Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C247 A Continuous Apology

C247 A Continuous Apology

1The conflict with Feng Po and Zhao Xing had delayed Qi Zhuohao a lot of time. Luckily, before those two trash provoked him... He had already filled his stomach. After leaving the winery, he took a Horned Horse carriage and left the Southern City.    


At dawn, Qi Zhuohao finally returned to the entrance of the manor that Zhou Sen had given them. The gate of the manor was tightly shut. Qi Zhuohao used the Spiritual Sense to scan the solemn courtyard. However, he did not see Nan Yudia and Shen Ji. He immediately revealed an evil smile. It seemed that Nan Yudia and Shen Ji had not woken up yet and the opportunity had come.    


With the advancement of the Essence Incarnating Stage, Qi Zhuohao's Spiritual Sense had also been upgraded. At this moment, the Spiritual Sense could explore a distance of thirty meters from his body. If he used his heartforce to enhance it, he could even release the Spiritual Sense forty to fifty meters away!    


A vulgar smile flashed across Qi Zhuohao's eyes as he unleashed the Invisibility Technique. He also completely hid his aura, and like a thief, he climbed over the wall and entered the manor. After leaving for such a long time, he really missed these two little girls!    


Qi Zhuohao tried his best not to make any noise. He went to Shen Ji and Nan Yudia's bedroom with familiarity. He carefully pushed open the door. He was speechless because the scene he imagined did not appear.    


"Sigh! These two little girls are really cautious. When I was not around, they actually wore clothes when sleeping!"    


Qi Zhuohao sighed in his heart and slowly walked towards the big bed. Of course, he did not feel any disappointment in his heart. Nan Yudia and Shen Ji were both women. If he was not around, it would be better for the two girls to be more cautious.    


One must know that Nan Yudia and Shen Ji were strong. But who knew if there was a super expert like Shi Yiquan in Great Sun County? If it was someone like Shi Yiquan who had designs on Nan Yudia and Shen Ji, they would definitely not be able to escape.    


Thinking of this, Qi Zhuohao couldn't help but laugh at himself. His strength was still far from enough! One Shi Yiquan and Leng Sanqiu were already so difficult to deal with, and now he could not easily use his profound strength. He could not count on the Desolate Cauldron either. He wanted to protect Shen Ji and Nan Yudia. He had to work even harder!    


"Who is it?"    


Suddenly, Shen Ji sat up from under the blanket and looked around the bedroom. Qi Zhuohao was a little shocked. Shen Ji actually felt someone approaching. This little girl's senses were really sharp!    


One must know that Qi Zhuohao was currently at the Essence Incarnating Stage. When he used the Invisibility Technique and added strength to his heart, even a late stage Huayuan expert would not be able to sense his existence.    


"En, it should be because Ji cultivated the Heart Sutra and has mental energy. That's not right either! Yudia also cultivated the Heart Sutra, but she didn't notice anyone entering the bedroom. It seems that Ji's senses are naturally very sharp. "    


"Sister, what are you doing so early in the morning? Where is there anyone? Stop fooling around. Hurry up and sleep for a while!"    


Nan Yudia sat up in a daze and then fell back into the blanket. But Shen Ji did not sleep. Intuition told her that there was definitely someone in the bedroom. It was just that that person was hidden and they could not see.    


"Elder Sister Yudia, don't sleep. There must be someone. Look. The door was originally closed but now it is open." Shen Ji pushed Nan Yudia and Nan Yudia opened her eyes to take a look. As expected, wasn't the bedroom door open at this moment? Nan Yudia immediately started to panic. Who was so bold as to barge into their bedroom?    


Qi Zhuohao secretly smiled bitterly. Even a wise man would make a mistake if he thought about it! This small flaw made Shen Ji even more certain of her perception. However, Qi Zhuohao was somewhat unwilling to reveal himself just like that. No, he had to toy with the two girls!    


At this point, Qi Zhuohao quietly approached and reached out his hand to pinch one of Shen Ji's jade bunnies.    


"Ah!" Shen Ji was shocked. Apart from anger, her reaction was also fast. As the Spiritual Force circulated, she struck out a palm in front of her. Qi Zhuohao secretly laughed. Luckily, his reaction was quick and he withdrew his hand quickly. Otherwise, he would have been hit.    


Shen Ji's scream made Nan Yudia somewhat confused. She asked in surprise, "Younger sister, what happened to you?"    


Nan Yudia knew that Shen Ji would not cry out for no reason. She must have suffered some kind of stimulation. And she could not see Qi Zhuohao, nor could she see Qi Zhuohao's hand movements. In her panic, her heart ignited with anger.    


"Elder Sister Yudia, there is someone. There really is someone. He touched me!" Although it was awkward, Shen Ji had to tell the truth.    


"What? He touched you?" Nan Yudia was furious and glanced at the bedroom. She stood up and shouted with killing intent, "Who is it? Hurry up and get the hell out here. Today, I will definitely cripple you."    


The current Nan Yudia was completely different from usual. Qi Zhuohao could not help but sigh. He did not expect Nan Yudia to be so fierce when she got angry. It was no wonder. Shen Ji was insulted and she might not be able to escape. How could she not be angry?    


"Ah..." The next moment, Nan Yudia also cried out in panic like Shen Ji previously. Because one of her jade bunnies was also ruthlessly pinched by someone. However, Nan Yudia relaxed and did not go crazy. This was out of Qi Zhuohao's expectations. Could it be that Nan Yudia felt something?    


Qi Zhuohao was right. Previously, he had pinched Nan Yudia's jade bunny. That kind of feeling, Nan Yudia felt very familiar. In the Great Sun County. No one would dare to trespass into this manor. Nan Yudia had already guessed the owner of that hand.    


"Qi Zhuohao, have you had enough of this? Why aren't you showing yourself?"    


Nan Yudia snorted coldly and continued, "You bastard, you haven't come back for so long. You teased us as soon as you came back. You are really a bad person. I hate you so much."    


As she spoke, Nan Yudia's voice carried a sobbing tone. Qi Zhuohao only knew how to bully her and Shen Ji. He did not know how to cherish and love them at all. To think that they even thought of Qi Zhuohao day and night and were afraid of him!    


"Elder Sister Yudia, you are saying that this person is Zhuohao?" After Shen Ji asked this question, she felt that something was wrong. After thinking carefully, that hand's method was exactly the same as Qi Zhuohao's previous method of touching her.    


With a conclusion in her heart, Shen Ji stood there with a wronged face and did not move. Her eyes were even a little moist. Previously, she was still ashamed of being attacked. She felt sorry for Qi Zhuohao. She did not expect that this was actually Qi Zhuohao's prank!    


"Uh! Yudia, Ji, it's all my fault. Don't be like this. I was wrong, okay?"    


Qi Zhuohao hated seeing his beloved woman cry the most. Nan Yudia and Shen Ji both cried. He continued to turn invisible and continued to tease Nan Yudia and Shen Ji. He was not a human anymore. He revealed himself. He immediately began to sweet-talk Nan Yudia and Shen Ji.    


This move was undoubtedly the best way to deal with a woman. After a round of loving apology, Nan Yudia and Shen Ji unconsciously put down their awkwardness and grievances and threw themselves into Qi Zhuohao's arms.    


The person they had been thinking about day and night had finally returned safely. The lonely Nan Yudia and Shen Ji. At this moment, they were like obedient babies leaning against Qi Zhuohao's warm embrace. They gradually forgot about Qi Zhuohao's previous actions and released their concern for him!    


It was rare for Qi Zhuohao to honestly not touch Shen Ji and Nan Yudia anymore. When his arms were somewhat numb, he could not help but say, "Yudia, Ji, okay. I am back. You guys quickly get up and wash up!"    


Qi Zhuohao was somewhat helpless. Holding a beauty in one hand was still very tiring. Because he had to let the two beauties lean comfortably on him. Furthermore... Although he didn't make a move, it didn't mean that he didn't have any thoughts in his heart... At this moment, he was unbearably hot.    


Nan Yudia and Shen Ji's faces were slightly red. When the two of them heard what Qi Zhuohao said, they broke free from Qi Zhuohao's embrace. Nan Yudia asked with concern, "Zhuohao, you went to Five Poisons Village. Did you encounter any danger?"    


"Of course not. There are rumors in the outside world about how dangerous Five Poisons Village is. It is actually just like that!" Qi Zhuohao did not want Nan Yudia and Shen Ji to be worried. He naturally would not tell them about the matter of narrowly escaping death.    


Nan Yudia nodded and said, "That's good. By the way, Zhuohao, your realm has increased?"    


"Zhuohao, could it be that you really obtained the Essence Congealing Liquid in the Five Poisons Village?" Shen Ji also heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Qi Zhuohao's words. Although Qi Zhuohao did not reveal his realm, she and Nan Yudia could feel it. The Qi on Qi Zhuohao's body seemed to have become stronger.    


Qi Zhuohao did not have anything to hide. He chuckled. He replied, "Yudia, Ji, there are indeed Essence Congealing Liquid in Five Poisons Village, and there are really five of them. I have absorbed one, and now I am an Essence Incarnating Expert. Come, one for each of you. Raise your realm first. "    


As he spoke, Qi Zhuohao took out the jade box and took out two Essence Congealing Liquid from within. He handed them to Nan Yudia and Shen Ji respectively.    


Seeing this, Nan Yudia and Shen Ji did not reject. Shen Ji was used to living a poor life. She really needed the Essence Congealing Liquid to advance to the Essence Incarnating Stage. Although Nan Yudia's family had some leftover Essence Congealing Liquid, but that was nothing compared to what Qi Zhuohao had given her.    


This was not only because the meaning was different, but also because the Essence Congealing Liquid Qi Zhuohao gave Nan Yudia and Shen Ji was an Essence Congealing Liquid that had been stored for a thousand years. Its effect was much better than the few Essence Congealing Liquid stored in the Nangong family. Of course. Nan Yudia and Shen Ji did not know about this.    


Nan Yudia and Shen Ji were very happy. Qi Zhuohao had returned safe and sound, and they were about to step into the Essence Incarnating Stage. This was a joyous occasion!    


After washing up, Nan Yudia and Shen Ji went into seclusion to advance their realms. Only Qi Zhuohao was left alone in the living room. He was thinking about his future plans. It was time for them to go to the Great Desolate, but before that... He still had things to do.    


First, Qi Zhuohao needed to refine some Essence Recovering Pill. The journey to the Great Desolate was still very far. Along the way, he, Shen Ji, and Nan Yudia could cultivate as they travelled. Only by raising his realm could he overcome the drawbacks of his lack of elemental energy.    


Secondly, Qi Zhuohao firmly believed that Feng Yiling, the Sect Master of the Qiming Mountain, would come looking for him as promised. Qi Zhuohao had no reason not to accept the money that was delivered to his doorstep. He had already given enough face to the Qiming Mountain by not crippling Feng Po and Zhao Xing.    


One should know that if it wasn't for the fact that Qi Zhuohao's strength was restricted, with the matter of Shi Yiquan joining Leng Sanqiu to rob him, he would definitely teach the Qiming Mountain a lesson. One should know that Shi Yiquan was a guest elder of the Qiming Mountain!    


The Fury Skill couldn't be used easily, and the Desolate Cauldron was just like a scrap metal. Qi Zhuohao wanted to teach the Qiming Mountain a lesson, but he had no choice but to give up. It was already very good that he could extort money from the Qiming Mountain.    


Money wasn't very important to Qi Zhuohao. The reason he extorted money from the Qiming Mountain, and even from the Wind Moon Sect and the Dark Cloud Valley was because of that. In fact, it was because of careful consideration that they had gone to the Great Desolate. They would probably stay for a long time. They couldn't stay in an inn, could they? It was necessary to buy a manor or an attic!    


"Once the matter of the Qiming Mountain is settled, I will start concocting pills. After that, I will set off for the Great Desolate Mansion!"    


Qi Zhuohao had a plan. He would take advantage of Nan Yudia and Shen Ji's secluded cultivation. He went out to find Xing Yuyan and asked her to help him purchase some medicinal herbs to refine the Essence Recovering Pill. Of course, this time, Qi Zhuohao gave Xing Yuyan quite a bit of money...    


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