All My Skills Are Picked Up

C156 Know Your Place!

C156 Know Your Place!

2"Woo, woo!"    1


Lei Jian still wanted to shout, but he pulled his neck and made a wuwu sound from his throat. Unfortunately, Senior Qian Ji did not want to bother with him, so he threw him to the other deacons and said, "This person is also suspicious, take him down and investigate. If you can't find any clues, you know the rules of Martial Tower. "    


The deacons' bodies trembled. At this time, they finally remembered the legend of Senior Qian Ji.    


Without any hesitation, they quickly carried Lei Jian away. As for how they were going to ask about it, that would depend on their own means. However, Lo Tian thought that these deacons wouldn't be able to do anything to Lei Jian. After all, Lei Jian was also a dignified Level 2 deacon. If anyone else dared to do anything to Lei Jian, they would really want to die.    


The Heaven's Secret deacon turned around and said to Lo Tian, "Don't run around either. Stay in Martial Tower, I'll call you whenever I need you. How dare a small Level 5 deacon get involved in such a matter with Lei Jian? Should I say that you are bold, or should I say that you are stupid?"    


The Heaven's Secret deacon shook his head and sighed. Only Lo Tian was left standing there, scratching his head. What did this have to do with him? He was forced to participate in this mission!    


However, he didn't need to worry about it anymore. After all, he had returned to Martial Tower. He didn't kill the man. His mission had basically been completed. As for who killed Hsu Wu, what should he do next? Lo Tian felt that he didn't even need to think about it. This was Lei Jian's job to begin with. Once the Martial Tower found out who killed Hsu Wu, he just had to wait for the contribution points.    


That's right, contribution points!    


Lo Tian almost forgot that there were still many things in his Honorary Crystal Card that could be exchanged for contribution points. When the Honour Crystal Card was about to be handed over, he would quickly exchange it for contribution points.    


His footsteps quickened. Lo Tian hurriedly rushed to the points shop upstairs and then began to dig out things.    


"Hurry, hurry, see how many points this thing is worth. Exchange all of them for me!"    


Lo Tian took out a bunch of bottles and cans and placed them on the table. This caused even the internal deacon in charge of the shop to laugh. However, this internal deacon had clearly seen the world. He took out a pair of monocle glasses and started to look at it. He even took out a crystal and continuously probed the contents of the medicine.    


"Low intensity Demonic Cultivator, 1 contribution point per bottle. Demonic Cultivator Experiment Crystal, 1 Contribution Point, 2. What else? Modifying equipment, this thing is not bad, is it a complete set? Does it count as 10 contribution points? [Do you have a blueprint notebook?] Aiyo, my harvest is pretty good, I actually got all of them. Un, I'll add another 10 points!"    


This internal deacon swiftly kept all of these things. After that, Lo Tian's Crystal Card gained another 56 points of contribution points. Adding the points Lei Jian gave him, he had more than 70 points (7 points were deducted after using the crystal to save him!)    


Lo Tian smiled happily and took out the last crystal.    


"Here, there is still a big one. This should be more!"    


The last crystal Lo Tian took out was the one with the best quality. Don't think that he didn't know anything. This kind of thing that looked like it was good stuff, he would still bargain.    


The internal deacon swept a glance at the crystal and knocked again. Looking at it, it said in surprise and bewilderment, "Eh, this crystal is a little strange. Are you sure you obtained it from Yao Xiu? This thing doesn't seem like a test crystal that hasn't been improved successfully. I can't keep this. I wonder how many points I can exchange it for."    


The internal deacon actually directly handed the crystal back, causing Lo Tian to be a little dumbfounded. He couldn't accept it?    


Lo Tian frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, it was something they robbed. If they couldn't accept it, they could just treat it as a memento. Lo Tian continued to dig inside the Honourable Crystal Card and said, "I still have some weapons and whatnot. Do you want to take them?"    


The internal deacon smiled and said, "I want them, but they must be special in order to accept them. If they are ordinary weapons, you should take them outside to exchange for some money."    


Hearing this, Lo Tian was immediately discouraged. No matter how he looked at the things he brought back, they did not look like special weapons. It was obviously not possible to exchange for contribution points. He estimated that he could only take them out to exchange for some money.    


"Then forget it. Deacon, can you recommend me what I should buy?"    


Lo Tian raised the Crystal Card in his hand and said. Although it was only 70 + points, he felt that he should be considered a rich person. After all, the other deacons could only earn one or two contribution points for each mission.    


"Hehe, no problem. My name is Li Huan. You can just call me Deacon Li in the future. Looking at your appearance, you should be a new Level 5 deacon. Have you drunk the medicine produced by Martial Tower? "    


Lo Tian frowned and said," Medicine? No! "    


Deacon Li nodded and said, "That's good. I recommend this one for you. A 100% effectiveness potion from Martial Tower, produced by Martial Tower, must be the best. Eight precious herbs mixed together, refined in eight days of pure fire. A top quality product that you can't buy anywhere else. Drink it, increase your attributes, digest it, and your strength explodes. You ask how many contribution points does this precious thing cost? Eighteen thousand? Twenty-eight thousand? Or thirty-eight thousand? Wrong, wrong, it only cost fifty-eight. If the owner dies, I'll buy it now. It only costs 58!"    


Deacon Li's saliva almost sprayed on Lo Tian's face. His impassioned words made Lo Tian feel like he had met a swindler.    


Lo Tian was just about to open his mouth, but he didn't expect Deacon Li to not finish his words.    


"What are you hesitating about? What are you waiting for? Martial Tower's attribute medicine, quickly buy it. After buying it, you won't suffer any losses. You won't be fooled. You will only take medicine and not diarrhea... "    


Lo Tian covered his mouth with his hand and said," Alright, alright, I'll buy it. I'll buy it. Just tell me what use it has."    


Deacon Li, who was interrupted, was still a bit unhappy. He put the medicine bottle on the table and said, "All attributes increase by 50, not including the bone structure! Low-level deacons can only drink it once in their lifetime, but the next time it has no effect. And to tell you clearly, this 50 is not an accurate number. It is between 40 to 70, how much can you get exactly. It all depends on your own absorption and luck. There was once a powerful deacon who drank this potion and all his attributes increased by 65."    


" So strong! "    


Lo Tian's eyes lit up. This thing was really a good thing. But Lo Tian did not have much desire for it. He did not lack attributes! If he wanted it, he could pick up a lot of it in one night.    


Seeing that Lo Tian was still hesitating, Deacon Li was a little stunned and said softly, "What are you hesitating for? This was the most cost-effective thing for low ranking deacons. At least it will save you half a year or even a few years of cultivation."    


Lo Tian lightly coughed and said," Uh, I don't really want attributes. Do you have any medicine that can increase bone structure?"    


Hearing Lo Tian's question, Deacon Li was first stunned, then he chuckled and said, "Little brother, you are very knowledgeable!"    


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