All My Skills Are Picked Up

C353 The Whole City Was Hunting Him down

C353 The Whole City Was Hunting Him down

2Fatty Zhang opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. In any case, he just watched as Lo Tian opened the secret door like a gust of wind and left quickly.     2


In the courtyard, Fatty Zhang and Heavenly Master remained silent. For a moment, they felt a little awkward.    


After a while, Fatty Zhang took out some dried meat and handed it to Heavenly Master, saying, "Master Heavenly Master, do you want some meat?"    


Heavenly Master glanced at Fatty Zhang and said, "If Su Mengxian comes to kill us. You have to protect me and buy me some time. "    


Fatty Zhang swallowed his saliva. Protect?    


With his little strength, he could protect Heavenly Master?    


This was the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life. Fatty Zhang chuckled twice, then he saw Heavenly Master looking at him with an incomparably solemn expression.    


Fatty Zhang stopped laughing and said, "Are you serious?"    


The fat on Fatty Zhang's face began to twist. Heavenly Master nodded slightly and said, "Of course it's true."    


Fatty Zhang swallowed his saliva and said in the end, "Do I still have time to write a will now?"    




Outside, Lo Tian rushed out of the alley with a cool breeze under his feet.    


He raised his head and looked at the sky. Although the strange light was still there, there was no movement of his next step.    


"It's alright!"    


Lo Tian thought to himself. As long as Su Mengxian did not continue with her plan, it meant that they had finally taken the lead.    


Lo Tian looked around and suddenly pulled out the carriage that passed by him. Even the driver, who was bootlicking, exclaimed in surprise.    


The driver was about to curse when Lo Tian stuffed a gold coin into his hand and said, "Capital Guard Division, quick!"    


Lo Tian turned over and got into the carriage. The driver looked at the gold coin in his hand and quickly suppressed his emotions.    


"Okay, sir. Sit tight, sir!"    


The carriage quickly moved forward. Inside the carriage, Lo Tian adjusted his condition. He had a premonition. What followed might be a great battle. If Su Mengxian did not have any other crystals, then she must have been searching for traces of him in the monitoring space.    


Lo Tian secretly gritted his teeth and held the Pig Slaughtering Knife in his hand. Although the difference in strength between him and Su Mengxian was huge. Lo Tian felt that he still had a chance.    


From the exchange this time, Su Mengxian did not grasp much about Heavenly Master's materialization of spirit. The reason why she was strong was her terrifying control of spirit.    


Especially now that she thought about it, from the moment Lo Tian saw that she looked like a child, actually, he had already planted a mental hint in her. Now that he thought of Su Mengxian's original appearance, Lo Tian could only feel cold sweat continuously flowing down his back.    


Mental hints at any time, perhaps in the entire capital city, there were countless people who had already planted their cards in her hands.    


Just as he thought of this, the carriage suddenly stopped.    


Lo Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, Not good. Immediately following that, a wild beast's roar came from outside. Immediately, the carriage driver outside suddenly rushed back and directly rushed into the carriage!    


"It really is like this!"    


Lo Tian kicked the carriage driver in the face, and the powerful force sent the carriage driver flying out of the carriage. Lo Tian jumped out of the carriage and landed on the ground. In an instant, he saw the coachman lying on the ground still roaring like a beast.    


Another one being controlled? Ranged control?    


Lo Tian was shocked in his heart. He hurriedly increased his pace and rushed forward.    


On the street, some of the vendors, tourists, and pedestrians who were about to close their stalls saw Lo Tian rushing over. They all avoided him.    


"It's another deacon. Are you handling a case?"    


"Hurry up and dodge, these deacons are unreasonable in handling cases."    


The crowd dodged and made way for Lo Tian. However, there were still some who were slow in their legs and were unable to dodge. As Lo Tian ran, the airflow he brought with him blew down an old woman.    


The embarrassed Lo Tian had just turned his head to look, but the next moment, the old woman let out a wild roar, as if she had transformed into a human. She carried a fruit knife and chased after Lo Tian!    


But this wasn't the end. Roars could be heard from the crowd that was hiding in all directions. Immediately, more than a dozen ordinary people transformed into wild beasts. With their hands and feet on the ground, they leapt out and pounced on Lo Tian.    


The people who had been at a loss a moment ago instantly turned into assassins who blocked the way. Seeing such an impact, Lo Tian gritted his teeth even more.    


"You can't stop. If you stop, you will die!"    


Lo Tian continued to run with all his strength. A pile of flying knives, rotten iron, and plates were thrown at him. Lo Tian, who was in a sorry state, did not dare to delay at all. His whole body was covered with warrior qi as he continued to rush forward. It was time for him to fight with his speed.    


At the same time, it was just as Lo Tian had expected.    


Su Mengxian had already entered the monitoring space. After the calm Su Mengxian lost the special crystal, her first reaction was to enter the monitoring space.    


Only here would she be able to find the traces of Lo Tian and the others as soon as possible. As expected, she was the first to find Lo Tian in the carriage.    


"Run? Let's see where you can run to."    


Su Mengxian's fingers moved slightly as if she was playing a piano, playing in the air. Even though it was missing the last crack of the special crystal. But after pressing the sigil, Su Mengxian had the ability to control the grand formation in the capital.    


She did not make any changes to the grand formation. All she needed to do was to send her thoughts through the grand formation and pour them into the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth in the capital.    


Then, those people who had been planted with spiritual hints by her would explode one by one and attack Lo Tian according to her thoughts.    


She stared at Lo Tian's figure. Anyone who appeared beside Lo Tian, as long as there was a mental signal mark on their body, would turn into an tireless wild beast and chase after Lo Tian at this moment.    


But even so, it still did not seem to be enough. Lo Tian's cultivation base was not bad. He was definitely much faster than ordinary people.    


Su Mengxian slightly narrowed her eyes and started to detonate the people on the street next to Lo Tian, including warriors, deacons, peddlers and so on.    


For so many years, Su Mengxian's accumulation in the capital had far exceeded Lo Tian's imagination.    


Not counting all of this, Su Mengxian waved her hand again and Heavenly Master and Fatty Zhang's location appeared in her sight.    


Although it was very absent-minded, the scene was still shaking. However, Su Mengxian could already roughly grasp the direction.    


"It should be a safe house. It seems that the troublesome deacon can only attract a few to come and capture!"    


Su Mengxian's eyes lit up. She would never allow her master, Heavenly Master, to recover. Only she knew what kind of disastrous variable would happen to her plan once Heavenly Master fully recovered.    


In fact, Su Mengxian herself was not confident that she could really defeat her master in a fair fight.    


The reason she could succeed this time was all because of the erosion that she had accumulated over the years. Just like that, Su Mengxian did not dare to kill her master. Because she was still afraid of the backlash from her master before his death.    


"You guys go too!"    


Su Mengxian slightly turned her head and said softly.    


Behind them, Yin and Ho Dong left with big steps.    


However, in the shadow that Su Mengxian did not notice, the corner of Ho Dong's mouth slowly revealed a bright smile.    


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