Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C316 Stone Egg

C316 Stone Egg

1Great Master Hongyuan was reputed to be the number one extraordinary person in the Great Desolate. Not only was he proficient in artifact forging, but he was also a super powerful Formation Master. It was rumored that the Half Divine Artifact and Dragon Binding Rope came from Great Master Hongyuan!    


"Brother Qi, it is said that after Great Master Hongyuan saw the Dusk Drum and Dawn Bell, he meditated for many years. He gathered countless rare treasures and wholeheartedly wanted to refine a set of fake Dusk Drum and Dawn Bell. The rumors only mentioned that Great Master Hongyuan successfully refined the Dusk Drum and Dawn Bell a thousand years later. However, they did not mention even half a word about the details. Therefore, all this time, the people of the Great Desolate only thought that it was an empty legend. "    


Looh Heeyi's eyes were filled with fanaticism as he stared at the Half Divine Artifact Dawn Bell. He continued, "Brother Qi, I never thought that the rumors would actually be true. Great Master Hongyuan is really a genius. He actually refined a Dawn Bell."    


Looh Heeyi wasn't sure if Great Master Hongyuan had refined the Dusk Drum, because there was only the Dawn Bell here. There was no trace of the Dusk Drum, but it should be possible when he thought about it. Since Great Master Hongyuan could refine a Dawn Bell, it shouldn't be difficult for him to refine a Dusk Drum.    


"Brother Heeyi, Great Master Hongyuan has been dead for thousands of years. Do you think we can take this Half Divine Artifact Dawn Bell away?"    


Qi Zhuohao asked in an excited and nervous manner. Although this Dawn Bell was only a Half Divine Artifact, it should have some of the true abilities of a Dawn Bell. Great Master Hongyuan had spent a lot of effort to refine it, so it couldn't just be used as a decoration.    


"It should be possible!" Looh Heeyi did not dare to be certain. Great Master Hongyuan had indeed died a long time ago. Who knew if Great Master Hongyuan had set up even more deadly traps, killing formations, and so on? If there was, collecting the Dawn Bell would be courting death!    


And if Looh Heeyi's guess was unnecessary, then they would obtain a heaven-defying killing weapon. This was a great opportunity!    


"No, I have to bet once!" Qi Zhuohao steeled his heart. He had already decided that he couldn't just leave like this. The Half Divine Artifact's Dawn Bell was definitely a great killing weapon. If he could obtain it, it would certainly be of great help to him in the future.    


Looh Heeyi could tell what Qi Zhuohao was thinking. He asked seriously, "Brother Qi, have you really decided to take this Dawn Bell away?"    


Hearing this, Qi Zhuohao nodded with a serious expression and said, "That's right. Brother Heeyi, the illusion formation in Heavenly Fire Pit has disappeared. If the Dawn Bell is left here, it will only be taken away by someone else. I have to give it a try. "    


"How about this, Brother Heeyi, you go out first. There is only one rope. If I encounter any obstacles when collecting the Dawn Bell, I can escape safely by myself! " Qi Zhuohao continued. He did not want to harm Looh Heeyi. Once he touched some formation mechanism when collecting the Dawn Bell, with the Fire Crystal Coffin, he would not die. But what about Looh Heeyi?    


Looh Heeyi looked at Qi Zhuohao with a complicated expression and said, "In that case, Brother Qi, I will go out first. You have to be careful. If there is any danger, come out quickly. We will meet you upstairs."    


In fact, Looh Heeyi also wanted to take the Dawn Bell, but Qi Zhuohao had already spoken. He could only give the Dawn Bell to Qi Zhuohao. He also knew Qi Zhuohao's worry. There might be some danger if he took the Dawn Bell, so he could not stay here.    


"Don't worry, Brother Heeyi! I know what to do!"    


After sending Looh Heeyi off, Qi Zhuohao saw Looh Heeyi climb up the rope to the height of the gray Black Fog. He then returned to the mouth of the volcano and sized up the Dawn Bell. He was not in a hurry to collect it.    


Qi Zhuohao was very clear that if he wanted to collect the Dawn Bell, with his own strength, it would be very difficult for him to do so. Because he still needed to refine the Dawn Bell. That would require a very long time. All he needed to do was activate the Fire Crystal Coffin to collect the Dawn Bell. He would refine it in the future, just like how he had used the Fire Crystal Coffin to help Nangong Yudia collect the Wind Spirit Bead. It was the same as using the Fire Crystal Coffin to collect the Ten-thousand-year-old Cold Marrow.    


Summoning the Fire Crystal Coffin to collect the Dawn Bell was very simple. It could be said to be very easy. The key was whether or not there would be any changes after collecting the Dawn Bell. Qi Zhuohao must be prepared for this. His intuition told him. Once he touched the Dawn Bell, there would definitely be a huge problem.    


Taking a deep breath, Qi Zhuohao circulated his Yuan energy and heartforce at the same time. When the Fire Crystal Coffin kept the Dawn Bell, he had to use the Meteor Step to escape at the same time. No matter what happened? He had to do this, because he didn't dare to have the slightest bit of luck!    


The Fire Crystal Coffin was still filled with flames, and it was still as beautiful as ever! With a thought in Qi Zhuohao's mind, the lid of the Fire Crystal Coffin was directly opened.    


However, Qi Zhuohao did not urge the Fire Crystal Coffin to collect the Dawn Bell. This was because he felt a slight fluctuation of aura. That fluctuation of aura was very weak. However, it could not escape his senses. The fluctuation of Qi was emitted from the huge Stone Egg beside him.    


All along, Qi Zhuohao and Looh Heeyi thought that this oval Stone Egg was just a statue. Qi Zhuohao was very surprised. That fluctuation of Qi was the Qi of life. In other words, there was a life in the Stone Egg!    


Qi Zhuohao quietly looked at the Stone Egg and then walked past it. He touched the surface of the Stone Egg with his hand. Suddenly... He was shocked. The Stone Egg was actually poisonous. Luckily, he withdrew his hand quickly. Otherwise, his palm would have already been corroded.    


"What a strong poison!" Qi Zhuohao was shocked, and his heart was filled with fear. The life in this Stone Egg was definitely a deadly poison. The poison was filled with an aura of destruction. The defense of the Poison Avoiding Pill was completely useless against the deadly poison.    


One should know that Qi Zhuohao's iron palms were not under the defense of the Low Grade Ground Weapon. When he touched the surface of the Stone Egg, the deadly poison almost destroyed his palm. From this, it could be seen how powerful the deadly poison was!    


"Could it be?" Qi Zhuohao's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly thought of something. Those Strange Tree in the outer perimeter of Beast Travel Mountain were all poisonous, and they were huge in size. Could it be because of this Stone Egg?    


Qi Zhuohao had to think this way. The Heavenly Fire Pit was too strange, and the Beast Travel Mountain was full of strange things. At this moment, he already knew that there was a huge volcano below the Heavenly Fire Pit. This was the reason why the temperature of the surrounding area was scorching hot, and not a single blade of grass could grow within a few hundred miles of the Heavenly Fire Pit. The Strange Tree in the outer perimeter of the Beast Travel Mountain might have mutated after absorbing the poison emitted by the Stone Egg.    


The poison of the Stone Egg did not spread through the air, but it did not mean that it did not spread through the rocks and soil beneath the ground!    


Furthermore, the Demonic Beast around the Heavenly Fire Pit was also highly toxic. This inevitably caused Qi Zhuohao to have such a thought. One should know that... Even if it was a foreign Demonic Beast, Flaming Iron Bull, it was still a highly toxic Demonic Beast. It could release fire poison, and the fire poison was also a type of deadly poison!    


At this moment, Qi Zhuohao only wanted to stay far away from this Stone Egg, the Origin Energy Heavenly Fire Pit. However, just as he was about to turn around and control the Fire Crystal Coffin to collect the Dawn Bell and leave, the Stone Egg actually cracked open. Qi Zhuohao's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly flew away.    


The material of the Stone Egg was very strange. Qi Zhuohao had never seen it before, nor had he read about it in any ancient books. Of course, Qi Zhuohao had no intention of taking away the Stone Egg's shell. He did not want to touch anything that was poisonous.    


The huge Stone Egg cracked open, and the eggshell fell to the ground. Qi Zhuohao's face was filled with disbelief. There was actually a Stone Egg wrapped in the huge eggshell, but this Stone Egg was golden in color.    


Qi Zhuohao's shock was far from over. The golden Stone Egg also cracked open. Inside was a green Stone Egg. In a short while, a total of six layers of eggshell shattered and fell to the ground. A purple Stone Egg the size of a football appeared in Qi Zhuohao's eyes.    


"Will this Stone Egg still break?" Qi Zhuohao thought in his heart, but he waited for a while. The Stone Egg did not continue to shatter. The Stone Egg trembled slightly. It was as if something was about to break out of its shell, but it was unable to come out. It was really strange!    


Six layers of eggshell wrapped around a small purple Stone Egg. Qi Zhuohao did not need to think to know. This small Stone Egg was the real Stone Egg. The life within it was definitely not ordinary. Although he didn't want to come into contact with poisonous creatures, this treasure... He didn't want to let it go either.    


With a thought, Qi Zhuohao controlled the Fire Crystal Coffin to store the small purple Stone Egg into the Fire Crystal Coffin. With the suppression of the Fire Crystal Coffin, no matter how poisonous the life force within the small Stone Egg was, Qi Zhuohao wasn't afraid. One should know that the Fire Crystal Coffin could even suppress the terrifying cold energy of the Ten-thousand-year-old Cold Marrow. Not to mention the poison of the small purple Stone Egg and the poison in the small Stone Egg.    


Taking out the Extreme Flame Blade, Qi Zhuohao slashed at the broken eggshell on the ground several times. He wanted to destroy it, but even if he used a martial skill... His heart was incomparably shocked. Qi Zhuohao was helpless and no longer cared about breaking the eggshell.    


"After the small purple Stone Egg breaks, I will know what kind of life is inside!" Taking a deep breath, Qi Zhuohao kept the Extreme Flame Blade and looked at the Dawn Bell in the sky above the magma. It was time to collect the Dawn Bell.    


Without any hesitation, Qi Zhuohao willed the Fire Crystal Coffin to release an irresistible devouring force. In an instant, the Dawn Bell was sucked into the coffin. The lid of the coffin closed with lightning speed, and the Fire Crystal Coffin disappeared into Qi Zhuohao's arm.    


At the same time, Qi Zhuohao had already used the Meteor Step to escape without even turning his head. His Spiritual Sense was paying attention to the surroundings of the volcano. Suddenly, the magma in the volcano began to churn. After that, a two meter tall spider with flames burning on each of its legs emerged from the magma.    


"Damn! It really is dangerous! This is a Second Grade Devil Beast Stage Flaming Tarantula!"    


The Second Grade Demonic Beast rushed out from the magma and chased after Qi Zhuohao. Qi Zhuohao's facial expression changed dramatically. As expected! The Dawn Bell that he had taken had really caused a great deal of danger. This Flaming Tarantula was definitely the guardian of the Dawn Bell.    


The hissing sound caused Qi Zhuohao's scalp to go numb. Luckily, he was prepared for this. Otherwise, with his speed, he wouldn't have been able to escape from the Flaming Tarantula's pursuit. Of course... Qi Zhuohao was also very worried. The crater of the volcano was five miles away from the location of the rope. Could he escape the pursuit of the Flaming Tarantula? One should know that a Second Grade Demonic Beast could use Vital Spirit Wing.    


The Flaming Tarantula was chasing him from the ground. Qi Zhuohao was confident that the Flaming Tarantula would not be able to catch up to him. The key was that the Flaming Tarantula had a Vital Spirit Wing. Once the Flaming Tarantula used the Vital Spirit Wing to chase after him, his speed would definitely not be able to match the Flaming Tarantula's.    


Facing a Second Grade Demonic Beast, Qi Zhuohao did not dare to think about it. He could only plan ahead. If the Flaming Tarantula caught up to him, he could only hide in the Fire Crystal Coffin for the time being. Once the danger had passed, he could think of a way to escape from the Heavenly Fire Pit!    


However, Qi Zhuohao's heart quickly relaxed. Because the Flaming Tarantula actually didn't use the Vital Spirit Wing to chase after him. He was very puzzled. The Flaming Tarantula couldn't chase after him while running on the ground, so why didn't it use the Vital Spirit Wing?    


Very quickly, Qi Zhuohao thought of a possibility. It wasn't that the Flaming Tarantula didn't want to use the Vital Spirit Wing to chase after him. In other words, there was a force in the Heavenly Fire Pit that prevented the True Essence Expert and the second grade Demonic Beast from flying. It was very likely the force of the formation!    


Qi Zhuohao could basically confirm his guess, because he knew very well that the illusion formation could only stop the warriors below the Vital Spirit. It could not stop the True Essence Expert from going to the mouth of the volcano. It was impossible for Great Master Hongyuan to leave behind such a loophole.    


Suddenly, Qi Zhuohao thought of the strange grayish-black fog in the sky above Heavenly Fire Pit. He suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he felt that the fog was very strange. The fog should be a large no-fly formation, at the bottom of the Heavenly Fire Pit. Nothing could fly.    


Qi Zhuohao was relieved when he thought of this. If the Flaming Tarantula could not use the Vital Spirit Wing to fly, then he would be able to escape from the Heavenly Fire Pit safely. When he was outside, he would think of a way to deal with the Flaming Tarantula.    


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