Battle God In Martial Meritocrats Continent

C143 Flying Fish Wine House

C143 Flying Fish Wine House

1In Drunken Star Tavern, the atmosphere in the room had fallen into silence. Lu Zhengfeng could be seen sighing once more. He said, "Little Yudia, your father, and your great-grandfather have asked the Formation Master to set up a new sealing formation. However, because the natural formation of Devil Suppression Cave has been destroyed, that formation can only temporarily suppress Old Devil Baili. It's only a matter of time before he breaks out of the formation. This is really worrying! "    


"Grandpa Lu, do we have a solution?" Nan Yudia's face was solemn. Sure enough, Grandpa Lu and her father did not completely solve the problem. That matter was caused by her and Qi Zhuohao. What did they have to do?    


Lu Zhengfeng gave Nan Yudia a slight glance, then his gaze stopped on Qi Zhuohao. He said, "Not for now, but your father has already begun to gather the experts of the vast wilderness to discuss. I hope they can think of a solution, otherwise, the old devil will break the formation and come out. The vast wilderness is truly finished! "    


"Ai! It's all my fault. If I had reacted earlier to warn Zhuohao, such a thing wouldn't have happened."    


Nan Yudia's tone was filled with regret. She was blaming herself. It was because she didn't stop Qi Zhuohao in time that the formation was destroyed. If Old Devil Baili broke the formation and came out, they would be the sinners of the Great Desolate!    


"Yudia, don't say that. I took the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and the Scarlet Compassion Sword. If someone needs to bear the consequences, I will bear it alone!" Qi Zhuohao looked at Nan Yudia with a serious expression. This matter had nothing to do with Nan Yudia. It was all his fault.    


"Humph! Take responsibility. What can a puny little First Level Spirit Acceptance Realm martial artist like you take responsibility for?"    


As if dissatisfied with Qi Zhuohao's words, Lu Zhengfeng angrily rebuked him. What he said was the truth. Old Devil Baili broke the formation and the Great Desolate would be destroyed. How could Qi Zhuohao bear the consequences?    


Qi Zhuohao was not dissatisfied with Lu Zhengfeng's angry rebuke. He lowered his head sadly. What Lu Zhengfeng said was right. He was just a small Spirit Receiving Martial Cultivator. How could he bear the consequences? Strength, strength!    


"Alright, Yudia, kid. Qi Zhuohao, don't worry about yourself. That formation can suppress Old Devil Baili for at least three to five years. If you really want to save the Great Desolate, work hard and cultivate for me."    


Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia nodded heavily. There were three to five years of time. They believed that they would have the strength to fight Old Devil Baili! In other words, in three to five years, they should be able to find a way to completely suppress Old Devil Baili, right?    


"Oh right, little Yudia, you should have achieved your goal in coming to Thousand Stars County, right? Also, are you going back to the Great Desolate after leaving the Thousand Searching Sect this time?"    


The opening time of Heavenly Nether Secret Cave had already passed. Lu Zhengfeng naturally knew this very well. He also knew that Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia had entered Heavenly Nether Secret Cave to train.    


Upon hearing Lu Zhengfeng's question, Nan Yudia hurriedly shook her head and said, "Thank you for your concern, Grandpa Lu! I have already achieved my goal, but the reason why we came out of the Thousand Searching Sect this time wasn't to return to the Great Desolate. We were ordered by the sect to get rid of the dregs of the Mengyin Mountain. "    


"What?! Investigate the matters of the Mengyin Mountain?" Lu Zhengfeng's tone was filled with shock and worry. The matter of Mengyin Mountain was no small matter. The Thousand Searching Sect actually sent a few Spirit Receiving Martial Cultivator to investigate the situation in Mengyin Mountain. This was sending Nan Yudia and the rest to their deaths!    


Nan Yudia lightly nodded her head, and then told him everything that Shen Wanchun had arranged. She had nothing to hide from Lu Zhengfeng, and even if she didn't tell them all, she wouldn't be able to hide anything from him. Given Lu Zhengfeng's extraordinary abilities, it would take him at most half a day to get a detailed answer.    


"Since this is the arrangement of the higher ups of Thousand Searching Sect, I won't interfere. Remember, you all must be careful. The people of Mengyin Mountain are full of tricks. They are cruel and merciless, and they are all powerful cultivators who cultivate evil techniques. It's not easy to deal with them! "    


After listening to Nan Yudia's narration, Lu Zhengfeng sighed. He continued," Also, you must act according to your abilities. If you really find the branch of Mengyin Mountain, remember, you are not allowed to enter. The contribution points are small. Your life is the most important. "    


"Grandpa Lu, we understand. Don't worry, we will act according to the circumstances and prioritize saving our lives."    


Nan Yudia replied seriously. Lu Zhengfeng nodded slightly after hearing her reply and said, "That's good. Alright, you guys stay in Drunken Star Tavern for a few days first and rest well. During this period of time, you guys can plan carefully."    


"Okay, Grandpa Lu, if there is nothing else? Zhuohao and I will go and rest first!"    


"Go! Rest early. If you need anything, feel free to look for Xiao Taibao and the other two! " Lu Zhengfeng waved his hand. He had thought it through. Nan Yudia and the other two went to investigate the Mengyin Mountain. This was also a form of training for Nan Yudia and the other two.    


Walking to the suite with familiarity, Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia took out the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and Scarlet Compassion Sword from the bedside. This time, their second purpose in coming to the Drunken Star Tavern was to refine the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and the Scarlet Compassion Sword.    


"Zhuohao, the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and the Scarlet Compassion Sword are both Earth Rank Middle Grade weapons. It's not easy to refine them with our current cultivation level. These few days... I think we won't be able to do anything. We can only refine the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and Scarlet Compassion Sword with all our strength! "    


Qi Zhuohao nodded in agreement. They actually had nothing to do in the Drunken Star Tavern. It just so happened that they could refine these two Earth Weapons.    


The shape of the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade and the Scarlet Compassion Sword were very exquisite. The grey Scarlet Compassion Sword was a wind-attribute Earth Weapon. The fire-red Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade was a fire-type Earth Weapon, which matched Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia's constitution attributes.    


The patterns on the Scarlet Compassion Sword were beautiful, and the hilt was like a peacock spreading its tail. The hilt of the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade was like a cloud, and it fit the name perfectly. Furthermore, these two Earth Weapons were truly a perfect match!    


"Yudia, let's not hesitate. Let's begin! We must strive to refine these two Earth Armaments into our bodies as soon as possible!"    


Qi Zhuohao sized up the peerlessly beautiful Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade. His heart was filled with excitement. This Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade was his first Earth Armament, and it would accompany him for a long time. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade was becoming more beautiful and powerful!    


Seeing that Nan Yudia had already begun to refine the Scarlet Compassion Sword with a drop of blood, Qi Zhuohao withdrew his gaze and cut his finger to drip a drop of blood onto the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade. After which, he activated the Spiritual Force and began to crazily refine the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade.    


The Middle Grade Grand Weapon was not easy to refine. It could be said that refining the Middle Grade Grand Weapon... Adding the fact that Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia's realms were low, the difficulty of refining the Heavenly Material was a hundred times more difficult than refining an ordinary Heavenly Material. It would be even more difficult for them to refine the Middle Grade Grand Weapon.    


Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia refined the Earth Weapon day and night. The next afternoon. Qi Zhuohao finally completely refined the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade. With a thought, the Thousand Illusory Cloud Blade was directly absorbed into his Martial Essence Space. He stood up with satisfaction.    


"En, Yudia has yet to successfully refine the Scarlet Compassion Sword. I better not disturb her."    


Seeing that Nan Yudia was still trying her best to refine the Scarlet Compassion Sword, Qi Zhuohao quietly walked out of the suite. His physique was special, and the Spiritual Force was incomparably pure. Naturally, the speed at which he refined the artifact was faster than Nan Yudia.    


Qi Zhuohao estimated that Nan Yudia would need at least an entire day to completely refine the Scarlet Compassion Sword. He went to the sixth floor of Drunken Star Tavern to have a sumptuous meal, then returned to the suite to continue cultivating the Vajra Protection.    


Qi Zhuohao was indeed a cultivation maniac. He did not want to waste his time. Even Lu Zhengfeng was so serious after hearing their objective for this trip. The more preparations they made, the less danger they would be in!    


Three days later, Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia bid farewell to Lu Zhengfeng. After leaving Drunken Star Tavern, they went to the west side of the city to buy two Horned Horse, then sped towards Taihee Town.    


Last time, Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia were brought out by Du Qingluo from Desolate Valley. This time, the two of them walked on a wide public road. Moreover, riding the Horned Horse, their speed was naturally much faster. In less than a day, they had already arrived at the Taihee Town.    


The Taihee Town was a place where Nan Yudia felt sad. Back then, she had been ridiculed by Wen Tao and the people on the streets. That scene was still vivid in her mind. Luckily, Qi Zhuohao had used a special ability to save her. Otherwise, she would have died a long time ago.    


"Yudia, Wen Tao was killed by me. Wen Bishi and the other two were also dead. If you are still angry in your heart, we will go and slaughter the Wen family." Qi Zhuohao and the other two stood on the street where Qi Zhuohao killed Wen Tao. They were deeply moved by what they saw.    


When Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia first came to Taihee Town, one was a mortal. The other one was only at the Meridian realm. Even the Wen family of Taihee Town couldn't handle him. But now, both of them had become Spirit Receiving experts. With just a wave of his hand, he could destroy the Wen family.    


This wasn't a lie. One should know that there weren't any Spirit Accepting Stage experts in a family like the Wen family in the Taihee Town!    


Nan Yudia shook her head when she heard Qi Zhuohao's words. She said, "Forget it. That matter has already passed. As long as the people of the Wen family don't provoke us, why should we kill them all? If that's the case, what's the difference between us and the devils? "    


Nan Yudia was a kind person. She was clear about right and wrong. Of course, she was also a ruthless person. This was very similar to Qi Zhuohao. Was he kind or ruthless? It is different for people and different for things!    


"En, it's good that you can put it down!" Qi Zhuohao nodded. Actually, he was just saying it casually. He was not an innocent person who killed indiscriminately.    


In fact, the Wen family of Taihee Town was no longer the Wen family of the past. After Wen Bishi and the others left and never returned, the Wen family controlled by Wen Bimu... Because Wen Bimu was afraid of the devils, he didn't want to repeat Wen Bishi's mistake. He ordered the Wen family and the surrounding families to keep Flame Evil Devil's secret and keep a low profile.    


Therefore, even if the people of Wen family recognized Qi Zhuohao and Wen Bimu, they would only hide from them. How would they dare to seek revenge on them?    


"Yudia, look. There seems to be a luxurious winery in front of us. Let's go and take a look!"    


Qi Zhuohao pointed at a five-story winery on the street and said. When they first came here, that winery did not exist. Obviously, it had just been opened not long ago. Such a luxurious winery existed in such a small town. It was really rare!    


"It must be your first time coming to Taihee Town! That's Flying Fish Wine House, the property of County City's Lei family. They just moved into Taihee Town a year ago. The Flying Fish Wine House's three-tailed white fish is famous for its close distance. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to afford it."    


One. A middle-aged man looked at Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia with disdain, sizing them up from head to toe. Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia were not wearing the uniform of Thousand Searching Sect. They were wearing ordinary clothes. He thought that Qi Zhuohao and ___ would not be able to enter the Flying Fish Wine House.    


Before they left the Thousand Searching Sect, Qi Zhuohao and the others were asked to change into ordinary clothes. In Shen Wanchun's words, this could be used to deceive the eyes and ears of others. After all... Qi Zhuohao and the others had to face the devils of the Mengyin Mountain, so they had to be extremely cautious!    


Qi Zhuohao and Nan Yudia only glanced at the middle-aged man, but did not speak to him. After that, the two of them left with quick steps. The middle-aged man looked at their backs and cursed, "What the hell?! Is that a place you can go?"    


"Yudia, although this Flying Fish Wine House is not as good as Drunken Star Tavern, it is not much different. That person just said that there is a dish called Three Tailed White Fish in the Flying Fish Wine House. Why don't we go in and try it?"    


Qi Zhuohao sized up the golden signboard of the Flying Fish Wine House. He had never heard of this dish called Three Tailed White Fish. What was the special characteristics of the Three Tailed White Fish? Or was it deliberately mystifying to attract the attention of the guests?    


Nan Yudia nodded lightly when she heard this and said in a low voice, "En, I also want to see the three-tailed white fish. Anyway, there is no hurry to deal with the matters in Mengyin Mountain. Let's go in and have a good meal before going to the strange village..."    


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