Reborn Peak Battle God

C12 Tears of Satan

C12 Tears of Satan

2"Oh, handsome boy, do you know God?" "Heaven" was the name Wang Xuan had told Emily, and it was the first Huaxia word she had learned.    


Looking at Emily's excited look at this moment, Faang Xuan was a little scared. He did not expect that after not seeing her for a few years, that shy and cold girl back then would become like this.    


"I don't know," Faang Xuan replied faintly, then changed the topic and asked, "Did you bring the thing I wanted?"    


Emily smiled sweetly and extended a white arm. She opened her palm and a slender glass tube appeared. The glass tube contained half a tube of light blue liquid. "Is it this?"    


Faang Xuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the thing in Emily's hand. He raised his eyes and took it. He turned around and walked out of the room.    


"Hey..." Emily suddenly became serious. She grabbed Faang Xuan and said nervously, "What do you want? You are the person 'God' asked me to protect. Nothing can go wrong."    


Emily's nervousness was completely reasonable. The medicinal liquid she gave to Faang Xuan was very famous in the dark world. It was called "Satan's Tears." It was actually a genetic medicine.    


After consuming this kind of genetic medicine, it could instantly increase the strength of one's muscles by ten times. The effect lasted for half an hour, but there was a fatal side effect. After using it, the person's meridians would be completely broken, and he would lose the ability to move. From then on, he would become a cripple.    


According to the huge side effects of this medicine, no one should be interested in it. However, the actual situation was the exact opposite.    


Whether it was assassins, agents, or soldiers, there was a popular tradition. That was, "the last bullet is left for yourself," but because of the appearance of "Satan's Tears," this tradition changed, turning into "leaving" Satan's Tears for yourself. Think about it, when you were about to be killed, what kind of concept was a sudden increase in strength by ten times? Although in the end, it was also a death, but at least it was enough to kill, right?    


The reason Faang Xuan wanted Emily to bring this medicine to him was actually to recover his strength.    


He needed to borrow ten times the strength of his muscles to circulate his previous cultivation technique and cultivate his acupoints. It was not much. Even if he only managed to cultivate one, he could avoid the risk of his meridians being completely broken.    


If it was just to deal with Lame Ma, he would not take such a huge risk. The cultivation technique could be practiced slowly. With Emily by his side, he could easily deal with it. However, Fang Xuan was thinking of going to that castle again and find Chenxi. He advised her to turn back. More importantly, he wanted to save those test subjects that were like little girls.    


Now that he thought about it carefully, the reason why he entered so easily back then was entirely because Chenxi deliberately went easy on him and withdrew the patrol. Such an important place, he believed that the security must be very tight.    


That day, when he saw that man dragging the little girl out, as well as those soldiers with numb expressions behind them, he thought that the castle must be conducting some kind of biochemical research. Maybe they would encounter some strange genetic monsters. That was why Faang Xuan was so eager to recover his strength.    


"Hey, did you hear what I said? You are not allowed to use 'Satan's Tear'. If you dare to die, if you let me down, I will kill your whole family. " At this moment, Emily's expression became cold and stern. She believed that if Faang Xuan died... She would definitely kill the entire Fang family.    


"What a stubborn woman!" The corner of Faang Xuan's eyes twitched. He was really afraid that this woman would do something stupid. If it was because he had failed to recover his strength and affected the Fang family, then it would be a huge mistake.    


After taking off Emily's arm, Faang Xuan smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, I left it for you. Hehe, I have a very big enemy here. I'm afraid that you will die easily."    


In order to prevent the woman from continuing to pester him, Faang Xuan had no choice but to lie. After Emily heard this, a trace of ridicule flashed across her eyes. Clearly, she did not take his words "a very big enemy" seriously and did not want to point it out.    


After exchanging a few more words with Emily and agreeing to bring her to see the "very big enemy," Faang Xuan left the room.    


When he came to his bedroom, Faang Xuan's expression was solemn, although he had already decided in his heart. But he was not completely confident that he could succeed. After all, this life belonged to Faang Xuan's body. It was far from the body he had polished since he was young.    


"Chenxi..." Unconsciously, the face of Dawn appeared in his mind. That beautiful face, that sad and beautiful face, and that sentence, "You disappoint me too much..."    


Faang Xuan felt a pain in his heart, "Chenxi, I believe that you are kind. You must have difficulties, right? After all, you like children so much..."    


The corners of Faang Xuan's eyes gradually moistened, and then he raised his neck and drank all the "Satan's Tears." There was no longer any hesitation in his eyes!    


"It's too scary..."    


Faang Xuan felt as if he was in hell at this moment.    


Less than two minutes after he drank "Satan's Tears," the effect of the medicine took effect.    


A massive energy that could destroy the heavens and earth rose from his abdomen, quickly spreading through every inch of his skin. It was as if he was in a sea of fire, his entire body hot and hot, as if thousands of ants were devouring his body, his entire body felt as if it was being pierced by needles and bitten by insects.    


Not only that, Faang Xuan felt as if his entire mind was being ravaged by a tremendous amount of destruction. Unpleasant and hot emotions rose up in his heart, and all he wanted to do was vent. He wanted to vent the frustration in his chest by constantly destroying people and objects.    


Sweat oozed out from every pore of his body, wetting his clothes. Closing his lips, Faang Xuan suppressed the urge to destroy the boredom in his heart. He tried his best to calm his breathing and then circulated his previous cultivation technique. He began to slowly accumulate Qi in his meridians.    


The medicinal effect only lasted for half an hour. Faang Xuan knew that there was not much time left. Fortunately, although it was extremely uncomfortable at this moment, the feeling of strength that filled his entire body was genuine. This allowed him to ignore the loss of his muscles and meridians, and use all his strength to attack the acupoints that he had previously cultivated.    


Although it was called acupoints, it was actually not in the traditional sense of acupoints in TCM. Instead, it was a strange cultivation method.    


The human body was incomparably complex, just like the vast universe. Every cell was the star of the universe. And every meridian is the link between the stars. The so-called acupuncture point refinement was like creating a huge whirlpool in the vast universe. It allowed it to absorb the light and heat of all the stars, and it also allowed it to devour and absorb all things in the universe. Fusing the energy of the entire universe into a single point, once it erupted, it would definitely be devastating.    


His previous master had once told Wang Xuan that everyone had nine whirlpools on their bodies. They were arranged according to the trajectory of the Nine Star Pearl. However, not everyone could discover these whirlpools, not to mention mastering the acupoints. To make the whirlpools spin, a special cultivation technique was required. Extraordinary talent.    


Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, 25 minutes had passed. Even though Faang Xuan was enduring intense pain, he mustered all the strength in his body to attack the first whirlpool in the Divine Court Acupoint in his brain, but the whirlpool that had been spinning as fast as it had been in his previous life showed no signs of turning at all. No matter how hard he tried to accumulate power, he tried all kinds of secret techniques to gather power to attack. However, he could not let it move at all.    


Seeing that the medicinal effect was gradually weakening and the time was almost up, Faang Xuan's rock-hard nerves could not help but show a trace of loosening up. If it failed, then not only would his meridians be completely severed, he would also become a cripple. He would die immediately. Because in this short 25 minutes, he had used all sorts of secret techniques. He had already used up all the potential in his body.    


"Am I going to die?" Although the time was not up yet, Faang Xuan knew that his desperate attempt had failed. The best time to break through his acupuncture point had passed, although he did not give up. It was just a struggle on the verge of death. "I really want to take another look at Chenxi... Heavens, will you let me be reborn again?"    


As time approached, the signs of life gradually faded. Faang Xuan's thoughts also gradually became fuzzy. The remaining strength in his body continuously rushed forward according to the fixed trajectory, rushing towards the vortex in his head. Unfortunately, the vortex still did not show any signs of moving.    


Faang Xuan had once again reached the end of his life.    


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