All My Skills Are Picked Up

C449 This Is the Rule

C449 This Is the Rule

1Old Hou's reaction was fast, but Fatty Zhang's reaction was even faster.    


Seeing that Old Hou was about to do something bad, Fatty Zhang immediately rushed over and said loudly, "It's too tragic. Martial Tower also needs to uphold justice for us."    


Old Hou was firmly suppressed by Fatty Zhang. He looked at Tao and said without turning his head, "We still have urgent matters to attend to, so we don't have much to talk about on the line. Goodbye!"    


Tao and the others left in a hurry. They did not even take the crystals in the room. Old Hou's heart was burning with anxiety. At this moment, he even wanted to make a move. But just as he was about to use his Martial Qi, he felt that his Martial Qi had completely disappeared. Moreover, his body was also showing signs of softening.    


He looked down again, and a broken hand grabbed his thigh. The cold aura coming from the broken hand made Old Hou feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He tried to push Fatty Zhang away with all his might, but Fatty Zhang held him down while crying.    


After a moment, the footsteps outside completely disappeared. Obviously, Tao and the others had left quickly.    


Only then did Fatty Zhang let go of Old Hou. At the same time, he said with an embarrassed expression, "Sorry, I have some emotional outburst."    


Old Hou's face turned red and white. He wanted to flare up, but he did not know what to say. Anyway, it was already too late to do anything now. With his strength, it seemed that he would not be able to gain any advantage in front of Fatty Zhang.    


After a while, Old Hou sighed. He did not look at Fatty Zhang, but looked at Lo Tian and said, "If you do this, you will only offend more deacons."    


Lo Tian finally sat up a little and calmly replied, "If I don't offend you, can I live?"    


The old marquis could not answer this question. He shook his head and quickly left. Fatty Zhang wanted to stop him again, but Lo Tian waved his hand and said, "Fatty, there is no need."    


Old Hou walked to the door and suddenly remembered something. He said, "Lo Tian, I just want to remind you. There are hundreds of thousands of them. Don't attract fire to above the super deacon. I'm not talking nonsense about not being able to offend the higher ups. I'm just telling you, there are a lot of things that you shouldn't think you understand. The inside story might be a hundred times more exaggerated than you think. It's a lot more exaggerated than you think."    


Lo Tian turned his head and asked, "Are you saying that I might be wrong?"    


Old Hou nodded and said, "Anyone could be wrong. Maybe you are not wrong today, but you are wrong tomorrow. You were right yesterday, but you are wrong today. Manager Yanshan is not the kind of bad person you think he is. The Holy Master Pang you know. Hmph, not perfect either. That's all I have to say. Take care of yourself."    


After saying that, the old marquis left, leaving Lo Tian to think quietly. Fatty Zhang frowned and asked, "What does the old man mean?"    


Lo Tian shook his head and said, "I don't know. By the way, Fatty, have you seen Holy Master Pang recently?"    


Fatty Zhang also shook his head and said, "No. What's wrong? "    


Lo Tian didn't answer, but there was a slight ripple in the light in his eyes.    


After waiting for a while, there were hurried footsteps outside. Then, a familiar figure walked in with quick steps, bringing with it a baleful wind.    


His face was as heavy as water, and his footsteps were heavy. The person who came was precisely the super deacon. Yanshan, the Rock Lord. He entered the room and took a look at Lo Tian, who was covered in bandages. He said angrily, "Lo Tian, are you crazy?! Are you still a deacon?"    


Lo Tian maintained his paralyzed appearance and said with a long voice transmission, "About the Rock Lord, you have to make the decision for me. I was ambushed by the Level 1 deacon's Thousand Illusion. Tomorrow, you will be able to see the detailed news from a martial artist's report."    


" Lo Tian, what are you trying to do? "    


Yanshan really wanted to capture Lo Tian and beat him to death. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the bandages on Lo Tian's body.    


Fatty Zhang immediately stood beside Lo Tian and stared at Yanshan's hand.    


"Rock Lord, are you going to commit murder in front of everyone in Martial Tower?"    


Fatty Zhang's words finally calmed Yanshan down a little. Lo Tian, on the other hand, still sounded indifferent. He extended his voice and said, "Rock Lord, I want you to find the murderer and punish him severely. This should be the most reasonable way. May I ask what crime the deacon committed to assassinate the deacon? "    


Yanshan gritted his teeth and did not answer. Lo Tian continued to speak loudly, "Also, Wu Qian hired the deacon to commit murder. What crime is it? Martial Tower can't just let the Level 1 deacon do whatever it wants."    


Following Lo Tian's shout, the remaining deacons outside all came over and looked over.    


Yanshan turned his head and saw that many deacons were looking around. He knew that if he were to forcefully attack today, something big would happen. He loosened his grip on Lo Tian's palm and took a deep breath. He forced himself to calm down and said, "You should inform the Martial Tower first. It's such an important matter. You must first bring out the result of the discussion in the Martial Tower, and then you can choose not to inform the outside world!"    


"Is this the rule?"    


Lo Tian asked.    


Yanshan said loudly, "Of course it is the rule!"    


"May I ask where it is written? Is it written on the contract I signed with Martial Tower?"    


"This kind of thing, you should know even without writing it!"    


"Then may I ask, under normal circumstances, how should we deal with this kind of behavior?"    


"Of course we should report it to the Main Tower, and ask the Chief Punishment Deacon to come over and investigate. We'll deal with it according to the investigation results."    


"What if the Chief Executioner treats it unfairly?"    


"Then you can report it to the Holy Deacon and let the Holy Deacon decide."    


"Alright, I will report it to the Holy Deacon later."    


Lo Tian finally said calmly. Yanshan suddenly realized that Lo Tian had another identity. He was the assistant of the Sage Deacon! He wanted to see the Holy Deacon. He could really see it. And every Holy Deacon. Including the Rainbow Holy Deacon that didn't really like to be in charge.    


Yanshan's face began to turn green again. If this matter were to escalate to such an extent, he would let the Holy Deacon join him. Then, it would really get out of hand.    


Lo Tian looked at the silent Yanshan and continued, "Regarding the matter of the Rock Lord, do you still want to stop me? Could it be that you have also participated in this matter?"    


Yanshan remained silent and stared into Lo Tian's eyes.    


Lo Tian also slowly stood up, staring at Yan Shan without dodging, "Whoever wants to kill me, I want his reputation to be ruined, then his corpse will be exposed in the wilderness, and his name will be left behind for tens of thousands of years."    


Yanshan finally spoke. He said in a very low voice, "Lo Tian, are you going to fight me again?"    


Lo Tian smiled and said sarcastically, "Didn't the battle already begin? However, it's my turn to attack now."    


Yanshan's pupils contracted and he nodded slightly.    


"Hello, you are very good."    


There was no point in saying any more. Yanshan flung his sleeves and left with big steps.    


Fatty Zhang spat on the ground and said, "Old fool, who do you think you are? As long as he kills someone, no one else is allowed to expose him. Fuck his bullshit! Mr Lo, how much of a blow can we deal to them by doing this? "    


Lo Tian thought for a while and said, "Not much. However, what they want to do next will be very difficult. Let's go. We still need to report the Holy Deacon. This is the rule!"    


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