All My Skills Are Picked Up

C724 Victory

C724 Victory

0"Awesome!"     0




Many of the deacons cried out in shock, and their eyes widened. They couldn't believe that this was the sword Qi that Lo Tian could unleash.    


As expected, every time they thought that they had figured out Lo Tian's background, they would find that Lo Tian had an even more extraordinary performance.    


As the saying goes, you think that I am on the first floor, but in fact, I am on the second floor. You think I'm on the second level, but I'm actually on the fifth level. You think I'm on the fifth floor, but I'm actually in the atmosphere...    


Old Thousand Layer Pancake!    


After one strike, Lo Tian's body began to weaken, as if he had been hollowed out.    


"Stop them!"    


Lo Tian gritted his teeth and shouted.    


The group of deacons began to charge. Corpse King, who had disappeared, could not find him. However, Su Mengxian's side could stop them.    


Su Mengxian rushed to Fatty Zhang's side. Fatty Zhang was still lying on the ground pretending to be dead, but Su Mengxian used half of her body to lift him up.    


"What are you doing? Miss Su, don't go too far. I am innocent! "    


Fatty Zhang was still shouting.    


However, he was completely wrapped in Su Mengxian's mud, and along with Su Mengxian's own body on the ground, he was swept away.    


"Mental storm!"    


Su Mengxian shouted and a blue light that could be seen with the naked eye swept up a wild wind.    


All the deacons who rushed in front of them felt an intense pain in their heads and stopped in their tracks.    


The blue spiritual force made the world in front of them blur, and even Lo Tian who was in the distance received the impact. His body flew up, and he fell more than 30 meters away in a row.    


"Puah Puah Puah!"    


Lo Tian spat out sand from his mouth and struggled to get up again.    


But at this moment, Su Mengxian and Fatty Zhang's figures had already disappeared.    


"He ran away? This can also be done?"    


Lo Tian dragged his weak body and walked forward quickly.    


When he passed by Lei Jian and the others, he pulled them up.    


"Where are they? Did you catch them? He's a cooked duck. Did he really fly away?"    


Lei Jian and the others covered their heads and only came back to their senses after a long while. A super mental strength talent was not a joke. Su Mengxian also did her best, otherwise she would not have stopped so many deacons.    


The storm disappeared, and the black flames in the city also slowly disappeared.    


Only at this moment did Luo Ling and the rest charge over. Senior Xingbei led the large army and finally rushed to Lo Tian's side.    


"Where is he?"    


"Where is the Devil Cultivator?"    


"The Demon King of Destruction? Lo Tian, have we won?"    


Lo Tian's mouth was wide open, and he didn't know what to say.    


Did we win? Did he win?    


The other deacons looked at each other. They were also speechless. This battle was really frustrating. It was obvious that victory was within his grasp. Just as he was about to achieve a complete victory, Su Mengxian appeared in the end. Another Corpse King appeared and snatched away some of their spoils of war.    


Lo Tian's lips trembled, but under the gazes of thousands of people, he still slowly said, "You can say that you won!"    


When the human soldiers behind him heard this, they did not care what happened. When they heard the news of victory, they began to cheer. Only Luo Ling, Xingbei, and the deacons who truly understood the situation understood. This matter was far from over.    


Fulong's piece of meat was still on the ground. One and a half pieces had been taken away, leaving only two and a half pieces.    


Lo Tian glanced at the deacons and said in a stern tone, "All the remaining pieces of flesh are sealed and processed. No one is allowed to touch them. Everything will be dealt with when Martial Tower sends someone over!"    


After saying that, Lo Tian's eyes swept across all the deacons, including Lei Jian and Zhao Yixian.    


They naturally understood that this was Lo Tian warning them. These things could be taken back as contribution points, and they could be exchanged for points immediately.    


But after seeing Corpse King and Su Mengxian fighting over them, everyone understood that these things were probably very useful. Since it was related to Fulong, of course they could not touch it without permission.    


Facing Lo Tian's threatening gaze, they could only nod their heads.    


Lo Tian pulled Luo Ling to his side and said softly, "First, calm the hearts of people and tell everyone that everything was a complete victory. We must clean up the city and not let a single Devil Cultivator go."    


Luo Ling nodded his head repeatedly, but he also asked in a low voice, "Where is Deacon Zhang?"    


Lo Tian frowned and said, "He was taken away by Su Mengxian. But I think he will be fine. Don't worry, I know what to do. "    


" Understood! "    


Luo Ling turned around and waved his hand. "The Devil Cultivator has been removed. Clean up the city. Brothers, the northwest will be ours from now on! The heavens above, long live the humans, long live Commander Luo! "    


All the people shouted out together.    


"Long live the humans, long live Commander Luo!"    


His voice shook the heavens and resounded through a thousand miles.    




On the other side, Su Mengxian, who had escaped, dragged Fatty Zhang and her own body and staggered out of Devil City.    


The direction she chose was naturally not towards the other cities in the northwest. Instead, she directly plunged into the wilderness in the northwest and officially left the border.    


After experiencing the initial shock, Fatty Zhang began to resist violently.    


His resistance included verbal threats.    


"Su Mengxian, put me down. Be careful that I will blow you to death!"    


After saying that, it was useless. It immediately turned into a disgusting attack.    


"Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! Spit your saliva to death!"    


After the disgusting attack ended, the fat meat started to move, and at the same time, it also started to fart from time to time.    


"I'm going to pull you down. Put me down. Su Mengxian, I'm warning you. When I pull it, it will be very fierce. Spit, you are wearing it all over your body!"    


Under such continuous attacks, Su Mengxian finally could not bear it anymore and threw Fatty Zhang out.    


Like a ball, after rolling on the ground for dozens of rounds.    


Fatty Zhang finally stopped and took out the muck-fork.    


"Wife Su, come down and fight me face to face!"    


Su Mengxian brought her body to the ground. From the meat paste, she revealed her blue spiritual body.    


Su Mengxian looked at Fatty Zhang indifferently and said, "I have already planted a spiritual seed in your mind. If you dare to resist me or leave me, you will immediately destroy your head. I will make you become an idiot. "    


Fatty Zhang's entire face trembled. He glared and said, "Who are you trying to scare? I don't believe you. Miss Su, what are you trying to do!?"    


Su Mengxian looked at her own body and said, "I want to take back my body and become stronger. Only in this way can I complete what I want to do. You are right, Fulong! "    


Su Mengxian's body raised her head and showed a fierce expression. "Su Mengxian, you dare to take my body!"    


Su Mengxian snorted and said, "Fulong, I should be the one saying this. We are now the same."    


Fulong turned to look at Fatty Zhang and said, "That fatty, aren't you the deacon? Now that I have killed her, I will give you half of my power. "    


Su Mengxian looked at Fatty Zhang indifferently and said, "You dare."    


Fatty Zhang looked around and scratched his head. "Why don't you guys call me after you finish fighting? I am a bit confused."    


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