World's Strongest Martial Warrior

C1170 CHAPTER1170

C1170 CHAPTER1170

3Human Emperor Robert Parker!    1


Such a title was not something an ordinary person could bear.    


But one thing was certain, this was definitely not a title from the Divine Martial Continent.    


In the Divine Martial Continent, although Divine fetus experts could be titled Emperor-level experts, there was absolutely no one who dared to be titled Human Sovereign!    


Human Sovereign Emperor, Human Sovereign!    


Forget about Divine Fetal Realm martial artists, even ordinary Origin Deity Realm Great Sovereigns could not bear such a title either.    


In Divine Martial Continent.    


Perhaps only that Great Heavenly Emperor who reigned above all emperors ten thousand years ago had the qualifications to be called Human Emperor.    


But Origin Deity Realm experts had the title of Emperor in the Divine Martial Continent, so the Great Heavenly Emperor could no longer be called Human Emperor.    


"Could it be that my parents are not from the Divine Martial Continent, but came from the same otherworldly plane as the Blood Spirit Clan? Back then, they unexpectedly appeared in the Divine Martial Continent and were rescued by Grandfather? "    


Peter Parker's eyes flickered with uncertainty.    


He remembered that when he first entered Dragon Transformation City, Zhao Ya had told him many things about the universe.    


In the universe.    


Some weak lower planes didn't have paths to enter the Divine Realm.    


Even Origin Deity Realm powerhouses could not enter the Divine Realm.    




Many lower planes chose to attach themselves to middle-tier planes and establish teleportation channels between the two planes.    


As such.    


The Origin Deity Realm powerhouses of these lower planes could obtain the qualifications to enter the Divine Realm through the middle planes!    


Based on this information, it was not difficult for Peter Parker to deduce that this was the relationship between the Divine Martial Continent and the Blood Spirit Race's foreign plane.    




Something must have happened between the two of them, which was why the Blood Spirit Race attacked Divine Martial Continent.    


Moreover, Peter Parker had another feeling.    


All of this should have something to do with his parents!    


When he thought of this...    


Peter Parker couldn't help but raise his head and say, "Uncle Kui, when you moved away from Rebel Life City, did you bring my father's Xing Xi?"    


"Don't worry, I have brought all of them."    


"Your father spent most of his time in the study. I have brought everything in the study with me."    


"Young Master, follow me."    


Darryl Parker said and brought Peter Parker to the inner courtyard.    


Not long after.    


Under Darryl Parker's lead, Peter Parker arrived at a study room that no one had visited for a long time.    


Entering the study room, Peter Parker's eyes began to carefully size up the study room.    


The layout of the study room was clearly carefully arranged by Darryl Parker. It was almost exactly the same as what Peter Parker remembered.    


Peter Parker swept through the items in the study one by one, but he did not find anything out of the ordinary.    


A moment later. ...    


When Peter Parker's gaze fell on the row of bookshelves in front of him, he instinctively felt a weak energy fluctuation.    


This energy fluctuation faintly had a feeling that it was related to his bloodline.    




Peter Parker's figure flashed and appeared in front of the bookshelf. He began to search inside the bookshelf.    


Very quickly.    


Peter Parker's gaze landed on the center of the many books and took out an ancient book from within.    


The booklet was about a foot in size, and it looked extremely ancient, as if it had existed for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.    




Its material was very special, as if it was impervious to water and fire.    


Even though it had existed for who knows how many years, there was still no corrosion in the passage of time, and it was preserved very well.    


Peter Parker opened the small booklet, but found that it was actually a blank space, with no content at all.    


"This blank booklet, what exactly is it? Why does it make me feel like my blood is connected?"    


Peter Parker was shocked.    


He quickly flipped through the booklet.    


When he reached the last page, he finally found a note in the booklet.    


When he opened the note, lines of words instantly appeared in Peter Parker's eyes.    


Year 12001 of the Vast Heaven Calendar.    


My life and Frost were saved by someone. The past was like a fleeting cloud, disappearing without a trace.    


Year 12005 of the Vast Heaven Calendar.    


My son, Peter Parker, was born. Wu Shuang said that she wanted to leave and go back to protect our clansmen. I was very puzzled.    


Hao Tian Calendar, year 12219.    


I finally understood where Wushuang went and who I am. I am the leader of the human race in the Profound Spirit Continent, the Human Ruler, Robert Parker!    


Vast Heaven Calendar Year 12220.    


As long as the Blood Spirit Clan was not destroyed, the human race would not be safe. I will return and fight for the human race. Leave the human race's Divine Martial Human Emperor Seal here. My bloodline... Can be activated!    




Looking at the words on the note, Peter Parker's heart couldn't help but be filled with waves of shock.    


The few words on the note were the autobiographies of his father, Robert Parker, when he came to the Divine Martial Continent.    


Through this information, Peter Parker finally understood many things.    


The two images intercepted by the Divine Martial Sky Severing Formation were his mother, Ji Wushuang, and his father, Robert Parker.    


They came from the Profound Spirit Continent, and were the leaders of the human race. They had unexpectedly come to the Divine Martial Continent.    


As for the Profound Spirit Continent, other than the human race, there were also the Blood Spirit race.    


The reason they had returned to the Profound Spirit Continent was for the sake of fighting a great battle with the Blood Spirit Clan!    


At this moment, Peter Parker even had some guesses that were wrong.    


The plane teleportation formation between Divine Martial Continent and Profound Spirit Continent should have been established between Divine Martial Continent and Profound Spirit Continent's human race.    


It was just that later on, some unforeseen events occurred in Profound Spirit Continent, causing the Planar Teleportation Array to be occupied by the Blood Spirit Clan. That was why the Blood Spirit Clan attacked Divine Martial Continent!    


"Looks like I have to make a trip to the Profound Spirit Continent."    


Peter Parker's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.    




Before heading to the Profound Spirit Continent, he had to make a trip back to the Central Prefecture!    


Peter Parker took a deep breath and directly put the small booklet in front of him into his storage ring.    


Although this small booklet was a divine-grade martial technique Renhuang seal left behind by his father, it looked like a wordless heavenly book on the surface.    


For a moment.    


Peter Parker did not know how to open it either. He could only keep it in his storage ring and slowly search for a way to open the Human Emperor Seal.    


His father's matter had already been clarified and the matters in North Land had been settled. Peter Parker didn't intend to stay in North Land any longer.    


He took out a lot of cultivation resources from the Dark Mysterious Pagoda and left them in Parker family.    


In order to be safe, he also placed the awakened Fire Beast in the Parker family.    


After the awakening of the Fire Beast this time, it had already reached Peak Rank-7. Its strength was not inferior to a Peak Divine Soul martial artist.    


With the Fire Beast guarding the North Land, he could feel much more at ease.    


Moreover, the Fire Beast had a soul connection with him. If anything happened in the North Land, he would be able to understand it immediately.    


After settling everything.    


Peter Parker went straight to the teleportation formation that Xiao Duli had set up in Ancient Divine Wilderness Land and found that it was still in a damaged state. There was no way to activate it.    


"It has been more than a year. Master still hasn't repaired the teleportation formation. I wonder how he is doing now."    


A worried look flashed across Peter Parker's face.    


Now that the teleportation formation couldn't be used, he could only cross the Endless Sea and reach the Central Prefecture!    


He had made up his mind.    


Peter Parker's figure soared into the sky, turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the horizon.    


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