All My Skills Are Picked Up

C707 Move

C707 Move

2Flags rise and the army thunderclaps.    1


"Let's go, attack!"    


In Cloudmist City, Luo Ling and Xingbei had discussed the details of the battle. The next morning, the army started to attack.    


Looking out from Cloudmist City, it was the first checkpoint of the ten cities' joint defense, the place where the corpses were gathered.    


A while ago, after Xingbei risked his life to take Cloudmist City down, he was immediately ambushed. And the strength of the sneak attack came from the place where corpses were gathered.    


From a certain point of view, the place where the corpses were gathered could be considered the number one city in the ten cities' joint defense. Because within Cloudmist City, other than the city walls, there were really no other living forces. And the place where the corpses were gathered was the main army of the Devil Cultivator spectral cultivators.    


With a command, the human army began to charge.    


The heavily armored cavalry led the charge, and on both sides were light cavalry armed with crossbows. Behind them, the replenishing troops brought along all kinds of cannons and crossbows as they followed. The first round of fire arrows was thrown into the corpse gathering ground. In the next moment, the explosion flame ignited in the thick fog. The burial ground instantly exploded continuously.    


"Kill, kill, kill, surround and attack reinforcements. Let's see if there are any Devil Cultivators that came to support us!"    


"Surround them, form an Iron Connection Array for your father. Artificers, get ready!"    


Senior Xingbei charged at the front, while Luo Ling stood at the top of Cloudmist City, looking at the situation with the Thousand Mile Mirror in his hand.    


This cooperation was the safest.    


First, a round of fire arrows, then another round of fire cannons, and finally, the heavy-armored cavalry passed through.    


They destroyed all the broken walls of the corpse gathering ground, but strangely, not a single skeleton was seen.    


Fatty Zhang, who was also watching from the top of the city wall, also saw this awkward scene. He held the bun in one hand and the Thousand Mile Mirror in the other.    


"What's going on? There's no Devil Cultivator!"    


Luo Ling furrowed his brows. He had never expected this to happen.    


"Impossible. Even if we occupy Cloudmist City, the enemy's joint defense of ten cities has not been broken. The final battle hasn't even started yet. How can they admit defeat?"    


Luo Ling muttered.    


Fatty Zhang smiled and said, "Could it be that they were scared out of their wits and ran away?"    


"That's even more impossible. Do the Devil Cultivator spectral cultivators have guts?"    


Luo Ling could not understand no matter how hard he tried. He could only watch as Xingbei and his men ran around the corpse gathering ground, but he could not find anything.    


The battle that was originally prepared seemed to have come to an end so easily.    


"What should we do?"    


Luo Ling did not know whether he should withdraw the army or not. He was hesitating.    


The bun in Fatty Zhang's hand was taken away by someone. He turned around and saw that Lo Tian had arrived.    


"What's going on? Why didn't you call me when the war started? Where's the Devil Cultivator? Where did it go?"    


Lo Tian asked repeatedly.    


I don't know," Luo Ling replied. I can't find a worthy opponent."    


Lo Tian chuckled and said, "He must be playing some tricks again. Luo Ling gave the order to destroy the burial ground, then continue forward to the next city!"    


Luo Ling immediately received the order and signaled the flag officer to wave the flag.    


On the other side, Lo Tian led Fatty Zhang down the city wall and said loudly," Luo Ling, you defend the city. Let's go and see what's going on. "    


The army received the order and quickly blew up the corpse gathering ground. They promised that there would not be corpse energy gathering for decades.    


Then, they continued forward and headed straight for the nearest city, Yan City.    


The second city of the joint defense of the ten cities, a city built on a cliff.    


The terrain was easy to defend and hard to attack. Outside, there were human stakes specially made by the Devil Cultivator spectral cultivators. Using living people as pillars, nailed to the ground, their pain and resentment would condense into an evil fog outside the city. Any living person who entered the fog of evil would be tortured. They would feel extreme pain.    


Originally, this city was the second most difficult city to attack in the joint defense of ten cities.    


The reason why he had decided to surround and attack was because this city was too difficult to attack. Therefore, he had no choice but to think of a way to consume the strength of the Devil Cultivator spectral cultivators.    


But today, following Lo Tian who was sitting on Fatty Zhang's flying ship, they arrived at the city. However, he suddenly discovered that although the Evil Mist was still there, Rock City had suddenly disappeared.    


That's right, the entire city had suddenly disappeared, and not even the city walls could be seen.    


The Evil Mist had also become a little thin, not to mention torturing the dead. They could not even stop the cavalry from advancing. Very quickly, the fire arrows lit up the surrounding human stakes. Under the sea of fire, it could be seen more clearly. At least 80% of the human stakes were gone. There was only a broken cliff left.    


"There's no one here, that's strange! Fulong and the others, are they planning to abandon all ten cities?"    


Lo Tian did not quite understand. The more he discovered this kind of inexplicable situation, the more flustered he became.    


He wasn't afraid of the Devil Cultivator ghost cultivators coming to fight him head on. He had a large army under him, and his soldiers were flourishing. His morale was high, and his combat strength was rising.    


If they fought face to face, the Devil Cultivator ghost cultivators would be trash no matter how many came. One exchange for one blood, three for one, it was not a loss at all.    


Lo Tian was afraid that the Devil Cultivator ghost cultivators would do something shady again.    


It was still alright to hire the dead to help, but if the Devil Cultivator ghost cultivators really created an indiscriminate plague, or a dangerous place that didn't care about their own lives, then it would be troublesome.    


Narrowing his eyes, Lo Tian ordered again, "Divide your troops into two groups. Xingbei, continue forward and look at the next city, Xinghui City. Fatty, bring a group of people and follow me. I'll go over there and take a look at Xiangge City."    


Immediately, both sides split up and started to look at the next city.    


The more he didn't understand the situation, the more Lo Tian felt his heart palpitate. He had to figure out what the Devil Cultivator ghost cultivators were trying to do.    


Xingbei was also feeling somewhat uneasy now. There must be a big scheme behind the Devil Cultivator's actions. They had to find out as soon as possible, or else they might really be in trouble.    


After splitting up, Lo Tian and Fatty Zhang quickly arrived at Xiangge City.    


The situation was exactly the same. The city was nowhere to be seen, the Devil Cultivator was nowhere to be seen, and the defensive structures outside were nowhere to be seen.    


It was completely emptied. Lo Tian gritted his teeth and continued to lead the troops forward.    


On Xingbei's side, when he rushed all the way to Xinghui City, he finally saw the shadow of the Devil Cultivator.    


The group of Devil Cultivators seemed to be retreating. In front of Xingbei, they had formed a huge dark void. After that, the entire city was drifting towards the void.    


Xingbei couldn't sit still anymore after seeing this scene.    


"Charge! Stop them!"    


"Kill, kill all those who see the Devil Cultivator!"    


With a furious roar, the army charged forward.    


Regardless of whether the army was tired or not, Xingbei took the lead and charged towards the Devil Cultivator.    


When they saw the human army, the Devil Cultivator, who were "moving," started to panic.    


But very quickly, they calmed down as well.    


"Inform the summit that the human army has discovered us."    


"They came so quickly. We haven't even finished our work yet."    


" Listen up! According to the orders of the higher-ups, release the Plague Poison Mist when you see the human army! "    


"Understood! Release the Plague Poison Mist! Quick!"    


As the order was given, green poisonous smoke began to drift out of Xinghui City. In just an instant, traces of corrosion appeared on the bodies of the heavily armored cavalry charging at the front, and the speed of their horses suddenly slowed down.    


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