The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C631 Punch Against Fist

C631 Punch Against Fist

1"Ye Kai, you're here!"    2


It was just these five words, but Ye Kai could hear Qin Xiaoxue's longing for him from within! He did not know when, but Qin Xiaoxue, this ice cold beauty... He had feelings for Ye Kai a long time ago. Of course, Ye Kai was earlier than Qin Xiaoxue. If Lin Lili's immature and unrealistic love had been forgotten, she would have fallen in love with him. Ye Kai was the first woman to give up her true love to Qin Xiaoxue. In other words, the first girl Ye Kai truly fell in love with was this Qin Xiaoxue in front of him.    


"Ye Kai, you are here!"    


Qin Xiaoxue knew that these were the words she had been saying for so many days. She had been looking forward to seeing a man called Ye Kai. When he was by her side, Qin Xiaoxue did not know what it meant to not see him for three days. But now that he had suddenly disappeared from her world for a few months, Qin Xiaoxue felt that something was missing in her life. Now that Ye Kai had returned, Qin Xiaoxue had thousands of words in her heart. But they were all summed up into these five words, "Ye Kai, you are here!"    


"Oh, this is really the love between a husband and a concubine! Hahahaha, I say, why didn't Qin Xiaoxue agree to marry me? She didn't agree to marry me, a man who could bring her happiness for the rest of her life, and a man who could make her stand at the top of all the women in the world. So it turns out that I have already decided to have an affair with a bastard like you for the rest of my life! Hmph, although I, Ximen Wulei, am not a man who only cares about whether a woman is in love or not, I, Ximen Wulei, am not a man who only cares about whether a woman is in love or not. But since you have already gotten into Ye Kai's bed, then you want to kneel in front of me and serve me again. It depends on whether I am willing or not! I, Ximen Wulei, am not interested in taking the shoes that other people wear! However, hahaha, all of you are flirting with me as if there is no one else around. You are not putting me, Ximen Wulei in your eyes at all. Then don't blame me for beating up the lovebirds! Ah Da! Didn't I want to do that third punch on behalf of that security captain? I think you shouldn't be too arrogant. This third punch... Let Ye Kai do it, but you also have to do it. Only then can it be fair. Ye Kai, do you dare or not? If you don't dare, give it to me... "    


Before Ximen Wulei could finish his words, Ye Kai interrupted him with a cold snort.    


"Humph, Ximen Wulei, right? What you just said... You have touched my reverse scale many times, my reverse scale! Now, I will tell you what my reverse scale is. It is my family. My lover, the person I care about the most! The girl you just insulted is my family. My love, and the person I, Ye Kai, care about the most! If that's the case, then you must have the awareness of touching someone else and suffering a backlash. Also, isn't your name Ximen Wulei? Tearless, right? From today onwards, I, Ye Kai, will make you truly Tearless! You will never have to cry again!"    


Ye Kai's words were very calm. In Ximen Wulei's ears, it's the biggest joke in the world. Otherwise, Ah Da, Aaer, who was next to him, was the champion and runner-up of the underground Black Fist in Northern Europe, which was hired by the Ximen family with a lot of money. Not to mention the retired soldiers, even seven or eight special forces soldiers. It was simply impossible to deal with the two of them. And now, this powerless Ye Kai directly provoked him. He had said some bullshit like 'Inverse Inverse Scale'. It just so happened. You, Ye Kai, can accept all the anger just like that. Ah Da's all-out attack, not to mention the security captain just now. The coach of the mixed martial arts team, Moo Dashan, was Moo Dashan's father. It was impossible for him to withstand it, let alone that stupid Ye Kai!    


"Yes, young master, but young master, if Ah Da punches me, Ye Kai will be dead. Isn't it a bit too cruel? Isn't it a little too crazy? Hehe, hehehehe..."    


Ah Da shook his fist and looked at Ximen Wulei. He smiled sinisterly and asked him.    


"Cruel? Madness? Wu... It seems a little! However... it wasn't cruel enough, it wasn't crazy enough, so, Ah Da... Just be a little more cruel, a little crazier! When the time comes, I'll settle China's relationship. It's just killing someone, right? Hmph, I, Ximen Wulei, will still be fine even if I beat someone to death overseas. What's more, in your tiny country, in a backward city? "    


After saying that, Ximen Wulei showed a look of disdain and dialed a number at the same time. He said to the phone, "Hello, that's right. It's me, Ximen Wulei. I'm in the Blessings Group of Huaxia. Perhaps my bodyguard will kill someone who wants to kill me immediately. Hehe. Come and clean up the mess later! Of course, if you want to kill me... Then pay the price of being killed!"    


After saying that, Ximen Wulei hung up the phone. A proud smile appeared on his face. The anger in his eyes when he looked at Ye Kai had turned into ridicule. In his eyes, Ye Kai was already a dead man.    


"I have seen thick-skinned people, but I have never seen someone as thick-skinned as him. Ximen, don't worry. I'll beat you up until you can't take care of yourself. Then, I'll teach you a lesson. Oh, Ah Da Aaer, you two come at me together. Or do you want to attack together, or do you want to attack together? I don't have time to play with you. Let's do it as soon as possible. That Aaer, I broke all your limbs before you even attacked. As for Ah Da, you broke the arm of eleven security guards of Blessings Group. Logically speaking, I should have broken eleven arms of yours. But since you only have two, I will break all the bones in your body. You can only lie in bed for the rest of your life. "    


Ye Kai seemed to be telling an ordinary story, without any emotional fluctuations.    


"Ah Da, did you hear what this Ye Kai said just now? Hahahaha! My stomach is about to cramp from laughing. He said... He said that he wanted to break my limbs, and that Ah Da broke the arm of eleven security guards of Blessings Group. He wanted to break all the bones in your body so that you can only lie in bed for the rest of your life. Is there something wrong with my ears or is there something wrong with this kid's nerves? Why don't you let this kid say it again for us to hear? Or you can repeat what this kid just said and see if I, Aaer, just had an illusion. Eh, that's not right. An illusion can't be this kind of nonsensical illusion!"    


On the other side, the slightly taller bodyguard, Aaer, dug his ears with all his might and asked Ah Da Dao, who was on the other side.    


"You didn't mishear me, Aaer. We brothers have been following Young Master Ximen around for four or five years now, right? Even if we don't have a thousand experts, we still have eight hundred of them, right? But we've never fought a little kid, so today... Sigh, this is destined to be a joke for the rest of our lives. To make people curse me behind my back, Ah Da, as a person who only knows how to bully the weak, I have to bite the bullet and do it. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have attacked those eleven security guards, but let you, Aaer, do it. Damn it, I have caused a lot of shame. That's enough. Hurry up. Maybe someone will post the following video online. I won't be able to face anyone anymore, hahahahaha... "    


Ah Da and Aaer kept repeating each other's words. Then, Ah Da pointed at Ye Kai. He shouted coldly, "Kid, there is an old saying in your country. It is called, good things can't persuade a damn ghost! You want to report to another world? Alright, if I don't let you die in one move... Then from now on, I, Ah Da, will call you grandpa every time I see you! Watch my move!"    


After saying that, Ah Da took a step with his left foot and crossed his right leg. Then, he threw a punch with his right fist toward Ye Kai's throat.    


This punch was Ah Da's ultimate technique in his life. He used his foot as bait. With his waist as the point and his fist as the face, he concentrated all the energy in his body onto the fist. He struck his opponent's throat, even if his opponent wanted to dodge. It was impossible for him to disappear from the face of the earth and move instantly. Therefore... If this punch landed, it would definitely shatter the opponent's entire neck bone and even destroy his entire head. And if his opponent managed to dodge it, it would be easy. It was more likely that it would hit his chest, but the worst result was... It would also cause the other party's sternum to break, and then directly pierce into the internal organs. This resulted in a large amount of bleeding. This way, even if he did not die on the spot, the resuscitation only lasted for a few minutes. This was also why Ah Da was so confident in his move. For so many years, the person who died in his seemingly ordinary hands... Indeed, there were hundreds of them! However, each time, the opponent who had asked Ambassador Ah to use this move... Every single one of them was someone Ah Da hated deeply, or someone who had some skills... Today, when facing a seemingly weak yellow-haired kid, using this move... It was only because Ah Da was really angered by Ye Kai and wanted to kill him.    


However, Ah Da didn't know what he was facing. It was a cheating expert who possessed the Clairvoyance Ability. In front of this expert, when the Clairvoyance Ability was unleashed, his actions were as ridiculous as a kindergarten child's. Even if he didn't open the Clairvoyance Ability, this man called Ye Kai just stood there and let him hit him. His powerful bodily functions would definitely cause Ah Da's wrist to fracture, and he would return empty-handed. Of course, Ye Kai wasn't stupid enough to stand there and take Ah Da's punch head on. Because now wasn't the time to show off. Now, he had to do it at lightning speed. He was going to let his opponent know that his reverse scale couldn't be touched!    


Therefore, Ah Da launched his ultimate move. Ye Kai also threw out his right fist. It wasn't aimed at Ah Da's vital parts, but his right fist. There were no flowers on his right fist, nor was there any hesitation.    


"Boom! Crack! Crack!"    


This series of crosstalk phrases only appeared for a moment. After that, Ye Kai retracted his right fist. As for Ah Da... After taking three steps back, his entire right arm went limp. Ah Da fell to the side of his body. At the same time, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and his body swayed slightly. Obviously, Ah Da's internal organs were greatly shaken by this punch. If he didn't recuperate properly, Ah Da probably wouldn't be able to live for long. In fact, if this continued, Ah Da's internal organs would probably rupture and die.    


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