong Qianxing a lesson.    


At most, Nangong Qianxing was only an Essence Incarnating Perfection warrior, not a True Essence Expert. Although he couldn't use the Fire God's Fury or the Desolate Cauldron, Qi Zhuohao still had the confidence to defeat Nangong Qianxing.    


Of course, Qi Zhuohao didn't know that he was being a little arrogant. What Nangong Qianxing cultivated was the secret technique of Nangong family, and he was reputed to be the leader of the four geniuses of the Great Desolate. His strength was not to be underestimated. If they really fought, he might not be able to win.    


"Kid, pay attention to your words. Who is your family? Who are you? "    


Nangong Qianxing was furious. Who did this Qi Zhuohao really think he was? Qi Zhuohao had the wrong idea to climb up the Nangong family. He had seen too many despicable people like Qi Zhuohao.    


"My identity is that of a poor kid, but I am Yudia's boyfriend. This point should not be changed! "Qi Zhuohao still welcomed him with a smile. No matter how unhappy he was, he could only suppress it. Nangong Qianxing had always been Nangong Yudia's brother!    


"Ridiculous!" Nangong Qianxing snorted coldly and continued, "Kid, you said you can't change it, so you can't change it? Since you said so, I really don't believe you today. I will give you two choices. Leave Yudia, or die!"    


Nangong Qianxing's killing intent surged. Qi Zhuohao felt helpless. It seemed like this Nangong Qianxing really wanted to stop him and Nangong Yudia from being together. Since that was the case, why did he need to use his hot face to stick to Nangong Qianxing's cold butt?    


"Brother, stop messing around. Father has already agreed to the matter between me and Zhuohao. Why are you meddling in this?"    


The atmosphere became tense. Nangong Yudia immediately shouted in anger. She did not want to see Qi Zhuohao and her brother fight. Once she said this, Nangong Qianxing looked at her in surprise. "Yudia, what did you say? Father agreed?"    


"Of course. Is there a need for me to lie to you? You should hurry back! If you need anything, come to Clear Moon Residence and look for us!"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Nangong Yudia pulled Qi Zhuohao and Shen Ji and left. Nangong Qianxing, who was in a daze, was left behind. He really wanted to teach Qi Zhuohao a lesson. He even wanted to kill Qi Zhuohao, but he had to find out the truth first.    


Thinking of this, Nangong Qianxing quickly ran into the Great Desolate Mansion and saw Nangong Bojie. He asked doubtfully, "Father, you are too stupid. How could you let Qi Zhuohao be with Yudia? Aren't you trying to harm Yudia?"    


"Bastard!" Nangong Bojie was furious and said, "You little rascal, what should I do? Do I need you to hand it over?"    


Nangong Bojie was really angry. He didn't wait for Nangong Qianxing to speak. He continued, "Rascal, you only know how to be rash all day long. Look at Qi Zhuohao. How calm and composed you are! In the future, you will be in charge of the vast wilderness. If this continues, how can it be possible? "    


Nangong Bojie understood his own son the most. Nangong Qianxing was impulsive when doing things. He had always been worried about his son's arrogance. Now, he had an idea. It seemed like he needed Qi Zhuohao to assist Nangong Qianxing. The Nangong family couldn't be destroyed by Nangong Qianxing's hands. Otherwise, how could he explain this to the ancestors of the Nangong family?    


"Father, what did I do wrong? I just want to know the truth, but you're siding with an outsider?"    


Nangong Qianxing was scolded and felt extremely aggrieved in his heart. He was doing it for Nangong Yudia's good. He did not want to see Nangong Yudia be deceived by Qi Zhuohao's appearance. What was wrong with her?    


"You are really hopeless. Go back and reflect on yourself!" Nangong Bojie did not want to talk too much with Nangong Qianxing. Why did this brat's head not know how to turn?    


Nangong Qianxing cared about Nangong Yudia. Nangong Bojie was very happy about this, but... Nangong Qianxing could ask calmly, why did he use a questioning tone to question him? What was the path of life? He did not know how many times he had told Nangong Qianxing!    


"I can get lost, but father, you have to tell me, did you really let Qi Zhuohao be with your sister?"    


Nangong Qianxing's tone became much calmer, and the sulk in Nangong Bojie's heart also disappeared. He replied, "Yes, I agreed. Remember, Qi Zhuohao is not as simple as you think. When you have the chance, you have to learn a lot from him. Don't always think that you are very powerful. There is always someone better than you. Remember this. "    


"Just that kid, how extraordinary can he be? Isn't he just a martial artist at the first layer of Huayuan? I can kill him at any time. "    


Nangong Qianxing coldly snorted in disdain. Nangong Bojie immediately sighed and said," You little brat, you are still so arrogant! Forget it, forget it. I believe that you will suffer in the future. You can leave now!"    


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