All My Skills Are Picked Up

C728 Remnants

C728 Remnants

0Snowflakes of cultivation techniques, shards, resistance, and talent began pouring into the Box of Gods.    


Lo Tian's gaze was fixed on his attribute table. He would leave behind the most powerful cultivation techniques he used, and throw the rest into the box.    


In the cultivation technique, the enhanced level skill, Tough Skin Technique , special level skill, trip spell , Divine Level Heaven Opening Technique , the mutated skill, Mountain Swallowing Spell , special level skill, Spring Withered Wood , advanced level skill, Golden Tiger Roar Spell , Perfect Level Incarnation Spell , super skill, Leather Shrimp Sword , super skill Giant God Saber Spell , Perfect Level Time and Space Magic , super skill Power of Strengthening , and grade zero Demon Eyes .    


He didn't throw these aside for now, but threw away the rest.    


Among the innate abilities, the Dragon Blood (Half opened!) Elementary fire innate talent, elementary ice innate talent, elementary healing talent innate talent, elementary lightning innate talent, super mental talent innate talent, advanced disguise innate talent, elementary spatial innate talent. The Dragon Blood (Half opened!) Elementary fire innate talent, elementary ice innate talent, elementary healing talent innate talent, elementary lightning innate talent, super mental talent innate talent, advanced disguise innate talent, elementary spatial innate talent. Advanced demonization talent. He didn't throw these away, he threw away everything else.    


Among them was the mental talent, because after this battle, he might have picked up the fragments of Corpse King or Su Mengxian's super mental talent. Therefore, he jumped from a high level to a super level. Lo Tian had yet to carefully study the specific effects of the ___.    


His gaze swept across the experience bar again. Now he had enough money to raise his experience again. Of course, everything would have to wait until the box of Gods and Devils ended.    


Among the resistances, according to Lo Tian's requirements, the five elements resistance, poison resistance, mental resistance and so on were all combined. Now, there was only one type of resistance that appeared in Lo Tian's attribute table, which was called Chaos Resistance.    


The rest of the resistance fragments were also thrown into the box.    


Lo Tian even felt that it was not enough, and he even injected a lot of attributes into the Box of Gods and Devils.    


Right now, his attribute table was all 25,000 points.    


After injecting so many things into the box, the light from the box was like a tiny sun.    


In the next moment, it suddenly jumped out of Lo Tian's mind and into the real world.    


The system's ability to travel between the mind and matter really made Lo Tian envious. But now was not the time to delve into this.    


With one hand, Lo Tian held the Box of Gods and Devils.    


The light started to fade, and Lo Tian could feel the warm energy inside.    


He had injected so many things into it, so of course he wouldn't allow it to fail. It would be best if he could activate the Divine Awakening and directly guide him to become a peerless expert. No matter what, the saint-level cultivation method could accept the saint-level weapon that he could use.    


Lo Tian's palm trembled slightly as he slowly opened the box of gods and demons.    


The moment he opened the box, Lo Tian seemed to hear the immortal music and the low chanting of devils ringing in his ears at the same time.    


"The goods are coming out!"    


Lo Tian exerted force and opened the door. The next moment, the light shone brightly.    


Perhaps it was because the movement was too loud, even the skull appeared and shouted, "What happened?"    


Lo Tian didn't have time to pay attention to the skull, his eyes were staring straight at the thing inside the box of Gods and Devils.    


What did he open? What exactly was it?    


He opened his eyes wide and saw a small black ball inside the box.    


Er... No matter how he looked at it, it looked like a nose poop.    


"What the hell!"    


Lo Tian shouted, and the system in his body immediately gave him the answer.    


"Congratulations to the great master for discovering an unknown item. After testing, this was a remnant of an unknown chaos. It is a remnant of the great existence in the void, left behind through ejection in reality"    


Lo Tian's eyelids were twitching, and he said in a low voice," It sounds like snot. "    


The System immediately stopped talking. The skull crawled out and took out all kinds of things that Lo Tian could not understand and studied the snot.    


A moment later, the skull said, "My unlucky master, this thing contains extremely terrifying energy. It is a hundred times stronger than the Seed of Hope."    


Lo Tian lost control and shouted, "What's the use of that? Can I still eat it? With bread and coriander, we can make it into a honey-flavored meal, right? "    


The skull thought for a moment and replied:" If you don't want to eat it, you can give it to others to eat. I believe that even a Wu Zong would not be able to withstand the terrifying energy inside. Whoever eats it will die, and it will explode into pieces. I don't even dare to touch Tunwu, who is still alive. "    


Lo Tian's heart moved slightly when he heard this. The excitement on his face was slightly restrained.    


"Are you sure he's a great weapon?"    


The skull said, "It's definitely a killing machine. And it's a very covert one. Think about it. If you talk big about Fangzheng, unlucky master, flick your finger. Put it in his mouth. Then, you can watch him explode and die."    


Lo Tian recalled this scene in his mind. It seemed to be very exciting.    


In other words, although this thing didn't look like much. It was indeed a weapon that could be used to deal with super experts.    


Well, it wasn't a loss!    


Lo Tian chuckled, took out the feces from his nose, and stored it in a small bottle. In the future, he would see who would be so unlucky as to die from eating the feces.    


As soon as the box was opened, there was a knock on the door.    


"Who is it?"    


Lo Tian went to open the door in a bad mood. The people outside had told him that he was going into seclusion. If there was nothing else, he shouldn't be disturbed.    


He suddenly opened the door and saw Senior Xingbei, who had a solemn expression on his face.    


Holding a letter in his hand, Senior Xingbei said anxiously, "Su Mengxian sent a letter."    


Lo Tian immediately looked solemn and took the letter from Senior Xingbei.    


On the cover, it was written, "Lo Tian personally inspired Su Mengxian!"    


Lo Tian pressed his hand on the letter and immediately felt the extraordinary spiritual energy inside.    


He immediately followed the spiritual energy and threw it out. The letter suddenly turned into a blue light screen in the air. Then Su Mengxian's figure appeared in the light screen.    


"Lo Tian, I am Su Mengxian. No one will impersonate my spiritual power. You should be able to confirm it. Don't talk too much. If Fatty Zhang is in my hands and wants to save his life, then... You have to take out what I want in exchange. Listen carefully, I want all of Fulong's body in your hands. And that little girl you captured. I only need you to bring them here. If I see even a small team, I will immediately kill Fatty and leave. Of course, you choose to ignore me and give up Fatty. Be your Northwest King peacefully. It's all up to you to choose, Lo Tian. The address is in the direction where my spiritual energy disappeared."    


After he finished speaking, the screen disappeared and the letter landed. Only a trace of spiritual energy remained.    


Lo Tian raised his hand and grabbed it. He felt the remaining spiritual energy on it. It was clearly like a needle, pointing in a direction.    


"What should we do?"    


Senior Xingbei asked.    


Lo Tian looked out the window and slowly replied, "I will leave the northwest to you temporarily. Bring me that little girl. I'm afraid I'll have to leave immediately."    


Senior Xingbei nodded his head in understanding and turned to leave.    


Lo Tian lowered his head to look at the letter in his hand and laughed lightly. "Stupid fatty, you have to live well for me."    


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