The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C41 You Are Qiao Yong Liang

C41 You Are Qiao Yong Liang

2Perhaps because Qin Xiaoxue saw Ye Kai was bored, she walked over to chat with him.    3


What surprised Ye Kai was that the person who had been playing with him from time to time yesterday was teasing him. Once. Her big sister, Su Mei, was talking to Old Master Qin and Qin Yuanshan with a serious look on her face.    


Just as Ye Kai was confused, another round of applause sounded in the crowd.    


Then, someone started to speak.    


"Brother Qin, I'm here to congratulate Qin family for making a comeback, and also congratulate you for recovering from your serious illness! Here, I want to congratulate you for the third time! "    


Ye Kai looked at the source of the voice.    


He saw that the speaker was a middle-aged man with a yellow face. This man was wearing a branded suit, and his slightly protruding belly made the Western newspaper feel a little uncomfortable.    


In front of this middle-aged man stood a young man who was about the same age as Ye Kai. This young man had a smile on his face, as if what this middle-aged man said next made him especially excited.    


"Oh? Brother Qiao, I wonder where this third happiness comes from?"    


Qin Changsheng raised his wine cup to the yellow-faced middle-aged man and asked in a clear voice.    


The middle-aged man who was called "Brother Qiao" smiled and said, "As everyone knows, the previous dangerous situation of Qin family was most likely caused by the Zhou family. We won't talk about him here. What made people angry was that the Zhou family shamelessly wanted that useless young master of theirs, Zhou Zhengdao, to become Brother Qin's son-in-law. Truly ridiculous!"    


When Qin Changsheng heard this, he smiled without saying a word and made a hand gesture to continue.    


The middle-aged man continued, "I borrowed the time when my friends gathered and Old Master Qin was also there. I, Qiao Yongliang, would like to help my son propose a marriage to Brother Qin. Qiao Yongliang asked himself whether it was in terms of knowledge, appearance, or character. They are both dragons and phoenixes among men, the best of the younger generation. Although my Qiao family is not as wealthy as the Qin family, but he could still be ranked in the sea. Hehe. I wonder what Brother Qin thinks?"    


It turned out that this yellow-faced middle-aged man, Qiao Yongliang, wanted to propose marriage in front of everyone. This had aroused the interest of everyone.    


Just like what he had said, after the incident in Qin family, unless the Zhou family was unparalleled in the world and had the power to make people unable to resist, it was basically impossible for a marriage alliance to happen.    


And now, in H City, whether it was in terms of reputation or other aspects, the Eldest Young Master of the Qiao family naturally wouldn't lose to that idiot Zhou Zhengdao. If he could marry Qin Xiaoxue, it would be a good thing.    


There was no surprise or displeasure on Qin Changsheng's face, nor was there any appreciation or acquiescence, but he still had that carefree smile on his face.    


"Brother Qiao, regarding Xiaoxue's marriage, I have always prioritized her personal wishes. Let the young people handle their own matters, what do you think?"    


It had to be said that Qin Changsheng's words were watertight. He did not say he agreed, nor did he say he did not agree. He was neither in a position to advance nor in a position to retreat, and he had the demeanor of an experienced martial artist.    


"Hahahaha, of course, of course. However, sometimes young people do things impulsively. For example, Niece Shi, who had never experienced the world before, would naturally be impersonated as someone with an identity and background. For example, a blind cat ran into a dead rat and was deceived by a quack. So... We, the older generation, still have to take care of the marriage, don't you agree?"    


Everyone present could naturally tell that Qiao Yongliang was implying something.    


All of a sudden, everyone's gaze once again focused on Ye Kai.    


At this moment, Ye Kai's expression was indifferent. Everyone thought that he was frightened or frightened by this sudden turn of events and was at a loss of what to do. However, no one knew that Ye Kai was activating the Clairvoyance Ability to observe Qiao Yongliang's abdominal cavity.    


Qiao Yongliang, Ye Kai would never forget this name.    


It was the father who had found Ye Kai through the underground human organ trafficking organization, Ye Dayong. He wanted to buy one of Ye Dayong's kidneys for two hundred thousand.    


And now, Ye Kai only wanted to confirm whether it was the same person or not.    


The lives of rich people were valuable, but the lives of poor people were worthless.    


Two hundred thousand yuan for one kidney. Once they signed an agreement, they would not regret even if they had to compensate for the loss. If Ye Kai did not have the ability to see through things by chance, perhaps his father Ye Dayong would only have one kidney left.    


Thinking of this, a wave of anger rose in Ye Kai's heart.    


Sure enough, the result of using his X-ray vision was that this Qiao Yongliang's left kidney was obviously different from his right kidney. Furthermore, there were two obvious scars on his back and waist.    


It seemed like this fellow couldn't buy his father's kidney. In just a few days, he had found another kidney.    


He just didn't know which poor family had become Qiao Yongliang's "donor" this time.    


"I just said that I am not a medical expert. It was even less of a medical ethics. But this doesn't stop me from having a little bit of morals left in me, unlike some people... In order to survive, I don't even care about the least bit of morality in life. Am I right, Mr. Qiao Yongliang? "    


Ye Kai's reply was neither humble nor humble. It made everyone's eyes light up, but they did not understand what he meant.    


"Kid, don't think that the Qin family will give you the smell of oil today. You really think you are a fat piece of meat! Humph, who are you talking about? Who doesn't have morals? Who doesn't care about the least moral conduct in order to live? If you don't say something clear today, hehe, even if Brother Qin is here... I can't save you!"    


Qiao Yongliang's expression was ferocious, while his son looked at Ye Kai with extreme disdain and disgust.    


"Qiao Yongliang, if you don't want people to know, don't do it! Do you dare to lift up your shirt for everyone to see? Didn't your right kidney become necrotic? Why is there a new one now? Fresh kidney sources are extremely difficult to find, why can you find them? Do you dare to answer these questions?"    


Ye Kai's voice became louder and louder.    


Initially, he didn't want everyone to know about Qiao Yongliang's matter, but since this guy took the initiative to pick a fight with him, he didn't mind making Qiao Yongliang lose his cool.    


"You... You... How did you know..."    


Qiao Yongliang pointed at Ye Kai and subconsciously covered his waist.    


Seeing this, everyone naturally understood what was going on.    


Originally, this kind of thing, as long as one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, it was very normal in the world of rich people.    


However, being exposed in front of everyone, in the end, it was still not that honorable.    


"Hmph! So what if it's like this? If someone is willing to donate his kidney, how can I not accept the other party's goodwill? "    


Qiao Yongliang knew that this matter could not be concealed, so he boasted shamelessly and roared again.    


"I think you still remember signing an agreement with a middle-aged man with the surname Ye of Jingnan City to buy and sell the kidney for two hundred thousand RMB. Oh, no, in your words, it's an agreement to donate the kidney, right? Originally, one was willing to fight, and the other was willing to accept. There was nothing much to say. But after he went back on his word and did not want to sell the kidney to you anymore, what kind of measures did you take? Coincidentally, I am the son of that man surnamed Ye. Ye Kai!"    


Ye Kai smiled and looked at the crowd. He didn't feel embarrassed at all.    


"You... Humph! Brother Qin, it seems like I'm not suitable to stay here any longer. Farewell!"    


Qiao Yongliang glared at Ye Kai, then he hurriedly walked out of the crowd.    


"By the way!"    


Behind him, Ye Kai spoke again.    


"Although I am not a godly doctor, I can tell you that your kidneys will be seriously clogged in a few days. It is only a matter of time before you die of atrophy and necrosis. So, let's pray for our own good fortune! "    


After saying that, Ye Kai shrugged his shoulders as if he was narrating a very ordinary matter.    


Ye Kai did not scare Qiao Yongliang. Just now, he had used the Clairvoyance Ability to see that part of Qiao Yongliang's blood vessels had begun to flow smoothly in his kidneys. Moreover, one of his ureters had also begun to form knots.    


Qiao Yongliang's death was not far away.    


Qiao Yongliang did not stop. He quickly left with his son.    


However, among the crowd, someone spoke in a strange tone, "Little brother Ye, you just said that your father once wanted to sell his kidney to Qiao Yongliang. Earning two hundred thousand yuan in cash, is that right? Tsk tsk, I really didn't know that you were so poor! Oh, the money from selling your kidneys is to give you an iPhone? Hehehehe..."    


Ye Kai did not care who said it, but his words were very hurtful. Even Qin Changsheng slightly frowned when he heard it, and his anger gradually rose.    


"That's right!"    


Initially, he wanted to smooth things over and bring up this matter, but he didn't expect that this young man, Ye Kai, would actually take the initiative to speak up.    


"We were previously poor! So poor that my father had to sell his kidneys. However, I want to tell the person who raised the question just now. My dad sold his kidneys not because he wanted to improve his family's life. And he doesn't want to buy the branded phone you're talking about. We are poor, but we are not so poor that we are crazy. My dad sells kidneys because my mom is seriously ill. We can't afford the cost of the surgery. I don't think there's anything shameful about it. Instead, fortunately, our situation improved later on, or else... Perhaps, I would sell a kidney for my dad... Because we are family. We don't want to lose our family!"    


Ye Kai was a little emotional. His voice was emotionless, and his emotions were starting to get a little agitated.    


"Pah, pah..."    


No one knew who it was, but someone took the lead and started clapping.    


Following that, a thunderous applause rang out.    


Ye Kai taught everyone a lesson, letting them know that the poor could sell their organs to save their loved ones. This kind of familial love was something that many wealthy families present lacked, something that they had never had before.    


"Little brother Ye Kai just said that because we are family, we don't want to lose our loved ones! I suggest that we all drink together for this sentence! "    


"Alright, cheers!"    


"Do it!"    


The atmosphere was stirred up by Qin Changsheng once again, and the source of all this was Ye Kai, a student who had once been extremely poor.    


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