Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C28 He Was Going to Die of Exhaustion

C28 He Was Going to Die of Exhaustion

2"Rules and regulations?" Qi Zhuohao and the other two came back to their senses and were speechless. There was not even half a candle in their house and there was no light. How could they look at the rules and regulations?     3


Zeng Yishu's face gradually darkened. He shouted coldly, "It seems like you guys aren't taking Manager Jiang's words seriously. You guys are really bold. Today, you are going to work. How can I not understand the rules and regulations? "    


Zeng Yishu really wanted to go forward and beat up Qi Zhuohao and the other two men to vent his anger. There were a lot of things that the nominal disciples had to do, and it was also very complicated. If Qi Zhuohao and the other two men were to cause trouble because they didn't understand the rules and regulations, it would implicate him!    


"Supervisor Zeng, the room is pitch black. We can't understand the rules and regulations even if we want to!" Seeing Yang Fann and Faang Datong lowering their heads and not saying anything, Qi Zhuohao could only bite the bullet and explain. They really could not understand the rules and regulations. Was there a mistake?    


Hearing this, Zeng Yishu's eyelids trembled. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it. I will not pursue this matter. I'll give you two hours to remember all the contents of the rules and regulations. After two hours... I'll arrange work for you. "    


After Zeng Yishu finished speaking, he turned around and glanced at Xiong Jin and the others. He said, "You all can go and work. They have just arrived, and today, they are in charge of cleaning the Afterglow Peak. All of you, stay alert. With the addition of three men, our work will be much easier. This is a good thing! "    


"Yes, yes... Supervisor!" Xiong Jin and the other three left. What Zeng Yishu said made a lot of sense! With three more people, the pressure on them would be reduced a little. This way, they would have more time to cultivate!    


Looking at the contents of the rules and regulations, Qi Zhuohao was speechless. In the eyes of the upper echelons of Thousand Searching Sect, nominal disciples were not treated as people! They washed their clothes and cooked, fetched water and chopped firewood. The cleaning and cleaning were all contracted by the nine of them. This was a sign that they were going to die of exhaustion!    


One must know that the Afterglow Peak had nearly a thousand disciples of the Outer Sect. There were three to four hundred inner circle disciples and nearly two hundred core disciples. Just washing the clothes of these disciples was not enough to keep them busy. They even cooked, cleaned, cut firewood and water...    


Qi Zhuohao cursed in his heart. No wonder nominal disciples never had a day to rise. They got up early and worked in the dark every day. They could only come back to rest in the middle of the night without any pay. This was really like a black factory on earth!    


One must know that only those who stayed in Thousand Searching Sect for five years and continued to be nominal disciples would be rewarded!    


Moreover, nominal disciples had a low status. They could not even speak a word in the three large regions. They could only silently lower their heads and do things, even if others scolded them. This was the true depiction of 'do things like a dog if you die, do things like a dog, and not bark when others scold you!'!    


Two hours later, Zeng Yishu walked out of the house and said loudly, "Alright, you are all martial artists, and your memory is much better than that of mortals. Two hours, I believe you all have memorized the rules and regulations!"    


Zeng Yishu continued, "Qi Zhuohao, today you will be responsible for sweeping all the mountain paths in Outer Sect and below. Faang Datong, Yang Fann. You two will clean up all the roads in the inner and the Sunset Hall. Remember this: You must be clean, or you will be severely punished! "    


Qi Zhuohao and the other two men sighed and answered weakly. Their attitude made Zeng Yishu extremely unhappy.    


"What? Do you three want to be punished? Let me tell you, the punishment of Afterglow Peak is not light. If you don't want to lie in bed for half a month, you won't be able to get out of bed. You don't have to carry out the mission that I have assigned you. Besides, what you three have done... Xiong Jin and the other three could complete the task within half a day. Starting from tomorrow... It will be a good day for all of you! "    


Qi Zhuohao and the other two took a deep breath. The three of them had a lot of work to do. Xiong Jin and the others only needed one person to complete the mission, and it would only take half a day. This must be a joke, right?    


How high was the Afterglow Peak? Qi Zhuohao was very clear that just cleaning the mountain path was already unbearable. Adding the three major regions and Sunset Hall, Qi Zhuohao didn't believe that Xiong Jin and the others could complete the task in half a day's time.    


"What's wrong? You don't believe it? Let me tell you, we are martial artists. The potential of a martial artist's body can be stimulated through training. When the potential is stimulated, it can erupt with unimaginable abilities. Remember, all geniuses are forced out... "    


With a cold snort, Zeng Yishu changed the topic and said, "Alright, go and do your work now. If you can't complete the mission, don't even think about sleeping!"    


Looking at Qi Zhuohao and the other two carrying the brooms and leaving, Zeng Yishu shook his head. After that, he also left the courtyard and started working for the whole day. He believed that... In a few days, Qi Zhuohao and the other two would completely adapt to this kind of life!    


A cool breeze blew, bringing away the beads of sweat on Qi Zhuohao's face. He secretly glanced at the group of Outer Sect disciples who were cultivating their martial skills. Qi Zhuohao felt extremely helpless in his heart.    


Among the Outer Sect disciples, one-third of them knew Qi Zhuohao. He had been cleaning the Outer Sect area, and he had heard a lot of mockery and ridicule from the Outer Sect disciples who had come with him to the Afterglow Peak. However, he could only pretend that he didn't hear them!    


At this moment, Qi Zhuohao only wanted to clean up the Outer Sect's area as soon as possible. He wanted to leave this place, which made him very uncomfortable. Once he reached the mountain path below the Outer Sect area, basically, he wouldn't encounter any disciples of the Afterglow Peak, so he would be very quiet.    


Four hours later, Qi Zhuohao finally walked out of the Outer Sect. At this moment, a masked girl chased after him with quick steps. She was Nan Yudia, and she was wearing the uniform of a disciple of the Outer Sect. She looked even more charismatic.    


"Junior Brother Qi!" Nan Yudia called out softly. In the Outer Sect region, they could talk to Qi Zhuohao. However, Qi Zhuohao could not answer. There was no other way. She could only wait for Qi Zhuohao to leave the Outer Sect region. Then, she would come out and talk to Qi Zhuohao.    


Qi Zhuohao turned around in surprise when he heard her. He looked at Nan Yudia with an infatuated look in his eyes. After a long time... He laughed and said, "Senior Sister Nan, what do you want?"    


Nan Yudia was not used to Qi Zhuohao calling her that. She also wanted Qi Zhuohao to change the way he addressed her. But she had no choice. This was the rule of the sect. Once someone heard that Qi Zhuohao did not respect his senior brothers and sisters, Qi Zhuohao would definitely be punished!    


"Junior Brother Qi, are you alright?" Nan Yudia replied. Even she had to change her way of addressing Qi Zhuohao as junior brother in the sect. She could not casually call Qi Zhuohao by his name.    


"Thank you for your concern, Senior Sister Nan. I'm alright! Alright, I still have a lot of things to do. Senior Sister Nan, goodbye!"    


Qi Zhuohao replied, then carried the broom and quickly left. He really wanted to talk more with Nan Yudia, but he did not have time. If he couldn't complete the mission, he wouldn't have time to cultivate. The current him... He just wanted to get rid of his identity as an in-name disciple as soon as possible!    


Nan Yudia looked at Qi Zhuohao's lonely back as he left and felt very sad in her heart. She knew that he recommended Qi Zhuohao to become an in-name disciple of the Thousand Searching Sect. She was not willing to see Qi Zhuohao suffer inhumane suffering. But this was also the only way.    


"Qi Zhuohao, you have to hold on!" Nan Yudia quietly sighed and turned around to leave.    


On the mountain path of Afterglow Peak, Qi Zhuohao was cleaning the fallen leaves and dust on the mountain path. He was looking at a mountain peak beside Afterglow Peak in surprise. That mountain peak was very strange. There wasn't a single trace of green on it. It was a completely decaying and desolate scene!    


That was the Wilted Wood Peak, one of the nine peaks of the Thousand Searching Sect. Qi Zhuohao didn't know much about the Wilted Wood Peak. He was very puzzled. Why would a mountain peak be so rotten and desolate? And the other peaks weren't affected at all?    


The more he looked at it, the more Qi Zhuohao felt that the Wilted Wood Peak was very strange. There was no sign of life in the entire Wilted Wood Peak. This was definitely caused by some unknown factor. It wasn't a coincidence. It seemed like he had to find a time to visit the Wilted Wood Peak.    


Qi Zhuohao's speed of clearing the stone steps was getting faster and faster. It was already afternoon, and he had only completed a third of his mission. If he didn't put in more effort, he estimated that he wouldn't be able to go back and cultivate even at midnight.    


Qi Zhuohao's clothes had long been soaked in sweat. His entire body was aching. If he wasn't already a martial artist, this kind of workload would have been... He simply couldn't bear it, and even if he was at the Meridian Accumulation First Level... He almost fainted from exhaustion.    


The night sky of Afterglow Peak was very quiet. Qi Zhuohao dragged his tired body back to the house in the courtyard. It was only at this time that he had the time to take out the mantou in his arms to feed his hunger.    


An in-name disciple could go to the canteen in the Outer Sect region to eat, but Qi Zhuohao did not have the time. The mantou he brought out from the canteen in the morning could only be eaten now. He really did not know if he could persist in such a difficult life.    


The room next to them was very quiet. Qi Zhuohao knew that Faang Datong and Yang Fann had not returned yet. He guessed that the two of them must have been tired to death too!    


After wolfing down the steamed buns, Qi Zhuohao went to the courtyard to drink some spring water. After taking a short bath, she went back to her room to practice for the whole night. After consuming the Meridian Spiritual Grass's medicinal concoction and circulating the cultivation technique, Qi Zhuohao was shocked because he found out in shock... The speed at which he dredged his meridians was much faster than last night.    


"What's going on? "Qi Zhuohao was very puzzled. Could it be that being a laborer could increase one's cultivation speed?    


Suddenly, Qi Zhuohao thought of Zeng Yishu's saying, The potential of a warrior's body can be stimulated through training. Being a laborer was also a form of training. But... Why did Zeng Yishu and the others' cultivation speed not increase?    


Qi Zhuohao could not figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Perhaps it was because of his physique that after a day of hard work, his body's potential was stimulated, and his cultivation speed increased!    


Relaxing his mood, Qi Zhuohao immersed himself in cultivation. As he cultivated, his meridians were gradually opened, and the soreness in his body gradually disappeared. The tiredness and tiredness also disappeared without him realizing it!    


At dawn, Qi Zhuohao opened his eyes happily. He clearly needed two days and two nights to advance to the second layer of Meridian Accumulation. But in fact, he only used more than a night's time. It turned out that hard work had such great benefits!    


Qi Zhuohao no longer complained and worried. This kind of hard work training could stimulate his body's potential and increase his cultivation speed. Half a night of training was equivalent to his usual day's time.    


In other words, Qi Zhuohao could totally increase his cultivation by a small realm in about a month. Now that he had reached the second layer of Meridian Vessel, it would only take him three months. He would be able to advance to the fifth layer of Meridian Vessel. When that time came... He would be able to challenge the disciples of Outer Sect.    


Qi Zhuohao, who was in high spirits and without any tiredness, stood up and walked out of the room with a smile. He was thinking in his heart. What kind of difficult mission would he face today? No, this kind of task was no longer difficult for him. Instead, it was a sweet life he was looking forward to...    


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