All My Skills Are Picked Up

C21 Hidden Attribute

C21 Hidden Attribute

1After taking his most powerful blow, he's still as energetic as ever, and I don't know who's stronger.     3


Looking at Lo Tian's young face, Senior Xingbei only had one thought in his mind.    


How thick is this guy's skin?!    


Being so close to him, Senior Xingbei finally recognized him. He pointed at Lo Tian's face and said, "You are the one from the Central Academy..."    


Lo Tian continued, "Lo Tian, Senior Xingbei still remembers me!"    


Senior Xingbei laughed awkwardly. At that time, he thought that Lo Tian was just a kid who only knew how to suck up to others. He never thought that Lo Tian could save them at the critical moment.    


"Lo Tian, I will remember that. Thank you for your help this time!"    


Senior Xingbei cupped his fists and did not put on the airs of a senior. Lo Tian chuckled and pretended to help the other seniors up. He conveniently picked up the white ball of light that fell from Senior Xingbei's body.    


"Ding... Picking up Intermediate Essence Chopping Blade! '"    


Lo Tian's heart skipped a beat. It looked like as long as it was a skill that did not repeat itself, he would be able to pick it up again. This made him heave a sigh of relief.    


He still quite liked the willow leaf movement technique and the Heart Forging Art. If it was completely lost, then it would be troublesome.    


Lo Tian supported the few seniors to a place close to the wall. Everyone rested for an hour before they finally recovered.    


The seniors watched the great battle, but there were still no injuries. Lo Tian, who was able to move freely, was secretly praising them. Such a talented student would probably enter the courtyard in no time.    


"Come, let us see what we got. Junior Lo Tian, you have a share too. How about we split it equally? "    


Senior Xingbei walked to the corpse of the fire snake with the fire stone knife in his hand and said with a smile.    


Everyone nodded their heads. Lo Tian's face was also full of smiles.    


He watched Senior Xingbei start collecting the essence and blood of the fire snake, while he secretly picked up the treasure chest that the fire snake dropped.    


This treasure chest was completely different from the other treasure chests he had seen before. Up until now, he had seen two kinds of treasure chests that were colorless and gray. As for the fire snake, it dropped three types, silver treasure chests.    


"'Ding... ' Pick up the Silver Treasure Chests. Do you wish to open them?'"    


"'Open! '"    


Lo Tian confirmed in his heart, then his face was full of anticipation.    


"'Ding... Obtained Fire Resistance + 1! '"    


After the voice finished, Lo Tian felt his body heat up for a moment, then there was no reaction at all. This time, it was Lo Tian's turn to be stunned. What was fire resistance? Was it to say that when he came into contact with fire in the future, he would not be burned?    


He opened his attribute table again, but it didn't show any resistance. Lo Tian had a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know what was going on.    


"Alright, I have divided this essence and blood into six parts. Come, Lo Tian, take one portion!"    


Senior Xingbei said he would split it evenly, but he was not a petty person. Everyone had obtained the Fire Snake's essence and blood, and their eyebrows immediately lit up with joy. Senior Xingbei pointed at the corpse of the fire snake and said, "Take the rest of the corpses with you if you want them. Lo Tian, you can pick a portion of the corpse first. You can even exchange it for money if you take it back. "    


"Alright, Senior Xingbei!"    


Lo Tian did not stand on ceremony. He took the lead and took a few fire snake teeth off. This could be considered his harvest this time.    


At this moment, the seniors behind him began to drink the essence and blood that they had just obtained. Just as Lo Tian turned his head, he saw smoke rising from the bodies of the seniors. It was as if his entire body was on fire.    


Looking at their grimacing faces, Lo Tian was stunned. After a while, the light smoke on the seniors' bodies dissipated. Then, all the seniors who were seriously injured stood up again.    


"Good stuff. This fire snake's essence and blood is really strong. It should have added at least 15 points of strength essence!"    


"Unfortunately, the burning of this Fire Snake's Blood is too strong. If I could withstand it for a while longer and slowly absorb it, I would probably be able to increase it by a little!"    


"Enough! If I could absorb half of a vicious beast's essence and blood's strength, then that would be great!"    


The seniors chatted and laughed, as if they had even recovered their Qi.    


Senior Xingbei seemed to be the one who lasted the longest. Only after everyone had finished speaking did the light smoke on his body withdraw. Senior Xingbei got up once again, and his clothes still had some traces of red on them.    


Looking at Lo Tian who took off the fire snake tooth, Senior Xingbei said, "You are quite good at picking things. These few fire snake teeth are worth a few gold coins!"    


Lo Tian blinked and looked at them and said, "Seniors, can we directly drink the fierce beast essence and blood?"    


Senior Xingbei nodded and said, "Of course, there are many benefits. As long as your physical body can withstand it, everything will be fine. I think with the strength of your body, it won't be a problem for me to give you two vicious beast crystals."    


He patted Lo Tian's shoulder and said with a smile. After that, the remaining corpse of the fire snake was completely cut off by the seniors.    


He used a rope to tie up the spoils of war and carried them on his back. Senior Xingbei finally said to Lo Tian, "Junior Lo Tian, after the trial ends, I'll treat you to a meal. Oh right, there are still one or two days left before the trial. You should hurry up and kill the fierce beasts. If you rank higher, you can also enter the Martial Palace's courtyard earlier. I'll wait for you!"    


Lo Tian smiled and nodded. He watched Senior Xingbei and the others leave.    


Seeing Senior Xingbei and the others disappear into the forest, Lo Tian took out the essence and blood that he had obtained. It was not only the Fire Snake essence and blood, but also the essence and blood that he had obtained from the Spiked Pig, as well as the Blood Pig Crystal!    


"It can really be absorbed directly!"    


Lo Tian had a skeptical attitude as he drank the Fire Snake essence and blood in one gulp.    


The moment the essence and blood entered his stomach, Lo Tian felt as if his body was wrapped in flames again. It started burning from inside out. But this time, Lo Tian didn't feel any discomfort. He didn't even feel much pain. He only felt extremely warm!    


The temperature of his body was clearly very high, and he was emitting a lot of white smoke. The power of the Fire Snake essence and blood circulated within his body. Every place it passed, the surface of his body would burn red. However, Lo Tian did not feel that it was unbearable. Instead, he felt that he could absorb all the energy in the Fire Snake essence and blood bit by bit.    


The strength essence was increasing, and the sensitivity essence was also jumping. Lo Tian even saw that his root bone had also increased by two points.    


He was clearer than the other seniors about the changes within his body. In just a short period of time, his strength essence had actually broken through a hundred major stages.    


Comfortable, comfortable!    


Lo Tian would definitely not interrupt the rest of the absorption. He had lasted more than twice as long as Senior Xingbei and the others.    


At this moment, Lo Tian suddenly remembered that this was not only his high level thick skin ability. It was probably the effect of the mysterious fire resistance increasing by 1.    


What exactly was this resistance? Hidden attributes?    


Lo Tian suddenly felt that this system was becoming more and more interesting. If he increased his fire resistance to 100 points one day, would he be immune to flames?    


Thinking of this, Lo Tian laughed at himself. How could there be such an exaggerated thing!    


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