The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C345 The Copper Coins of Ming Dynasty

C345 The Copper Coins of Ming Dynasty

3"Legend!"     2


Ye Kai repeated.    


No wonder Duan Yanqing was so shocked when he saw the red rope and purple bell Lau Er gave to Loong Rumeng that day.    


No wonder the words of Loong family could decide the life and death of Duan family, one of the four small families.    


In addition, Ye Kai also understood why the Loong family was so powerful. He still couldn't order the Ice Tomb to hand over the Thousand-year Mystic Ice or buy it with money. The reason was... The Ice Tomb was on the same level as the Loong family!    




The car sped along the highway.    


Every hundred meters on the road, there would be an exquisite Yin Well cover.    


The city was developing, and the underground drainage system was very perfect, especially in an international metropolis like H City. It had long stopped the appearance of small boats on the streets due to the heavy rain.    


"Click, click, click."    


The wheels pressed against the dark well covers, making a slight sound of biting.    


Ye Kai focused his attention on the front and even enjoyed the slight sound of metal clashing.    


However, even with the Clairvoyance Ability, Ye Kai had no way to know what kind of big secrets were hidden under these dark well covers, in the sewers that were connected in all directions.    


About ten meters below the cover of one of the sewers that Ye Kai had just passed by, there was a huge gray rat. It kept running along one of the sewers. It seemed to have smelled something in front of it, a stench of blood and gore.    


"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"    


There was no road in front of it. It was a sealed cement wall. However, the big grey rat still did not give up. It just looked around.    


Finally, in a corner, it found an extremely small hole. The hole was at most the size of a baby's fist. It was impossible for a human to pass through. However, for this big grey mouse, it was very easy to pass through.    


In no time, the mouse went through the hole.    


"Squeak, squeak, squeak -"    


After a while, the big grey rat came out from the other side of the hole. As expected, it had chosen the right path.    


However, just as it was about to be excited about its choice, it was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of it.    


This place was actually an extremely vast and magnificent palace!    


Around that palace, there were twenty or so large pillars that were either painted with gold paint or brass. Each pillar was carved with lifelike eight-clawed golden dragons.    


However, what was out of place with these golden eight-clawed golden dragon pillars was the densely packed iron cages hanging above the palace.    


Each iron cage was tied up by a thumb-sized black iron chain and suspended in midair.    


Inside the iron cages, there was no exception. All of them were around fifteen or sixteen years old. These girls, whose bodies were covered in red fruits, all had gloomy expressions. They were expressionless, and from time to time, there were a few girls. They picked up some dry bread scattered in the iron cage and took a few bites or lay down. In the corner of the iron cage, they would pick up the mineral water bottle. He drank a few mouthfuls of dirty and smelly mineral water.    


On top of the palace, under the golden dragon throne. An old man with white hair and white beard was half-lying. The man was fanning himself while opening his mouth. He was enjoying the fruits from the two girls in front of him.    




The big grey mouse was lost in thought. Suddenly, a huge foot descended from the sky and directly stepped on it, crushing it into a pile of meat paste.    


The big foot lifted up and stepped on the floor again, producing the sound of metal hitting the ground.    


That foot was actually not made of flesh and blood!    


"Eunuch Wang!"    


The owner of the metal leg took two steps forward and knelt down on one knee. He slightly cupped his fist toward the old man with white hair and white beard, bowed and called out.    


"En... Lee Que, how many more do we need?"    


The voice of the old man called "Eunuch Wang" was extremely sharp, as if it was not something a man should have. Instead, it was full of Yin Qi, like the resentful wife in the deep palace.    


" In reply to Eunuch Wang, there are 49 16 year old virgins, and we still need three more. We will definitely be able to find all of them on the night of the next full moon! "    


The person called Lee Que made a dull sound.    


"En, good!"    


Eunuch Wang waved to the two red-fruit girls beside him. The girl carried the plate of fruits and left slowly.    


"This time, you must not fail. When the time comes... Use the blood of these forty-nine virgins to mix with the secret technique and divine medicine. It will definitely revive the Emperor. At that time, I, Ming, will restore the country. It will be just around the corner, hahahaha... "    


After Eunuch Wang finished speaking, he actually started laughing like a woman. After a moment, he touched his bright chin and slowly walked to the back of the golden dragon throne.    


There was a coffin made of crystal, surrounded by ice Qi. Looking carefully, there was a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe lying inside. His face was slightly yellow and he did not move.    


"Your Majesty, I have waited for 400 years. In a few days, I will wake you up. At that time, the Ming Dynasty will be unified once again. Long live the Ming Dynasty! Long live the Ming Dynasty! Long live the Ming Dynasty! Long live!"    


"Long live!"    


After saying that, Eunuch Wang kneeled on the ground with a solemn expression and kept kowtowing to the coffin. The man who was called Lee Que also knelt down and kowtowed.    


After a long time, Eunuch Wang got up again and slowly walked to Lee Que's side.    


"Lee Que, go and inform Zhao Mang, Qian Loong, and Sun Cann that on the night of the full moon, His Majesty will be reborn. At that time, there will definitely be a demon star that will cause trouble. Therefore, you must prepare a lot of things. Do you understand?"    


Eunuch Wang's expression was serious, and at the same time, his face was filled with an extremely solemn radiance.    


"Don't worry Eunuch Wang. Zhao Mang, Qian Loong, Sun Cann, and Lee Que will fight separately. If they work together, they will be invincible under the heavens. Together with those five treasures, they will be invincible. Humph! I believe that no one in this era is a match for us! "    


Lee Que patted his chest and said to Eunuch Wang.    


"En, go. This old official still needs to speak with His Majesty for a while..."    


Eunuch Wang lightly waved one hand and replied Lee Que.    


Lee Que nodded heavily and did not say anything else. He turned around and left.    


The metal right foot stepped on the floor and made a series of dull sounds.    


"Crack! Crack!"    




HCity, Criminal Police Unit, deputy captain's office.    


Xiao Qiwu sized up the beautiful girl beside Ye Kai from head to toe, but no expression could be seen on her face.    


"Sit down, what do you want to drink? Coffee or tea?"    


Xiao Qiwu asked Loong Rumeng lightly and directly ignored Ye Kai who was at the side.    


"Oh, I want..."    


"Don't take it. Captain Xiao only has lemon water here. Last time I was also deceived like this."    


Ye Kai answered before Loong Rumeng was "tricked" by Xiao Qiwu.    


But when Ye Kai finished speaking, he realized that Xiao Qiwu naturally rolled her eyes at him.    


What... What was going on?    


Ye Kai felt his mouth and tongue go dry.    


"Hehe, then I'll take the lemon water, Sister Xiao."    


Loong Rumeng smiled and said to Xiao Qiwu.    


"Don't call me Big Sister, I'm not older than you by a few years."    


Xiao Qiwu still could not tell whether she was happy or sad. After throwing down these words, she went to get a cup of lemon water for Loong Rumeng.    


"Cough cough, that... Qiqi, what is the matter that made me so anxious to come?"    


Ye Kai saw that Xiao Qiwu did not pour him any water, so he awkwardly took the initiative to ask.    


"Don't call me Qiqi. It's work time now. Please call me Vice Captain Xiao!"    


Xiao Qiwu looked at Ye Kai and said coldly.    


"Uh... Alright, Deputy Xiao, can you tell me now?"    


Ye Kai scratched his head and used his hot face to stick to Xiao Qiwu's cold fart again.    


"But, she..."    


Xiao Qiwu did not target Ye Kai this time. Instead, she pouted at Loong Rumeng. Her meaning was very obvious.    


Ye Kai and I are talking about important business. Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? Even if she is, she doesn't need to follow me, right? Besides, you can only know about the police case if you find out. Not letting you know, this can be considered as stealing state (government) secrets!    


He thought that after listening to his words, Ye Kai would tactfully let Miss Long leave for a while, or that Miss Long would take the initiative to avoid arousing suspicion.    


But I didn't expect that these two people wouldn't seem to mind at all.    


Ye Kai thought for a moment and said, "Vice Captain Xiao, I am telling the truth. If it is really a troublesome case, tell Loong Rumeng and there might be unexpected progress."    


"Ye Kai is right. Sister Xiao, believe me. Although I am not as strong as Ye Kai, I will not drag you guys down. I will also give you some ideas and suggestions that you might not have imagined! "    


Loong Rumeng's words were not wrong.    


As the eldest daughter of the Loong family, he had the advantage of having an innate advantage over the ordinary people who had been influenced by him for so many years.    


"Alright... Anyway, even if I don't tell you guys about this case, I think the news media won't be able to suppress it."    


Xiao Qiwu sighed lightly and shook her head.    


After Ye Kai and Loong Rumeng heard Xiao Qiwu's words, they looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.    




After saying that, Xiao Qiwu took out a sealed bag from the drawer in the office and handed it to Ye Kai and Loong Rumeng.    


The sealed bag was transparent and there was a black copper coin inside.    


The copper coin was round on the outside and square on the inside, and on it were written four words, "Chong Zhen Treasure Opening!"    


"What? Theft of antiques? If my guess is correct, this copper coin is from the Ming Dynasty, right? "    


Ye Kai thought he was smart and pointed at the copper coin.    


After all, the atmosphere in the office was a little dull, and the sour taste was quite heavy...    


Xiao Qiwu looked at Ye Kai and ignored him. She minded her own business and said, "Chong Zhen has a treasure, and the Ming Yi Sect was forged from the first year of Chong Zhen. It has been more than four hundred years since then. "    


Ye Kai and Loong Rumeng both knew that Xiao Qiwu did not take out this copper coin just to give them a vivid history lesson. They did not ask any more questions and listened attentively.    


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