The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C299 Be Cautious of the Rat

C299 Be Cautious of the Rat

1  "Hey, comrade!"    

  Ye Kai subconsciously called out in a low voice and reached out his hand to stop him.    

  But who knew that it did not matter. The man had stopped him, but the steel spear on the soldier's body had also slipped down without anyone noticing?    


  Ye Kai stretched out his hand and caught the steel spear, preventing it from falling to the ground.    

  "Comrade, your spear..."    

  Ye Kai was about to return the spear to the soldier, but the scene in front of him made him understand that he had been tricked. In other words, it was all a trap!    

  No wonder Ye Kai had such a strange feeling. It turned out that all of this was premeditated.    

  Before this, Ye Kai had already found out that his Clairvoyance Ability had a mysterious Derivative ability, which was that Ye Kai could sense people or things that could threaten him in advance.    

  Just now, Ye Kai had also felt a slight pain between his eyebrows. However, he didn't take it seriously, or rather, he didn't think it was a big deal. The Derivative ability had not been proven and tested by him yet. Therefore, he didn't pay too much attention to it.    

  Taking another step back, even though Ye Kai had raised his guard, how could he have thought that these iron-blooded men would be involved in such a dirty trap?    

  "Crack crack crack!"    

  The four soldiers on the opposite side, as well as the soldiers behind them, all took off their guns without exception. They opened the safety and pulled the bolt. The black gun barrels were all aimed at Ye Kai.    

  "Put the gun down and raise your hands!"    

  The leading soldier shouted at Ye Kai in a cold voice.    

  "What are you doing? Ye Kai was kind enough to help you pick up your guns, but you did this to him? You guys wronged him! "    

  Qin Xiaoxue, who was standing at the side, immediately rushed forward, wanting to block in front of Ye Kai.    


  Ye Kai shouted in a low voice and gently pushed Qin Xiaoxue away.    

  "Xiaoxue, this is something that I have planned for a long time. It is useless for you to defend yourself. How about this, you go back first. I am fine!"    

  Ye Kai smiled at Qin Xiaoxue and said.    

  "What? Ye Kai, you mean..."    

  Qin Xiaoxue looked confused and looked left and right. She did not know what role these soldiers played.    

  "Ye Kai, you are trying to steal the guns of the active soldiers. Do you know that I can kill you on the spot?"    

  The leading soldier shouted at Ye Kai coldly.    

  "Tsk tsk, judging from your appearance, you look very similar to that Duan Yanqing. If I didn't guess, you are also a disciple of the Duan family, right?"    

  If one were to judge a person's relationship based on their appearance, then Ye Kai, who possessed the Clairvoyance Ability and could differentiate even the smallest of differences, would be the best of the best.    

  Therefore, the first thing he recognized was that this soldier in his early forties must be closely related to Duan Yanqing.    

  "Hmph! Ye Kai, you are very smart! However, sometimes, being smart is the opposite of being smart! Today... My men recorded the whole story of you snatching the gun, and there's no point in quibbling! I don't care what your identity is, since your little girlfriend said that we wronged you, that's easy, don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Come, follow us back to the police station! "    

  The leading soldier raised his head and coldly snorted at Ye Kai.    

  His face revealed a trace of a sinister smile. That smile seemed to be a kind of wolf that had finally caught a fat sheep. Since it was the state before the meal.    

  As for his relationship with Duan Yanqing, although it was relatively quiet, there were still a few pedestrians on the street, but the words were not mentioned.    

  "All of you... If you want to commit a crime, why do you have to say it? I want to sue all of you, I want to call the police!"    

  After Qin Xiaoxue finished speaking, she took out her phone from her pocket and prepared to make a call.    


  The soldier who looked like Duan Yanqing laughed a few times and did not have any intention of stopping Qin Xiaoxue. Instead, he crossed his arms with interest and looked at Qin Xiaoxue. He coldly snorted, "Humph, calling the police? sue us? Little (Sister), let me remind you, local government (House), there is no right to interfere with the affairs of our military, the police are only useful to you civilians. For us... you can try and see if they will come! "    

  After saying that, the soldier immediately said to the people around him, "Immediately tie them up and bring them back to the police station's headquarters. If they resist, use the excuse of holding a gun to resist arrest and shoot them to death!"    

  As he spoke, the soldier actually showed no mercy and fiercely pushed Qin Xiaoxue away.    


  How could Qin Xiaoxue withstand that man's sudden movement? Immediately, she staggered and fell to the ground, letting out a tender cry.    


  Ye Kai originally had an indifferent attitude, but now, that disciple of the Duan family had actually attacked the woman he loved. This had touched Ye Kai's reverse scale!    

  "Xiaoxue, are you alright?"    

  Ye Kai threw the steel spear in his hand onto the ground. He looked at Qin Xiaoxue and asked with concern.    

  The situation now was that if Ye Kai fought back, he could naturally knock down most of the soldiers, but he could not guarantee that his speed would be able to match the firepower of so many guns with ease.    

  What made Ye Kai even more cautious was that in a chaotic battle, he might be fine, but what about Qin Xiaoxue?    

  With so many soldiers, perhaps there would be someone who would shoot the evil bullets at Qin Xiaoxue!    

  Even if he was shot, Ye Kai would not care. As long as it was not a fatal point, the Clairvoyance Ability could still heal itself and seal the bleeding point of the wound. But Qin Xiaoxue, she could not! She was just an ordinary girl! Even if a bullet hit a vital point, it could directly kill. Even with the help of the Clairvoyance Ability, it was impossible to save Ye Kai.    

  Therefore, Ye Kai forcefully endured it. He raised both of his hands and made a very cooperative action.    

  "I'm fine, Ye Kai. I'll tell my dad immediately. He will definitely think of a way..."    

  "Stop talking nonsense. Ye Kai, let's go!"    

  The leading soldier interrupted Qin Xiaoxue's words and pushed Ye Kai forward.    


  "Uncle Yang, Uncle Liu, even an idiot can tell. That guy with the nickname 'Madman' was able to do such a crazy thing. It must be the order of the Duan family. Could it be that the Duan family isn't afraid of our fury? Or could it be that the Duan family doesn't recognize my red rope and purple bell? "    

  In a luxury car worth millions, at a small bar... A handsome young man was sitting on a tall chair. This young man had thin eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, red lips, and eyes like Morning Stars. He was holding a brown drink in his hand, dressed in a well-ironed Zhongshan suit. He was like a willow fluttering in the wind, indescribably handsome.    

  At this moment, as he drank the cup of drink, he asked the two middle-aged men in front of him with a slight frown on his face.    

  Behind him, there were also two middle-aged men dressed in black sitting behind him. One of the men was short, about 1.66m tall. However, he was extremely well-proportioned, and there was nothing unusual about him. The other man was muscular and bald. Although he naturally lifted his arm, he saw the veins that looked like earthworms twisting under his muscles.    

  "Big and small (big sister), the old master's wife has given the order. This kind of carbonated drink, you better not drink it, after all... Big and small (big sister), the old master's wife has given the order, this kind of carbonated drink, you better not drink it, after all..."    

  The large bald man rubbed his bright head. He did not seem to have heard the earlier question of the young man whom he called "big and small (big sister). Instead, he paid attention to the things that she drank.    

  Yes, that's right. It was the few dollars worth of a bottle of carbonated Coke. In the mouth of the young man, it was as delicious as Yang Zhi Sweet Nectar.    

  "Oh, Uncle Liu, Uncle Yang, Dad and Mom. It's not like you don't know. Why do they spoil me so much? I don't want to go to the Death Car to watch such a violent and perverted game. They only want your uncles to protect me. But they didn't reject me. It's because of me... Sigh, alright, alright, I know you're doing this for my own good. But if I don't do what I want to do, and I don't eat what I want to eat... After that year, when I get there, won't I have too many regrets? "    

  The handsome young man drank another mouthful of Coke and said to the two middle-aged men.    

  If Ye Kai was here, he would naturally be able to recognize these three men. It was the size of the girl who was disguised as a man in the competition of the Death Car. ), and the two bodyguards who were emitting dangerous auras, as well as the bald man... He was naturally the 'mysterious man' that he had once again met at the birthday banquet of Duan family.    

  Upon hearing the big and small sister's words, the thin and short middle-aged man immediately revealed a terrified expression. He said to the young man with a pained expression, "Big and small elder sister. Ah, you can't say that. If anything were to happen to you, this old servant wouldn't want to live alone!"    

  After saying that, the eyes of the short, middle-aged man turned slightly red.    

  "That's right, Big Sister. When you say this, isn't it equivalent to using a knife to ruthlessly stab my heart and Old Yang's heart!"    

  The bald man also frowned, his face full of sadness.    

  "Hehe, I'm just teasing you guys! I know that your two uncles watched me grow up since young, and they even cared about me more than my parents. With the two of you here, how could I bear to leave!? Hehehehe... "    

  That big and small sister smiles mischievously and says to the two of them.    

  The bald guy and the skinny guy looked at each other and helplessly smiled bitterly.    

  "Hey, Uncle Yang, Uncle Liu, let's not talk about such a heavy topic. Oh right, you guys didn't answer my question just now!"    

  The big and small man changed the topic and asked again.    

  "Humph! You are just one of the four small aristocratic families, the Duan family. Have you forgotten what happened thirty years ago? "    

  The bald man coldly harrumphed.    

  "Say, Old Liu, is it because your deterrence is not strong enough? Hehe, do you want me to step in?"    

  The skinny middle-aged man said with a smile.

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