All My Skills Are Picked Up

C259 Tracking

C259 Tracking

2"Damn it, damn it!"    


Yu Ge was so angry that she went crazy. She stomped on the ground and kept cursing.    


The other martial artists around only looked at her coldly. Although no one said anything, it was obvious that everyone was very dissatisfied with her.    




Qingshan walked forward and pulled Yu Ge's arm. At this moment, Qingshan suddenly saw that Yu Ge's face was already covered in tears.    


But Yu Ge still stubbornly gritted her teeth and said, "It is just two stinky deacons, what is there to be arrogant about? I want to tell Big Sister Liu, let her..."    


Yu Ge did not continue to say the rest of the words. She also knew that she was just saying it out of anger. If she really did that, Big Sister Liu would probably only throw her back home to be grounded for a few years.    


At this time, Qingshan sighed faintly and said, "Miss. It was not that easy to capture the Devil Cultivator Ghost Cultivation. Look at this time, if someone really dies because of us. How can our conscience be at peace?"    


Yu Ge did not speak. She bit her lips as if she was thinking about something.    


After a moment, Yu Ge said, "Qingshan, what do you think we should do?"    


Qingshan softly said, "Catch ghost cultivators and that Master Luo Wu... Oh, no, it should be Deacon Lo who caught the ghost cultivator together. Otherwise, if we really cause a scene of misery and suffering, I'm afraid that something bad will happen. Don't forget, even if it was the Crown Prince back then... He was deposed because of his mistakes and then thrown into jail to die. Do you think that if the matter were to escalate, you would stay out of it? "    


Yu Ge covered Qingshan's mouth and softly said," Don't say anymore, I understand. Go and get my equipment. We will support those two damn deacons!"    


" Alright! "    


Qingshan saw that the young lady was still reasonable and a bright smile appeared on her face.    


She hurriedly ran towards the young lady's carriage. At the same time, Yu Ge loudly said, "Everyone rest on the spot. Before I return with Deacon Lo and the rest, there is no need to rush forward. Just like how ghost cultivators charge back, defend with all their might, and send a signal to inform us. Do you understand?"    


Only after hearing this did all the martial artists respond.    


Qingshan quickly ran back and brought Yu Ge's equipment crystal. Yu Ge took the crystal and softly said, "Go! Catch the ghost cultivator!"    


The two of them quickly ran out, trying to catch up with Lo Tian and Fatty Zhang.    




On the other side, Lo Tian and Fatty Zhang had already started to follow them closely.    


To the two of them, tracking the ghost cultivator who had just left was no longer a difficult task. Lo Tian didn't even need to come out to take a look with his candle crystal. Just by relying on the ghost energy that remained on his body and the tracking technique, he was able to firmly lock onto the position of the spectral cultivator.    


This Tracking Technique relied on the residual energy to sense the person who released it. The further the distance, the more inaccurate it was. Conversely, the closer the distance, the sharper it was. Lo Tian's fingers twisted a patch of ghost energy as he continued to lead the way. However, every time they advanced a certain distance, Fatty Zhang would leave behind a blood mark. This was a habit and also a method.    


The two of them looked at each other. Clearly, they had regarded the escaping Li Soul Ghost cultivator Da Niu as a great enemy.    


Lo Tian only stopped after running for nearly half an hour.    


"He has stopped. Fatty opened the candle crystal to locate his position. Let me ask around, what should I do to deal with Li Soul Ghost? "    


" It's a good plan. "    


Fatty Zhang started to seek out Ghost Gazing Aura. Lo Tian took out the communication spar and coughed lightly. "Senior Sister Qiuling, help me. If you encounter Li Soul Ghost, tell me how to kill it!"    


Senior Sister Qiuling's voice quickly came over.    


"Sure, your luck is pretty good. The other deacons would not even meet once in a few years. It's all because of the handyman in the training area killing vicious beasts to earn points. You've met two in a month or two. Li Soul Ghost repaired it, right? Let me check. Don't shout about fighting or killing. To be able to capture him alive, of course, is to capture him alive. If we can't, we can bring him back to make some medicinal wine for the big shots. "    


Lo Tian widened his eyes when he heard this. A spectral cultivator brewing wine? This was a bit exaggerated. However, if there really was, he really wanted to try it.    


After waiting for a while, Senior Sister Qiuling's voice sounded again.    


"Oh my god, you hit the jackpot. A Soul Ghost cultivator, a rare level ghost cultivator. He had caught at least a thousand points! Hmm, not easy to kill! Ordinary saber soldiers were ineffective. One needs to apply some Illusion Silver powder to kill. Do you have Illusion Silver powder?"    


Lo Tian said awkwardly," I didn't buy it. A small bottle is worth a few hundred points. It's expensive. "    


Senior Sister Qiuling said with disdain," The idea of being poor. Without the Illusion Silver powder, the Illusion Silver weapon or lightning talent, special fire talent, and high level cultivation method that has the power to break evil can all be used. "    


Lo Tian still said softly, "None of them. Can you say something more reliable? It's time to use your internal deacon. "    


Senior Sister Qiuling rolled her eyes. But considering that she could not see Lo Tian no matter how hard she tried, she could only helplessly flip through the file. After a long while, she replied, "Li Soul Ghost cultivators are still afraid of light. After losing their bodies, they were very afraid of the burning light. If you have something shining to deal with it, then it will be very easy to fight. If not... Then consider dealing with it at noon and dragging it under the sun to fight. It'll at least reduce his strength by 50% or more. "    


" Alright! "    


Lo Tian chuckled. He had something glowing. It seemed like the Luminous Stone bought with two points was going to work!    


At this moment, Fatty Zhang had also confirmed the direction where Big Ox had escaped to.    


"Mr Lo, there is a worn-out mass grave ahead. I have observed that he has run over there. All spectral cultivators liked places with sufficient death Qi, so they should be hiding there. What should we do? Should we attack them directly?"    


Lo Tian rubbed his chin and said," Actually, it's best to fight during the day. Fatty, do you have a Luminous Stone?"    


Fatty Zhang replied, "Of course I do. I definitely bought something cheap and practical. Is it useful?"    


Lo Tian said, "Senior Sister Qiuling said it's useful, so it's definitely useful. Take it. We'll put it together later. We'll kill this guy!"    


Fatty Zhang was still a little worried and said," It's a pity that just beating him won't work. Mr Lo had lost his body, so he ran really fast. Even if we take out the flying ship, we might not be able to catch up to him. Once he felt that he could not win, he turned around and ran. How can we stop him? Our Demon Sealing Crystal is completely gone. It will be a problem."    


Lo Tian gritted his teeth and said," If there's no other way, we can only chase after them. We'll exhaust him to death! "    


Just as he finished speaking, another voice came from behind.    


" I still have protective crystal stones here. Do you guys want to use them? "    


Lo Tian and Fatty Zhang turned around and saw Qingshan and Yu Ge sitting on a small boat that looked like a lotus leaf flying over.    


The moment he saw Qingshan, Fatty Zhang first lifted his pants.    


Qingshan gave him a look and made a cold humph.    


Yu Ge took out a pale yellow crystal from the chat and said, "This is the crystal of a sealed beast. It has a powerful sealing power. As long as it is set up, no matter if it is a living creature or not, it can be completely sealed into an independent space within a hundred meter radius. There is no way to escape. "    


Lo Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "This is good stuff, you want to lend it to me?"    


Yu Ge smiled and said, "Help me catch the ghost cultivator. This is for you!"    


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